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Chapter 1103 Accident(7000)

Observing words and emotions is the instinct of these people, and some things have even been engraved in their bones.

Seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune are naturally basic skills.

Not long after, the butler Guan Guotai hurriedly entered Wang Qinghui's office, not knowing what was said inside. About 20 minutes later, when Guan Guotai came out of Wang Qinghui's office, his expression became ugly.

Quickly notify others to convene an emergency meeting.

The common people have not felt much yet and are living their lives as usual. This kind of thing will not affect their lives.

But some people felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

On the last day of the May Day holiday, Cao Shujie was having dinner with his family at home this morning. When he turned on the TV to watch the news, he heard the TV host mention that Dongshan's deputy in charge of industrial development, Tao Shilu, had been taken away for investigation.

It was such a light sentence that passed by in passing, but Cao Shujie still heard it in his heart.

He was surprised by the result.

This is at the level of Guan Guotai, Xiang Yuheng and the others, and there are only a few dozen of them in the whole province.

No one expected to catch one at this time.

According to the host, Tao Shilu was taken away to assist in the investigation due to serious disciplinary violations. However, as to what aspect of his violation, the host did not elaborate, or did not dare to say.

Thinking about it, you know that such a person cannot be found out in a day or two, and it is impossible for a TV host to say random things at this time.

Unless we wait for the results of the investigation to come out.

However, Cao Shujie was also curious as to whether such an incident would have any impact on Wang Qinghui?

A deputy in charge of industrial development in Dongshan Province carries a huge weight, involving people and companies from all walks of life.

He guessed that this matter was probably investigated directly, bypassing Wang Qinghui.

While Cao Shujie was making random guesses here, his family did not regard this matter as a very important matter, or even think it was a big matter. They were more filled with indignation.

Father Cao Jianguo gritted his teeth: "This kind of person should be arrested. People who are greedy will not end well."

"Who says it's not the case? I guess I just didn't eat enough and someone poked me out." My mother, Wang Yuelan, also said.

Cao Shujie thought about it carefully and found that what his mother said made some sense.

After grandpa Cao Zhenghu read it, he had no reaction at all and continued to eat.

Instead, his wife Cheng Xiaolin asked him if the matter was serious.

"Not necessarily. If no one else can be found, that's it. After all, if the TV station dares to broadcast it, it means that Tao Shilu is basically confirmed." Cao Shujie told his wife.

As long as there is room for maneuver, this matter will not be broadcast on the TV station.

"Well, what you said makes sense." Cheng Xiaolin thought for a while and said.

Cao Shujie continued to eat and said to his wife: "We won't discuss this anymore. I'll go to town after dinner."

"Okay!" Cheng Xiaolin served her son to eat first.

Mengmeng ate very quickly today. After finishing the meal, she said to Cao Shujie and Cheng Xiaolin: "Dad, Mom, my classmates will come over later and I will go play with them."

"Where are we going to play?" Cheng Xiaolin asked her.

Mengmeng said directly without thinking: "Let's go play in the park, let's go boating."

She originally wanted to go ride the roller coaster with her classmates, but her father agreed, as long as her classmates' parents accompanied her, but her classmates' parents didn't agree.

None of them had ever sat on this thing before, and they felt scared just looking at it. It would be even harder for them to take their children up there.

She had no choice but to settle for the next best thing and go boating with her classmates.

Cheng Xiaolin heard her daughter talk about going boating in the park, but she didn't stop her this time.

Go play, you can't control her all the time, it won't be good for a long time.

Cao Shujie told Mengmeng to pay attention to safety.

"Dad, I know." Mengmeng said without raising her head.

Cao Shujie went out after eating at home.

After Cheng Xiaolin served her son a meal, she asked Yirui to follow her grandma, and she also took Mengmeng to the children's theme park.

At the entrance of the park, Mengmeng met her classmates. A total of 11 people came this time, and the rest did not come for one reason or another.

But it didn’t matter. After the 12 friends gathered together, Mengmeng also checked the number of people in a decent manner to ensure that there were many of them. Then she led a group of friends and squeezed into the crowd towards the middle of the lake in the park where they were rowing.

Run over.

The parents of these children nodded and followed Cheng Xiaolin. For some reason, they always felt a little reserved and embarrassed around Cheng Xiaolin.

Mengmeng keeps two boats here all year round, and they are both large boats that can seat 6 people.

No one dared to move these two boats without her permission. Even those tourists who came to play and saw two boats parked here protested why they were not allowed to play with the boats in the park. The park was responsible for this

Cao Guijuan next to me would patiently explain to them that it was a private boat.

This statement leaves many tourists speechless and curious at the same time.

I always find it strange that there are private boats moored on the shore in this park. Who is so awesome?

Today is no exception.

There were at least dozens of people queuing up to row on the artificial lake in the park. When they saw Mengmeng coming with a group of friends, they directly asked Cao Guijuan, the person in charge of rowing in the park, to help them release the two boats.

Watching all 12 of their children put on life jackets and slowly get on the boat, other people in line gave up.

Every time at this time, Cao Guijuan had to patiently explain the reason to the tourists. When they heard that the little girl taking the lead was the boss's daughter, the two boats were parked on the shore all year round for Mengmeng to play, and these tourists could only

Can you murmur in your heart that being rich is a great thing?

"Hurry up and get on the boat. Fasten your seat belts. No one can loosen their seat belts later, otherwise you will fall into the lake and I won't be able to save you." Mengmeng explained these things seriously.

She's not kidding.

Everyone nodded after hearing this, and they were already impatient to row the boat.

After waiting for all the friends to get on the boat, they fastened their seat belts with the help of the staff. Then two adults got on board to help steer the boat. The remaining adults waited patiently on the shore.

Thanks to the light weight of these children, there was nothing wrong with two adults in the end.

Seeing two small boats slowly drifting towards the center of the lake, the adults started chatting on the shore.

Cheng Xiaolin watched here for a while and asked the staff to send some refrigerated Yuru melons to the parents of the remaining children for them to eat slowly while she went to work again.

He is not worried about Mengmeng playing here by himself now.

There are surveillance cameras everywhere in the park, and there are well-arranged staff everywhere in the park. They are very familiar with Mengmeng.

If they can't even handle their own little boss, they can go home and rest.

Let us say that after Cao Shujie came to town, he was not in a hurry to go to the factory.

In fact, he was still thinking about the news he saw while eating this morning.

It would be a lie to say that I don't think about it.

Sometimes that's what's going on.

Cao Shujie didn't understand why Tao Shilu was under investigation. At this time, he really wanted to find someone to find out.

But who should I look for?

You can't call Wang Qinghui directly to ask about this kind of thing.

According to common sense, among the remaining people, Guan Cathay should have the clearest understanding.

But since Xiang Yuheng went to Quancheng, there was another candidate to choose from.

Taking his cell phone, he scrolled to Xiang Yuheng's cell phone number, and Cao Shujie dialed it directly.

Not long after, Xiang Yuheng's smiling voice came from the other side: "Shujie, what are you busy with?"

"Uncle Xiang, I haven't been in contact with you for a few days, and I miss you." Cao Shujie said.

If someone else had said this, Xiang Yuheng would have believed that every word he said was in vain, but across from him was Cao Shujie, a young man whom he had admired since they met, and there was nothing personal about their relationship.

This is also what Xiang Yuheng admires about Cao Shujie.

"Uncle Xiang, I haven't called you during this time. How have you been since going to Quancheng? Is work going well?" Cao Shujie asked like La Jia Chang.

Xiang Yuheng always put on airs in front of other people, but when chatting with Cao Shujie, he put down his usual reserve as if he were facing his nephew, and said a little seriously: "There is no difference between the Quancheng side and the Yiling side.


From his words, Cao Shujie understood that Xiang Yuheng must not be going well during this period.

Just when he was about to ask a few questions, he heard Xiang Yuheng say: "Shujie, have you heard anything about Comrade Tao Shilu recently?"

Cao Shujie thought to himself, I just wanted to ask you about this.

Facing Xiang Yuheng, Cao Shujie told the truth: "Uncle Xiang, I just saw it on the news this morning and heard that he was taken away for investigation."

"Well, it violated the discipline." Xiang Yuheng said.

This statement was too general. Cao Shujie asked: "Is it greed? Or something else?"

"Greedy." Xiang Yuheng responded.

Xiang Yuheng then told Cao Shujie in detail what was going on.

It turns out that Tao Shilu's crime was related to the work he was in charge of.

As the person directly in charge of Dongshan's industrial development, he has many opportunities to contact those companies.

As time went by, he resisted the temptations of money and beauty one after another, and fell into it.

If no one lifts the lid, everyone will be fine. However, someone feels that the job Tao Shilu did for him is not beautiful enough, so he lifts the lid, and everything develops in an unpredictable direction.

"This time it was investigated directly by the superiors," Xiang Yuheng told him.

Cao Shujie understood the weight of this sentence, and because of this, Cao Shujie was a little worried about Wang Qinghui.

He asked Xiang Yuheng how Uncle Wang was doing? Will he be implicated in this matter?

"He is not the main person in charge, but if there is a problem in the party's management, he will definitely be blamed. He has been holding meetings with us for the past two days." Xiang Yuheng was a little frightened when he thought of how Wang Qinghui got angry at the meeting.

At the end of the sentence, Xiang Yuheng suddenly said: "Shujie, Secretary Wang's concern for you is not in vain. You still know how to ask about him."

"Hey, I'm just talking, you're fine," Cao Shujie said.

(End of chapter)

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