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Chapter 293 Shujie, is your computer broken? Why don’t you unplug it?

 Line Bar(4000)

In the evening, they ate at the farm restaurant.

Several people talked most of the time, and they didn't drink much.

At night, the farm restaurant at the north end of Caojiazhuang went from noisy to quiet, with the occasional sound of dog barking heard. Cao Shujie, Cao Jianlong, and Cao Zhengyin said goodbye to Wang Leigang and walked south together.

Wang Leigang did not go back to town tonight, but slept in the lounge set up at the farm restaurant.

Cao Jianlong and Cao Zhengyin walked south with Cao Shujie, and hesitated several times, but never mentioned the election again.

They separated at the fork in the road at the north end of Caojiazhuang. As Cao Shujie walked east, Cao Jianlong and Cao Zhengyin continued to walk south.

"Secretary Cao, go back and rest early." Cao Zhengyin said to Cao Jianlong as they passed another intersection.

"Uncle Yin, you should also go to bed early." Cao Jianlong told him.

Watching Cao Zhengyin walk towards home, Cao Jianlong warned him again: "Uncle Yin, there is one more thing."

"Secretary Cao, tell me!" Cao Zhengyin was confused.

Then I heard Cao Jianlong say: "Uncle Yin, I see clearly. Shujie has found a long-term financial path for us at Famous Restaurant. As long as Shujie does not fail, there will be no problems with the operation of Nongjia Restaurant.

The monthly dividends will not be missed even if you think about it. You are the accountant of Caojiazhuang, and every withdrawal of money must be properly accounted for. The money cannot be tampered with unless it is used for the renovation of Caojiazhuang itself! "

"Hey, Secretary Cao, don't worry, I will definitely take care of the accounts." Cao Zhengyin nodded heavily.

But he also said one thing: "Secretary Cao, given my age, I really don't have that much energy. After this term, I'm thinking of stepping down to take care of my grandson during the election. You can try and find a suitable one."

Let someone take over."

Hearing what Cao Zhengyin said, Cao Jianlong opened his mouth, but could not refute.

Cao Zhengyin is over 60 years old, which means there is no mandatory upper age limit for village committee members, otherwise he should have resigned long ago.

"Uncle Yin, thank you for your hard work!" After Cao Jianlong finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the alley to the west, where his home was.

Cao Shujie returned home with the money he had just received. As soon as he entered the door, they started barking.

It wasn't until they smelled the scent of Cao Shujie and knew that the owner was back that they stopped.

His grandfather Cao Zhenghu had already rested.

The light in the bedroom on the second floor was still on. Cao Shujie slowly went upstairs and opened the bedroom door. As soon as he took a look, he saw that his wife was not sleeping yet, lying on her back on the back of the big bed, playing with her mobile phone.

Mengmeng lay down inside and fell asleep.

"Why did you come back?" Cheng Xiaolin asked him.

Cao Shujie waved the bag in his hand towards his wife: "I just divided more than 50,000 yuan and had some drinks together."

"Where is the farm restaurant?"

Cheng Xiaolin was surprised: "So much?"

"It's not that much. Think about how much people flow there during the May Day holiday?" Cao Shujie said, "You have to queue up to eat during those days!"

"Yes, I heard them say that if you go late for lunch, you won't be able to get in line." Cheng Xiaolin said.

Just after she finished speaking, she was watching her husband looking for a towel and clothes and preparing to take a shower. Cheng Xiaolin called him: "Put the money in the safe."

"Let it go." Cao Shujie had already entered the bathroom. Not long after, the sound of running water came, accompanied by the sound of Cao Shujie humming a minor tune. It was very pleasant to listen to the sound.

When Cheng Xiaolin heard this, she sighed, but she still took the bag and put the more than 50,000 yuan that her husband had just brought back into the safe and locked it.

Seeing a lot of money put in the safe, Cheng Xiaolin felt an inexplicable emotion in her heart.

When she was in Beijing, she always felt that it was too difficult to make money.

But after returning from the capital, who knew that making money would become a very simple thing.

And I'm not tired, unlike when I was in Beijing, when I saw it was almost time to go to work, I had to rush to the kindergarten quickly.

After work in the evening, I quickly go home to cook. Sometimes I have to prepare documents a week or two in advance to deal with inspections from above. Some of the documents I know are fake and I have to deal with official matters, but I still have to do it.

Not only is the body tired, but the mind is tired too!

Unlike now, I no longer have to do the official things, and the income from the orchard is stable and high.

She now also has a lot of income every month.

In addition to these, a new business has opened up in the orchard. Those who come to take wedding photos have earned 57,000 yuan in less than a month from venue usage fees alone.

Her husband and Wang Leigang reached an agreement at the end of April to use their resources to invest in the farm restaurant. Unexpectedly, they would receive a profit of more than RMB 50,000 in May.

For a moment, Cheng Xiaolin felt like money would really fall from the sky.

"By the way, Shujie also bought a lot of Bitcoins. Last month, the price rose to 28 US dollars. I don't know what the price is now?" Cheng Xiaolin said to herself, passing by the computer desk in the outer room,

She subconsciously sat down, turned on the computer, and then logged into her husband's BTC trading system. At a glance, she saw the current price of Bitcoin, which was US$17.1 per coin.

This price made Cheng Xiaolin a little confused, but what made Cheng Xiaolin even more confused was that according to the trend chart, the highest price of a Bitcoin had reached 44.4 US dollars just the day before yesterday. In just two days, it dropped by 27 US dollars.

"What?" Cheng Xiaolin sat dumbly on the chair, wondering why Bitcoin could rise from 28 US dollars to 44 US dollars in a short period of time, and how could it drop so much in two days?

I can't understand it at all.

But one thing Cheng Xiaolin knew very well was that the Bitcoin her husband bought had shrunk significantly.

This result even made Cheng Xiaolin a little confused.

When Cao Shujie returned to the bedroom after taking a shower, he found that his wife had not come back. Cao Shujie was puzzled and saw that the lights in the small living room outside the bedroom were still on. He opened the bedroom door and came out, only to find his wife sitting at the computer desk.

"Wife, what are you doing?" Cao Shujie asked her.

Cheng Xiaolin pointed to the open computer screen and said, "Shujie, look."

"What's wrong?" Cao Shujie was puzzled.

He subconsciously came to his wife, stood behind her, and looked at the content on the computer monitor, which was the content of the Bitcoin trading platform.

He leaned on the ground, placed his chin on his wife's shoulder, and stared at the computer monitor.

After he saw clearly the trend chart of Bitcoin, he suddenly said, "Honey, Bitcoin has fallen."

"Uh!" Cheng Xiaolin looked back at her husband and found that her husband was not panicked. It seemed that the rise and fall of Bitcoin had no impact on him at all. He always felt a little weird. This reaction was different from normal people.

"Husband, why don't we sell it?" Cheng Xiaolin thought for a while and made this suggestion.

She said: "If we sell it now, we can still retain some funds."

But Cao Shujie shook his head and said: "Honey, didn't we agree? Wait until November next year, no matter what the price of one Bitcoin is, I will sell the Bitcoins I made to cover my position in November last year. What are you doing now?"


Cheng Xiaolin opened her mouth, looking at her husband's indifferent expression, and suddenly she didn't know what to say.

She just felt that her husband's mentality was really good.

"Honey, it's quite late, please close the computer and go to bed." Cao Shujie advised her.

He also said: "There are other things tomorrow!"

What else could Cheng Xiaolin say?

When she was about to turn off her computer, she suddenly discovered that on the Bitcoin trading system page she had opened, a long downward leg suddenly appeared on the Bitcoin trend chart.

The current price of a single Bitcoin has become $10.73.

Just in that short period of time, for some unknown reason, a single Bitcoin instantly dropped by nearly 7 US dollars.

"Shujie, look, is your computer broken?" Cheng Xiaolin became even more panicked.

This drop was so scary that she even regretted turning on the computer to look at it.

She even shouted smartly: "Shujie, please unplug the network cable quickly, don't let it fall."

"..." Cao Shujie heard what his wife said and didn't know what to say.

He never expected that this stupid method that exists in legends would be perfectly reproduced by his wife!

But to be honest, watching Bitcoin drop by nearly 7 US dollars, his heart was pounding and he couldn't stop at all.

The next moment, in order to make himself feel better, Cao Shujie directly pressed the power button on the main chassis to force shutdown.

Even though he had faith, Cao Shujie admitted that his heart was still not strong enough after seeing the ups and downs of Bitcoin.

At this time, Cao Shujie suddenly realized that even if he had memories in his head, he was indeed not a financial material.

Let’s just keep raising cattle and plant gardens!

Seeing the computer screen go blank, Cao Shujie put his hands under his wife's armpits, picked up his wife and walked towards the bedroom.

Cheng Xiaolin was still clamoring for Cao Shujie to sell all the remaining Bitcoins quickly to preserve current profits.

But Cao Shujie doesn't want to see it at all now.

He said: "Honey, I promise you, next year I will sell all the replenishment I made last year and not leave any more."

"This is what you said." Cheng Xiaolin repeatedly warned him: "Shujie, I finally understand, this thing is really not good."

"It rises so crazy, and when it falls it can make people crazy. If you are a good person, don't you force others to jump off the building?" Cheng Xiaolin muttered.

This is indeed the case.

Cao Shujie estimated that if anyone had a heavy position at a high level in the early stage, then there might be someone who couldn't bear the sudden plunge just now!

It dropped 75% in these three days!

What is the concept?

Suppose a person invested 1 million to buy Bitcoin at the high price of 44 US dollars, then he only has more than 200,000 principal left.

That night, Cheng Xiaolin had a dream all night. In her dream, she kept riding a roller coaster, going up, down, up, and down again...

After waking up in the morning, Cheng Xiaolin felt indescribably tired all over her body, especially her brain, which felt empty and chaotic.

Looking next to her, the place where her husband slept was empty.

Cheng Xiaolin thought about the nightmare she had last night, and then thought about the information she read last night: "Is it true or false?"

Cheng Xiaolin really wanted to open the computer and take a look, but she would rather not have opened the computer last night.

Seeing the mobile phone on the bedside table, Cheng Xiaolin moved to the edge of the bed. She took the mobile phone and entered the keyword 'Bitcoin current price' into the mobile browser, and then a dozen of the latest links came out.

Article 1 reads: "Peninsula Economic News, the trading price of BTC, the decentralized virtual currency invented by Satoshi Nakamoto at the beginning of this month, fell from the highest level of 44.44 US dollars to 5.8 US dollars in a short period of time, a drop of 87%."

"This reminds us of economist Professor Zhang's views on the so-called decentralized virtual currency last year..."

“According to Professor Zhang’s opinion, this so-called Bitcoin is also something that spreads rumors.”

Cheng Xiaolin closed this link, then looked down, and suddenly found that this link also showed that the price of Bitcoin dropped to a minimum of less than 6 US dollars in the early morning this morning.

In other words, after they fell asleep last night, the decline of Bitcoin still did not stop, and the lowest price was less than six US dollars a coin.

Chun Chun returned to the starting line overnight.

Cheng Xiaolin is still thinking about a question. When the price of one Bitcoin was US$28 last month, the market value of the more than 30,000 Bitcoins held by her husband was more than 6 million.

But at the current price, the value of the Bitcoins held by her husband has shrunk to mummies.

This feeling of wealth rising to a high level in a short period of time and then suddenly returning to the initial platform on a roller coaster made her feel very uncomfortable.

But at this time, her husband was still walking his dog on the dam.

After her husband came back, Cheng Xiaolin told her husband the information she read online, but after the night passed, Cao Shujie was now able to deal with the matter calmly.

"Honey, don't worry, let me ask you..." Cao Shujie looked at his wife and asked, "Are you short of money now?"

"There is no shortage, what's wrong?" Cheng Xiaolin wondered.

Cao Shujie then said: "Isn't this right? Since you are not short of money now, why do you want Bitcoin to rise or fall?"

"Even if it becomes worthless, I only invested 600,000 yuan." Cao Shujie looked at his wife and said, "Honey, just think of this money as lost."

"After a while, all the 36 remaining cattle in our orchard will be sold and we will make money again. What do you have to worry about?" Cao Shujie said.

Cheng Xiaolin opened her mouth, thinking about what her husband had just said. It sounded very reasonable, but Cheng Xiaolin always felt that something was wrong.

But she didn't think about it for a while.

When she was thinking about asking her husband again, Mengmeng, who was sleeping inside, woke up.

Cheng Xiaolin had no time to care about anything else at this time, so she hurriedly went to dress her daughter.

Cao Shujie came down from upstairs and saw that his grandfather had woken up and was sitting under the shade of a tree in the yard enjoying the cool air.

A gust of wind blew over, and a chill passed through my body, feeling very comfortable.

"Grandpa, why are you up so early?" Cao Shujie greeted his grandfather Cao Zhenghu.

Cao Zhenghu looked at his grandson and said, "I am old and don't get that much sleep. A few extra minutes of sleep will be useless."

"Hey, grandpa, you can't think like that." Cao Shujie asked him: "Grandpa, do you think about where you want to go? I'll take you there."

Cao Zhenghu shook his head: "It's such a hot day, I don't want to go anywhere."

This chapter has been completed!
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