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Chapter 281 Mengmeng, children should not pry into adult matters.

 (5100) Asking for monthly ticket

"Grandpa, come and chase me." Mengmeng pedaled hard on her pink mini bike in front of her.

She is now becoming more and more proficient in riding a bicycle, she is more courageous than when she first learned it, and her speed is naturally faster than before.

After a while, he left the old grandfather Cao Zhenghu and was ten meters away.

Cao Zhenghu's arms and legs were too old to catch up with her.

He shouted loudly from behind: "Mengmeng, please slow down and watch the car."

Fortunately, we are in the countryside, there are few cars, and if there are cars in the distance, we will basically slow down when we see children.

Mengmeng saw her grandfather getting further and further away from her. After the initial excitement passed, she stopped the car and waited for him to come over.

After seeing the grandpa coming, Mengmeng patted the back seat of her bicycle and said, "Grandpa, sit on it and I will take you."

Cao Zhenghu smiled and waved his hands and said, "That's not possible. Your car is too small, and Grandpa can't fit in it."

Hearing what the old man said, Mengmeng's eyes wandered back and forth, thinking about the problem.

After a while, she suddenly said: "Grandpa, then I will ask dad to buy me a big car, and I will take you out to play."

"What a big bicycle that is, Mengmeng. You can't ride it now. You have to grow up quickly before you can take me out on a bicycle." Cao Zhenghu gestured with his hands and said to Mengmeng.

But who knew that when Mengmeng heard what her grandfather said, she suddenly fell silent.

The expression on his little face is also particularly ugly.

Seeing his great-granddaughter sitting on the bicycle without saying anything, Cao Zhenghu was very puzzled. He thought his great-granddaughter was uncomfortable somewhere, so he quickly asked her: "Mengmeng, what's wrong with you? Does it hurt somewhere? Tell the grandfather quickly."


Hearing Cao Zhenghu's question, Mengmeng bit her lip and said unhappily: "Grandpa, I don't feel pain anywhere. I don't want to grow up."

"Why?" Cao Zhenghu became more and more confused as he listened. Many children look forward to growing up quickly so that they can go anywhere like other brothers and sisters.

He said: "Mengmeng, when you grow up, you can ride a bigger bicycle, drive a car, and eat a lot of good food."

"When the time comes, you can go wherever you want. No one can control you, and your father won't dare to talk about you. That'll be great!"

The more Cao Zhenghu said this, the uglier the expression on Mengmeng's little face became. Suddenly, Mengmeng burst into tears with a loud "Wow". She cried and yelled: "I don't want it, I don't want to grow up, if I

When I grow up, grandpa, you will no longer be here. I want grandpa to play with me all the time. I don’t want to grow up!"

Listening to Mengmeng's childish language and hearing her repeating the phrase "I don't want to grow up", Cao Zhenghu suddenly understood the reason. He only felt that his heart was being grabbed.

Looking at his great-granddaughter who was crying so hard, Cao Zhenghu was both relieved and extremely uncomfortable.

He reached out and stroked his great-granddaughter's little head, patted her back gently, and coaxed her: "Cute, be good, don't cry, isn't grandpa just playing with you?"

"But, but I want grandpa to play with me all the time." Mengmeng said.

Cao Zhenghu, a little girl who is just over three years old, doesn't even know where his great-grandson daughter got this information.

He is 82 this year, and when Mengmeng turns 20, he still has 17 years left.

Theoretically, if he was still alive at that time, he would be 99 years old.

It’s really just that when Mengmeng grows up, he will most likely be gone.

At this time, Mengmeng no longer wanted to play outside, and she shouted to go home.

Cao Zhenghu was also a little excited. He couldn't stay outside anymore, so he turned around and walked north while holding the rope on his bicycle. He also said: "Mengmeng, grandpa will take you home, okay?"

"Okay!" Mengmeng agreed.

The few tears on her face had not been wiped clean yet. She didn't know that Cao Zhenghu was also crying when he turned around and pulled her forward.

When he lived to be 82 years old, Cao Zhenghu thought that he had seen through everything in his life, and he also thought clearly that he had put aside all his fame and fortune, and he didn't care so much about life and death.

But at this moment, Cao Zhenghu suddenly wanted to live to be 100 years old. Watching Mengmeng grow up, it would be best to see her get married.


Cao Zhenghu took a deep breath and tried to calm down his emotions. He did not dare to look back: "Mengmeng, who told you this?"

"Grandpa, what are you talking about?" Mengmeng was a little confused and didn't want to understand.

"That's right, it's what you just said, 'When you grow up, grandpa will no longer be here.'" Cao Zhenghu asked her.

Mengmeng groaned: "I heard what Cao Bingbing and the others said."

Only then did Cao Zhenghu know where the culprit was. He pretended to be angry and reprimanded: "These bastards, if they don't study hard all day long, they just know how to curse me. I will go to their grandpa to argue with them in the afternoon."

Mengmeng didn't understand what he heard, and she didn't know that the old man was using these words to calm down his emotions.

Back home, Cheng Xiaolin saw her grandfather, daughter, and grandson returning home, and she was a little confused: "Grandpa, why did you come back so soon?"

Just after asking, before Cao Zhenghu could speak, Mengmeng shouted loudly: "Mom, I don't want to grow up, I want to play with my grandpa."

Cheng Xiaolin was confused when she heard this. She was still thinking about what happened to her daughter and what stimulation she received.

Then she heard her daughter shout again: "If I grow up, grandpa will be gone, and I don't want to grow up."

"..." Cheng Xiaolin finally understood at this time.

She looked at her daughter who was so innocent yet so serious, and she felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Grandpa Cao Zhenghu sitting on his official hat chair, taking a piece of paper from the table and wiping his eyes.

Seeing this, Cheng Xiaolin took out her mobile phone and called her husband.

After Cao Shujie answered the phone, before he could speak, Cheng Xiaolin said, "Shujie, come back quickly."

The tone was not particularly serious, nor did he say anything harsh, but Cao Shujie could still tell that there was something wrong in his wife's words: "Okay, I'll go back right away."

Cao Shujie led five small local dogs and trotted down from the orchard on the mountain.

When he returned home, he was breathing heavily.

He did not tie the dog leash immediately, but anxiously shouted into the house: "Honey, what happened?"

"Come in and talk." Cheng Xiaolin said.

When Cao Shujie heard that his wife's tone was normal, he felt relieved.

He first tied the five little local dogs in the kennel, then washed his hands and entered the house.

As soon as he entered the house, he noticed that his grandpa was not in the right mood. Mengmeng was lying on the sofa playing with toys alone. His wife sat next to him, pouring water for grandpa, and then looking at Mengmeng.

"What's going on? Grandpa, what's wrong with you? Let's go to the hospital and have a look." Cao Shujie said anxiously.

Why didn't his wife say anything about such a big thing just now?

Cheng Xiaolin saw her husband looking anxious, beckoned him to her side, and whispered what had just happened to her husband.

Cao Shujie was shocked after hearing this. He looked at his grandfather Cao Zhenghu and then at his daughter Mengmeng, who was sticking her butt out and playing with toys, and felt a little incredible.

Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with grandpa's health.

But this look surprised him even more. Is this still his girl who only knows how to be naughty?

Cao Shujie felt that the scene in front of him was particularly unreal.

He walked to his grandfather, squatted down, raised his head and held his grandfather Cao Zhenghu's hand, and asked in a low voice: "Grandpa, are you okay?"

"You kid, what can happen to me? Oh, Mengmeng is a good kid." Cao Zhenghu looked at his great-granddaughter with a kind face, unable to move his eyes away.

Cao Shujie looked back at his daughter, feeling that he didn't recognize her.

This little guy can do it. He can show off his face at critical moments.

"Mengmeng, come here." Cao Shujie called his daughter.

Mengmeng turned her head and looked at her father: "Dad, what are you doing? I'm playing!"

"Dad praises you!" Cao Shujie said with a smile on his face, he was so satisfied.

But Mengmeng didn't want to praise her. She said, "I don't care. I don't want to grow up anyway. I want to play with my grandpa all the time."

"Okay, your grandpa will live to be a hundred years old. When you grow up, grandpa will also play with you, okay?" Cao Shujie said.

Mengmeng couldn't believe it after hearing this. She put down the toy in her hand, turned around and looked at her father seriously: "Really? Dad, you can't lie to me, you are a puppy."

"Of course, dad won't lie to you." Cao Shujie promised.

He also said: "Mengmeng, daddy will take you to see sika deer now, will you go?"

"Dad, are grandpa going too?" Mengmeng asked.

Cao Shujie saw the expression on his daughter's face, as if she was determined not to go even if grandpa didn't go, so he said, "Your grandpa will go too."

"Grandpa, are you really going to see the sika deer?" Mengmeng specifically asked her grandfather.

She didn't believe what her father said.

Cao Shujie felt a headache, but didn't say much. Seeing that his grandfather agreed, Cao Shujie winked at his wife and motioned for her to pack her things.

After packing up, Cao Shujie called his mother Wang Yuelan and said something before taking his grandfather and his mother out together.

On the way, Cao Shujie tried his best to say some interesting things to attract Mengmeng's attention and make his grandfather laugh.

But what Mengmeng said really made Cao Shujie feel happy.

It's really not bad for Mengmeng to have such thoughts.

Mengmeng's previous naughty and mischievous behavior suddenly changed Cao Shujie's mind. He only felt that although his daughter was young, she had deep feelings buried in her heart.

She is so sensible!

Moreover, Mengmeng seemed particularly quiet while sitting in the car, which made Cao Shujie even more convinced that she had really changed her temper.

The more I think about it, the happier I feel.

They went to Shuangyang County in Liyang City next door, which is adjacent to Yiling City and not far from Pingyuan County. Although Cao Shujie started a little late, he still arrived in Shuangyang County before noon.

At this time, he did not rush to find Ren Yukun. Instead, he first found a high-end restaurant and took his grandfather, mother and daughter to have a special lunch together.

After eating and drinking, they returned to the car and turned on the air conditioner. Cao Shujie tilted the car seat down at an angle of 135 degrees and let his grandfather, wife and children rest in the car for a while.

Only then did he get out of the car and call Ren Yukun.

After waiting for Ren Yukun to answer the phone, Cao Shujie said: "Boss Ren, are you free this afternoon?"

"Boss Cao is here?" Ren Yukun asked him where he was and said he wanted to treat him to dinner.

"Boss Ren, we ate on the way. I'll go directly to your farm later." Cao Shujie took the whole family to dinner after arriving just now, just not wanting to trouble him.

The first time I came here, I didn’t even meet in person, so I had to drag my whole family to treat them to dinner. How embarrassing!

Ren Yukun didn't think so. He said: "Boss Cao, you are Brother Cui's friend, and you are also my friend. No matter whether you buy my deer or not, it is normal to have a meal."

"Boss Cao, where have you been?" Ren Yukun told Cao Shujie a place.

This place is in the Shuangyang County Industrial Park. There is a place called Shuanglu Breeding Farm. According to Ren Yukun, it is easy to find.

After Grandpa and the others had rested, Cao Shujie navigated directly there.

After he came over, he saw that the wall in one place was particularly high, more than two meters higher than other surrounding houses.

"Shujie, is that the one?" Cheng Xiaolin also saw a black rectangular sign hanging on the high wall, with 'Double Deer Breeding Farm' written in white letters on it.

"It should be over here." Cao Shujie drove the car directly to the wall.

He called Ren Yukun again, and not long after, Ren Yukun came out.

Only then did Cao Shujie see his true face in Lushan.

He looks to be about 40 years old, with a thin build, not particularly well-dressed, but has a very sincere face.

Ren Yukun was a little surprised when he saw Cao Shujie, Cao Zhenghu and Cheng Xiaolin who got out of the car and Mengmeng.

Is this a family outing?

"Boss Cao, who are these?" Ren Yukun asked proactively.

Cao Shujie introduced his grandfather, his wife, and daughter to Ren Yukun one by one, and then followed Ren Yukun into the Shuanglu Breeding Farm.

After entering, the first thing Cao Shujie saw was the sika deer running inside the fence that separated the yard.

When these sika deer saw them, they seemed to be frightened and immediately ran away, looking quite timid.

Cao Shujie was about to ask what was going on, but Ren Yukun seemed to understand what he was thinking, and said to him first: "This sika deer is timid. It is afraid of strangers when it sees it, and some even bump into walls, so you must pay attention to this when raising it.


"One more thing, do you think the walls in my courtyard are very high?" Ren Yukun asked, pointing to the four-meter-high courtyard wall.

Cao Shujie nodded. He was wondering just now, why did Ren Yukun build such a high courtyard wall? Is it to prevent others from peeping?

Then Ren Yukun told him: "The jumping ability of this sika deer is very strong. If you don't pay attention, they can jump over the two or three meter high courtyard wall. As long as they run away, you can't catch up!"

Cao Shujie looked at the sika deer running back and forth inside the barbed wire fence and thought to himself that this was a double champion of high jump and escape.

But Mengmeng had already been attracted by the sika deer at this time.

She saw a little sika deer running back and forth inside the guardrail. She kept staring at the little sika deer and said to her mother and grandpa: "Mom, grandpa, look, that's a baby deer."


"Yes, that's the baby deer. Mengmeng, don't you think it's cute?" Cao Zhenghu asked.

Mengmeng kept nodding her head and said, "Grandpa, the baby deer is so cute. I want it so much."

"Well, then tell your father that we can buy the baby deer back." Cao Zhenghu said with a smile.

He said: "By then you will be able to see baby deer every day."

Mengmeng thinks this is a good idea, and what the old man said is so right.

She hurriedly ran to her father, ignoring that her father was talking to Uncle Ren Yukun, pointing at the deer running around inside, and shouted loudly: "Dad, I want that baby deer."

Cao Shujie thought about when his daughter was sensible, and felt that he should satisfy her request. He nodded gently and said, "Okay, dad will buy you this little deer later, okay?"

"Okay, okay!" Mengmeng became happy.

She looked at her father expectantly, thinking about asking him to pay quickly.

Ren Yukun saw the little guy's expectant look and said, "Your name is Mengmeng, right? Don't worry, I will definitely send this little deer to your home."

"Hehe, thank you, uncle!" Mengmeng was very well-behaved, smart, and very discerning. She quickly thanked Ren Yukun.

This made Ren Yukun very happy. He almost blurted out: "This little deer is given to you."

Fortunately, at the critical moment, he could still remember that this little deer cost only 3,000 yuan, and he couldn't afford to give it away.

"Boss Ren, what should you pay attention to when raising deer?" Cao Shujie asked, and he didn't feel embarrassed at all.

When an expert is in person, you can definitely ask as many questions as you can!

Ren Yukun told him: "In addition to the high walls we just mentioned, the site must also ensure that the environment is leeward and sunny, with good drainage. It is best to have a convenient water source. The ground should be paved with stone slabs or cement to facilitate cleaning of feces."

"In addition, we must pay attention not to raise them together with cattle and sheep to prevent them from being contaminated by infectious diseases."

Upon hearing this, Cao Shujie quickly asked: "There are more than 100 acres of land next to me that are fenced to raise cattle. Is this okay?"

When Ren Yukun heard Cao Shujie mention this matter, he asked several questions carefully, and finally said: "It's okay, you are not the same person, the problem is not big."

"Besides, you must pay attention when eating. Deer don't need too fine feed. You can get him some pasture or other forage, which can also reduce the cost of feeding." Ren Yukun told him.

Then he pointed to the antler-bearing male deer inside the guardrail and said, "Boss Cao, have you seen it? This antler is also very valuable. We usually sell it by the gram!"

"If it grows well, this thing can produce two crops a year, usually weighing 3 to 5 pounds, which is a lot of money." Ren Yukun said.

Cao Shujie didn't know much about this area before. He looked at the male deer with antlers inside the barbed wire fence and wondered if there might be an unexpected harvest.

"There are also deer whip and deer blood. These can be brewed into wine. I don't need to mention their efficacy."

Seeing the smile on Ren Yukun's face that all men knew, Cao Shujie understood.

Who knew that Mengmeng saw it, and she asked in confusion: "Dad, what are you and uncle doing? You are smiling so ugly."

"It's okay, just go and see Xiaolu. Children, don't pry into adult matters." Cao Shujie said to his daughter seriously.

Good night, friends!

This chapter has been completed!
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