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Chapter 1154 Daily income of more than 1 million (31008000)

Cao Jianlong also understands that agricultural cooperatives need to make long-term plans, not just one-time transactions.

Nowadays, the Internet is so developed. If they really want to make temporary profits and engage in various black operations, as long as they are caught once and take a video, the market will teach them how to behave.

When the time comes, the popularity they finally built up will collapse in an instant. Who will sell the kiwi fruits they have grown on a large scale?

At that time, we will have to go back to the old way of selling to the market at a lower price, instead of being much higher than the market price like now.

In order to prevent this from happening, after discussion, Cao Jianlong and Liu Guoqiang notified the village party secretaries and village directors of Zhujiazhuang and Taodong Village, and invited them to sit together for a meeting in the name of Cao Shujie.

At the meeting, this issue was emphasized repeatedly. At the same time, it was mentioned many times that the security teams of the three villages would be integrated into one unit, and then randomly divided into three teams to ensure that each team has at least two members from the other two villages.

members of the security brigade to form joint law enforcement.

After the meeting, Cao Jianlong and Liu Guoqiang told Cao Shujie the contents of the meeting.

Cao Shujie agrees with several measures.

In the kiwi fruit orchard, the sunlight shines through the layers of green leaves and onto the ripe fruits. Taking a breath of air, it seems that you can smell the sweet fruity fragrance permeating the orchard.

The kiwi fruits hanging densely on the fruit branches look like green gems, attracting the attention of tourists.

Cao Shujie stood in the fields and watched the tourists entering the kiwi fruit orchard. Whenever anyone greeted him, he would respond with a smile.

Seeing Cao Shuhe, who originally planted kiwis, standing in front, Cao Shujie went over to chat with him.

This year is the third year that the kiwifruit from the Agricultural Planting Cooperative has produced fruit, and it is also the last year in the generally defined early fruiting period of kiwifruit. Generally speaking, this year is also the time when the first three years of kiwifruit fruit production is the largest, and the kiwifruit fruit is the largest in size.

In fact, this is also true. This year's kiwi fruit is significantly larger than the previous two years, and the yield is about 10 kilograms higher.

Normally, starting from next year, kiwi fruit will enter its peak fruiting period, and this period will last for 15 to 35 years depending on the level of management and maintenance.

But there is a problem. Starting from this period, if the management is not proper, or the nutrition of the fruit trees cannot keep up, the fruit farmers will blindly pursue large fruits and high quantity, thereby ignoring the excessive loss of nutrients of the fruit trees themselves and the soil, which will cause the fruit trees to be inflated.

, nutritional deficiencies and other problems, which will affect fruit production and fruit size.

This is similar to people themselves.

That is to say, the so-called fruit size year situation occurs.

Cao Shuhe looked at the fruit-bearing trees in the orchard and was worried before he was happy. He was very worried about next year's fruiting situation, fearing that the kiwi fruit in the orchard would not bear large fruits next year and the yield would not increase.

Seeing Cao Shujie coming over, Cao Shuhe even chatted with him about this issue.

This is not just a problem with kiwis, it is common with other fruits.

He told Cao Shujie this just to give him a heads up, and did not expect Cao Shujie to be able to solve the problem.

Cao Shujie smiled and did not directly tell him about the nutrient solution.

The product isn't out yet, so we'll have to wait and see.

But Cao Shujie is confident that the product will be released in the spring of next year. It will be clear what the situation will be by then, and there is no need for him to promote it over and over again now.

However, Cao Shuhe is not the only one who is worried about this problem. Even Cao Jianbin, Gao Jinpeng, and Cao Jianzhen, who have been growing kiwi fruit, are also worried about this problem.

They all have experience in this area. This year’s yield is high and the fruit trees have a bumper harvest, which requires a large amount of nutrient supply.

This in itself leaves hidden dangers for the fruit trees to be overloaded and unable to keep up with nutrition.

In addition, most fruit farmers also neglect to supplement nutrients to the land, which leads to yellowing of leaves, weakening of tree vigor, and naturally low yields.

To put it bluntly, many fruit farmers have the mentality of counting the harvest year after year, not knowing what the next year will be like, and the planting management itself is not perfect.

The nutrient solution studied by Cao Shujie itself is aimed at these two types of situations, supplementing trace elements to fruit trees and soil, thereby achieving the purpose of increasing nutrition and allowing fruit trees to maintain a state of peak health at all times.

Natural fruit size and yield are also maintained.

Cao Shujie has calculated that if this area is well maintained, the fruiting period of kiwi fruit can be maintained for more than 30 years without obvious changes from year to year.

He has a solution, but this claim is unfounded. He still needs to wait for the nutrient solution to be mass-produced and use it on fruit trees, so that fruit farmers can see the changes in fruit trees and all problems will be solved.

It's useless to say more now.

Cao Shujie has always believed in speaking with facts.

Leaving here, Cao Shujie strolled toward the park to the west.

After handing over the management of this place to his wife this year, Cao Shujie rarely comes over.

However, the continuous investment in the park has not stopped, coupled with the large investment in the laboratory, the funds in Cao Shujie's account have shrunk visibly.

He was already thinking about making money.

There is still a large amount of cash on the company's books. He has not been short of money in the past two years and has not touched the money in the company's account. Now that his pocket is almost empty, he is considering transferring some of the money.

The taxes that need to be paid still have to be paid, and the money that needs to be transferred still needs to be transferred to one's own pocket.

Unknowingly, Cao Shujie came to the orchard, looked at the flow of people coming in and out of the gate, and then looked up at the statistics of the number of people entering and exiting the park on the large LED screen directly above the park gate.

It was only after 9 o'clock, and there were already more than 10,000 people entering the park. If you look closely, you will find that most of them are young people.

Not surprisingly, after entering the park, these young people went straight to the roller coaster. They are loyal roller coaster fans.

Cao Shujie didn't go to the roller coaster anymore. He walked along the circular road on the left until he came to a small office on the east side. He opened the door and went in. His wife was sitting inside working.

Seeing him coming, Cheng Xiaolin was quite puzzled: "Shujie, you didn't go to the company?"

"No, I'm not going today. How is it here?" Cao Shujie asked her.

Cheng Xiaolin nodded and told her husband that it was okay here: "According to recent statistics, the total turnover of charged items every day can reach about 630,000."

This is also the income from paid items in the park.

She then told Cao Shujie about a convenience store in the park that sells fruits, preserved fruits, deer blood wine, etc., and the income is also considerable.

Calculated throughout the day, including the income from fee-based items, the total is more than 1 million, and in its heyday it was close to 2 million.

Moreover, this area is a long-term work, and Cheng Xiaolin manages this area very steadily.

But the only drawback is that the park is only crowded from mid-March to mid-October every year, and very few people come here during the rest of the time.

It is also a dry month, and I have been resting for 5 months.

"It's good. The money I invested was finally paid back," Cao Shujie said with a smile.

Cheng Xiaolin rolled her eyes at him, but she had already returned to her original position.

However, the park requires maintenance every day, and there are so many workers' salary expenses. In addition, some projects in the park need to be updated from time to time. While there is a lot of income every day, it also has a lot of expenses.

In addition to Cheng Xiaolin, there was another person named Cao Mengjiao in the office. When she saw Cao Shujie talking to Cheng Xiaolin here, she went out consciously.

Cao Shujie was not polite. After sitting down, he listened to the noise outside and thought about the uncertainties he was worried about when he invested huge sums of money to build this park two years ago.

Now I feel truly relieved.

Cheng Xiaolin lowered her head to read the information on the table. She didn't notice the flash of expression on her husband's face: "Shujie, I heard that Yixin has been running into the company recently to exercise with the new security guard.


"No, it's only been a few days and I'm almost tanned. How do you think I can explain to my second brother?" Cao Shujie said.

But there was no worry at all on his face.

After hearing this, Cheng Xiaolin raised her head and looked at him seriously: "Yixin really wants to be a soldier?"

"He himself is very energetic, but he is not old enough now. He has to wait at least two years before he can do it. Let's see. Maybe he is just hot-headed." Cao Shujie said.

But to be honest, Cao Shujie felt that his little nephew was really not just a hothead.

How could ordinary people withstand the training workload of Ou Shangyun and Xu Weipeng in such a hot weather, but his nephew Cao Yixin gritted his teeth and endured it.

To put it another way, Cao Shujie runs 5 kilometers every morning when walking his dog, but he feels that his nephew’s daily training is enough to run a full marathon.

This kid has indeed become a lot darker recently, but he also looks stronger and has a completely different spirit.

Eat more.

Cao Shujie felt that his second brother had to praise himself when he saw what his son was like now.

In Xuemeng Food Factory, the security guard on duty at the entrance is no longer Lao Cao.

Lao Cao is really old, and since he can't keep up with the current training, he has been transferred to the logistics and gardening.

He thinks it's good to prune the flowers, plants and trees in the factory area and clean them every day.

Moreover, Lao Cao also understood that if an emergency really happened, he wouldn't be able to do anything.

Ou Shangyun and Xu Weipeng were training the remaining people in the open space next to them.

There were 45 people who came with them, these veterans came from all over the country.

In addition, there are still 13 people in the original security team of Xuemeng Food Factory who have not been transferred to other positions, and they are all struggling to hold on.

Counting the two of them, the current security team totals 60 people. Plus Cao Yixin, who volunteered to join the training, there are 61 people in total.

Ou Shangyun and Xu Weipeng did not leave the team, but trained together. The amount of training was greater than that of others. This fact made others admire them, and they couldn't say anything else.

Cao Yixin kept looking at the figure in front of him.

Brother Chuan has been studying at home, doing exercises, and chatting with his grandfather. He has simply forgotten about reviewing his homework during the summer vacation. Now he is focusing on training. He also wants to be like Ou Shangyun, who can break the table with one fist.


Oh! (End of this chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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