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Chapter 392 These unreliable things (9300)

 Cao Shujie couldn't refute what he said. Around him, it seemed that every older person slept very little.

"Grandpa Zhengcun, do you know what will be discussed in today's meeting?" Cao Shujie asked him.

As soon as he finished speaking, he received a look of contempt from Cao Zhengcun.

"Shujie, you are still the village director. You don't even know. What do I know?" Cao Zhengcun said.

Cao Shujie was a little embarrassed. He had been busy with his own affairs during this period and seldom interfered with the affairs of the village.

"It's my fault. I arranged to apologize to Grandpa Zhengcun today at noon." Cao Shujie took the initiative to treat him. In this case, nothing else would work.

See what Cao Zhengcun said: "Forget about drinking. I have just been diagnosed with high blood pressure and high blood sugar. I might get cerebral thrombosis at any time. I will have to stop drinking in the future."

"So powerful?" Cao Shujie didn't expect this.

Cao Zhengcun was even more surprised. He said: "I have been having a headache some time ago. I went to the county to check it out. The doctor said that I need to pay attention to this situation. If I don't pay attention, problems will easily occur."

"That's okay. The others are drinking. Grandpa Zhengcun, you can have some food." Cao Shujie said this.

After Cao Shujie, Cao Jianlong, Gao Changyin and women's director Lu Ping came over one after another.

Seeing Cao Shujie and Cao Zhengcun chatting in the office, the three of them also joined in.

Lu Ping also said to Cao Jianlong: "Secretary Jianlong, everyone is here, let's have a meeting?"

"That's okay. Today's meeting is mainly to talk about a few things that the town wants to convey." Cao Jianlong said this.

Cao Shujie understood immediately upon hearing this that feelings were a political task and not something serious.

But Cao Shujie listened to Cao Jianlong reciting sutras, and after half of the recitation, he was stunned again.

It was indeed a popular issue at first, but the more we talked about it, the trend of the issue changed.

"The town wants us to brainstorm and vigorously develop the village collective economy," Cao Jianlong said.

This matter might not be easy to handle in the other nine villages under Qingshi Town, but for the three administrative villages of Caojiazhuang, Zhujiazhuang and Taodong Village, there is no difficulty at all.

Cao Shujie didn't think that Cao Jianlong specifically called him last night and asked him to come to the village committee meeting mainly to talk about this matter.

Sure enough, after talking about this task, Cao Jianlong then said another thing: "Director Cao, I went to the town to have a meeting, and Secretary Liu personally presided over the meeting."

"..." Cao Shujie was puzzled that Liu Furong went to him in the past two days. At that time, Liu Furong did not mention his official promotion to a senior official of the Qingshi Town Party.

"Uncle Long, has the official document been issued?" Cao Shujie interrupted and asked.

Seeing Cao Jianlong shaking his head, Cao Shujie suddenly realized.

He said that he was in the town every day. If Liu Furong was officially promoted to a senior official of the Qingshi Town Party, there would be no news at all.

Cao Jianlong continued, and he mentioned another thing that made Cao Shujie very concerned.

There are rumors that they are going to build a new era, a new countryside, and a new countryside with a new atmosphere. The next step may be to measure the land and build a community of buildings for Caojiazhuang in the town. By then, people like them will have to move to the town.

"Uncle Long, isn't this nonsense? We live well in the countryside, why do we have to demolish the house? Just to live in a community building in the town? I don't recommend this." Cao Shujie said.

His expression was serious and serious.

He said: "Let me put it harshly, this thing is not reliable at all. Our rural families all have land and orchards, so various tools and agricultural machinery are indispensable?"

"When the time comes to tear down all the houses in the countryside and live in a building together in the town, I just want to ask where to put these farm machinery and tools? Where to put the fertilizers? How to calculate the water, electricity, and gas upstairs?"

"If the people stop farming, where will their income come from? If they don't have any income, they just stare. Uncle Long, how do you think this matter should be solved?" After listening, Cao Shujie asked several questions in succession.

These words also confused Cao Jianlong, Gao Changyin, Cao Zhengcun and Lu Ping.

Gao Changyin, Cao Zhengcun and Lu Ping were quite happy when they heard Cao Jianlong say that the superiors were going to build a new rural area in a unified way.

I have seen many local news reports on TV about obtaining new buildings and large amounts of demolition compensation through rural demolition.

Do they think Caojiazhuang is experiencing good things now?

So they actually take this matter very seriously.

But what Cao Shujie said just now made them all calm down.

Thinking about it carefully, it is indeed like what Cao Shujie said. If they move from their current old house to upstairs, not to mention the inconvenience of going upstairs and downstairs, where will they put their agricultural tools?

We are all used to houses with yards, and we can live in any house. But when we think about how big a 100-square-meter house is, is it really comfortable to live there?

Also, Shujie just mentioned the various expenses of living in a building. How to solve this?

When Cao Jianlong saw that something was wrong, he said: "I just asked my superiors to make mental preparations first. As for the specific relocation, will we move in the end? This is still unknown, and we don't have to worry now."

"Uncle Long, let me tell you, if we really want to build a new countryside, there is really no need to move to the town and live in a building." Cao Shujie gritted his teeth and said, "Our most urgent and important task is to make money!"

"We have 371 households in Caojiazhuang. When one day everyone has savings and money, we will build a two-story building together, just like the house I have now. Wouldn't it be more comfortable to live in than a building?

?" Cao Shujie said.

Gao Changyin, Cao Zhengcun, and Lu Ping were more interested in Cao Shujie's proposal.

"Director Cao, you are right. I think it would be better to live comfortably in our Caojiazhuang! I am not interested in moving anyway," Cao Zhengcun said.

He beat his arms and legs, and came out with this sentence: "If one day I die and we move to the town, where will I be buried?"

"My ancestors are buried in the southern cemetery, and I ran away?"

"Haha!" Gao Changyin couldn't hold back and burst out laughing on the spot.

Even Lu Ping laughed too.

Cao Shujie did not expect that Cao Zhengcun would make such a joke. He said: "Grandpa Zhengcun, you are still young, so don't talk nonsense."

"Don't I still know what I am like?" Cao Zhengcun didn't mean to be joking. He said, "Secretary Jianlong, this matter is really not suitable for us."

"Uncle Zhengcun, didn't I just say that this matter is just for everyone to get some air from, and it's up to two people to decide whether it will happen in the end."

"One more thing, the town is also paying attention to our joint development model of Caojiazhuang, Zhujiazhuang and Taodong Village, and wants to use our three villages as a demonstration site to see how it works? If it works,

It will be extended to the whole town." Cao Jianlong looked at Cao Shujie with a serious expression on his face.

Cao Shujie suddenly realized.

He just thought that the matter of 'demolition and relocation' was the focus of today, but he did not expect that there would be more important things later.

"Uncle Long, since the town has asked our village to serve as a demonstration site, is there any relevant policy support? Or is there a subsidy?" Cao Shujie asked.

Cao Jianlong wanted to roll his eyes: "Shujie, you are thinking too much. Where do you get so many benefits?"

"Besides, the town is so poor that I wish I had to borrow money to pay wages. How can I have any money to pay subsidies?" Cao Jianlong complained.

Secretary Cao also understood that co-authoring was just to let people do the work without giving any benefits.

When the three villages really get results, the town might make a big fuss about the three villages and count them as their own achievements.

Or we can use the successful development cases of these three villages to drive other villages to carry out the same economic development.

Regarding this kind of thing, if it were half a year ago, when Cao Shujie first started to lead the development of Caojiazhuang, he would have had such worries and concerns.

I think so many people are planting fruit trees. What should I do if the fruits produced cannot be sold?

But now, the batch of apples that Cao Shujie sells is measured in tons. He has no worries about growing fruits in the whole town.

After all, Qingshi Town is still small.

Even if kiwis were planted in every house, Caojiazhuang would only have 2,300 acres of land.

The output of the entire Xinjiang apple base is measured in 10,000 tons. How big is the gap?

Later, Cao Jianlong also said that according to the suggestions of the superior party organization, a unified investigation of the situation of dilapidated houses in the village should be carried out, and at the same time, new houses should be built according to relevant standards for the five-guarantee households in the village.

In addition to this, Cao Jianlong also took the initiative to mention whether the Caojiazhuang Village Committee would send benefits during the Spring Festival this year.

These things were voted on or against one by one, and before I knew it, the whole morning passed.

After finishing the village committee meeting, he looked at his phone and saw that it was past 11 o'clock. Cao Shujie said directly: "Uncle Long, I'm treating you to a treat at noon today. Let's go to the farm restaurant to sit down together."

"I'm not polite to you." Cao Jianlong said with a smile.

Now many people know that Cao Shujie has been working hard in the past two months. No one knows exactly how much money he has earned, but some people secretly speculate that it is at least several million.

Under such circumstances, if Cao Jianlong was allowed to have a meal with Cao Shujie, he would not feel any psychological pressure at all.

While walking north, Cao Shujie stopped by and took out a bottle of Wuliangye.

Seeing this bottle of wine, Cao Jianlong and Gao Changyin were all greedy.

Cao Zhengcun looked over several times, but in the end he suppressed his greed. He really didn't dare to drink anymore.

Lu Ping also joked that she would drink some later to have a taste of the hundreds of yuan worth of wine.

"Pinggu, you have to drink less. The alcohol content of this wine is not low. If you drink too much, my uncle might beat me up!" Cao Shujie said.

One sentence made several people laugh.

They finished dinner together and when they went home, Cao Shujie came home and saw that his wife was there, so he told him about today's meeting.

The two of them hold similar views. They are both skeptical about tearing down the house in their hometown and moving to live in a building in the town.

They had lived upstairs and knew what was going on.

However, everything has two sides. Some people may think that living in a building is more comfortable and convenient. In fact, these people are eager to demolish the house as soon as possible. If there is demolition compensation, it will be paid to them as soon as possible.

And there are not a few people who have this idea.

This chapter has been completed!
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