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Chapter 1132 Unfilial Daughter CuteCute(40008000)

Chapter 1132 The unfilial daughter Mengmeng (4000/8000)

Cao Shujie can't tell his father: "I think grandpa's health is not good. I want to spend more time with him, right?"

In that case, he would inevitably be beaten today and would be accused of treason.

In such peaceful days, as time passed day by day, Cao Shujie became accustomed to the leisurely days of being in Qingshi Town in the morning and at home in the afternoon.

Occasionally, he would go to parks and orchards to accompany his wife for live broadcasts. After the sun went down, he would push his grandfather around every corner of Caojiazhuang in a wheelchair.

Occasionally meeting an elderly man on the street, Cao Zhenghu would always ask Cao Shujie to stop. He would chat with the other person for a while, talking about the good life now and the hard days in the past. At this time, the old man in the village praised Cao Shujie.

Today's good days are all brought about by his grandson Cao Shujie, and Cao Zhenghu will laugh.

He could laugh all the way home.

Sometimes he laughed and coughed a few times. Cao Shujie didn't dare to neglect him, so he quickly patted his back a few times and told his grandfather not to laugh.

This life has continued into July.

The laboratory has also entered the final stage.

The dormitory building has also been renovated by Cao Tiemin's people.

Especially when the kiwi fruit in the orchard is about to mature, Fu Xianghui and Tong Jiayi spend most of the day stationed in the orchard. They use cameras, video recorders, and their own eyes to record every period of time when the kiwi fruit matures.

Then compare the kiwi fruit trees in the same time period, but without using nutrient solution, to compare the differences between the two.

Every once in a while, the two would write a report on the differences between the two and send it to Cao Shujie.

They are very serious about their work, which has a lot to do with their experience working in the research institute.

While the laboratory was still unavailable and various experimental equipment had not yet been installed, they put themselves in the orchard to record the growth of the fruit trees after using nutrient solution.

And they know very well that this comparison will also help them apply for a patent for this product, review and approve the product's marketing procedures, and even promote the product later.

They are not doing it in vain.

At this time, both Fu Xianghui and Tong Jiayi were very impressed that Cao Shujie could leave them such a large area for experiments.

This situation is almost impossible in the research institute in Beijing.

Even if there is such a large area for experiments, there are still a few big names in the research institute, and it is not their turn to use it.

"At least for now, following Cao Shujie is the right thing to do." The two of them thought to themselves.

Time has just entered July, and Cao Shujie went to town for a meeting.

Today is Party Founding Day. Cao Shujie was not a party member before, so he did not need to pay attention to this aspect, but it is different now.

I originally thought of gathering with the village party members in the large conference room of the village committee to have something to eat and chat.

Unexpectedly, Luo Ningyou called him again and insisted on asking him to go to town.

Cao Shujie didn't refuse, and before leaving, he told Cao Jianlong that he would come back as soon as he was done.

When he came to the Qingshi Town Government, Cao Shujie thought they could come up with some new ideas, but until they finished participating in the celebration, it was just like that.

Luo Ningyou also gave a congratulatory speech to the party on behalf of the leadership team of Qingshi Town. After that, everyone dispersed and went back to their homes.

When Cao Shujie was about to leave, Luo Ning called out to him again, thinking of inviting him to have a meal with him at noon. The gap suddenly became clear. Others did not get this treatment at all.

But Cao Shujie told him that there were still party members in the village waiting for him to return for a meeting.

Hearing what Cao Shujie said, Luo Ningyou couldn't tell him to give up over there because it was important for them to eat.

That's simply outrageous.

There was no other way, so Luo Ningyou could only say that he would eat some together when he had the chance next time.

Cao Shujie hurriedly drove back from town.

In the large conference room in Caojiazhuang, he, Cao Jianlong and other party members in Caojiazhuang gathered together.

Accumulated over the years, there are a total of 73 party members in Caojiazhuang.

Compared with the old-fashioned behavior of the Qingshi Town Government, the Caojiazhuang Village Committee appears to be very generous, with all the delicious food and drink prepared.

Everyone also prepared a beautiful and practical gift.

When Cao Shujie came over, everyone was eating fruit and chatting. When they saw Cao Shujie coming in from outside, someone handed him a piece of apple and asked him how he was doing the activities in the town.

"What else can we do? Just like that, I think it's not as good as what we do in the village."

"Uncle Long, is everyone here?"

After hearing what Cao Jianlong had said, Cao Shujie stood up and said to everyone: "Let's have a simple meeting, let's chat, and go have a meal together at noon."

He simplifies everything.


He is not like Luo Ningyou, who always talks and attends meetings. He seems to be addicted to it. Cao Shujie does not object to others doing this, but he does not support it either.

He feels that time should not be wasted in this regard.

After celebrating the festival, Cao Shujie stayed at home again without going out.

What made him laugh was that Mengmeng had been mentioning from time to time in the past two days that the school would be out for summer vacation soon. She looked nervous, fearing that her promise to go out for summer vacation would be ruined.

When Cheng Xiaolin saw her daughter talking about this, she wanted to laugh: "Mengmeng, could you please stop saying a few words and promise to take you out to play, but when did you change your mind?"

The old couple Cao Jianguo and Wang Yuelan also knew that they were going out for fun. They didn't want to go at first, but later they found out that their son wouldn't go this time.

The daughter-in-law will definitely not be able to take care of the two children alone.

Wang Yuelan also thought about taking care of her father-in-law at home. After all, Cao Zhenghu was so old and couldn't live without people around him.

Who knew that Cao Shujie patted his chest and promised that he would take good care of his grandfather.

He took care of everything at home, and Mengmeng yelled for her grandparents to go out and play together.

"Dad, just feel free to play, I'll keep an eye on your stall." Cao Shujie added.

As a result, Cao Jianguo was speechless.

On the second day of Mengmeng's summer vacation, they packed their luggage and Song Baoming drove them off in the GL8.

This time out, Cheng Xiaolin will take them to a city they have never been to before.

Visit more places and experience the different customs and customs of each place.

Knowing that the eldest brother and the second brother would be back in the middle of the month, Cheng Xiaolin set the time for this trip to be 10 days.

Mengmeng will be happy as long as she goes out to play for a few days, she doesn't care about anything else.

Before leaving, she held Cao Zhenghu's hand and wanted to take him out to play together.

Seeing his great-granddaughter's happy expression, Cao Zhenghu also smiled and told her to have fun outside.

"Goodbye, grandpa, I will bring you something good when I come back." Mengmeng said, waving her hands.

Cao Zhenghu nodded repeatedly and signaled them to have fun.

Only Cao Shujie and Cao Zhenghu are left in the family.

Cao Shujie went to his parents' stall outside, opened all the boxes containing bread on the ground, and lined them up in front of the stall.

The stall was also filled with pure milk and boxes of rice-treasure porridge, and there was a sign next to it with the prices of various commodities written on it.

“Take it yourself, pay with credit, and have fun.”

With just 12 simple words, Cao Shujie went home directly.

No one was even watching at the stall.

However, tourists can consciously abide by the order and scan the QR code to pay by themselves.

When Cao Zhenghu saw his grandson leaving and coming back, he asked him if there were so many people shopping outside, why didn't he need anyone to watch?

When Cao Shujie told him that people outside were very self-conscious and did not need him to watch, Cao Zhenghu still didn't believe it and had to let his grandson push him out to have a look.

Cao Shujie pushed his grandfather in a wheelchair and watched at the door for a while. Cao Zhenghu found that just like his grandson said, everyone took something and put it in a plastic bag from the side, and then scanned the code to pay.

The small speaker placed over there came with a series of notifications that 15 yuan had been received through WeChat and 23 yuan had been received through Alipay.

It is indeed very convenient to have these two gadgets.

Without them, this stall would occupy at least two people.

When Cao Zhenghu saw this scene, he praised his grandson again. Cao Shujie thought to himself, what does the credit of Big Brother Ma have to do with me?

He really wanted to take the credit, but it had nothing to do with him.

Cao Zhenghu said to his grandson: "If you hadn't recruited these people, how could we have sold so many things."

To say this, Cao Shujie must admit it.

"Grandpa, let me take you for a walk around the dam." Cao Shujie asked him.

Cao Zhenghu also wants to go, but the sun is at its most intense at this time.

"Wait until the sun goes down. Let's go get some oil now." Cao Zhenghu also knew that it would be very hot up there now.

Cao Shujie chuckled: "Okay, I'll take you to the village committee to see the office building that's about to be built. It's three stories high and it's very impressive."

"There is a bank in the village, right? I've never seen it." Cao Zhenghu asked his grandson.

Seeing Cao Shujie nodding, Cao Zhenghu was very interested and asked his grandson to push him over to have a look.

When I came here, Cao Jianlong and Cao Shuchao were all there.

In addition, Caojiazhuang's previous accountant Cao Zhengyin and the previous security director Cao Zhengcun are also here.

When they saw Cao Shujie pushing Cao Zhenghu over, they all came over to say hello.

"Brother Hu, why are you here?" Cao Zhengyin came to Cao Zhenghu's side, held Cao Zhenghu's hand, and as soon as he held hands, a trace of doubt flashed across his face.

Cao Zhenghu said to him with a smile: "I have nothing to do at home, but Shujie has to take me out for a walk."

"I haven't seen this bank yet." Cao Zhenghu looked at the bank on the east end.

An awning was erected at the door, and people were sitting there waiting in line to handle business.

There are two electric fans placed next to the awning to dissipate heat for the people queuing outside.

Cao Zhengcun said: "Brother Hu, it's not all Shujie's fault."

Now that he has retired, he no longer calls him Secretary Cao.

Cao Zhenghu waved his hand, signaling to stop praising his grandson and not to make Shujie proud, but the smile on his face could not be concealed.

Cao Shujie acted as a perfect foil at this time, listening to the chat of several old people.

Removing Cao Zhengcun and Cao Zhengyin from their previous positions as village committee leaders in Caojiazhuang, they are now just old people on their deathbed.

Comparatively speaking, Cao Zhengcun is younger, but he is still over 60.

After chatting for a while, Cao Zhenghu looked at the three-story building that was almost completed, and asked his grandson Cao Shujie to push him over to see the bank.

This is a visible change in Caojiazhuang. There used to be no bank in the village.

At least they haven't heard of it in the county.

Caojiazhuang is considered the first of its kind in Pingyuan County.

"Shujie, you did a good job." Cao Zhenghu raised his thumbs and praised his grandson.

Cao Shujie was still a little proud.

Next to them, Cao Jianlong, Cao Zhengyin, Cao Zhengcun, and Cao Shuchao continued to chat, talking about the next renovation after the village committee office building was completed.

Cao Zhengyin suddenly said: "Brother Hu looks older."

After hearing this, Cao Zhengcun nodded and said, "Isn't that right? Brother Hu is 90 this year, right?"

"If I remember correctly, it should be 89." Cao Zhengyin thought for a while, and he was a little unsure.

"Brother Hu has a grandson like Shujie, and his life is worth living." Cao Zhengcun admired him sincerely.

Cao Jianlong listened to the chat between the two of them, and then looked not far away where Cao Shujie was pushing Cao Zhenghu in front of the bank, looking at the people doing business inside. The grandfather and grandson didn't know what they were talking about.

With a rich smile on his face, he was also sighing in his heart. In this regard, Cao Shujie did a better job than most people in the village.

As the sun rose higher and higher and it became hotter and hotter outside, Cao Shujie pushed his grandfather and Cao Jianlong to say goodbye and went home again.

"Grandpa, what do you want to eat for lunch?" Cao Shujie asked him.

There are a lot of things in the house, but there is not much that Grandpa can eat.

I can't eat most of the meat.

Cao Zhenghu raised his hand, which was a little trembling, and said, "For millet porridge, just boil an egg."

"Okay." Cao Shujie agreed and went to the kitchen to cook.

Like his grandfather, he drank millet porridge, ate boiled eggs, and some cold vegetables.

A simple and hearty lunch.

People like Cao Shujie, who are used to enjoying all kinds of meat, suddenly feel good about eating simpler meals.

In the evening, Cheng Xiaolin sent a WeChat video to Cao Shujie, telling him where he had been today and what attractions he had visited.

Cao Shujie complained about her: "On the first day out, where can you go?"

"Let's take a look on the way. Anyway, we have plenty of time. Let's kill the time slowly." Cheng Xiaolin said this.

Mengmeng and her brother Cao Yirui also anxiously stuck their heads into the mobile phone screen, squeezing their mother away.

Cao Shujie looked at the two little heads, and then at his wife looming behind them. He looked disgusted: "You two go play while I chat with your mother."

Mengmeng was not happy after hearing this and said that her father only had eyes for her mother.

She also said that her father didn't like her anymore.

Cao Yirui reacted slowly to these things, and he kept grinning.

When Cao Shujie saw his son like this, he remembered that when he brought Daha and Erha back from his uncle's house, Daha often bared his teeth to please him.

Cheng Xiaolin was smiling from behind, watching the three men making trouble.

At the end of the day, Mengmeng told her father what scenic spots they would visit tomorrow and what delicious and fun things they would buy.

"Dad, do you want me to buy some for you and take it back?" Mengmeng asked a very insincere question.

Cao Shujie rolled his eyes, this unfilial daughter.

"Shujie, how is grandpa?" Cheng Xiaolin asked him.

Cao Shujie said to his wife: "It's good. Don't worry. I'll take care of you. There won't be any problems."

Cheng Xiaolin almost said in her heart: "It's just because you take care of me that I don't feel at ease."

(End of chapter)

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