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Chapter 372 Weird things and weird people (1.1211 million)

 Chapter 372 Weird things, weird people (11,200 11,000) Good night

It's a wonderful night.

The moon in the night sky seemed to have seen something it shouldn't have seen. It was a little shy and waved a cloud to cover its face.

The stars are also blinking in the sky, looming.

After a good night's sleep, Cao Shujie felt very energetic.

When he got up in the morning and took his nine brothers Daha, Erha, Dahei and Xiaohei for a walk, even the nine dogs felt his happy mood and jumped forward beside him.

It seems that they are not dogs, but have become antelopes.

When Cao Shujie meets people on the road, he will shout hello from a distance, which makes the people on the other side a little suspicious. They wonder what happened to Director Cao?

After returning home, Cao Shujie tied up the dog and walked into the house. His grandfather had already gotten up and was sitting on the official hat chair listening to Peking Opera.

Cao Shujie also asked him: "Grandpa, don't we get tired of listening to Peking Opera every day? Why don't we listen to other operas instead?"

"What are you listening to?" Cao Zhenghu looked at his grandson with interest.

Cao Shujie said tentatively: "Yu Opera? Huangmei Opera? If that doesn't work, let's listen to some nostalgic classic songs."

"I'm pregnant with you." Cao Zhenghu touched a piece of paper, crumpled it into a ball and threw it at his grandson.

"When I was young, I only listened to Peking Opera." Cao Zhenghu said.

After hearing this, Cao Shujie felt a little sad. This is his grandfather's nostalgic classic.

His wife made breakfast, so Cao Shujie went to eat with his mouth and hands.

"Shujie, I will reserve a vehicle for the logistics company in the county later. Please confirm the arrival time and let me know." Cheng Xiaolin warned him.

Cao Shujie nodded: "This is not a big deal, there is no big problem."

"Have you called Boss Nie? What did he say?" Cheng Xiaolin asked him.

Cao Shujie walked out with his cell phone: "I'll call him right now."

Looking at her husband's back as he walked out, Cheng Xiaolin didn't know how to say good things to him. Time was so tight, why not hurry up and move forward.

After entering December, the temperature is very low, and many fruits are in short supply at this time.

There are often certain fruits that enter supermarkets, fruit stores, etc. under the name of "imported fruits".

Nie Bin and his team have been busy with this matter recently.

They have been doing this for some years and have a wide range of sales. If the market is normal, as long as they can get the goods, they will not be afraid of not being able to sell them.

But having said that, if there is an abnormal situation in the market, it is beyond the control of their small team.

Just like in September, Cao Shujie called him to ask about kiwi fruit.

At that time, he really didn't dare to buy Cao Shujie's kiwi fruit. After all, it was a business that would not make any money, or even lose money, and he didn't have any thoughts in his mind.

But what he didn't expect was that Cao Shujie was actually forced to do what he didn't dare to do, and he did it extremely well.

Later, after learning about the ‘Xuemeng Fruit Shop’ on Taobao from others, Nie Bin regretted it so much that his intestines turned blue.

In a sense, he lost Cao Shujie, a 'high-quality' fruit supplier, and without this 'high-quality' fruit picking source, Nie Bin didn't know where to find it?

Just as he was thinking about this, Xu Su called him: "Brother Bin, Brother Bin."

"Xiao Xu, what's wrong?" Nie Bin was puzzled and asked her, "What's the matter with you?"

"Brother Bin, Boss Cao called you." Xu Su said.

Nie Bin didn't think about it for a moment, so he asked: "Xiao Xu, which Boss Cao are you talking about?"

"Hey, my Brother Bin, let's go buy his strawberries from Boss Cao, who else can we have?" Xu Su said.

When she said this, Nie Bin remembered it and said quickly: "Where's my cell phone."

"Well, you didn't answer the call just now, so Boss Cao hung up." Xu Su said.

Nie Bin looked at her and said, "Why didn't you answer the call?"

Xu Su felt a little tired and said nothing.

Nie Bin has already called Cao Shujie back.

After Cao Shujie answered the phone, Nie Bin said to him: "Boss Cao, I'm so sorry just now. I was busy and I didn't have my phone with me."

"It's okay, Boss Nie. I just want to ask you if you want apples? The apples I got from Xinjiang have absolutely no problem with the taste." Cao Shujie emphasized again and again.

Nie Bin was stunned. He understood the meaning of Cao Shujie's words. Because of this, Nie Bin even felt a feeling of "desperation" in his heart.

Cao Shujie is obviously a fruit farmer, and he is a person who is on the front line of fruits, but why would such a person throw fruits again?

And it's a journey of more than 3,000 kilometers to Xinjiang to pour apples. Is he out of his mind?

Or are you feeling a bit sore after entering winter with nothing to do?

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind. Nie Bin tried his best to put a smile on his face and a smile in his voice: "Boss Cao, I want an apple. Do you have a sample? What's the price?"

"How large a quantity?"

Listening to Nie Bin's questions one after another, Cao Shujie was very patient. He said: "Let's put it this way, it is worse than the apples I grew myself, but it tastes better than most apples on the market, and the price is not expensive..."

Cao Shujie did not directly talk about the price. Instead, he talked about the quantity: "I currently have a production of more than 800 tons. If you want more, I can contact someone to get more."

Hearing Cao Shujie say that the batch of apples he had was actually 800 tons. Regardless of the quality of this batch of apples, the number alone made Nie Bin speechless.

He said in a strange tone: "Boss Cao, you are more of a second-rate dealer than me."

"That's not right, Boss Nie. I'm in the fruit wholesale business, and I follow a 'small profits but quick turnover' approach, with large quantity discounts." Cao Shujie opened his mouth, and he really dared to say it.

Nie Bin suppressed his curiosity and asked: "Boss Nie, how many days will it take for the goods to arrive? Let me take a look first."

"That's no problem. Go to Quancheng Railway Freight Station in five days and I'll show it to you then," Cao Shujie said.

"Okay, let's meet in Quancheng in five days." Nie Bin finally made an agreement with Cao Shujie and hung up the phone.

Looking at the phone with a black screen, Nie Bin felt very complicated.

Who would have thought that a fruit farmer who grows fruit trees would quietly come up to him and want to become his supplier.

Nie Bin has been in this business for some years, but this is really the first time he has met such a weird person like Cao Shujie, who does weird things.

Xu Su saw that their boss Nie Bin was not in a good mood after answering the phone, and asked him with concern: "Brother Bin, what's wrong? What happened?"

Nie Bin looked up at Xu Su. He shook his head slightly and said, "Xiao Xu, let me ask you something."

"Brother Bin, tell me." Xu Su said simply. She was also very curious. She didn't know what could have caused Nie Bin to become like this in such a short period of time.

Later, Xu Su heard Nie Bin say: "Xiao Xu, do you believe that a fruit farmer who grows fruit trees can do fruit wholesale business?"

"What do you mean?" Xu Su was confused.

Fruit farmers usually work in the fields, so how can they have free time to do business?

Still in the fruit wholesale business!

"It's that boss Cao. He went to Xinjiang to get a batch of apples, almost 800 tons. He just called me and asked me if I wanted them."

At this point, Nie Bin asked Xu Su with a somewhat resentful tone: "Xiao Xu, do you think I should take it?"

"This..." Xu Su was also dumbfounded. More than 800 tons of apples were obtained from Xinjiang, and the freight cost alone was 200,000 less!

"Brother Bin, are you mistaken?" Xu Su also asked.

But Nie Bin was no longer in the mood to discuss this matter. He said: "Xiao Xu, you tell Tianzhi and Jiacheng they have made arrangements in advance to get everyone ready and contact the customer. We will try our best to receive this batch of goods."

Xu Su quickly advised him: "Brother Bin, these are more than 800 tons of apples, can we eat them?"

"You have to eat even if you can't eat it!" Nie Bin said: "Xiao Xu, one kiwi fruit has already opened up a market for Boss Cao himself. Do you still want to let him use apples to open up another market?"

"If this keeps up, we won't have to do anything, just watch. In a few years, we can change our career to something else." Nie Bin no longer had any intention of complaining at this moment.

Xu Su also saw that Nie Bin was indeed a little emotional, so she didn't say much and quickly agreed: "Brother Bin, don't be anxious. I will contact Zhang Tianzhi and Hou Fatty."

After she finished speaking, she realized that she shouldn't call Hou Jiacheng a nickname. Brother Bin was very fat, so she called Hou Jiacheng thin. Didn't this make it difficult for Brother Bin to step down?

Xu Su ran away without even bothering to explain to Nie Bin.

"His grandma, this Boss Cao is really restless." Nie Bin was too lazy to complain, and his attention was not on the 'nickname' Xu Su just said. He shouted: "Grow your orchard well."

No way, leave us a way to survive."

After Cao Shujie called Nie Bin in Caojiazhuang, he felt that he was just two fruit purchasers and at the critical moment, he could not favor one over the other.

The next moment, Cao Shujie flipped through his phone's address book, found Zuo Le's phone number, and dialed it.

Zuo Le was much happier than Nie Bin. He heard that Cao Shujie had a batch of apples shipped from Changji, Xinjiang.

Zuo Le asked him a question: "Boss Cao, is it shipped from the Changji Apple Base?"

His question is critical. Xinjiang Changji’s apple base accounts for nearly a quarter of Xinjiang’s apple production, and the quality of apples here is generally better than elsewhere.

Last year, he also thought about going to Xinjiang to get a batch of apples, but then he met Cao Zhen on the train and tasted the apples he gave him, which made Zuo Le change his mind temporarily. He did not go to Xinjiang.

Instead, he jolted to Caojiazhuang and bought all the apples from Cao Shujie.

Because of this, he missed Apple's best period last year.

Later, the prices of apples became unstable, including those in Xinjiang Changji, so Zuo Le did not pay attention there.

Since this year, the price of apples has been ups and downs and very unstable. Zuo Le is actually not willing to do this kind of business when the volume is large, and the risks are not small.

But Cao Shujie called him personally, and he really turned the apple upside down. Zuo Le didn't know whether to call him stupid and bold, or whether he was really confident about this market.

He even had a strange feeling in his heart: "Boss Cao, where is the apple? I'll go over and have a look."

"Sure, go to Quancheng Railway Freight Station in five days. You can come directly then." Cao Shujie told him: "It doesn't matter whether you buy it or not."

But Zuo Le felt that if the quality of the apples was really good, it wouldn't hurt for him to buy some.

"Boss Cao, how much goods do you have?" Zuo Le finally asked him.

Cao Shujie said with a smile: "It's not a lot, just over 800 tons in total."

"More than 800 tons?" Zuo Le was a little down.

Cao Shujie did not place all his hopes on Zuo Le and Nie Bin. He still thought that they would also dump some of it.

After deciding on this, Cao Shujie called Dai Yanping, who made packaging cartons, and told him on the phone to order 100,000 10-pound apple boxes first.

Separate the inside with partition paper.

This was okay, it didn’t have much technical content, so Dai Yanping readily agreed.

The price he quoted to Cao Shujie was not too high, so Cao Shujie agreed directly.

After making the order, Cao Shujie breathed a sigh of relief and told his wife about the current arrangements.

That means they still have 5 days to prepare. In Cao Shujie's opinion, this interval is plenty of time, enough for him to finish a lot of things.

In addition to Cao Shujie, Cheng Xiaolin also called a company specializing in express logistics in Pingyuan County and told them to ship 8 containers at a time. At the same time, they also informed the other party of key information such as the standards and weight of the containers.

On the other side, Cao Zhen was also busy supervising the workers hired by Adilijiang to load the containers.

He will definitely get money in the end, so he must do his best to handle these goods.

As for how much money Cao Shujie would give him in the end, Cao Zhen had never thought about this issue.

He knew in his heart that Cao Shujie would definitely not let him suffer.

After loading another container, Cao Zhen and Eddie Lijiang went to talk.

Two people chatting nonsense.

They worked until almost 12 o'clock in the morning, when it gradually became dark.

After all eight containers were loaded, Cao Zhen finally let go of the matter and prepared to go back and rest.

Before leaving, Cao Zhen sent a message to Cao Shujie, telling him that the apples had been packed into cold chain containers and would be taken to the freight train station early tomorrow morning to be loaded onto the truck and sent away.

"Okay, Cao Zhen, thank you for your hard work." Cao Shujie replied with a text message.

"Thank you for your hard work. Okay, that's it. I'm going to bed first." Cao Zhen sent a final message.

After getting busy, time seems to fly very fast.

Cao Shujie hadn't noticed much, but four days had passed.

Cao Zhen also specifically reminded him that the first batch of apple containers to be shipped would arrive at the Quancheng Freight Railway Station tomorrow, and asked him not to forget to pick up the goods tomorrow.

Even the train station called Cao Shujie and asked him if he could pick up the goods on time tomorrow.

Cao Shujie definitely wanted to mention it, and he gave the staff at the train station a positive answer.

He had already paid more than 300,000 yuan in cash for apples worth millions. If he didn't take them away, would he let them rot in the train station?

This chapter has been completed!
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