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Chapter 1142 Cao Shujie used the back door and still felt confident (4000800

Cao Yichuan thought that if he said this, his uncle would encourage him, but he thought he was wrong again.

The next moment, the brothers heard their uncle say: "Let me tell you a secret first. Don't tell your parents first."

Seeing their uncle's mysterious appearance, the brothers' curiosity was aroused, and they nodded one after another, promising to keep it a secret.

Cao Shujie then whispered to them: "My company is currently organizing school-enterprise cooperation with major domestic universities. If you are interested in which school, let me know in advance. When the time comes, I will cooperate with them, why can't I give it to you?"

Let’s fight for an admission spot!”

Seeing their uncle swearing to them, the two brothers both said "fuck" in their hearts. They were really hit hard.

They never expected that the uncle's so-called idea was to go through the back door. The key point was that the uncle said it so confidently, which made them even more convinced.

The two brothers wondered if their uncle's success was related to the fact that he often used the back door?

But I only dare to think about these words in my heart and dare not say them out loud.

But I must admit that Cao Shujie's performance just now left a deep impression on the two brothers.

It also made them realize that their uncle, who they thought was very serious before, is actually quite interesting.

After their parents came over, they walked to the park together.

As soon as they arrived at the park gate, Mengmeng took the initiative and ran towards the park.

She also clamored to take her two cousins ​​on her boat.

Brothers Cao Yichuan and Cao Yixin both ran over.

Because someone fell into the water during a water fight in the middle of the lake last time, the management here is now stricter than before.

At the place queuing up to board the boat, a voice message announcing that no playing or playing in the lake was allowed was played on a loop.

Lifejackets must be worn, and lifebuoys are also kept on board.

In addition, Cao Shujie also bought two speedboats and arranged for people to patrol the lake at any time. If there is an abnormality, rescue will be carried out immediately.

Fortunately, since the park started operating, abnormal situations like last time have only happened once.

When Cao Shujie and the others came over, Cao Guijuan was unlocking the boat for Mengmeng and arranged for someone to put on life jackets for Mengmeng and her two cousins.

People who were queuing up saw a few people who jumped in line suddenly appeared here. They didn't know Mengmeng, and they were holding their breath and felt very unhappy.

When she wanted to say a few words, Cao Guijuan had seen this situation too many times and she had already explained it in advance.

I heard that Mengmeng and the others were their own ship. Some people with quick brains immediately understood what was going on. They didn't say anything else and just took care of themselves.

Cao Shujie didn't really want to get on the boat, and his two cousins ​​didn't have much interest in boating, but his elder sister-in-law and second sister-in-law really wanted to go on board and have some fun.

Cao Shujie put two boats here for Mengmeng to prevent too many people from getting on the boats, so they are in good use now.

Watching them get on the boat one by one and row towards the center of the lake, Cao Shujie and his three brothers did not wait here. After saying hello to Cao Guijuan, Cao Shujie took his two cousins ​​and headed elsewhere.


When brothers Cao Shubin and Cao Shuxin returned during the Spring Festival this year, the park was installing a roller coaster and was still closed.

Now that the roller coaster has been installed, many people are queuing up to get on the roller coaster.

They could all hear people sitting on a roller coaster and screams like pigs were being slaughtered from here. The sound gave people goosebumps all over their bodies.

Cao Shubin couldn't figure it out. He complained: "Why do you go up there if you're afraid?"

"Brother, it's exciting." Cao Shujie thought of the time he went up there, it was really exciting.

He also asked his brother if he wanted to go up and try?

Cao Shuxin and Cao Shubin, the two brothers, have no love for this thing either.

The eldest brother Cao Shubin also said: "Your sister-in-law and nephew like to play this, but I can't do it. I feel dizzy when I stand at high places."

He is admitting to being timid.

Cao Shujie laughed and didn't care.

He went to other places with his two cousins ​​and saw kiwi fruits falling between the two railings in the corridor. Cao Shujie picked two of them and they were still a little hard when he held them. He handed them to Cao Shubin and Cao Shuxin: "Brother

, do you want to try it?"

"Is this still sour?" Cao Shubin was a little confused.

Cao Shujie nodded: "It's really sour, but it's a little sweet. You guys try it."

After Cao Shuxin heard this, he peeled off part of the skin, put the rest directly into his mouth, bit off half of it and chewed it carefully. It was indeed sweet as his cousin said, but the sour taste was also obvious.

"It's not ripe yet, it needs to be rested for a while," Cao Shuxin said.

Cao Shujie smiled and told his two cousins ​​to go to the orchard later to try the kiwi fruit there.

Hearing what his cousin said, Cao Shubin immediately remembered what his cousin said about the nutrient solution. He asked his cousin: "Aren't these kiwis added with nutrient solution?"

Cao Shujie shook his head: "These are not sprayed, but the ones in my orchard have been sprayed."

After hearing this, Cao Shubin became even more excited.

Before Mengmeng and the others had enough fun, they left the park and walked towards the orchard.

Cao Shujie also sent a message to his wife, telling her that the three brothers would go to the orchard first and call her if anything happened.

"Go ahead, let's play in the park and go home to prepare dinner later." Cheng Xiaolin replied to the message.

After Cao Shujie received his wife's reply, he ignored them.

Just like he told others before, it's hard to say in other places, but it is definitely the safest on Caojiazhuang's territory.

The three brothers came to the foot of the mountain together and followed the road up the mountain into Mengmeng Orchard.

Because it was summer vacation, there were many people coming to the orchard to pick fruits. Many of them were children as old as Mengmeng, and some were slightly older junior high school students.

Cao Shujie took his eldest brother and second brother into the orchard. Some employees in the orchard saw him and came over to say hello.

When Cao Shubin saw the layout of his cousin's orchard, and then thought about the layout of his own orchard, he realized that the gap was quite big.

At this time, Cao Shubin also settled down to study seriously. When he saw some equipment that he didn't understand what it was used for, he would ask his cousin what it was for, what its function was, etc.

At this time, Cao Shujie would patiently explain to his cousin and talk about the functions of the equipment.

In this regard, Cao Shujie spoke clearly and logically, which impressed Cao Shubin. He didn't expect that his cousin even understood these details.

And this just shows that his cousin has not been perfunctory, but has been working on this orchard seriously.

It is not because after the company developed, it felt that the orchard was not as profitable as the company, so it was abandoned here.

When he came to the kiwi fruit planting area, Cao Shujie found two yellow-hearted kiwi fruits, picked them directly and handed them to his eldest brother and second brother to let them taste the taste of the kiwi fruit.

Brothers Cao Shubin and Cao Shuxin were not polite, they took it, tore off the outer skin and stuffed it into their mouths.

When they tore off the outer skin, they realized the difference between the kiwi fruit just now and this kiwi fruit.

The difference in size is obvious. This yellow-heart kiwi can smell a faint fruity fragrance when you hold it in your hand, but you can't smell anything from the kiwi just now.

Chewing slowly, feeling the sweetness and taste of the kiwi, the difference becomes more obvious.

There is no doubt that the yellow-heart kiwis they hold are more delicious, and no one can deny this.

Cao Shujie took his eldest and second brothers inside again, picked two kiwi fruits with red hearts and handed them to them.

"Brother, try this again." Cao Shujie said to them.

While the two cousins ​​were tasting the red-heart kiwi fruit, Cao Jie himself picked a red-heart kiwi fruit and ate it.

Even if the kiwi fruit just picked from the tree is still a little hard, Cao Shujie doesn't care. The sweetness of the kiwi fruit has already increased.

Of course, if you take these kiwis home and store them for a few days, they will definitely taste better.

Cao Shubin came over and asked his cousin: "Shujie, have these kiwis used nutrient solution?"

Cao Shujie pointed to the drip irrigation equipment buried next to the kiwi fruit trees and told his cousin that the nutrient solution was added to the drip irrigation equipment and that these fruit trees could be sprayed with nutrient solution anytime and anywhere.

"Is there a huge demand for this?" Cao Shuxin asked from the side.

Cao Shujie nodded and said to his second brother: "It's not bad, but compared with the results, this loss is not a big problem."

Cao Shuxin agrees with this statement. If you want to gain, you must pay.

If you think that a little bit of nutrient solution can make fruit trees rejuvenate and produce abundant fruits, that is just a fool's errand. Refining an elixir is just about the same.

Along the way, many tourists recognized Cao Shujie and stopped to take photos with him.

Cao Shujie will also cooperate at this time.

After waiting for the enthusiastic tourists to leave, Cao Shujie and his two cousins ​​continued to tour the orchard.

During this process, Cao Shujie also asked about the situation of the orchard contracted by his cousin, its scale and the growth of the fruit trees.

Speaking of this matter, Cao Shubin became more energetic and told him about the situation in the orchard in detail.

The three brothers walked and chatted, and Cao Shujie also listened carefully.

He also asked about his eldest brother's investment in the orchard and the corresponding investment in equipment.

After Cao Shubin finished speaking, Cao Shujie would also take his cousin to see his investment in the orchard.

Of course, due to the different amount of funds, this area cannot be compared together. Moreover, Cao Shujie’s orchard also has strawberries, deer parks, cattle farms, kiwis and apples, which will produce different results at different time periods.

Philippine income.

This is already a diversified distribution, which is completely different from Cao Shubin’s simple cultivation of kiwifruit.

In this matter, Cao Shujie also suggested that his eldest brother, if possible, divide the orchard and plant at least two different kinds of fruits.

This will ensure a stable income in the orchard and also ensure the orchard's ability to resist risks.

Cao Shubin thought about it carefully and realized that what his cousin said made sense.

The reason why his orchard has not yet achieved this step is that he has not yet made corresponding plans.

The sun had set from the west at some point. Cao Shujie and his three brothers were walking and chatting in the orchard on the mountain. They didn't pay attention to what time it was, but they still noticed that the number of tourists in the orchard was getting smaller and smaller.


Until Cheng Xiaolin called Cao Shujie and asked him where he was and when he would prepare dinner.

When Cao Shujie saw that it was almost 5 o'clock, he called his eldest brother and asked his second brother to come down from the mountain.

After returning home, Cao Shujie cut the beef and mutton prepared in advance into small pieces and marinated them.

After it was almost marinated, the three brothers put the meat on skewers together, then set up the barbecue grill and started grilling the meat skewers.

The pieces of meat Cao Shujie cut were too large and the roasting was a bit slow, but after the temperature of the barbecue stabilized, the roasting speed was also very fast.

As the smell of meat filled the yard, they also barked.

Cao Shujie scolded them and put the grilled meat skewers aside to cool down before throwing in a few pieces of meat.

Mengmeng and the other little guys had already ran over with meat skewers and started to eat them.

Cheng Xiaolin and her two sisters-in-law helped with chores, and Cao Shujie and his three brothers became the main force in the barbecue.

Cao Shubin told them that there are many barbecue restaurants in Anyi City, but none as luxurious as Cao Shujie, with a skewer as big as meat.

"If everyone behaves like you, this barbecue will lose money." Cao Shubin joked.

Cao Shuxin also nodded.

Let’s not talk about other things, at least the beef and mutton made by his cousin are real.

Moreover, this kind of beef is difficult to buy in the market. Even if it can be bought, it is expensive.

But these things are exactly what Cao Shujie doesn't care about. He raises too many cows in his farm.

Cao Shujie eats beef every now and then, and sometimes Cao Shujie feels like he's tired of it.

I'm also thinking of eating something vegetarian to change my taste.

But he didn't say this out loud because he was afraid he would be beaten if he did.

Brothers Cao Yichuan and Cao Yixin opened three bottles of ice-cold beer and brought them to their father and uncle.

Cao Shujie said thank you when he took it.

The three brothers clinked the wine bottles together and drank directly from the bottles.

Cheng Xiaolin reacted quickly enough. She pointed the video recorder set up next to Cao Shujie and the three of them and recorded a video, thinking of saving it.

Cao Huifang was eating a skewer of steaming beef skewers next to her. She suggested to her sister-in-law: "Sister-in-law, edit this section and post it online. I think it's quite interesting."

"Forget it, your brothers are drinking, don't teach the children bad things." Cheng Xiaolin said this.

But Cao Huifang said: "It doesn't matter. There are so many people drinking online, and I don't care if I have one more brother."

"Yeah, then I'll edit it and post it later." Cheng Xiaolin became excited.

Cao Huifang also suggested that her sister-in-law add some special effects.

"Special effects?" Cheng Xiaolin felt that what her sister-in-law said made sense.

The sky was getting darker and darker, so Cao Shujie turned on the headlights in the yard.

The incandescent lights illuminated the yard as bright as day, which did not affect their eating of meat skewers at all.

Unconsciously, a gust of wind blew, making the night seem cooler.

The whole family ate and chatted, feeling that life would be happier if it was like this every day.

"Shujie, you are really living life now. Why do I feel like I am worse than any dog ​​in Anyi City?" said the eldest brother Cao Shubin.

He felt that he was too busy and did not enjoy life as much as his cousin.

After Cao Shujie heard this, he laughed: "Brother, they are all the same." (End of Chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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