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Chapter 1221 Solution (8000) I’m too sleepy, go to bed first, good night

As small as a Xuemeng Food Factory experiencing declining sales, as large as the entire province also experiencing an economic downturn.

Comparing Xuemeng Food Factory with Dongshan Province, the situation in the latter is more serious. In addition, all walks of life are spread too widely, and more problems have arisen.

In addition, there is another thing that has a greater impact on Dongshan, which is that the upper management has increased inspections on environmental protection.

This is a big deal.

In terms of industry distribution, Dongshan's heavy industry, chemical industry, building materials, paper industry, electrolytic aluminum and other industries account for a large proportion in the country.

It is precisely these industries that are at a disadvantage in environmental inspections.

However, environmental protection is a general policy, and Dongshan must also abide by the rules.

There is a price to pay for following the rules.

Wang Qinghui is having a headache now because this incident has had a huge impact on Dongshan as a whole, and as the head of Dongshan, he must consider finding a new alternative path and a new development idea for this place.

The conversion of old and new driving forces has been advocated before, but it is not that easy to take this path. Therefore, before this, Wang Qinghui has been arranging people to explore new development paths.

It's just that the environmental protection measures came too quickly, and many industries have the problem of increasing import and export trade tariffs. The heavy pressure has brought the originally bright development prospects into a swamp.

"Comrades, our next development tasks are very heavy, but we cannot be afraid of difficulties and move forward..."

"I have communicated with my superiors that environmental protection in steel, chemicals, building materials...environmental protection does not mean restricting the development of traditional industries, but we must find ways to make these industries comply with emission standards."

"In addition, we can also continue to develop other industries on the basis of helping enterprises meet environmental protection standards. I have called you here today because I want you to think about it. Today we will consider how to make full use of Dongshan's capabilities.

To grow, we will select the best from the best, gather the superior strength of the province, develop our own enterprises, and carve out our own path in the next development path."

"Next, who is going to talk?" Wang Qinghui looked at every face in the conference room from left to right. He asked everyone to put forward at least a few constructive strategic opinions, and not just two.


In fact, everyone has realized the seriousness of the problem. At this time, no one dares to stroke Wang Qinghui's beard. That is challenging his bottom line.

After a dull atmosphere in the conference room, someone stood up and said: "I think we can give full play to Dongshan's strengths, focus on developing our agricultural economy on the basis of ensuring that traditional industries meet the standards, and provide relevant support for the development of such enterprises."

policy support.”

“The economic development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers has always been a key development strategic direction of the country!”

After hearing his suggestion, everyone else present nodded frequently. They felt that developing the agricultural economy would not exceed the relevant indicators of environmental protection, right?

"I think we can also develop high-tech industries to guide the further development of Dongshan's conversion of new and old driving forces, and this is an opportunity for us."

"We can take this opportunity to adjust the economic model of new materials, new energy, and new industrial structures. We have 41 industrial categories in Dongshan. There are many industries that we can develop independently. I think we should continue to give full play to our strengths...



Although these people usually have a conservative mentality, they have to admit that they are able to sit in this room, and they stand tall and see far. Some of the constructive suggestions they put forward are often relevant at this time.

The key points can also be taken from the perspective of relevant policies. Their channels and depth of receiving information have a deeper understanding of policies. Some of the suggestions they put forward may not be feasible, but if they are put forward, we can discuss them together.

Continue the discussion, come up with more advantageous policies around the suggestions that are in line, and consider how to make them meet the standards around the suggestions that are not in line.

This is called making up for weaknesses and making strengths stronger.

Compared with the comprehensive meeting held by Wang Qinghui, the meeting at Xuemeng Food Factory only focused on the problems encountered by the company and had very few limitations.

However, neither Cao Shujie nor Xuemeng Food Factory gave up on themselves at this time. They were both thinking of finding alternative ways to solve the current predicament instead of waiting and waiting.

The meeting at Xuemeng Food Factory lasted for more than three hours, from two o'clock in the afternoon to almost 5:30. By this time, all the day shift workers had already finished get off work, and the night shift workers were already busy.

Cao Shujie took the lead to come out of the conference room, followed by Luo Changjin, Lian Qijian, Guan Boyong, Xu Cizong, Shen Yongjun and others with solemn expressions on their faces. They were still thinking about the various issues discussed in the meeting just now.

But one thing is clear to everyone. They are discussing it from the perspective of changing the company itself, and these are not enough to change the negative factors of the external environment.

In the short term, it only treats the symptoms but not the root cause, let alone the long-term plan.

They think that there may be a 'price war' in the end, but once a price war starts, it is a typical case of drinking poison to quench thirst, and it is often easy to drag the company into it, which will cause great damage to the company.

In the end, it may even get out of control and the company will be destroyed. That is definitely not what Cao Shujie wants to see.

He is more interested in focusing on stability in the current situation and looking for new opportunities.

But at present, this opportunity seems difficult.

"Xiao He, tell Boss Wang of Fuxing Hotel and I'll go over for dinner later." Cao Shujie said to He Ruijia.

He Ruijia went to the side to make a phone call.

Cao Shujie told the department managers who were following him again that everyone should put aside what they had just done and think about having two more drinks in the evening.

During the meal, they will also talk about the company's current difficulties and discuss solutions.

There's nothing wrong with that, this is what I do.

They arrived late and after finishing their meal, it was already almost 10 o'clock in the evening. The nightlife in Qingshi Town did not inherit the lively scenes from big cities. At this time, except for some places, most stores were still open.

They're all closed.

Cao Shujie arranged for someone to drive the company car to take the others home safely, and Wang Yueqiang drove him back to Caojiazhuang.

When she returned home, Cheng Xiaolin came down to open the door for him. She smelled the smell of tobacco and alcohol on his body, but saw that her husband was not drunk: "Shujie, are you okay?"

"Hey, what can I do? Don't worry." Cao Shujie waved his hand and did not tell his wife about the current difficulties the company was encountering.

He felt that there was always a solution, and the worst-case scenario was just to make less money this year.

But he still has 490 million yuan in his bank card that he just sold in Bitcoin at the end of last year. He is not short of money at all.

The company's profit last year was more than 2 billion, and there is no shortage of money.

Cheng Xiaolin said: "Shujie, if anything happens, please tell me."

"Okay, don't worry." Cao Shujie nodded.

Three nights later, Cao Shujie was having dinner with his family at home and watching the evening news in Dongshan.

This was his grandfather's hobby. Cao Shujie just glanced at it. He had no interest in the cliche content.

But tonight's content seems to be different.

The host introduced: "A few days ago, Comrade Wang Qinghui led members of the team to propose a new development direction for Dongshan's current economic development. He pointed out that Dongshan is facing the current difficulties and must brainstorm ideas from the aspects of agriculture, rural areas and rural economy, new materials, new energy, and new technologies.

We should start from the industrial structure, high-tech industry, intelligence and other aspects, develop advantageous projects in the province, popularize them from point to point, and find strategies to break the situation."

"At the same time, Comrade Wang Qinghui also called on all enterprises not to wait and rely on Dongshan's current predicament, but to think of ways, ideas, and countermeasures to solve difficult problems."

"Comrade Wang Qinghui also believes that local government leaders should stand up, go deep into the grassroots level, deeply understand the difficulties of enterprises, understand the needs of ordinary people, and do a good job in relevant support work."

Cao Zhenghu has been watching the evening news at this time. Usually there is nothing, it is all popular content, but even though he is old, he can still hear that the content tonight seems to be different.

He didn't even eat,

He kept staring at the TV and said to his grandson: "Shujie, see if tonight is different?"

Cao Shujie really didn't expect that even his grandfather would see something different. He nodded and then said, "Grandpa, there is something wrong. We are looking for a remedy."

However, what the host just said is also aimed at agricultural enterprises, but it is not clear what specific support policies are currently provided.

In addition, Cao Shujie is not sure whether there is anything real this time?

He found it difficult to say!

Cao Jianguo was at a loss when he heard this. He just watched the news and listened to what the host said, but didn't hear anything else.

Cao Zhenghu originally wanted to chat with his son, but seeing him like this, he didn't bother to ask, feeling it was a waste of time.

He also said: "I have lived a long time, but I still don't understand anything."

Cao Shujie: "..."

He turned to look at his grandfather, then at his father, and finally picked up a chopstick and chewed it slowly without saying a word.

Cao Jianguo thought to himself: What did I do wrong again?

Cheng Xiaolin obviously understood something. She looked at her grandfather, then her father-in-law, but she was too smart to say anything.

After finishing the meal, Cao Shujie sent a message to the work group, asking the department managers to take a good look at tonight's Dongshan TV evening news and study the content in the news. Others were a little confused about the task suddenly released by Cao Shujie, but

Don’t be vague about executing orders.

As for the fact that the news has passed, it is not a problem for them. They can watch the replay through the Internet. This operation is very simple.

Lian Qijian's home in Mingshi Mingdu Community, Pingyuan County.

He came home to stay tonight.

When receiving the WeChat message from Cao Shujie, Lian Qijian was also curious about what the news tonight said that made his boss take it so seriously.

Lian Xuezhu and Dang Wanli saw the abnormality on their son's face, and they also asked him what happened?

Lian Qijian told his parents and showed them the messages in the group.

After his parents read the message, Lian Qijian told them about the company's meeting a few days ago and the current difficulties Xuemeng Food Factory was encountering.

At this time, Lian Qijian's face inevitably showed a sad look.

But Lian Xuezhu told him: "Qijian, what kind of difficulty is this? Have you forgotten that when our factory encountered difficulties, didn't I last for more than two years before disbanding?"

"Besides, there are many reasons why I disbanded the factory, including that I really didn't want to do it anymore. But Xuemeng Food Factory has been making profits every year since its establishment, and the profit ratio is not low. According to what you said, your current market sales

If there is a shrinkage, it is nothing more than making less money in the future, but I think it is not difficult to solve this problem if you save costs in other aspects."

"Dad, how do you think we should solve it?" Lian Qijian asked him.

Lian Xuezhu was not in a hurry to give an answer. He said something else to his son: "You still remember when Mingbo Textile Factory was operating, right?"

Lian Qijian nodded, of course he remembered.

Lian Xuezhu told him that the situation of Mingbo Textile Factory at that time was far worse than that of Xuemeng Food Factory now. Moreover, Xuemeng Food Factory had no loans and a high proportion of profits. No matter how bad the overall environment was, it could still survive.


"It's just a matter of making more or less, am I right?" Lian Xuezhu asked his son.

That seems to be saying, if you can't even figure out this problem, you might as well stop working in that position.

Lian Qijian naturally understood, and he also told his father: "Dad, Brother Jie is under a lot of pressure now."

"Can the pressure not be too great? There are at least 3,000 people in your factory now eating with you, and there are at least tens of thousands of families outside the factory who rely on it for food. Any policy change in Xuemeng Food Factory means that a lot of things need to be changed.


Lian Qijian sighed.

Dang Wanli, who was standing next to her, said to the two of them: "Let me tell you, Lao Lian, can you not talk about work at home? Solving problems when you encounter them is the most basic ability, right? Can we not struggle with these problems at home?"

Lian Xuezhu quickly greeted his son: "Let's eat first. If we have anything to do, we'll talk some other time."

If we continue to chat, it may cause instability in the family, and Lian Xuezhu doesn't think it's worth it.

Lian Qijian was smart enough not to say anything more, and went to get a bottle of wine to have a drink with his father.

However, after dinner, Lian Qijian still watched the replay of Dongshan Satellite TV's evening news. Lian Xuezhu couldn't sleep, so he watched it with his son.

When watching that piece of news, Lian Xuezhu realized why Cao Shujie asked his son and other managers to read this content. This was basically the way to solve the problem.

Lian Xuezhu quickly explained the policy content mentioned in the news to his son.

It has to be said that Lian Xuezhu is indeed a person who has served as a top leader in the Forestry Bureau. His ability to interpret such ambiguous policies is far superior to that of his son Lian Qijian, and his ideas are very mature. (End of this chapter)


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