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Chapter 346 Give some benefits to the people in the village (1240012000


In the last four days before the end of the month, the corn harvest in Caojiazhuang was bumper.

Four corn combine harvesters entered the crop field. Accompanied by the buzzing sound of the machine and the sight of dust flying in the sky after the corn stalks were smashed, the golden corn cobs were loaded onto the truck with absolute efficiency.

There are still ordinary people standing in the fields thinking about the future.

Cao Zhengcun, the security director, walked around the entire village.

Cao Shujie has already called Ji Guangyou and asked him to start delivering fruit saplings to Caojiazhuang in the next two days.

What Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day have disappeared at this time!

True to the ridicule of netizens, all festivals are prepared for people who don’t work.

There is a long row of tables in front of the row of bungalows in the Caojiazhuang Village Committee compound.

Cao Shujie, Cao Jianlong, and Lu Ping each occupied a table and registered the people waiting in line to pay.

This is the distribution of fruit saplings according to the number of acres of land.

It’s useless to think of multiple options.

Everyone has enough cash in their hands. When asking people to change money, Cao Shujie was particularly impressed by how convenient and fast online payment is.

If he didn't have the ability, he would have wanted to recruit a group of people to develop online payment.

But he also knew that it was useless to have empty ideas.

I think of Brother Xu, the technical guru who worked with Zhang Xiaolong on Tencent to create a QQ mailbox. I wonder if he can develop online payment at his level?

But it's too late to say anything now. Because of his age, Cao Shuxu couldn't bear the burden of the programmer's work and had resigned to tinker with data lines.

"Shujie, my family has five acres and three-thirds of the land, please do the math." Cao Zhenglin took a little money and looked at Cao Shujie with a smile.

In terms of seniority, he is also a grandfather, and the more he looks at Cao Shujie, the more he likes him.

"Grandpa Zhenglin, please wait a moment." Cao Shujie took a booklet next to him and started looking for Cao Zhenglin's name.

They have already made a register in advance, summarizing the amount of land owned by all the families in the village, and also filling in the amount of kiwi fruit that can be grown on their land. Anyone who wants to grow kiwi fruit can just look for their name on it, without having to calculate it on site.

After Cao Shujie found Cao Zhenglin's name, he took a look at the data and said, "Grandpa Zhenglin, your land can plant a total of 420 fruit trees. At 8 yuan each, the total cost is 3,360 yuan."

Cao Shujie explained all the accounts clearly to avoid other problems later.

All this information has been made public, and a notice has been posted on the notice board at the entrance of the village committee. Cao Zhenglin and his family have calculated it many times at home. After Cao Shujie said the price, Cao Zhenglin directly handed the money to Cao Shujie: "

Shujie, please count, it should be just right!"

Cao Shujie took it over with a smile, and after counting it, it was exactly 3,360 yuan.

"Grandpa Zheng Lin, that's right. I'll have someone deliver the fruit saplings the day after tomorrow. Then you can just get a truck to pull them over." Cao Shujie said.

"Okay, Shujie, you get busy first, I'm going home first." Cao Zhenglin turned around and walked outside the village committee compound.

Gao Bao came next in line: "Brother Jie, can you calculate for me how much money my family will need?"

"Gao Bao, if you just open your supermarket properly, why don't you start planting this?" Cao Shujie saw him and teased him a few words.

There are two comprehensive supermarkets in Caojiazhuang.

The supermarket in the north is opened by Cao Jianhua, and the supermarket in the south is opened by Gaobao.

The prices of items sold in the two supermarkets are similar, but Cao Jianhua recently plans to expand the scale of his supermarket, while Gaobao's supermarket has not made any move yet.

"Brother Jie, you can only make hard money by opening a supermarket now. I'm thinking of planting some fruit trees to earn some extra income." Gao Bao said with a smile.

He opened his mouth to reveal a few yellowed teeth, which were caused by smoking too much.

While talking, Gao Bao also took out a cigarette from the box and handed it to Cao Shujie.

But Cao Shujie waved it off: "I can't do it these days, my throat feels uncomfortable, and smoking makes me cough easily."

Gao Bao could tell that Cao Shujie's voice was a little hoarse and knew he was not joking, so he put away his cigarette.

Cao Shujie found Gao Bao's column in the book and matched the information one by one for him.

Gao Bao's family is a relatively large family in Caojiazhuang. His two children and their parents are here. They just happened to catch up with the last land distribution in the village two years ago and took advantage of it. Even his two children have land.

"Brother Gao Bao, do you want to grow kiwis on all 12 acres of your land?" Cao Shujie also asked him.

Seeing Gao Bao nodding, Cao Shujie didn't say anything else. He pointed to the data in the book and said to him: "Brother Gao Bang, if all your land is planted with fruit trees, a total of 976 trees can be planted. Each sapling costs 8 yuan.

, it’s 7808 yuan.”

"Brother Jie, let's make it cheaper. I'll take off the change." Gao Bao habitually bargained.

Cao Shujie said directly: "Okay, I will give you 975 fruit saplings, which will save you 8 yuan."

"Then forget it. I would rather have two more pills than less." Gao Bao disagreed upon hearing this.

He knew in his heart that by planting a fruit sapling at this time, he would be able to harvest several hundred kilograms more kiwi fruits, which would be worth at least several hundred yuan. He could calculate this clearly.

Now the 8 yuan saved will be of use.

After counting the money to Cao Shujie and waiting for Cao Shujie to give him change, Gao Bao said directly: "Brother Jie, you are busy first, I won't disturb you."

"Let's go, let's go, hurry back and prepare, and come here to pull fruit saplings the day after tomorrow." Cao Shujie told them.

People waiting in line at the back were called again.

The same is true for Cao Jianlong and Lu Ping. Gao Changyin, the only accountant in the village, will come over after a while to count the numbers. There must be no mistake about the money.

The money will eventually be handed over to Ji Guangyou in exchange for his fruit saplings. If something goes wrong, they can't afford it.

We were busy here until the evening, and there were still people queuing up behind us. Cao Jianlong stood up and said to them: "Everyone, please go back first. We are really busy today. We will continue to line up according to this queue tomorrow."

"Uncle Long, how about I get you some lights and we can work overtime?" the person in line suggested.

Cao Jianlong cursed and said to him: "I've been busy all day and haven't even had a hot meal. You must be deliberately trying to tire me out."

"Besides, if you want to make money, don't rush today. Come here early tomorrow." He said.

The people in line laughed and did not argue with Cao Jianlong, and went home with their money.

But they were also thinking that they had to come early tomorrow morning, and they couldn't wait until the end like today and wait in line all day in vain.

After the people queuing up left, Cao Shujie and the others were not done yet.

Gao Changyin had to tally up all the signed names of the three of them on the roster, and then tally up all the money in the box to make sure that the two numbers were consistent before they could go home.

I was busy until about 9pm, and it was a bit cold at the end of September.

Cao Jianlong also urged Gao Changyin: "Accountant Gao, is it almost over?"

"Secretary Cao, I'll finish the work here soon." After Gao Changyin counted the last amount of money, he recorded it on the Excel table on the computer. He then used the mouse to drag out all the numbers he recorded, and looked at the automatic calculation at the bottom right of the Excel table.

Data, a smile from the bottom of his heart appeared on his weathered face: "Shujie, this computer is really easy to use."

"Of course, with high technology, things will become more and more useful in the future, and there will be fewer and fewer places to use them." Cao Shujie said.

But Cao Jianlong and others didn't believe it: "Nonsense, how can we farm without people? Is it possible to let this computer farm?"

"Let me see if I can put two legs on it and run away."

Lu Ping didn't believe it either.

Gao Changyin looked at the open Excel sheet with doubts.

Cao Shujie looked at their final stubbornness and did not argue with them.

He knows very well that every year in the future, technology will develop very fast, and there will be more and more intelligent tools.

By the same token, there will be more and more intelligent agricultural machinery, and fewer people will be needed to do more work in the future. This is undeniable, and one day they will believe it.

Cao Shujie wanted to invite them to have dinner together, but Cao Jianlong and the others refused: "Go home and rest as soon as possible. We have to continue working tomorrow."

"Shujie, I'm so tired today that I don't want to move. It's not too late to eat some other time."

In this way, the four of them separated. Cao Shujie rode his electric scooter back home. Hearing the barking of dogs coming from the yard of the house on the roadside, he felt very quiet.

When he got home, Cheng Xiaolin said to him: "Why are you back so late today?"

"We are all registering and paying. We work from morning to night. That's it. Those people in line are still unwilling to leave." Cao Shujie said, beating his sore arm.

Looking at the silence on the first floor, Grandpa has already taken a rest at this time.

Cao Shujie asked his wife: "Is there anything to eat? I haven't eaten yet."

When he said this, Cheng Xiaolin complained to him: "Tell me, why are you working so hard? No matter how busy you are, you have to eat on time."

"Wife, you don't know. We were summarizing the accounts just now, so we couldn't take care of eating. We just need to finish these two days." Cao Shujie said, holding his wife's shoulders.

Calculated based on 80,000 fruit saplings, that is 640,000 yuan, but with the current registration situation, the demand for fruit saplings must exceed 80,000. This amount of money is not a small amount in the countryside, and Cao Shujie is definitely not willing to have problems with the amount.


After two days in a row, I finally finished this work before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

After checking the amount of the collected money, it was sealed first. Cao Shujie drove the car, took Cao Jianlong and Gao Changyin to the town, and deposited it in the bank to ensure that the funds were safe.

"The day after tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, have you bought mooncakes?" Cao Jianlong asked them.

Cao Shujie was so busy that he couldn't remember the festival. Suddenly he heard Cao Jianlong mention the Mid-Autumn Festival. Cao Shujie thought for a while and said, "Uncle Long, I have a suggestion."

"Say." Cao Jianlong didn't know what idea Cao Shujie had come up with, but he was very interested.

Then I heard Cao Shujie say: "Hasn't our village committee's activity expenses been spent all the time? I think it's a good time to take advantage of the Mid-Autumn Festival to give some benefits to the people in our village."

"What are you buying?" Cao Jianlong's first reaction was to refuse.

He said: "Everyone must have bought something from door to door. Let's do it again."

"Uncle Long, you are wrong. This is a benefit for the people in the whole village. It doesn't matter whether they buy it or not. We represent the village committee's intention to give it to the people." Cao Shujie said this.

After he said this, Cao Jianlong asked him: "Shujie, tell me what to buy. It's not okay to spend too much money. We only have a total of 100,000 yuan."

"Haha!" Cao Shujie said with a smile: "That's definitely not the case. There are 371 households in Caojiazhuang. Each household can spend 2 kilograms of mooncakes and a bag of rice in total. It doesn't cost much in total."

"Ouch, 2 kilograms of mooncakes will be enough. Can't I buy rice?" Cao Jianlong felt distressed.

The previous village committee member had never bought anything for the people in the village. Why did he start spending money on the people before he had even earned a few bucks after he became a full-time employee?

When Cao Shujie heard what he said, he said with a smile: "Uncle Long, you must not think like this. We are spending a small amount of money to do big things."

Gao Changyin looked confused as he listened.

He understood what Cao Shujie meant. Director Cao wanted to buy Mid-Autumn Festival gifts for everyone in the village.

He was thinking to himself, isn't this the kind of treatment only those who work have? When will ordinary people like them get this kind of treatment?

1 bag of rice and 2 pounds of moon cakes are quite a lot of money.

Gao Changyin's hands were shaking a little, not because of the amount of things, but because as a common man with a flat head, he felt that he was taken seriously for the first time.

Cao Shujie analyzed it for them: "Uncle Long, let's go to Dafulun Supermarket later. We don't have to buy too good. Just the five-kernel mooncakes, which cost five or six yuan per catty, and 10 catties of rice, which cost 20 yuan per bag.

How much does it cost?”

"We bought a lot, so we can talk to the supermarket."

Cao Shujie said: "Even if my family has a standard of 40 yuan, it only costs about 10,000 yuan."

"When the time comes, we will lower the price and spend less. But Uncle Long, think about it, are the people in our village very happy to receive this benefit? Do they trust the village committee? Will they support it more?

Village committee?”

"Next, we need to uniformly manage the orchards, raise cattle, grow trees and grass, and other developments. To put it bluntly, we need to manage people well. It just happens to be the Mid-Autumn Festival, why don't we just leave it alone?" What he said was too much.


Cao Jianlong was moved after listening to Cao Shujie's words, but he asked: "Shujie, we only have a total of 100,000 yuan. If we buy it this year, we have to buy it next year. Do we have to buy it again the year after that? I don't have the money."

Is it all spent? What will you do if you have no money in the future?"

"Uncle Long, you are totally wrong to think this way!"

Cao Shujie corrected his thinking: "Our Caojiazhuang will be better and better in the future. More and more people will come to the village to play. The parking management fees and other management fees we charge will also be higher than now."

"There is also a small portion of the village committee's dividends from the agricultural cooperative. The money will accumulate over time. Why should we keep it? We might as well buy some food and drink for the people in our village and distribute it as welfare.

The common people also buy into your account and think well of you, am I right?"

When Cao Shujie opens his mouth, he can definitely bring the dead back to life.

Cao Jianlong's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. He gritted his teeth and finally nodded in agreement: "Let's go to Dafurun Supermarket and discuss it with his boss."

Gao Changyin looked at Cao Jianlong's turning and walking posture. How could he describe it as majestic and high-spirited!

This is yesterday’s chapter!

This chapter has been completed!
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