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Chapter 155: Want to make a lot of money (6100 words) Good night!

 "I really want to go up there." Cheng Xiaolin actually wanted to go up there and sit down for a while.

Who doesn't have a young heart? Besides, her life was very difficult when she was a child, and she never played so many new tricks.

But she is thin-skinned, not as thick-skinned as her husband, and is embarrassed to try anything.

"Go up." Cao Shujie urged her again.

Mengmeng was sitting on the sled, also urging her: "Mom, come up quickly, it's so fun."

Cheng Xiaolin couldn't resist the encouragement and finally sat on it. When the two of them covered their legs with a small quilt, Cao Shujie threw the dog ropes tied to Daha and Erha to his wife.

But Cheng Xiaolin couldn't hold back this time and asked him: "Don't you want to hold the dog?"

"Honey, why are you so timid?" Cao Shujie said.

After all, seeing his wife's nervous look, Cao Shujie obediently took the dog leash, led the two dogs in front, and walked down the slope towards the dam.

Daha and Erha were walking very steadily on the beggar's sled, but Cao Shujie was in vain. There was more and more snow under his feet, and he started to slip when he walked. The short distance from the bottom to the top of the river dam

Along the way, Cao Shujie slipped and fell twice, so that half of his body was covered with snowflakes.

At first, Mengmeng thought her father did it on purpose and made her laugh.

But later when she saw her father was unstable and fell down, she began to worry, and she stretched out her little hand to greet Cao Shujie: "Dad, come up too."

Cao Shujie really wanted to go up, but the force of pulling flat on the main road was different from walking up the slope. His wife and children were all on the sled, so he didn't dare to try.

Cheng Xiaolin saw that the two dogs pulling the beggar's sled were indeed moving very steadily. She felt relieved this time. When she saw her husband fall down for the second time, she also wanted him to sit up.

But before they had time to say anything, the field of vision in front of them suddenly became wider, and they had already reached the dam.

Looking farther to the east, you can see the vast expanse of white over there. The Yellow River is covered with ice caps, and the ice caps are piled with snow. The sky and the earth seem to be rendered white. After looking at it for a long time,

Even my own heart becomes purer.

They didn't look at it for long before Mengmeng, a naughty child who didn't understand appreciation, shouted to his father to leave quickly.

The snow on the dam had not been pressed down yet, so Cao Shujie considered safety issues and did not occupy the middle road, so he led the two of them along the roadside and walked forward slowly.

"Honey, what do you think of this sled I made?" Cao Shujie asked her.

"You're great, okay." Cheng Xiaolin was too lazy to say. She expressed doubts about the quality of the sled when she was down there. Who knew that because of this, her husband asked her twice, trying his best to prove that the sled she made was fine.

Cao Shujie smiled "hehe" and felt a little proud: "Small sample."

After almost half an hour, they heard the village loudspeaker start singing Peking Opera again on the dam. They didn't even have to listen to it, they knew it was the village committee convening everyone to collectively clear the snow.

"Honey, Mengmeng, let's go down to work first, and then come up and play tomorrow." Cao Shujie said.

Cheng Xiaolin nodded and agreed, but Mengmeng was not happy and had to continue riding the sleigh.

Cao Shujie told her: "Mengmeng, let's go down and build a snowman. Dad will build a big snowman for you, okay?"

As soon as Mengmeng heard about ‘snowman’, she immediately agreed happily.

She didn't even want to sit on the sled anymore. She stood up and wanted to run home by herself. Fortunately, Cheng Xiaolin caught her quickly with her quick eyes and hands. Otherwise, with Mengmeng's two moves, she would have been more likely to roll down the dam.

The section from the first tenth intersection in the north of the village to the bottom of the dam in the east was covered by Cao Shujie.

The couple were busy with shovels and brooms. Mengmeng was squatting on the ground on one side, using a set of plastic molds to make snowballs, small houses, little people, and various animal models. She had a great time playing.

Before the couple finished, his father Cao Jianguo and mother Wang Yuelan came over to help her.

When Mengmeng saw her grandparents, she shouted loudly: "Grandpa, grandma."

"Hey, Mengmeng, what are you doing?" Wang Yuelan asked her.

Mengmeng pointed to the row of houses she had pressed out, the little man and Snowball, and said proudly: "I build houses, and there are people, grandma, I must be great."

"We are so cute," Wang Yuelan said.

Cao Jianguo also praised her.

Mengmeng smiled proudly and continued working.

After finishing the work, Cao Shujie and his father Cao Jianguo built a chubby snowman for Mengmeng, stuck a carrot on the round head, and selected two coals of similar size from the coal at home, and pressed them on the

The top of its nose serves as eyes.

Mengmeng looked at the snowman who was getting more and more beautiful, and kept clapping her little hands happily: "Grandpa, Dad, you are so awesome."

Cao Jianguo laughed heartily. He felt happy no matter how tired he was.

Cheng Xiaolin ran home, took out her camera, and took a few photos of Mengmeng and Snowman alone, as well as a group photo of the whole family.

Thinking about how busy and depressed she was in the capital, Cheng Xiaolin felt that she still liked her current life.

It’s a very comfortable life, not depressing!

You don’t have to think about getting up early to go to work every day, and you don’t have to think about getting off work soon. You have to finish the work at hand.

She is not the kind of person who cares about the world. In her opinion, it is enough that her family is healthy and safe. She does not seek wealth, but her husband's ability to make money seems to be unexpected.

In the evening, at their new home, Cheng Xiaolin and her mother-in-law were busy having dinner together and chatting continuously, but most of the topics centered on Mengmeng.

Cao Jianguo and his son Cao Shujie were sitting in the living room. The father and son talked casually. Cao Jianguo said: "Your uncle called me. If nothing else happens, they will come back next Saturday and stay at home overnight."


"Okay, dad, do you think you should eat at home or go to a restaurant in town?" Cao Shujie asked his father.

But before his father could respond, Cao Shujie suggested again: "I suggest eating it at home. If possible, I will go buy some fresh beef and mutton two days in advance next week and make some other things. I guarantee it will be no worse than what you get in a restaurant."

"Can you do it with your cooking skills?" Cao Jianguo was very doubtful.

Although he was doubtful, Cao Jianguo nodded and said, "I'll eat it at home as you said."

"Okay." Cao Shujie nodded: "Dad, just stay with me when the time comes. It's convenient."

Cao Jianguo did not refute this point.

At that time, on his son's side, anyone who feels sleepy after dinner can go directly to rest. If he is on his side, he will have to go this way again, which is really troublesome.

It was just after nine o'clock after dinner, and the snow on the ground outside could not be removed cleanly, and it was frozen solid due to the low temperature.

Cao Jianguo and Wang Yuelan wanted to leave, but Cao Shujie was really worried. He went out and tried it out, but almost slipped and fell. He was so blind that he didn't say anything to let his parents go back.

"It's only a small distance in total. Let's walk slowly. It'll be fine." Cao Jianguo was very stubborn.

But Cao Shujie was still worried, and Mengmeng also held her grandma's hand and refused to let her go out.

"Mom, please stay here today, otherwise we won't go to live with you." Cheng Xiaolin said.

After saying this, Cao Jianguo and Wang Yuelan stopped talking about leaving. This was also the first time that the couple lived in their son's new home.

In the blink of an eye, a week slipped through my fingers.

The sun has been very good these days, and the snow on the main road has melted away. There is still a little snow in the dark corners of the house, and I don't think I will survive this weekend.

Taking advantage of the big market in Qingshi Town, Cao Shujie drove his wife and children to the town to attend the market.

In a few days, his grandfather will be back. Then the uncle and his two cousins ​​will also be back. Cao Shujie has to prepare some ingredients in advance.

He has already thought about what to cook then.

Beef, mutton and pork are essential.

Mengmeng was wrapped like a big rice dumpling, leaving only a pair of eyes looking around.

Cao Shujie wanted to hug her, but Mengmeng refused to let her go and had to leave by herself.

"Dad, what is that?" Mengmeng pointed to the booth in front where candy figures were being made, and asked curiously.

"That's a candy man, do you want it?" Cheng Xiaolin thought her daughter was asking for it.

But she thought wrong, Mengmeng shook her head: "It's so ugly, I don't want it."

"..." Cheng Xiaolin didn't know what to say. She also noticed that her daughter seemed to have different preferences from other children.

She prefers to play more exciting games, such as dog sledding, which is something that no one else has, and she has a lot of fun playing it.

However, Cheng Xiaolin had no intention of buying her a candy figure at first, and was just worried about finding an excuse to refuse. Who knew that Mengmeng took the initiative and said she didn't want the candy figure, but it was exactly what she wanted.

It’s easier this time!

"Shujie, where should we go shopping?" Cheng Xiaolin asked her husband.

Cao Shujie thought about Li Jiagan's stall, pointed in one direction and said, "Over there, there is a stall that sells mutton quite reliably."

"Is this the one who gave sheep to our family before?" Cheng Xiaolin asked him.

"Yes, the ones sold by Uncle Gen are reliable." Cao Shujie said.

Cheng Xiaolin felt strange and asked him: "He is familiar with our father?"

"My dad used to sell kiwis and apples here, and he was very close to Uncle Gen." Cao Shujie said, "I asked my dad and they have known each other for more than ten years."

"Oh!" Cheng Xiaolin nodded, without asking any more questions, holding Mengmeng's hand and walking forward behind her husband.

Not long after, we arrived at Li Jiagan's stall.

When he came over, Li Jiagan was busy cutting beef for two people. When he turned around and saw Cao Shujie, he recognized it at a glance: "It's Xiao Cao. I rarely see you coming to the market."

"Uncle Gen, I'm usually busy and not many people come here." Cao Shujie said with a smile.

Li Jiagan smiled, pointed at the meat in his hand, and said, "You guys wait a moment while I finish weighing this portion."

"Uncle Gen, you are busy first, I am not in a hurry." Cao Shujie said.

Not long after, Li Jiagan finished weighing his portion, collected the money, and came over with a smile to greet Cao Shujie and his family of three.

Cheng Xiaolin also shouted "Uncle Gen". When it was Mengmeng's turn, she didn't need Cao Shujie and Cheng Xiaolin to urge her. She also shouted: "Uncle Gen."

"Haha!" Li Jiagan laughed. He knew that children are easy to learn words, so he must have just followed his parents and didn't pay attention.

Cao Shujie was a little embarrassed, so he quickly taught his daughter: "Mengmeng, call me grandpa."

"Grandpa!" Mengmeng shouted again, making Li Jiagan laugh.

"Good boy, what kind of meat do you want to eat? I'll cut a piece for you and take it back to your father to stew it for you." Li Jiagan was so happy.

As soon as he finished speaking, Cao Shujie waved his hand: "Uncle Gen, you can't do it."

"The child is fine." Li Jiagan said, "I'll put it in for you later."

He then asked: "Xiao Cao, what do you want to buy today? Or order another whole sheep?"

Cao Shujie waved his hand: "Uncle Gen, my grandpa will come back in a few days. Cut some good meat from beef and mutton for me, and get some meaty sheep, scorpion and steak. I will go home and stew."

He feels that cooking at home is a real thing and doesn't involve all those frivolous things.

"Your grandfather?" Li Jiagan thought of a person and asked, "Uncle Tiger is coming back?"

"Yes!" Cao Shujie nodded: "The Chinese New Year is coming soon. My grandpa has to go back to his hometown to celebrate the New Year."

"Hey, Xiao Cao, if you didn't tell me, I would have almost forgotten that the Chinese New Year will be celebrated in less than a month." Li Jiagan said in surprise. He muttered: "No wonder the price of meat has increased again recently."

"It's just that year after year passes faster and faster." Cao Shujie felt deeply.

He felt that especially after starting a family and having a child, he saw that the child was getting older day by day, and the clothes he bought for Mengmeng unknowingly outgrew her, and then he realized that she had grown taller again.

According to Cao Shujie's request, Li Jiagan specially selected a place for him to cut.

Then he put the steaks and lamb scorpions he wanted into the other two bags, and said, "Xiao Cao, the meaty lamb scorpions here are not big enough. Can I give you more steak?"

"How about you wait two days and I'll get more when I come over."

"Uncle Gen, no need, just give me more steak. It must be meaty." Cao Shujie warned him.

Only then did he remember to ask: "Uncle Gen, what's the price now?"

Cheng Xiaolin rolled her eyes at the side. She had never seen anything like this. They have already packed the items, and if you ask for the price, even if it is another vendor, you can’t buy it!

"How should I put it? The price of beef has been rising in the past few months. Good meat here sells for 21.3 yuan now." Li Jiagan told him: "You can't buy beef that costs more than ten yuan."

He didn't say too specific, but Cao Shujie knew that water-injected beef would be much cheaper.

He won't buy that either.

Speaking of this, Li Jiagan asked him: "Xiao Cao, I remember you raise cattle there, right? Then you've caught up with the good times."

As he spoke, he had an envious expression on his face.

Cao Shujie nodded with a smile: "I raised 50 of them, but they are too small now, only weighing more than 600 kilograms. They will not be ready for slaughter until next summer or autumn. Who knows what the price will be next year."

"It's not a big problem. I've been hearing them say recently that the price of beef will go up next year. If you sell it next year, you might make more money." After Li Jiagan finished speaking, he became even more envious.

"What about pork? How's the recent price increase?" Cao Shujie asked casually.

Then I heard Li Jiagan say: "It must be because the Chinese New Year is coming soon. Anyway, the price of pork this month has increased a lot compared to last month."

"Oh!" Cao Shujie nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

After weighing it, he paid, but he still wanted to buy other things, so he said to Li Jiagan: "Uncle Gen, I have to go inside to buy some fish and vegetables. I'll come back and get them when I leave later."

"Okay, you can come over at any time." Li Jiagan put aside the bags he weighed for Cao Shujie.

Watching them walk in, Li Jiagan was still thinking about contacting Cao Shujie in advance next summer and asking him if he could sell the 50 cows.

The price of beef has been rising for several months, which will inevitably lead to a rise in the price of slaughter cattle and calves, which will have a chain reaction.

But precisely because of the rising price of beef, many farmers who feed cattle are reluctant to sell their cattle, thinking that if they keep them at home for a few more days, they might get a higher price later.

You must know that a cow weighs more than 1,000 kilograms when it is released. For farmers, even if the price increases by 50 cents per kilogram, they can earn at least 500 yuan more in total. This is not a small amount of money.

It is precisely because of this that people like Cao Shujie, who raises 50 cows, are very popular.

Not to mention Li Jiagan, there are still people who are also watching, but the time has not come yet, and they know that even if they buy it now, Cao Shujie will not sell it.

Cao Shujie didn't know about this. He walked in with his wife and children, bought some vegetables, fish, and fruits, and then walked back with his things.

When passing by a place selling snacks, Cheng Xiaolin asked him if he wanted to buy some more melon seeds and peanuts.

"Go to the supermarket in front and buy it." Cao Shujie pointed to the big supermarket in front and said.

Cheng Xiaolin didn't ask any questions and followed him forward.

When passing by Li Jiagan's place and picking up the meat, Cao Shujie felt that his hands were heavy.

Cheng Xiaolin still wanted to help him, but Cao Shujie refused: "Honey, there are many people in the gathering, you just have to like Mengmeng."

As she was walking, Mengmeng suddenly pointed to a place selling toys next to her and shouted: "Mom, look!"

"Dad, look!"

She took her mother's hand, pressed her foot on the ground, and stopped walking.

Cao Shujie, who was walking in front, was stunned for a moment, turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

"She wants to buy toys." Cheng Xiaolin was helpless. She had bought so many toys for her, but she just threw them aside after a few days.

Cheng Xiaolin often thinks that her husband is the one who earns the money, otherwise it will be difficult for others!

Cao Shujie's fingers were pinched by the things in his hands and he had a headache. He said, "You buy one with her. I will put the things in the car first and then come to find you."

The parking place is still more than 100 meters away from here, and Cheng Xiaolin also knows that it is very difficult for her husband to carry so many things.

He said: "After you put your things down, go directly to the supermarket and buy some peanuts, melon seeds, and candy. Don't come over here. We will go there after we finish shopping."

Cao Shujie thought it was okay, he didn't show any pretense and walked forward by himself.

Twenty minutes later, the couple reunited, and Cao Shujie drove the couple to Caojiazhuang.

Mengmeng was also holding a puppy toy in her hand and was having a lot of fun playing with it.

On the way, Cheng Xiaolin asked him: "Shujie, did you hear just now that the price of beef has increased a lot?"

"Well, the price of beef has gone up a lot, but the price of slaughter cattle may not go up much. Let's wait and see next year." Cao Shujie was not naive.

But he had a hunch that the price of calves might rise a lot.

After all, we have seen that when the price of beef increases, there will be more cattle farmers, which will drive up the price of calves. This is an undisputed thing.

After going through this matter in his mind, he did not tell his wife.

According to Cao Shujie's thinking, his side is currently imperfect in all aspects, and the truly perfect state should be self-propagation and self-support.

But he is also working hard on the road to perfection. When everything is perfect in the later stage, he will leave his hands and accompany his parents, his wife and children to play everywhere.

"I really hope it's faster." Cao Shujie thought to himself.

Mengmeng was very dishonest in the car. Sometimes she would sit next to her mother, and sometimes she would lean forward to chat with her father. Fortunately, Cheng Xiaolin kept her arms around her body to prevent her from running around.

Cao Shujie was not driving very fast, so they were not in a hurry and walked home slowly.

When we got home, it was not eleven o'clock. Cao Shujie took down the things and Cheng Xiaolin took the prawns she had just bought and prepared to make lunch.

Mengmeng just made a fuss about eating shrimp at the market. Eating is a good thing. Cao Shujie also hopes that she can eat more.

He also bought some more shrimps and kept the rest to entertain his uncle the day after tomorrow.

After finishing her work and letting her daughter play at home, Cao Shujie went to the orchard on the mountain, where his fathers Cao Jianguo and Cao Shuchao were busy.

Cao Shujie looked at the 50 cows and said to his father and Cao Shuchao: "Dad, Brother Chao, I just came back from the market. I just heard from my uncle Gen that the price of beef has increased a lot."

"Okay, if you raise the price more, you will be able to sell it for more money." Cao Jianguo didn't say a word in this regard.

Cao Shuchao also said: "Shujie, I also heard that the price of beef has been rising."

"Even the price of pork has begun to rise. I guess it will increase a lot next month." Cao Shuchao actually doesn't want to see the price increase of meat the most.

He also thought about buying more meat during the Chinese New Year this year to have a good year, but who knew that the prices of beef and pork would start to rise a month in advance.

That is to say, the current price of mutton has not increased yet, but Cao Shuchao is very worried that in a while, when the prices of other meats increase, mutton will also be driven up, and the price will rise accordingly.

Cao Shujie smiled: "Brother Chao, I guess Uncle Hua is quite happy now. Do you believe it or not?"

No need to ask, Cao Jianhua hopes that the price of pork will increase soon. If the price of pork can be doubled, he will definitely be happier. At worst, he will not eat pork this year.

He bought piglets at a high price of 45 yuan per kilogram in September. By November, the price of the piglets had dropped to 28 yuan per kilogram. If the price did not increase, Cao Jianhua would really cry.

The fact is just as Cao Shujie thought. Cao Jianhua now sees that the price of pork changes every few days, and he starts to feel happy again, but he doesn't show it on the surface.

He is now afraid that on the eve of the Chinese New Year next month, the price of pork will plummet again. Not only will his happiness be in vain, but he will also have to suffer huge financial losses.

Raising pigs this time was full of twists and turns, and it was hard on him.

Cao Jianhua is frightened when he thinks about breeding now. After this round of clearance, he really doesn't want to raise anymore.

But what should we do after investing so much money into a well-established pig farm?

I’ve also paid rent for 5 years, and it’s not even half a year yet. I’m heartbroken!

I went out for a walk with my wife and children today. I came back late, but I have finished writing this ten thousand.

Good night!

This chapter has been completed!
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