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Chapter 158 Cute healing smile (400.01 million)

 The second brother Cao Shuxin, who is doing business by himself, is more down-to-earth. He asked a very simple question: "Brother, your investment here is not small, right? How much income can you make in a year?"

Cao Shujie didn't hide it. He pointed here and said, "Brother Xin, it's hard to say this."

Cao Shuxin thought that his cousin didn't want to discuss money-related issues, so he was thinking about changing the topic. The next moment, he saw his cousin raising his hand and pointing around him, focusing on himself.

"Brother, let's just talk about the area in front of us. I have contracted a total of 78 acres. This year, just for the basic investment and seedling investment, the total investment will be almost 1 million."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the area to the north and said: "There are 117 acres of mountainous land over there with barbed wire guardrails. I also invested and contracted it. The rent alone is nearly 700,000. It has not been officially used yet. Just these various

The scattered investment has already amounted to hundreds of thousands. If we add various things later, the money will not be calculated."

"..." Cao Shuxin was silent.

Forget about him, the eldest brother and two sisters-in-law next to him also fell silent after listening.

Uncle Cao Jianlin did not expect such a large investment in the seemingly inconspicuous orchard in front of him. He asked his younger brother Cao Jianguo: "Jianguo, I remember your investment was not that big before, right?"

"Brother, mine is different." Cao Jianguo pointed to the surrounding barbed wire guardrails and said, "Shujie invested almost 200,000 in this guardrail alone. He also spent tens of thousands to drill holes in the mountains and build wells on the ground.

It cost more than RMB 200,000 to bury these pipes, and there are many others. Why did I need to do so many tricks at that time?"

Second sister-in-law Ren Jingjing's family also has more than ten acres of land, which grows conventional agricultural crops such as corn and wheat. They only buy things like fertilizers and pesticides normally, and they don't invest as much as their cousin Cao Shujie said.

"Brother, your combined investment is already 2 million. You made a lot of money during those years in the capital." His eldest brother, Cao Shubin, teased him.

Cao Shujie rubbed his forehead and said with a mixture of laughter and tears: "Brother, what are you thinking? In order to operate normally after I contracted these two pieces of land, the loan alone was more than 3 million, and I will have to pay it off in three years."

It would be a lie to say that he was not under any pressure.

Hearing his cousin say that the loan was more than 3 million yuan and that it would have to be paid back in three years. Zhang Yi and Ren Jingjing, the two sisters-in-law, felt the pressure on their faces the moment they became sisters-in-law.

Both of their families had mortgages, but they only amounted to two or three hundred thousand. They thought it was a lot before, but now compared with their cousin's, their small loans are nothing.

Cao Shubin was not simply frightened by this number. He became more and more curious about one thing: "Brother, if you invest so much, how much money can you make this year? Can you get back the investment?"

Cao Shujie shook his head: "It's hard to say."

"Brother, look at the kiwi fruit saplings and apple saplings over there. They were just planted this year. They won't be able to bear fruit next year. This means that these fruit trees will have no income for at least two years, but they will not earn any income the year after.

It shouldn’t be a big problem to pay back the loan.”

"Over at the strawberry garden, if nothing else goes wrong, we should be able to sell it at a good price next spring, as well as the kiwis from the old orchard." Cao Shujie was talking when he suddenly heard a "moo" sound, but it was Cao Shuchao who was there.

Spreading feed to the cattle caused more than a dozen cattle to scream impatiently.

Then he turned and looked at the north and pointed to the eldest brother. The second brother and the others said: "And over there, I raise 50 cows. It's a coincidence. The price of beef has been rising in the second half of this year. I'm thinking about it next year."

It can be sold at a good price.”

When Cao Shuchao saw brothers Cao Shubin and Cao Shuxin, they chatted enthusiastically for a while.

Only then did Cao Shubin know that his cousin had hired a long-term employee. No matter how you looked at it, his cousin did have long-term development intentions.

When they came down from the mountain, they were still discussing what they had seen and heard in the orchard.

None of them expected that such an inconspicuous orchard would have such a huge investment.

Before they were done, their cousin threw in almost 2 million.

If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, you can't even imagine it.

On the other hand, brothers Cao Shubin and Cao Shuxin thought that if they could earn an income of one million yuan a year in the countryside, they would also like to abandon the slightly depressing life in the city and return to the countryside.

But the problem is that they know very well that even if they come back, they will not be able to do what their cousin has done.

The elder sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law have not seen the Yellow River freeze, and they want to go to the dam to have a look.

Cao Shujie and the others were all drunk, so they definitely couldn't drive. Besides, it wasn't very far, so they ended up walking there.

Cao Zhenghu has watched the Yellow River all his life. In his early years, he used to punt boats on the Yellow River to make money and support his family. However, he was not interested at all there and went home to rest.

It had only been a year since he had been at Lao Er's house, and Cao Zhenghu couldn't understand why there had been such a big change in Lao Er's house.

After returning home, Cao Zhenghu felt something different as soon as he entered the house and said, "The sun is almost setting. Why is it warmer in the house than in the morning?"

"Dad, we burned the heater ourselves. The sun was good in the morning, so we didn't turn it on." Cao Jianguo brought his father and eldest brother to the small room where the heating boiler was placed, and pointed to the boiler inside and said to them.

"Sometimes the sun is not good, so Shujie keeps the boiler burning all day long. The house is indeed quite warm." Cao Jianguo said with a smile.

At this moment, Cao Jianguo simply wanted to share everything his son did with his old father and elder brother.

After Cao Shujie and the others came back from the Yellow River, Cao Jianlin looked at his nephew with admiration and didn't know how to praise him.

The elder sister-in-law Zhang Yi and the second sister-in-law Ren Jingjing walked to the Yellow River for a walk. When they came back, they felt a little tired and wanted to rest for a while.

Even the brothers Cao Yichuan and Cao Yixin, who were usually so lively, were now tired and lacked energy.

There was still some time before dinner, so Cheng Xiaolin took them upstairs and asked them to rest for a while.

As I walked, I said to my two sisters-in-law: "Sister-in-law, our home has just been renovated not long ago, and the bed and bedding were just purchased at the home furnishing mall in the center of Yiling. There may still be some smell that has not been dissipated."

"Oh, I really caused trouble for you." Sister-in-law Zhang Yi said embarrassedly.

Cheng Xiaolin waved her hand and said: "It's okay, we are all a family, sister-in-law, why are you so polite?"

Seeing the two nephews following behind, Cheng Xiaolin asked them: "Yichuan, Yixin, you two also find a room and stay by yourself at night."

At this time, the advantage of having more rooms at home is further highlighted, which is freedom.

Even Mengmeng who was following behind heard her mother say this and shouted: "Mom, I also want to live by myself."

When her daughter mentioned this issue, Cheng Xiaolin said to her, "You're not good enough yet. You're too young. Just wait."

"No, I'm an older child." Mengmeng firmly disagreed.

Seeing Mengmeng's wide-eyed mischief, several people laughed.

After looking at several houses, Zhang Yi felt envious from the bottom of his heart and asked her sister-in-law Cheng Xiaolin: "Linlin, how much square footage does your house have?"

"The two floors add up to more than 300 square meters. I didn't ask for details," Cheng Xiaolin said.

Zhang Yi estimates that he also has this number.

Moreover, the more than 300 square meters at home is real, unlike buying a building outside, and there is at least ten percent of the shared area.

If calculated at 300 square meters, dozens of square meters of public stalls would be gone. It’s a trap!

Except for the master bedroom, the remaining rooms are similar.

Zhang Yi and Ren Jingjing definitely didn't choose the master bedroom. In the end, they chose two rooms near the north wall. They have heating and are not afraid of the cold.

Brothers Cao Yichuan and Cao Yixin chose a room and planned to chat all night long.

When Cheng Xiaolin brought Mengmeng down from the second floor, Mengmeng was not happy, saying that she was tired and wanted to go back to the bedroom to rest for a while, but Cheng Xiaolin always felt that she would be more trouble-making.

Downstairs, Cao Zhenghu was sitting and drinking tea in the living room. It could be seen that his physical fitness was indeed good. He started riding in the car in the morning, went around the orchard after lunch, and still didn't feel tired yet.

Or maybe he knew that his eldest son and two grandsons were going back tomorrow and wanted to take advantage of this time to chat with them more?

Cao Shujie was also accompanying them, watching his grandfather chatting with them. It was only then that he found out what the two cousins ​​were doing specifically when they calmed down to chat.

In Cao Shubin's words, he is a department manager in a foreign company's factory, and his monthly salary is fixed, more than 10,000 yuan.

The only change is that there is a profit dividend at the end of the year.

In a better situation, it can be divided into 100,000 and 80,000 yuan. In normal situations, it is only 40,000 to 50,000 yuan. In addition, the salary is increased every year.

According to the cousin, as long as there are no major problems in the company, his job is really good. It can ensure a good harvest despite droughts and floods. The key is to create surprise year-end profit dividends from time to time.

The two pieces add up to about 300,000 yuan. Not to mention in Anyi City, even the ordinary classes in the province are well off.

As for the more than 60 people in charge of his department, Cao Shubin knew very well that they were nice in name, but in reality they were nothing.

On the contrary, it is not as good as the only employee at his cousin's side. These are two different natures.

However, Cao Shujie was quite optimistic about the business that his second brother was doing. When he heard his complaints, he advised him not to just look at the short-term gains and losses, but to take a long-term view.

Suffering a loss is nothing more than learning a lesson and gaining experience in advance. At least if you encounter the same problem next time, you will consider it carefully.

Cao Shuxin also knew this truth. He was just fooled by the last seller and felt unhappy.

As for the money lost, Cao Shuxin was heartbroken for a while. Now that there are some stable delivery channels, this loss will be made up soon. Cao Shuxin didn't pay much attention to it.

"Shujie, if your fruit is ripe, where will you sell it?" Cao Shubin was still curious.

Hearing his cousin say that he usually picked fruits, and the second one was that a dealer who specialized in purchasing high-quality fruits came to buy his fruits in bulk, Cao Shubin felt that his cousin was really mixed up.

Cao Shujie also took out the remaining apples for them to taste.

The apples had been stored for almost two months, but the water in the apples was still sufficient and the taste was still very good. The two brothers ate two of them. Cao Shuxin asked him: "Shujie, do you have any more apples? Put some in for me."

Take it with you.”

"Second brother, don't worry." Cao Shujie assured.

I planned to eat part of the remaining 400 kilograms by myself and share the rest with relatives and friends.

At the end of the day, Cao Shubin and the others were actually quite tired. After dinner, they went upstairs to rest without chatting for long.

After having breakfast at home the next morning, Cao Shubin and the others were ready to leave.

There are still some things to deal with in Anyi City, and brothers Cao Yichuan and Cao Yixin also have a lot of unfinished homework.

Cao Shujie saw that he couldn't persuade them, so after telling his mother, he started to prepare things for the uncle and his two cousins ​​to take home.

What kind of flour, cornmeal, noodles, home-grown apples, etc., these pure local products, Wang Yuelan also gave them a bag of home-grown vegetables.

Brothers Cao Shubin and Cao Shuxin wanted nothing, but Wang Yuelan said, "Take it with you. There is no shortage of food at home. You have to pay for everything you eat out."

"Your brother also said that he should grow more vegetables and get more when you come back next year."

"Auntie, please take care of yourself." Cao Shubin said.

His father and mother divorced when the brothers were very young. In a sense, the brothers were a single-parent family with many shortcomings.

When they were young, their aunt Wang Yuelan made them clothes and prepared food and drink for them.

Some things may be ignored, but some feelings will never be forgotten.

When they were about to get in the car and leave, uncle Cao Jianlin suddenly walked up to grandfather Cao Zhenghu, knelt down without any warning, and kowtowed three times to Cao Zhenghu: "Dad, I'm leaving. I'll pick you up next year."

"Go back. I'm in good health. Don't just hang on to me or walk away." Cao Zhenghu pulled his eldest son up from the ground. Cao Shujie found that his grandfather's eyes were a little cloudy.

Cao Jianlin stood up and then said to his two sons and grandson: "You also go and kowtow to your grandpa."

"Don't play with these vain things." Cao Zhenghu wanted to stop them, but Cao Shubin and Cao Shuxin moved quickly with their sons.

A few minutes later, the car had gone away, but Cao Zhenghu still stood there, unwilling to go home for a long time.

Just like his mother looked at him when he returned to the capital after the New Year.

Cao Shujie was accompanying him at the door and asked his parents to go back first.

"Dad, I am also accompanying grandpa." Mengmeng raised her little face, and the smile on her face was very cute and pure.

This very healing smile made Cao Zhenghu’s mood instantly improve.

He bent down and looked at Mengmeng and said to her: "Little clever guy, what do you want to do?"

"Grandpa, let me play with you." Mengmeng said.

She is young and does not think too much when speaking: "Grandpa, let's play the game of riding a big horse."

Cao Shujie's face turned dark when he heard this. With his grandfather's physique, no matter how good he was, Cao Shujie didn't dare to let him bend over for a long time. What did Mengmeng want to do!

Fifteen thousand on Saturday, pay off the previous two days!

This chapter has been completed!
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