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Chapter 140 The four dogs are getting better and better (asking for a double moon on the last day)


"Take it back, you two, hurry up and take everything back. I'm going to fall out if you keep them here."

Ma Wenqian and Cao Shuchao sat at Cao Shujie's house for about ten minutes, preparing to go back on the pretext of having something to do at home.

When they walked out, they didn't take anything with them. When Cao Jianguo saw it, he quickly walked to the door and blocked them, refusing to let them leave until they took their things back.

"Uncle Jianguo, I bought you food and drink. It's not worth much. It's just a little kindness from us. Just don't dislike it." Ma Wenqian said.

As soon as she finished speaking, Cao Jianguo said: "It's not a matter of money. Qianqian, please take the food back to your mother. She needs a supplement now, so just do what I said!"

"This..." Ma Wenqian felt numb. Looking at the strong Cao Jianguo, she didn't know what to do.

It was Cao Shujie who finally said: "Sister-in-law, let's keep one box of milk, and you can take the rest back and replenish them for my aunt."

He could see that if nothing was left behind, both of them might feel guilty, so it would be better to leave a little less to make them feel more comfortable.

Cheng Xiaolin also said: "Sister-in-law, that's it, otherwise we won't keep anything."

Wang Yuelan also said: "Qianqian, even if you put it down now or not, I will send it all to your home later."

Ma Wenqian looked at her husband in embarrassment. At this moment, she showed her hesitation as a woman.

Cao Shuchao was not a completely disappointing person. He came forward and said: "Uncle Jianguo, aunt, I left a box of milk, a bag of cakes and biscuits that I bought for Mengmeng. I also left them.

A bag of eggs…”

Before he could finish speaking, Cao Shujie caught his words quickly and neatly: "Brother Chao, we'll keep the milk and cake. We have to take the eggs back to my aunt to eat."

This time Cao Shuchao and Ma Wenqian stopped talking about anything else.

Cao Shujie and his father Cao Jianguo helped and carried the remaining things out to them.

At the gate, Ma Wenqian was still shouting: "Uncle Jianguo, brother Shujie, you have helped our family so much, this is our heartfelt gift, and you still don't accept it..."

"Shujie, take things home for your brother Chao and sister-in-law." Cao Jianguo didn't let her finish.

Ma Wenqian looked at her husband, thinking about nothing this time. She said to her husband in front of Cao Shujie's family: "Shu Chao, you have to work hard in the future, otherwise I won't let you."

Cao Shuchao was an honest man and could not say any fancy words. He nodded sincerely: "I will definitely do a good job."

After sending Cao Shuchao and Ma Wenqian away, Cao Shujie and the others returned home, talking about what had just happened while eating.

It's not easy for everyone.

On the morning of the second day, Cao Shujie got up at around five o'clock, took his four dogs and went out to walk the dogs on the Yellow River dam in the east.

At this time, there was not even a ghost on the dam, let alone anyone.

After coming up, the four dogs twisted their heads and looked at Cao Shujie, their eyes full of anticipation.

"I'll let you loose the rope, but don't run around." Cao Shujie muttered, stroking the dogs' heads with his hands, and untying the rope for them. He looked at Daha, Erha, and the four dogs ran forward together.

, Cao Shujie had a picture of ten thousand dogs running wildly in his head for no reason.

He thought: "If I had dozens of dogs and let them run free together, it would be a very exciting scene!"

But just think about it, this thing eats a lot. Raising dozens of them is a huge expense, and he can't afford it.

At this time, he somewhat understood why Cui Jingguo was anxious to give away the puppies born from German Shepherds.

Although German Shepherds are ferocious, they also have a lot to eat.

A litter can give birth to five, six, seven or eight, and two litters a year. Who can bear it if they are left to raise them all by themselves?

"Oh!" Daha's bold and unrestrained howl came.

Erha and two German shepherds also howled behind.

Different from the barking of the big dogs and the two dogs, when the two German shepherds barked, their voices also contained the low roars of wild beasts, which made people feel a little scared just by hearing the sounds.

The barks of Daha, Erha and two German shepherd dogs came one after another, which also attracted the surrounding dogs to start barking too.

The barking of various dogs came together, waking up many people who were still sleeping. Listening to the howling coming from the east, they thought a wolf was really coming.

After the four dogs ran wildly for an hour and vented their excess energy, they ran back to Cao Shujie and rubbed their heads against Cao Shujie's legs, expressing their affection for Cao Shujie in this way.

Daha also took the lead and stretched out the dog's head, asking Cao Shujie to tie a rope to it.

With his eldest brother as an example, the remaining three dogs also lined up to wait. Cao Shujie felt a little proud when he saw them like this.

He thought that if he trained them carefully for a while, all four dogs could apply for public offices.

Cao Shujie took them down from the intersection on the north side of the dam, which leads directly to his new home.

When passing the two-story building, he said to the four dog brothers: "Look carefully. This house is our new home. We will move here after a while. You must keep an eye on it then."

Home, you know."

The four dogs all turned their heads and looked at the two-story building seriously, as if they wanted to remember it in their hearts.

Just as he was about to walk home, Cao Shujie suddenly saw a familiar figure walking around the corner not far away, but it was Cao Shuchao.

Cao Shujie thought he had read the wrong time just now, so he took out his phone and looked at the time on the screen, and found that it was only a little after 6:30.

"Brother Chao, why are you here so early? My aunt doesn't need anyone to watch her anymore?" he asked.

Cao Shuchao said: "I came out early in the morning after serving your aunt. Besides, I have nothing to do at home, so I came here in advance. If there is something urgent at home later, I may have to go back when your sister-in-law calls me.


Hearing what Cao Shuchao said, Cao Shujie said: "Brother Chao, this is not a problem. I will give you the key first. You go up and clean it up first. I will send the brothers home first and come over after they have something to eat."

"Don't be in a hurry, just eat slowly." Cao Shuchao said.

He heard Cao Shujie call the four dogs "brothers", but he also found it interesting.

After Cao Shujie took out the key and handed it to Cao Shuchao, he took the four dogs and went home for dinner.

By the time he came back from home on his electric bike, it was already an hour later.

His father, Cao Jianguo, also came with him to help.

Cao Shujie came here mainly to tell Cao Shuchao what he should do. The work was not complicated. To put it bluntly, it didn't have much technical content.

But if you don't understand what you're saying and act in a confused manner, problems can easily arise.

"Brother Chao, when you are not busy, you should also walk around the old orchard. If you see any dead branches and leaves, just cut them off and throw them on the ground."

"Also in the new orchard area, see if any fruit saplings are not good enough and just pull them out, and we'll replant them."

"Shujie, what do you do with those flowers you planted outside?" Cao Shuchao really couldn't make up his mind.

Cao Shujie gave him the right words: "They're all the same. Brother Chao, if you see any bad ones, just pull them out. I'll find someone to replenish the seedlings."

Thinking about the scene they saw when they went to Huaxi Mountain, Cao Shujie looked at where he could still see the bare mountains, and said: "Brother Chao, I may plant some more flowers later, and let them see as much as possible.

It looks prettier."

"These things can't be sold for money, so why are you spending money to grow them?" Cao Shuchao couldn't understand the reason, but he still reminded Cao Shujie dutifully.

“Wouldn’t it look better if you plant more?”

Cao Shujie said: "When spring starts next year, our mountains and plains will be filled with flowers of various colors. Brother Chao, think about how beautiful they will be."

Thinking of the scene of a hundred flowers blooming, a bright smile appeared on Cao Shujie's face unconsciously.

Cao Shuchao was also imagining that scene in his mind, but he had seen relatively few flowers and couldn't imagine that scene.

Cao Jianguo had already gone to the breeding area to spread fodder. He picked up the cow dung and processed it together, and then spread it on the ground after it was dried.

Cao Shujie brought Cao Shuchao over and told him how to mix the feed for cattle? What is the ratio of various feed raw materials? When to feed cattle feed and when to feed it grass?

Each step of this has strict regulations.

Cao Shuchao listened very carefully at this time. He did not dare to be slack or sloppy in the slightest, for fear that due to his own negligence, he would do something wrong, causing heavy losses to Shujie's brothers, and he would die without redemption.

Throughout the morning, Cao Shujie took Cao Shuchao to get familiar with this place and every step of the operation.

For example, pruning dead branches and leaves in the orchard was very easy for Cao Shuchao. Cao Shujie didn't need to teach him, he could do it himself.

Cao Shuchao also pointed to the cow dung in the breeding area and the dead branches and leaves fallen from the old fruit trees and asked Cao Shujie: "Do we want to add soil and fertilizer? If so, I will start doing it."

"Brother Chao, do you know how?" Cao Shujie asked.

Cao Shuchao nodded heavily and said with a smile: "When I was working, I specially prepared soil fertilizer for others for a period of time."

This thing sounds easy, but the work is very dirty, and many people are not willing to do it. Instead, they go to the labor market to find someone to do it. Cao Shuchao learned how to do it at that time.

Unlike those fastidious people, Cao Shuchao only needs to make money. It doesn't matter to him whether he is dirty or not.

Cao Jianguo laughed. He and his son had made soil fertilizer together before, but the materials were limited and the quality of the product was average. He wanted to see what Cao Shuchao could do.

Then he said: "Shu Chao, then we two will start tinkering this afternoon."

"Uncle, we need to collect some more animal excrement, the more the better." Cao Shuchao really understood.

On Cao Shuchao's first day at work, before he started doing other work, he started to mess around with dirt and fertilizer.

Cao Shujie is also very supportive. After all, all the fruits on the fruit trees have been picked and sold. The next step for Cao Shujie is the process of cultivating the land.

He knows very well that the land is the same as people. If something is lacking, it must be supplemented with corresponding nutrients. Only if you treat it well can it nourish fruit trees and fruit saplings with richer nutrients in the coming year, allowing them to grow better.


"I will also grow some grass." Cao Shujie told his father and Cao Shuchao his plan.

In addition, he also needs to buy strawberry seedlings during this period to prepare for transplanting and planting.

Cao Shujie is looking forward to the scene of successive harvests in his orchard after next spring.

When buying strawberry seedlings, Cao Shujie immediately thought of Ji Guangyou, who had previously sold him kiwi fruit seedlings.

He then called Ji Guangyou. After Ji Guangyou answered the phone, the two chatted for a few minutes before Cao Shujie got to the point and asked him about the strawberry seedlings.

"Boss Cao, to be honest, I don't have any strawberry seedlings here, but I can introduce you to someone who specializes in cultivating strawberry seedlings. How many seedlings do you need?" Ji Guangyou asked him.

Ji Guangyou didn't take this matter seriously at first, but when he heard Cao Shujie say on the phone that he wanted to plant strawberry seedlings on 20 acres of land, Ji Guangyou exclaimed in surprise.

He said: "Boss Cao, why did you buy so much?"

Although Ji Guangyou has never cultivated strawberry seedlings, he also knows something about strawberry seedlings.

Under normal circumstances, one acre of land requires at least seven to eight thousand strawberry seedlings, and the price of each strawberry seedling is more than 40 cents."

If Cao Shujie dares to do this project, he must have understood the relevant input and output.

I also know that the investment in growing strawberries is not low.

Calculated based on the current conditions and including various expenses, the average investment per mu of land is about 6,000 yuan, which is quite a lot.

If he wants to get some good varieties of strawberry seedlings, the investment cost will be one to two thousand yuan higher.

For Cao Shujie, planting strawberry seedlings does not necessarily require the most expensive ones. He chooses the most suitable ones.

The person Ji Guangyou introduced to him who cultivated strawberry seedlings was named Niu Guangming.

When he first heard this name, Cao Shujie wanted to ask Ji Guangyou, are you both from the same generation?

Fortunately, he controlled his garrulousness this time and did not talk nonsense.

When Cao Shujie expressed his desire to visit Niu Guangming, Ji Guangyou didn't even consider it and said directly: "Come to me and I will take you over to have a chat with him."

This made Cao Shujie very happy!

He knew very well that at the critical moment, there was a big difference between being introduced by acquaintances and not being introduced by acquaintances.

Early the next morning, after Cao Shujie greeted his father, Cao Jianguo, he drove to Ji Guangyou's home in Dalius Town.

After the two met, Cao Shujie wasted no time and asked Ji Guangyou to get in the car. He drove directly to Haisha Town, where Niu Guangming was located, according to Ji Guangyou's instructions, which is also an economically powerful town under Pingyuan County.

At Niu Guangming's place, Cao Shujie saw many different varieties of strawberry seedlings. He bent down and carefully felt each type with his hands, and finally selected one of the strawberry seedlings that cost 6 cents per plant.

While at Niu Guangming, Cao Shujie also learned a lot of valuable experience in growing strawberries from him.

For example, after decomposing cow dung, it can be used as a base fertilizer for strawberry planting.

Cao Shujie's place was most in need of this stuff. He nodded frequently and recorded all the practical experience Niu Guangming told him so that he could use it when he returned.

I'll try my best to write another chapter, but I can't finish Sixteen Thousand Today^_^

This chapter has been completed!
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