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Chapter 164 Mengmeng, you are not worrying at all (4200) Yesterday

 Oh my god

It was already very late, and the last table of customers in the store besides Cao Zhen had already paid and left.

The chefs and waiters in the store also went home from get off work, preparing to come back tomorrow to clean up the mess.

Cao Zhen watched Patiguli close the door of the hotel and was about to go back to the rental house where he was staying temporarily.

But before she left, she heard Patiguli say: "Zhen, let's go for a walk together?"

"Okay, let's go!" Cao Zhen agreed simply and neatly.

At this moment, the low temperature, which averaged more than ten degrees below zero, did not pose an obstacle. The two of them walked slowly along the streets of the small county town.

Because it was too late and the temperature was very low, there were not many people on the streets.

Patiguli looked forward and asked, "Are you really not planning to come back after you go back to celebrate the New Year?"

"Not necessarily, we'll see what happens when the time comes." Cao Zhen said.

Patiguli hesitated several times. Cao Zhen also noticed that the expression on her face was a bit strange and asked her: "Patiguli, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay!" Patiguli shook her head.

Cao Zhen said with a smile: "If you have anything to say, just tell me. Which one of us will follow the other?"

Patiguli was amused by him: "Am I that familiar with you?"

Cao Zhen nodded seriously: "Of course, Patiguli, to be honest, I have been living in the shop for more than two months, and I watch you work every day."

He really dared to say that this was the first time Patiguli knew that he had such a hobby: "Watching me work, are you happy?"

The next moment, Patiguli raised her leg and kicked Cao Zhen without any warning. She was a loser.

But she didn't notice that there was ice formed by accumulated water on the ground. As soon as she raised her leg, her other foot stepped on the ice. The sole of her foot slipped and her body suddenly slid forward.

Cao Zhen was also confused about this unexpected situation.

He couldn't watch Patiguli fall without saving her.

She was still thinking of countermeasures in her mind, but her body had instinctively leaned forward. One hand was slung across the body to hug Patiguli, and the other hand was also hugging Patiguli's waist. Finally, Patiguli fell down.

In front of him, he relied on his body's instinct to hold her in his arms.

This sense of fulfillment makes Cao Zhen, a bachelor who has not been in a serious relationship for so many years, doubt her authenticity!

Afraid of becoming empty again the next moment, Cao Zhen kept holding on and wouldn't let go.

Patiguli was also a little confused. She never expected that things would turn out like this, but she also enjoyed the feeling of being hugged tightly by Cao Zhen.

After a while, Patiguli blushed and said, "Cao Zhen, you, please let me go."

"I'm afraid you'll fall again." Cao Zhen said.

"It's okay, I stand firm." Patiguli said.

Cao Zhen reluctantly let go of her, but he didn't know what was going on. As soon as he let go, Patiguli hadn't stood firm yet, and her body leaned forward again, and Cao Zhen was right in front of her.

It was like Tigulli threw herself into his arms.

Cao Zhen blinked. He didn't believe it if it wasn't intentional.

He hugged her this time and did not let go. He still had the nerve to say, "Patiguli, your feet don't feel right? How about I carry you on my back?"

But Patiguli nestled in Cao Zhen's arms and shook her head: "I'm fine, I'm fine."

She didn't want to get up either.

Both of them consciously ignored this matter and hugged each other and moved forward.

It lasted almost an hour. Although both of them were wearing thick down jackets, the cold was still unbearable after a long time.

"Patiguli, it's too late today, I'll take you home first." Cao Zhen said proactively.

There has been a bit of chaos here recently, and it was so late, so he was worried about Patiguli going back alone.

"Okay." Patiguli nodded and agreed.

Patiguli's house is not very far from here. Cao Zhen was about to leave after sending her home. Patiguli suddenly called him: "Cao Zhen, why don't you come up and sit down?"

"..." Cao Zhen was stunned at that time. In his opinion, this was more like a signal.

Looking carefully at Patiguli's face, which was even whiter under the light, Cao Zhen suddenly asked her: "Patiguli, I may have fallen in love with you, do you like me?"

It was direct enough, but Cao Zhen could feel that Patiguli liked him.

Sure enough, Patiguli nodded: "A little bit."

"Then will you go to my hometown with me?"

This question has always been in Cao Zhen's heart, and he has been unable to let it go for a long time.

He was sure that he really liked Patiguli, and not just because she was beautiful.

Of course, he did not deny that he first fell in love with Patiguli when he saw her beauty and knew she was single.

Cao Zhen had not dared to confess his feelings for such a long time because he was afraid that after he exposed this layer of paper, the vague feelings between the two would be gone.

After all, the distance between Xinjiang and his hometown of Pingyuan County is more than 3,000 kilometers, which is no joke.

Patiguli was not prepared at all. She asked, "Cao Zhen, is this important?"

"It's very important to me!" Cao Zhen looked at Patiguli without blinking his eyes. He said seriously: "I'm not afraid of your jokes. You are the first woman I really like. If you agree, I will

I am here to marry you, can you understand?"

Patiguli understood, and she also felt like she was suddenly enlightened.

Suddenly, she thought about many things. She clearly felt that Cao Zhen liked her, but Cao Zhen had never said anything to express his love. So that was the problem.

What makes Patiguli even more incredible is another thing: Cao Zhen has never been in love.

Cao Zhen was a little disappointed when she didn't answer: "Patiguli, aren't you willing to follow me to my hometown?"

He said: "There are my relatives and good friends there..."

"But if I go there with you, I will have nothing, right?" Patiguli said this. She has not become brainless because of love.

"But you still have me!" Cao Zhen said smoothly.

After finishing speaking, the atmosphere at the scene became a little stagnant, and neither of them spoke anymore.

The cold wind blew and woke up the two people who were in a daze. Although they couldn't get the ideal answer, Cao Zhen still didn't want the person he liked to freeze here. He urged Patiguli to go upstairs, and he was also going to

Go back to your rental house.

But at this moment, Patiguli tilted her head and asked him: "Cao Zhen, do you have a suitable place to open Xinjiang Hotel over there?"

Hearing her question, Cao Zhen was about to turn around and raise his leg to step forward. He was still standing with one leg on the ground and the other leg was hanging in the air. When he turned around, his body leaned forward slightly and almost fell.


At this moment, Cao Zhen's mind worked surprisingly well, and he suddenly understood the meaning of Patiguli's words.

Turning around suddenly, Cao Zhen looked at Patiguli with a look of ecstasy, and said seriously: "Yes!"

"Cao Zhen, come to my house and tell me about the situation there in detail." Patiguli said proactively.

Cao Zhen understood what Patiguli meant. He felt it was a bit embarrassing. As a man, he should be more proactive.

"Your parents are at home. It's so late. Is it appropriate for me to go up?" Cao Zhen asked her.

Who knew that Patiguli said very freely: "My parents are no longer here, and I have always lived alone."

She doesn't think it's anything, she just misses her in her heart!

Cao Zhen didn't expect Patiguli to have such a life experience, and he had never asked about her before. Seeing her stubborn look made Cao Zhen feel a little distressed.

Cao Zhen followed her up, and the two of them talked by candlelight at night. One thing that Cao Zhen had been struggling with disappeared in this way.

Cao Zhen also told Patiguli: "I may come back to manage these thousands of acres of cotton after the year, but it shouldn't be too long."

"Cao Zhen, I may not be able to accompany you back to your hometown this year." Patiguli said apologetically.

Cao Zhen shook his head, especially after the two of them made their relationship clear and went further, this was not a problem.

Cao Zhen asked her: "We can go back together when we have time after the new year. Is that okay?"

"Okay!" Patiguli agreed happily.

The Spring Festival is getting closer, and Cao Shujie has been busier recently.

He had just come out of the Yiling Rural Commercial Bank branch in Qingshi Town, with credit manager Ma Changrong following him.

Ma Changrong also wanted to ask Cao Shujie to have lunch together, but Cao Shujie still had several houses to visit, so he waved his hand and refused.

He took the initiative and said: "Manager Ma, let's get together again after the new year. Then we can choose a good place and I'll treat you."

"Okay, Boss Cao, I'll wait for your call." Ma Changrong now values ​​Cao Shujie even more.

Cao Shujie is an absolutely high-quality customer in the entire Qingshi Town, and he has done this at such a young age, which further highlights his ability.

Watching Cao Shujie get into the car and leave, Ma Changrong thought about what the two had just talked about, and he also lamented that sometimes no one can compare.

In less than a year, Cao Shujie has developed so fast. He is really riding a high-speed train.

After Cao Shujie finished delivering the things, it was getting late. Thinking of his parents, wife and children at home, he thought he should go home and take a look.

Ten minutes later, the car parked in front of the house. Before entering, I heard Mengmeng's cheerful laughter.

"Grandpa, look, frog, croak, croak." Mengmeng imitated the frog's cry and looked very lively.

When Cao Shujie went in, he saw his daughter squatting on the ground, leaning forward, with her hands on the ground, imitating the hopping of a frog.

You want to say that she is very smart, but sometimes Mengmeng will do things that make you dumbfounded.

"Mengmeng, what are you doing?" Cao Shujie asked as he walked into the house.

When Mengmeng heard her father's voice, she didn't even stand up to greet him. She said to him without looking back: "Dad, I'm learning how to jump like a frog and show it to grandpa."

I have to admit, she just has the ability to make grandpa Cao Zhenghu happy.

Cheng Xiaolin had just finished washing the clothes and put them on the radiator on the second floor. The clothes could be completely dried overnight.

When she came down from upstairs, she saw that her husband had come back and asked him: "Shujie, are you done?"

"There are still a few transfers that haven't been completed. I'll be busy for half a day tomorrow and we'll be almost done." Cao Shujie said.

Hearing what he said, Cheng Xiaolin nodded: "It's a good idea if you don't go out. We are going to buy some New Year's goods for the New Year."

"Okay!" Cao Shujie agreed.

"Shujie, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, why don't you buy some benefits for Brother Chao?" Cheng Xiaolin asked him.

When I used to work, during the holidays, the school would buy new year goods.

Her husband's employer also gives out a lot of benefits during the New Year and holidays.

Now that her husband is paying wages to someone else, does this need to be considered?

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard her husband say: "I have already planned this. I must buy something affordable for Brother Chao."

"When we go shopping for New Year's goods tomorrow, we will buy them for him together." Cao Shujie said this.

Cheng Xiaolin didn't ask her husband what he wanted to buy. Seeing that he remembered this, she didn't ask any more questions.

When he got up early on the second day, Cao Shujie went to walk his dog on the dam of the Yellow River as usual. Seeing the big dog, the second dog and the two German shepherds having fun around him, Cao Shujie felt quite proud.

It was too cold on the dam, and fewer and fewer people came over. Cao Shujie let them loose the leash and let them run around for a while.

He also thought about how this kind of life would be possible in the city.

The Chinese New Year is less than ten days away, and during these busy days, it feels like time is passing faster and faster.

In Caojiazhuang, the New Year atmosphere is getting more and more intense.

After returning home with the four dogs, Cao Shujie tied them up. After breakfast, he called his mother Wang Yuelan and asked her if she was going to the market to buy new year goods.

"I'm not going. You go ahead. Buy more and save me the trouble of making another trip." Wang Yuelan said.

She has now looked back. Her son is right, no matter which aspect, he cannot be too serious.

After hearing what his mother said, Cao Shujie said no more.

While he was still packing his things, Mengmeng couldn't wait to call him: "Dad, let's go quickly."

Cheng Xiaolin stuffed everything into the 'mommy bag', came over and opened the car door, and first carried Mengmeng into the car.

Cao Shujie said to her: "Mengmeng, why are you in a hurry? Let's go there a little later. At least there's a place to park."

"Just think about good things. If you can stop the car within 1 kilometer, it will be good." Cheng Xiaolin rolled her eyes at him.

While she was talking, she also got into the car.

Cao Shujie said hello to his grandfather, but Cao Zhenghu even thought he was nagging: "I'm fine, please leave quickly. Why are you more nagging than an old man like me?"

Cao Shujie was disgusted. He rubbed his nose and got into the car and drove towards Qingshi Town.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and many people who work from other places are starting to return home one after another.

The last few big shows before the year were all the liveliest places in the countryside.

Qingshi Town Daji is the best among them. This is the second to last one a year ago. If the family is short of anything, there is no need to postpone it at this time.

For more than 10 minutes, Cao Shujie drove to the vicinity of Qingshi Town. He looked at the cars and tricycles parked on both sides of the road in front of him, and then at the crowds of people in front of him. It was impossible for the car to drive through.

"You are really right, we have to get out of the car and walk for a while." Cao Shujie was also speechless.

Looking ahead from here, it's at least a mile away, and Cao Shujie is also in pain.

Cheng Xiaolin was very straightforward. She put her 'mommy bag' on her back, took out a small cart from the trunk, and said to her husband: "You carry Mengmeng on your back, and we both move forward slowly. There are so many

People, you must keep an eye on Mengmeng and never get separated."

Just look at the crowds of people squeezing forward at the market, and if they get separated, nothing may happen.

"Mengmeng, you must not run around later, understand?" Cao Shujie warned his daughter.

Mengmeng nodded seriously: "Dad, don't worry."

"You don't reassure me at all." Cao Shujie complained.

Cheng Xiaolin couldn't help but laugh when she heard her husband's complaints.

Mengmeng was lying on her father's back. When she heard what his father said, she raised her hand to pull his father's hair, and even said: "Dad, you are annoying, I don't like you anymore."

I'm a little ashamed. I fell asleep while sitting in a chair while writing last night. I woke up at 4:30 and my neck hurt from sleeping.

Sorry to those who are waiting for updates!

This chapter has been completed!
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