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Chapter 137 Mengmeng gets into trouble again (please vote for me) 19/138 1.2/1

 Chapter 137 Mengmeng gets into trouble again (please vote for me) 19138 12,160

Arriving halfway up the mountain, Cao Shujie and the others packed up their things and were about to leave. Cao Jianguo suddenly remembered something and shouted: "Shujie, I haven't picked up the cute trolley yet!"

"Ouch, why did I forget this?" Cao Shujie slapped his thigh and said to his parents and wife: "You go down to the car and wait while I go up and get the trolley."

After he finished speaking, he handed the car keys to his father.

"Dad, you are so stupid." Mengmeng said.

Cao Shujie was too lazy to meet her. Seeing that there was still a number plate on his wrist, he raised his legs and walked up.

Cao Jianguo also said he would get it.

"Dad, hurry up and go down with them with your bag. It's not far. I can just go there by myself." Cao Shujie didn't let his father follow.

The journey is not far and there is no need at all.

Twenty minutes later, Cao Shujie carried the cart down from the temporary storage place.

It was just after 12 noon at this time. We had climbed mountains in the morning and had a lot of activities. The adults were all hungry and felt a little uncomfortable, let alone Mengmeng, a little kid who didn't even eat breakfast seriously.

Mengmeng held her belly with both hands, frowned and said, "Dad, I'm so hungry."

Is she not hungry? She didn't eat in the morning and ate some snacks on the way. But except for the uphill part, she walked the rest of the way by herself. At her age, she was really tired.

After getting into the car, Cao Shujie asked them what they wanted to eat for lunch.

None of them were familiar with this place, and they couldn't tell anything. Finally, Cheng Xiaolin said, "Shujie, please drive forward. Let's go to the village to find a lively place to eat."

There is a rule for eating. When you really don’t know which restaurant is delicious, just choose a restaurant with a lot of people to eat. At least it won’t be too bad.

Cao Shujie and the others are having the same idea now.

After getting off the parking lot halfway up the mountain, he drove all the way to a nearby village and walked along the road by the river. Cao Shujie had already seen no less than five small farmhouse restaurants with various names. Each of them had so many

The person at the table didn't know if it was really delicious.

They were still discussing how to sit down and have dinner at a random restaurant, when they saw a farmhouse restaurant in front of them that had the words "I urge you to be fooled once" written on it.

The name was quite interesting, and Cao Shujie remembered it right away.

He turned to his parents and wife and said, "Let's eat here for lunch today."

"Okay, don't look for it anymore, just go and eat here. Look at Mengmeng's face turning pale with hunger." Wang Yuelan felt sorry for her granddaughter.

Cheng Xiaolin looked inside and said, "Is that okay? Why do I see so few people in this restaurant?"

While they were talking, another car drove past them and drove directly to the door of the farmhouse restaurant called "I Want You to Be Fooled Once". Four people got out of the car and walked directly into the restaurant. Another car

I drove the car away and parked it somewhere else.

"Let's eat here too." Cao Shujie said after seeing it.

Cheng Xiaolin couldn't come up with any other opinions, so she just listened to her husband's arrangements.

As for Wang Yuelan and Cao Jianguo, they should just follow their son and daughter-in-law.

From the outside, it looks like an ordinary farmhouse restaurant, but who knows that there is a world of difference once inside.

The first impression that made Cao Shujie here was that it was big.

They didn't go into other small restaurants just now, so they didn't know if the area inside those small farmhouse restaurants was as big as that?

But the one in front of me seems to be more than 400 square meters, and the yard is full of square tables and mats. This is not the point.

There is an area on the east side of the yard that has a small children's playground.

When I took a quick look, I saw six or seven children climbing up and down the fenced children's playground.

On the west side of the courtyard, in the part blocked by the wall, many people sit around small tables. To the north, there are several small pavilions blocked by simple bamboo curtains. These are probably small boxes.

"No wonder I didn't see anyone just now, they were all blocked by the wall." Cao Shujie complained.

Who would have thought that a small farmhouse restaurant that looks very inconspicuous from the outside would actually have a world inside.

"Mom, I want to play." When Mengmeng saw the children in the children's playground and the fence, her face that was pale with hunger immediately turned rosy.

Cheng Xiaolin said: "Eat first."

When Mengmeng heard what her mother said, she immediately hugged her legs and squatted down. She was about to sit on the ground and roll around: "Mom, I'm not hungry."

"..." Cheng Xiaolin had a dark face and wanted to give her a kick.

When this naughty child came down from the mountain just now, she screamed that she was hungry, and said she wanted bread, ham sausages, sandwich biscuits, and bananas, and she had to hold them by herself.

"It doesn't matter if you're not hungry. If you don't want to eat, I'll keep you here. Your parents and grandparents will leave after they finish eating." Cheng Xiaolin said to her with a straight face.

She felt that she must not let her daughter have no rules at all. If this was the case now, how would she control her when she grew up?

Mengmeng does have the ability to observe words and emotions. When she saw her mother's face turning ugly, she immediately shut her mouth, turned around and ran from her mother to her father, holding his father's hand and keeping silent.

Cao Shujie had no resistance to his daughter. Seeing his daughter's pitiful appearance, he smiled and coaxed her: "Mengmeng, let's go eat first. After dinner later, dad will bring you over to play."

"If you don't eat, dad will never take you out to play." Cao Shujie also said seriously. This is the bottom line.

His mother, Wang Yuelan, wanted to say something. Cao Shujie didn't wait for his mother to speak and immediately said, "Mom, you can't tolerate her problems, otherwise she will have to be lawless in the future. How will you control her then?"

What he said was the truth. Wang Yuelan hesitated and finally did not speak for her granddaughter.

Mengmeng saw her grandma not looking at her, and realized that no one was really helping her today, so she didn't say much at the end and went to eat with her parents first.

Cao Shujie and Cheng Xiaolin were still wondering, how could Mengmeng learn to behave after being spoken to a few words today?

It turns out they thought too much.

After all the local specialties ordered by Cao Shujie were served, Mengmeng ate this and that too, and she ate very quickly.

Even Cao Shujie and his wife looked sideways, always feeling that something was wrong with Mengmeng.

But then I think about it, how thoughtful can she be with a child who will only turn three in a few months?

But it turned out that the couple's thinking was too simple.

In less than 10 minutes, Mengmenghu stood up and shouted, "Dad, I'm full after eating a meal."

"Mom, look." Mengmeng patted her bulging belly and said, "I'm really full. Can I go play?"

The co-author is waiting here!

"..." Cheng Xiaolin and Cao Shujie never expected that Mengmeng had this idea.

But the problem is that she just ate a lot of food, more than she usually eats at home.

Neither of them could find a reason to refuse their daughter to play.

When Wang Yuelan heard what her granddaughter said, she quickly took a few bites and said, "Mengmeng, let's go, grandma will play with you."

When Mengmeng heard what her grandma said, she happily shouted: "Grandma, you are the best, I like you."

Children cannot hide their emotions at all.

Cao Shujie and his wife Cheng Xiaolin couldn't help but burst out laughing.

They really couldn't understand how Mengmeng could learn these 'compliments' at such a young age. The most important thing was that she was very discerning and had a good grasp of the world.

Cao Shujie thought about the time in his previous life when his daughter was young, and suddenly realized that there was nothing left to say, and there were no very deep memories.

At that time, he was so busy day and night that he had no time to play with Mengmeng or watch her grow up. He was even more indifferent to Mengmeng's performance at this age.

"Mengmeng, go play and don't fight with other children." Cao Shujie specifically warned her.

Mengmeng smiled and nodded: "Dad, bye."

She took her grandma's hand and ran eastward.

Cheng Xiaolin knew that her mother-in-law was not full yet, so she accompanied Mengmeng there just to let her have a good meal.

She didn't show any pretense. After eating quickly, she walked towards the children's playground on the east side and came to her mother-in-law. Looking at her daughter climbing up and down in the children's playground, she said softly: "Mom, go and eat quickly.

Well, I just need to keep an eye on her."

"It's okay, I'm full already." Wang Yuelan said.

Mengmeng had a lot of fun playing in the children's playground. She had no idea that her grandma was only half full, and she didn't know that her mother was watching her from outside the fence.

She was happily drilling forward in the pipe, but she didn't notice that there was a little boy crawling toward her at a right-angled corner in front of her.

Mengmeng continued to crawl forward with her head down. She was having a lot of fun. When they reached the corner, neither of them realized that the other's little devil's head had touched each other without any suspense.


The two little babies met firmly.

Then there was a sound of "Wow" and the little boy burst into tears.

Mengmeng's head was also a little blurred from being hit. She looked confusedly at the crying little boy across from her. She hadn't realized what had just happened. Her forehead hurt a little, but she didn't take it seriously.

Among the people watching outside was a middle-aged woman, wearing a light blue skirt and a gold necklace around her neck. When she heard the little boy crying, she immediately knew that her son had an accident and hurriedly

He stepped over the fence, ran over, walked down to his son, and shouted into the pipe: "Bingbing, are you okay?"

"Mom, it hurts!" the little boy shouted from inside the pipe of the children's playground.

At this time, Mengmeng also realized that she seemed to be in trouble and quickly turned around to go back the way she came.

But she stopped halfway through the climb. She didn't know what she was thinking. She crawled back to the place where she hit someone and asked the crying little boy: "Hey, stop crying."

It was okay if she didn't say anything, but when she did, the little boy Bingbing cried even harder, thinking that this man was coming back to beat him again.

"Stop crying, what's wrong? Mom said just blow it and it'll be fine." Mengmeng shouted.

The middle-aged woman below also heard Mengmeng's childish words of comfort. She was not angry. On the contrary, she was amused by the child.

"Whose child is this? It's so interesting." The middle-aged woman thought to herself.

Cheng Xiaolin, who was outside the fence, saw that her daughter had not come out for a long time, and then heard the cry of a child in the pipe of the children's playground. She felt very nervous, wondering if Mengmeng had caused an accident?

Unable to stay outside any longer, she hurried in, approached the pipe and shouted, "Mengmeng, are you in there?"

"Mom, here." Mengmeng's voice came from the pipe.

"Are you okay?" Cheng Xiaolin asked her.

Mengmeng groaned and said something. The middle-aged woman wearing a gold necklace and skirt next to her didn't understand, but Cheng Xiaolin understood. She said: "Mengmeng, call out your little brother too, you two are slow."

Climb slowly, mom will be waiting for you outside, okay."

"Oh!" Mengmeng responded.

For three full minutes, Mengmeng and the little boy who had bumped into each other while crawling and playing in the pipe came out.

When the middle-aged woman saw the little boy, she hurried over and hugged her son to check: "Bingbing, are you okay?"

"Auntie, bang your head, ah yo yo, cry," Mengmeng described vividly.

"I was hit too, oh yo yo, don't cry!" Mengmeng said, pointing to the red spot on her forehead.

Cheng Xiaolin looked at the light red mark on her daughter's forehead, and she felt distressed, but her cute performance made her feel a little proud.

"Mengmeng, come here quickly, let me take a look."

Seeing that her daughter was fine, Cheng Xiaolin quickly asked the middle-aged woman next to her: "Sister, how is your son? If it's broken, I'll take him to the hospital for a checkup."

When the middle-aged woman wearing a gold necklace heard Cheng Xiaolin being so polite, she waved her hand directly and said with a smile: "It's okay. It's a kid. He's crawling around and playing without paying attention. It's normal for him to bump into something. Go to some hospital."

Speaking of this, she glanced at the cute girl next to Cheng Xiaolin and asked Cheng Xiaolin: "Sister, how do you teach her? Your daughter is quite interesting."

Cheng Xiaolin: "..."

She thought her ears had heard it wrong, but the middle-aged woman wearing a gold necklace took the initiative to tell her what had just happened. After listening to it, Cheng Xiaolin realized that such an interesting thing had happened before she came over just now.

Seeing Mengmeng looking up at her in confusion, Cheng Xiaolin felt very proud. She raised her hand and stroked Mengmeng's little head, and said embarrassedly: "Sister, I really didn't teach her much."

"I usually play small games with her in different scenarios at home, and she also likes to play with me," Cheng Xiaolin said.

Upon hearing this, the middle-aged woman became more interested and said proactively: "My surname is Zhu, and my name is Zhu Qiaoxia. Sister, what's your surname?"

"Cheng Xiaolin." Cheng Xiaolin was very straightforward. The middle-aged woman in front of her didn't look like an unreasonable person. She also liked to share her experiences with her.

"Cheng Xiaolin, what a name." Zhu Qiaoxia didn't look anxious. She was more interested in Cheng Xiaolin's parenting experience, and said with a smile: "Sister Cheng, if you are not in a hurry to leave, please tell me in detail."

"We have two children. The eldest is already in high school. This one was born late. I really don't know how to teach him well."

No one expected that due to the accident between Mengmeng and the little boy Bingbing, Cheng Xiaolin and Zhu Qiaoxia, two women with a big age difference, would start talking about parenting.

I'm not going to sleep anymore. I'm going to take a shower to wake up and continue writing Chapter 4. Friends, go to bed first and read it when you get up tomorrow!

This chapter has been completed!
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