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Chapter 191 This business savvy (6000) makes up for yesterday’s

 Tonight it was Zhuang Xuesong's turn to work the night shift. Normally, anyone working the night shift would eat some instant noodles, ham, braised eggs and other fast food in the orchard to survive the night. If it was not too troublesome, he would cook some vegetables for himself.

But Zhuang Xuesong had 1,935 yuan in his pocket, and he felt it was very unsafe. After much deliberation, he called his wife Cao Hongyan and told her to go home for dinner that evening.

"Didn't you say you were working the night shift tonight and wouldn't come back? I haven't cooked your meal yet." Cao Hongyan said on the phone.

Zhuang Xuesong didn't care. He said, "It's okay. I'll go to the supermarket later to buy 2 pounds of pork head meat and take it back. I'll add some vegetables tonight."

"Are you crazy? A pound of pig head meat costs more than ten yuan, and you still buy two pounds?" Cao Hongyan scolded him on the phone. No one came to their home as a guest, so that's not how they spent their money.

She said, "Come back quickly and I'll fry some tomatoes and scrambled eggs for you. They'll be ready in a moment."

"You can do it. I just got paid today, so I'll just eat tomatoes and scrambled eggs." Zhuang Xuesong finally said, "That's it. I'm going to buy some pork head meat. Do you have any cucumbers at home? Wash them, smash them and put them in a basin.

Wait and pound some more minced garlic."

After finishing speaking, Zhuang Xuesong hung up the phone and went directly to Cao Jianhua's supermarket to buy 2 kilograms of pork head meat. After paying, he put the car on the handlebar and headed towards Zhaozhuang Village.

In about ten minutes, Zhuang Xuesong rushed home by bicycle. As soon as he entered the door, his wife came out of the house and asked him: "Have you paid your salary? How much is it?"

After hanging up the phone just now, Cao Hongyan finally understood the key points.

When her husband took out a stack of banknotes in a plastic bag, Cao Hongyan held the stack of money and took it out to count, wondering: "How much is this? Was it issued by mistake?"

This number is different from what she calculated.

"You old lady, don't beep if you don't know. My monthly salary is 1,935 yuan. What's the problem?" Zhuang Xuesong walked towards the house with the pig's head.

He said: "I'll spend 30 yuan to buy pork head meat, and you can tell me if it's okay."

He is very tough now.

Cao Hongyan couldn't care less about his purchase of pig head meat at the moment. She felt something was wrong. When she returned to the house, she saw her husband cutting the pig head meat with a knife, so she went over and asked him: "Lao Zhuang, this amount is wrong.

You haven’t been in school for a full month in total…”

"You are still not convinced that you have long hair and short knowledge." Zhuang Xuesong looked like he was very powerful. He took a knife and cut the pig head meat twice, and said: "I have worked 26 daytime shifts, and it is still worth it."

I worked 6 night shifts, and I worked 24 hours a day on the night shift. Counting two days’ wages, there was also a night shift subsidy of 10 yuan a day, and a bonus of more than 100 yuan. Are you right?"

What he said was very thorough. Cao Hongyan did a quick calculation and found that the amount of money was correct. However, she muttered in surprise: "Lao Zhuang, according to this, the wages here are not low."

"How did I know that besides salary, there are so many benefits, more benefits than I had when I worked in a factory? Do you believe me?" Zhuang Xuesong said.

If the money hadn't been given to him, he wouldn't have believed it.

He put the chopped pork head into a small basin and saw two washed cucumbers next to it. He took it and smashed it into pieces with a knife and put it in the basin. Then he poured some minced garlic and soy sauce on it.

, vinegar, sesame oil and five-spice noodles, and then said: "Honey, it's time to eat, hurry up and eat meat."

"Lao Zhuang, you eat more." Cao Hongyan said.

At Cao Shuchao's house, after Cao Shuchao came back from the orchard and handed today's salary to his wife Ma Wenqian, Ma Wenqian was also shocked.

Last month, there were many days, and the New Year bonus was high, so I only received more than 1,900 yuan. This month, there are only two days less, so why did I get 600 yuan more?

Ma Wenqian really couldn't figure it out, so she asked her husband.

When Cao Shuchao said that he worked 12 night shifts, it also meant that he worked 24-hour shifts on 12 days, and both were calculated as two days' wages.

Ma Wenqian knew what was going on. She felt very uncomfortable when she looked at Cao Shuchao, who was holding two steamed buns and a piece of pickled vegetables in his hands.

The money for love is also exchanged for time.

The only good thing is that they can sleep when they work the night shift. As for working 24 hours a day, no one can stand it.

Seeing her husband wolfing down his meal, Ma Wenqian thought about how much work she had done today. Why was she so hungry when she just came back?

But before she could ask, Cao Shuchao continued happily and said: "Honey, look at my brain, I forgot to tell you something more important."

"What's the matter?" Ma Wenqian temporarily forgot to ask her husband how tired he was today, and was particularly curious about the more important things her husband said.

Then she heard her husband say: "Shujie held a meeting for the three of us today and said that starting from next month, we will be given a salary increase."

"Add 5 yuan a day, hehe!" When Cao Shuchao thought about this, he felt very happy. He took two big bites of the steamed bun, chewed it dry and swallowed it without drinking water, which almost choked him.

Seeing him like this, Ma Wenqian quickly poured him a glass of water to drink, and said to him: "You can't eat slower."

"Hey, I'm so happy." Cao Shuchao said.

Seeing that her husband had finally recovered, Ma Wenqian continued to nag him: "Look at your little potential. Adding 5 yuan will make you happy like this."

"What do you know, you old woman? I'm talking about an extra 5 yuan a day, not a month." Cao Shuchao said to his wife unceremoniously.

He also said: "If you think about it as a 30-day month, that's an extra 150 yuan."

"Now there are three of us working, and each person works an average of 10 days of night shifts. This is another 50 yuan."

Ma Wenqian finally understood the account, and she exclaimed: "My dear, this means an extra 200 yuan per month, which is more than 2,000 yuan a year. Why did Shujie add so much money to you?"

"What do you know? How can you understand Shujie's vision?"

Ma Wenqian: "..."

At the same time, a similar scene happened at Zhu Shengliang's home.

At this time, Zhu Shengliang and his wife Zhang Hong also felt that their man's choice was the right one, and she also told her husband to do a good job with Cao Shujie and never do anything half-hearted.

At this time, at Cao Shujie's house, his family was eating around the dining table.

Cao Shujie talked about giving Cao Shuchao and others a salary increase.

"You didn't add much," Cheng Xiaolin said after calculating the sum.

Cao Shujie shook his head: "Honey, you can't say that, a 9% increase is not low."

"Besides, we are not a one-time deal. If you have a salary increase this year, will you increase it next year? If you increase the salary in one go, what will happen next?" Cao Shujie is not a saint. He has his own standards for doing things.

Cheng Xiaolin served her grandfather Cao Zhenghu a bowl of millet porridge. She did not discuss her husband's salary increase for employees.

Instead, he took the initiative and said, "Shujie, I heard today from Aunt Fengying that Brother Zhen is getting married at the end of the month. Do you know this?"

"Well, he didn't tell me. I'll give him a call after dinner and ask." Cao Shujie said.

He said: "Cao Zhen said some time ago that he would hold a wedding in our orchard, but he always said that he had not set a time. Has it been set now?"

His mother Wang Yuelan said: "Your aunt said it was just decided."

"Okay, let's eat first." Cao Shujie said.

He hurriedly finished his meal and took his mobile phone to call Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen must have been busy, he didn't answer the first call.

A few minutes later, Cao Shujie called again, and Cao Zhen answered the phone this time.

"Cao Zhen, I heard that you..."

"It's just the right time for you to call me. I was thinking of calling you to say something." Cao Zhen stopped him.

He didn't show off and said directly: "Shujie, I will hold a wedding on the ninth day of the third month of the lunar calendar and March 30 of the solar calendar. I will take Patiguli back a week in advance and the wedding will be held in your orchard. Is that okay?


"Just come." Cao Shujie said.

He asked: "Did you take wedding photos?"

Cao Zhen said: "Not yet, I'm a little tight on time, so we took the wedding photo here."

"Can you develop the photos in such a short time?" Cao Shujie asked him.

Cao Zhen said with certainty: "There is no problem with this. Patiguli found her friend to wash it out for us as soon as possible after the filming."

Then Cao Zhen talked about other arrangements, which were all trivial matters. Cao Shujie asked him: "Did the team look for it? Do you want me to look for it for you?"

"My mother has been looking for this at home. Just clean up the mountain." Cao Zhen said.

The two of them made a quick phone call. After talking about the main things, they stopped talking nonsense.

Cao Shujie hung up the phone and walked to the living room. His wife Cheng Xiaolin cast a curious look: "How is it? Is it true?"

"Well, the wedding is on March 30th according to the Gregorian calendar, so there is less than a month left." Cao Shujie told his wife.

Wang Yuelan nodded after hearing this: "Speaking of which, at your age, Brother Zhen, you should have gotten married and had children long ago."

Cao Shujie didn't answer. This reminded him of the time when he had just graduated and started working. He was not yet married at that time. His parents were also urging him, fearing that he would be single for the rest of his life if he was too late to find someone.

After Wang Yuelan and Cao Jianguo finished their meal, they played with Mengmeng for a while and then left.

Grandpa Cao Zhenghu was also a little sleepy and went to his room to rest.

Cao Shujie and his wife Cheng Xiaolin carried their daughter to the second floor. Mengmeng came up and had to go up the stairs by herself, otherwise she would not go up.

She was so stubborn, Cao Shujie and his wife had nothing to do with Mengmeng, so they let Mengmeng walk in front of her. The couple followed closely behind Mengmeng to prevent Mengmeng from rolling down again.

Fortunately, Mengmeng reached the second floor smoothly, and the couple followed her into the bedroom.

Mengmeng just came up and took a few steps. It was the most exciting time and she didn't want to sleep yet.

Cao Shujie had no idea. He walked up and down the second floor with her in his arms. He was so angry when he saw Mengmeng looking at him with her eyes wide open, or turning her head to look elsewhere, refusing to close her eyes to sleep.

"Shujie, put her down and let her play by herself," Cheng Xiaolin said.

With the words of his wife, Cao Shujie didn't care.

The couple sat and talked.

Cao Shujie talked about how he found out that Cao Zhen was coming back in late March, and Cheng Xiaolin also told him to make the orchard tidier by then.

"Shujie, I have some ideas?" Cheng Xiaolin said abruptly.

Cao Shujie subconsciously looked at his wife, then at Mengmeng who was still running around in the room, and leaned close to his wife and whispered: "Wife, do you want it? Wait until Mengmeng falls asleep."


Cheng Xiaolin wanted to vomit blood, but her husband didn’t listen to anything!

Without any warning, her hand pliers reached Cao Shujie's waist, grabbed a piece of meat and twisted it hard.

This move was so vicious that Cao Shujie bared his teeth in pain and couldn't help shouting.

Mengmeng, who was playing, subconsciously turned around, looked at Cao Shujie and asked, "Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Cheng Xiaolin glared at Cao Shujie, used the pliers harder, and threatened him to try.

What else could Cao Shujie do? He endured the pain and said, "Mengmeng, it's okay."

"Really?" Mengmeng still didn't believe it, and intuitively told her that her father was hiding something from her.

The next moment, she ran over to check it carefully, and then Cheng Xiaolin pulled back the pliers.

"Good girl!" Cao Shujie kissed his girl's little face twice.

"Haha!" Mengmeng refused to leave and stayed in her father's arms unable to get up.

Cao Shujie followed her lead and asked his wife seriously: "Wife, what did you just say?"

"Brother Zhen is going to hold a wedding in our orchard." Cheng Xiaolin expressed her thoughts.

"In the past two days, I have started taking videos of the growth of fruit trees and flowers in the orchard. If Brother Zhen holds a wedding here, I will also take some photos from the side and upload them together in the video. Do you think it's okay?

"Cheng Xiaolin is looking forward to it.

She said: "At that time, it might be able to bring additional rental income to our orchard for the wedding venue."

"It really doesn't work. With so many people coming here, there must be a few of them who will buy some fruit, right?"

When he heard his wife's idea, Cao Shujie didn't think she was naive, but after thinking about it seriously, he said, "I think it will work!"

"Honey, let's not talk about it, you are really smart and can turn corners quickly!" Cao Shujie praised her.

Cheng Xiaolin was as happy as a flower when she was praised. She pretended to be modest: "It's not bad, it's just a flash of inspiration."

"But you have to tell Brother Zhen that I won't take pictures from the front. I'll just take pictures of the entire wedding ceremony from the side." Cheng Xiaolin said specifically.

Cao Shujie understood what she meant and nodded, thinking that it was too late today and would call Cao Zhen tomorrow.

The couple were chatting when they suddenly felt quiet in the room. Cao Shujie looked down and saw Mengmeng sleeping in his arms.

I don’t know what delicious food she dreamed about, her little mouth was squirming, and drool was drooling from the corners of her mouth.

"I just know how to eat." Cheng Xiaolin said to her softly.

Cao Shujie carried Mengmeng to the bed and let her lie down to sleep.

When he turned around, his wife had already taken her clothes and towel to take a shower.

Cao Shujie lay on the bed and looked at Mengmeng, fearing that she would wake up again, but Mengmeng was sleeping soundly. He even turned over, facing the wall, and made a "whirring" sound from his mouth.

"Hey!" Cao Shujie was silly for a while. Hearing the sound of running water coming from the bathroom, he became irritable.

I walked over with my bath towel and underwear.

Life is dull, and sometimes it needs a little romance or ritual flavoring, otherwise couples who have spent decades will end up living like brothers.

Cao Shujie didn't understand this truth before. He was obsessed with research, getting projects, and making money. He thought that giving his wife and children a better material life would secure everything.

But the reality is otherwise. Without good communication, the ordinary life has been eroded by the daily necessities of firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea for a long time. People may quarrel over trivial matters.

Cao Shujie was baffled before, but now he understands this truth.

The room was dark, and after a tiring struggle, his wife also fell asleep.

Cao Shujie looked at his wife's peaceful smiling face in the moonlight outside the house. He was so happy that he smiled even in his dreams.

The night passed like this. Cao Shujie woke up the next morning, carried a small bag and training tools, and led Daha and the others out.

Just arrived at the river dam in the east, it was the quietest time. Cao Shujie untied the ropes of the four dog brothers and patted their dog heads: "Go ahead and come back after a while. We will continue today."


"Oh!" Daha looked up to the sky and roared at the moon that had not yet set.

This caused Erha to howl as well.

The more I look at it, the more it looks like the ancient ancestral genes have awakened.

As the third and fourth eldest children, Dahei and Xiaohei also subconsciously said "woof" twice. Dahei had already run out, and Erha followed behind and ran forward, and the two of them also ran behind.

Four dogs were running wildly in the dark night before dawn, and from time to time there were barking sounds with a savage air. The momentum was so devastating that no one dared to underestimate them.

Cao Shujie also thought that if the dog thief came to their place again, there would be no need to call anyone this time, and the four brothers would take care of it.

When Daha and the four brothers returned to Cao Shujie after running for almost an hour, dawn dispelled the darkness and the sun in the east revealed a small head.

Cao Shujie called Daha and the others over and continued training on catching the Frisbee.

They are also very happy to play this game.

"Daha, go on." Cao Shujie shouted.

Daha looked at the Frisbee flying forward. It crossed its four legs and stepped on the ground as it ran forward.

"Oh!" He caught the Frisbee accurately.

Daha turned the dog's head, feeling a little proud, and winked at Cao Shujie.

When this is shown on a dog's face, it looks particularly funny and cute.

After Cao Shujie saw it, he couldn't help laughing.

As we were talking, unexpectedly another person came up from the dam.

"Uncle Hua, why do you have time to hang out on the dam?" Cao Shujie was puzzled.

The man who just came over is Cao Jianhua. He is empty-handed. It seems that he has been quiet recently.

Cao Jianhua was not surprised to see Cao Shujie walking his dog here. Most people in the village knew that Cao Shujie was walking his dog on the dam in the morning.

He said: "I couldn't sleep, so I went out for a walk."

"Uncle Hua, what's the matter?" Cao Shujie felt that it shouldn't be the case.

Then I heard Cao Jianhua say: "My brother will graduate in June this year. Then he will have to consider getting married and buying a house. There is a lot of money to spend. I am wondering whether I should engage in breeding?"

He has not started working since he sold all the pigs before the Spring Festival.

Speaking of which, Cao Jianhua was still a little scared. The price of pork dropped so sharply a year ago, but it rebounded because of the Spring Festival, and he finally made a small profit.

But he was not sure whether the price of pork would continue to drop again: "Shujie, what do you think of the pig market this year?"

"Uncle Hua, I really can't give you any advice on this." Cao Shujie said.

He said: "Let alone what the market will be like in three or four months, I can't even tell what the price of pork will be next month. There are too many unexpected factors."

In the past, Cao Jianhua would have thought that Cao Shujie was perfunctory.

But after experiencing that incident, he understood that what Cao Shujie said was the truth. The more this happened, the more entangled he became: "What about raising cattle? What do you think?"

"In the long run, it's okay, it's relatively stable." Cao Shujie said.

He bought another 136 calves, but he couldn't open his eyes and tell lies.

If he batches this early, it will be ready for sale at the beginning of the new year. With the "Spring Festival market", he might even make a lot of money.

However, if Cao Jianhua starts raising them now, the earliest they will be released to the market will be after the Spring Festival, and then there will be another uncertainty.

When it comes to money matters, Cao Shujie will not help him make decisions easily.

Cao Jianhua was not a person who didn't understand anything, so he did not continue to discuss this issue.

Watching Cao Shujie training dogs, Cao Jianhua was also envious: "These dogs of yours are really good dogs!"

"Uncle Hua, as long as this dog is well trained, it will be useless if it is not well trained." Cao Shujie said.

He said: "As long as there is nothing special, I take them out for an hour or two every day. It's like a child. You have to spend more energy to spend more time with them."

"That's right!" Cao Jianhua saw that after Cao Shujie threw the Frisbee, one of the German Shepherds called "Woof Woof" and chased the Frisbee.

When the Frisbee was about to fall, the chasing German Shepherd leapt over and accurately caught the Frisbee in mid-air. Then he turned over, leaped over and ran back as soon as it landed.

This scene made Cao Jianhua stare straight at him: "Damn, you're so awesome!"

He had no intention of raising a dog at first, but seeing this scene, he felt itchy again.

He also muttered: "When Jianjun's place gives birth to puppies, I will go hold one and play with it."

Speaking of this matter, Cao Shujie also remembered that Cao Jianjun had told him to call him when he had puppies.

"Uncle Hua, is Uncle Jun's puppy about to give birth?" he asked.

Cao Jianhua nodded: "Come on, it's just for these few days. Why, you still want it?"

"Dogs need to eat a lot." He reminded Cao Shujie specifically.

Cao Shujie chuckled: "It's okay, I can still afford it."

Cao Jianhua will not mention this incident.

When it was almost eight o'clock, Cao Shujie's cell phone rang. When he saw it was his wife, he answered the phone and said, "I'll go back right away."

After hanging up the phone, he separated from Cao Jianhua. He led four dogs down the dam and walked toward his home.

Cao Jianhua stood on the dam and looked at the Yellow River in the east. He was wondering whether to raise pigs or cattle?

Extremely confusing!

I'm really sorry. I fell asleep while writing yesterday. I got up at around four o'clock today and continued writing. I finally finished it.


This chapter has been completed!
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