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Chapter 394 Selling cattle (at least 800.01 million) The last three hours

 Asking for a monthly ticket

The ninth day of the twelfth lunar month is also January 20th, a big cold!

Cao Shujie's sister, Cao Huifang, took the long-distance bus back from Yiling City on her winter vacation.

This time, her classmates did not come to play with her again.

Cao Shujie was busy unloading the car today and really didn't have time to pick her up.

The last batch of apples, 2,413 tons, was also shipped from Changji, Xinjiang. The 62 containers that Cao Shujie had just consigned from the Quancheng Freight Railway Station to a logistics company were being unloaded.

In order to save time, Cao Shujie also recruited 12 people from Qingshi Town and found three more forklifts to unload the trucks at the same time. The work that originally took two days was completed in one day.

After Cao Huifang called her brother, she walked from the temporary long-distance bus stop in Qingshi Town to the factory warehouse her brother rented. She saw the warehouse filled with apples in white plastic baskets. She didn't know how to describe it.

This scene.

Apple Mountain? Apple Sea?

It seems it’s still not appropriate enough!

"Brother, this is all yours?" Cao Huifang couldn't believe it.

Cao Shujie nodded: "Yes, they are all mine, Fangfang, are you on holiday?"

"Well, school will start on the 18th day of the first month of the new year." Cao Huifang said.

Cao Shujie thought about it and realized that this holiday was really a long time: "It's better to go to school. It's very hard for me when I don't have any rest all year round."

"Brother, can you stop saying that? I heard our mother say that if you go to Xinjiang to play, it will be almost 20 days!" Cao Huifang said with a bit of a sour tone.

After Cheng Xiaolin heard it from the side, she said: "Fangfang, I will give you some money after a while, and you can go out for a walk instead of just holding it in at home."

"Sister-in-law, I'm just saying casually, I don't want to go out yet." Cao Huifang said stubbornly, for the same reason, she didn't want to spend her sister-in-law's money to go out.

Seeing so many people in the warehouse busy working, Cao Huifang couldn't stand by and watch. She asked: "Brother, sister-in-law, see what kind of work I can do."

"Fangfang, you just came back. Otherwise, you should go home first. Our parents are at home." Before Cao Shujie could speak, his wife Cheng Xiaolin spoke again.

Cao Huifang shook her head: "Sister-in-law, it's okay, I can do it!"

Cheng Xiaolin thought for a while and waved to her: "Then come over and print the express delivery order. You are responsible for the orders from SF Express."

Cao Huifang: "..."

Why is she responsible for SF Express's express delivery orders? Is it possible that there are other express delivery companies?

When she carried her bag and dragged her suitcase, she followed her sister-in-law to the third-to-last process, where express delivery orders were printed, orders were posted, and goods were distributed. Only then did she realize that there were two express delivery companies, YTO and Postal Express.


When she saw the packed boxes full of apples piled on the ground, she didn't know how to express her feelings at this moment.

"Fangfang, stay here and I'll tell you how to do this job." Cheng Xiaolin called her.

Cao Huifang came back to her senses, and without thinking about anything else, she followed her sister-in-law towards the place where SF express orders were printed.

There is a person working here, Cao Huifang came here to help with the chores.

It was obviously a non-technical job, but Cheng Xiaolin still taught her patiently over and over again to avoid making mistakes.

In this kind of link, if one mistake is made, if it is not discovered in time, dozens or hundreds of subsequent express delivery may be wrong.

Cao Huifang did not look down on this process just because it was simple.

When Cheng Xiaolin came out of the workshop and walked to her husband, Cao Shujie asked her, "Where is Fangfang?"

"She's posting express delivery orders inside and sorting them!"

"It's okay to let her do some work." Cao Shujie said.

He still had a lot of work to do, so he didn't care about it anymore.

We were busy from morning to noon, and everyone didn't even have time to eat.

It was the big meat buns, vegetarian buns, egg soup, and soy milk that Cao Shujie bought from a fast food restaurant in town. They were supplied in unlimited quantities until full.

"Brother, how many apples do you have here?" Cao Huifang came over to ask him during lunch time.

Cao Shujie said: "In the past two months, we have brought back more than 5,000 tons of apples, of which 1,200 tons were sold to two suppliers, and the rest are handled by us."

When Cao Huifang heard these data, she felt a headache.

"Brother, how can you sell so many?" Cao Huifang asked.

She couldn't understand the matter and always felt that the core key information was missing.

Then she heard her brother say: "Speaking of which, this matter is mainly due to your sister-in-law!"

Cheng Xiaolin was eating beef buns next to her. When her husband said this, she didn't laugh yet, but a smile appeared on her face.

After listening to her husband tell the whole story, Cao Huifang had nothing but admiration for her sister-in-law!

From making videos to attract traffic, to the videos made by her sister-in-law becoming popular, Cao Huifang knew that every step in the process was interconnected, and she would not be able to sell so many apples if she took the wrong step.

The next moment, Cao Huifang asked the most practical thing.

"Brother, if you sell so many apples, how much money can you make?" she asked.

Cao Shujie couldn't say anything for a while, so he simply said to his sister: "If you take 5,000 tons of apples and earn 1 yuan and 50 cents per pound, how much money can you make in total?"

Cao Huifang really went to the side to calculate the account. After a while, she said in disbelief: "Brother, can you earn 15 million? Are you kidding me?"

"Is it so much? I haven't calculated it myself." Cao Shujie touched his nose. He really had not calculated this amount.

Seeing the contemptuous look in his sister's eyes, Cao Shujie didn't care. He said, "It's only a lot more than this number anyway."

"Brother, you are rich!" Cao Huifang didn't know how to express her mood at the moment.

But when she saw her brother said calmly: "What's this? Do you know how hard it has been for me during this time?"

"Also, the risk I am taking here is too great. If this batch of apples falls into my own hands, the little fortune I have finally earned will be lost." Cao Shujie said.

This means that we only see him eating meat, but not seeing him suffer.

"Is it so powerful?" Cao Huifang didn't know what to say.

Cao Shujie shook his head: "Anyway, doing business is not as simple as you think."

"How much money you make means how much responsibility you have to bear!" After Cao Shujie finished speaking, he said no more.

He also took a few steamed buns and ate them.

I poured another cup of soy milk, which was not too hot, so I drank it in just a few sips.

"Brother, please eat slowly, you are not afraid of being burned!" Cao Huifang was extremely worried when she saw her brother eating like this.

But Cao Shujie ignored him and said directly: "There is still a lot of work in the afternoon, finish it early and don't waste time."

Cao Huifang was very worried when she saw her brother eating two buns at a time, sometimes eating too fast and choking on his mouth and coughing twice.

After her brother finished his meal in a hurry, he went back to work.

Cao Huifang saw her sister-in-law talking to Sister Shuju not far away. She walked over and asked curiously: "Sister-in-law, has my brother always been so busy?"

"It's not too busy now." Cheng Xiaolin said: "When the last batch of apples came, there were fewer people than now. Your brother worked in the factory for two days and two nights. On the third day, he went home and slept all day.

That’s when I finally calmed down.”

"But isn't he the boss?" Cao Huifang couldn't understand.

Cheng Xiaolin asked her with a smile: "Fangfang, who stipulates that the boss will not work?"

Cao Huifang was stopped by one sentence.

Only then did she realize how much her brother had sacrificed.

My sister Cao Huifang came back today. Cao Shujie didn't stay in town in the afternoon. Before six o'clock, after explaining to Cao Shulin and Cao Shuju, Cao Shujie drove back to Caojiazhuang with his wife and sister.

His parents were with him, and Mengmeng was talking to his grandfather. He didn't know what interesting things he was talking about. Grandpa Cao Zhenghu was smiling from ear to ear.

Seeing his grandson and grandson's wife come in, Cao Zhenghu waved to them as usual.

But when he saw his granddaughter Cao Huifang coming in, she couldn't sit still in the official hat chair. She stood up and walked to the door like a tiger, and asked happily: "Fangfang, why are you back?"

"Grandpa, we are on winter vacation." Cao Huifang quickly put down the bag in her hand and reached out to support her grandfather.

Cao Zhenghu nodded: "It's good to have a holiday. How long did you take it?"

"School won't start until the eighteenth day of the first lunar month next year." Cao Huifang said.

Cao Huifang nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay, okay!"

"Your brother is busy over there. If you have nothing to do, go and do some work for him."

Cao Huifang: "-_-||"

She felt that she was happy for nothing.

Wang Yuelan had not seen her daughter for several months, and she was a little excited when she saw her coming in.

"Fangfang, when did you arrive?" Wang Yuelan asked her.

"Mom, I arrived in the morning and went directly to my brother's factory."

Speaking of this, Cao Huifang was startled as she described the scene she saw in her brother's factory.

But Cao Shujie didn't care about this. He said: "Fangfang, don't brag to me. I'm just a middleman. I make a little difference, just because I do it on a larger scale."

This is quite plain to say.

When Cao Huifang heard this, she immediately rolled her eyes. She didn't understand. According to her brother, what kind of middleman can earn more than 15 million in two months?

Cao Huifang felt suffocated when she thought of this result!

She doesn't even know if she can find a job with a stable monthly income of more than 5,000 yuan after graduating from graduate school.

Unless you go to a first-tier big city.


"Auntie." Mengmeng called out, but she kept hiding behind her grandfather.

Cao Huifang seemed to have just remembered her niece Mengmeng. She opened the suitcase and took out a stuffed toy and a toy gift box. She waved it in her hand: "Mengmeng, do you like it?"

Mengmeng couldn't take her eyes away when she saw the stuffed toy of the 'Snot Bear'.

When she saw the doll set in another box, she didn't even consider the danger from her aunt. She ran directly to Cao Huifang, jumped up and shouted: "Aunt, give it to me."

"Then will you talk about me again?" Cao Huifang asked her.

Mengmeng shook her head: "Good aunt, give it to me quickly!"

"Otherwise, I won't call you aunt."

Listening to Mengmeng's words, Cao Huifang felt her hands itching again.

In Chengjiapo, Dayao Town, Anwu County, Cheng Rengui has been talking about selling cattle recently.

The five cows he raised last year have finally grown up after a year of feeding. To the naked eye, one cow weighs at least 1,300 kilograms.

Since entering the new year, Cheng Rengui has been thinking about selling cattle.

He now raises a total of 11 cows.

In addition to the 5 large cattle that meet the standards for slaughter, there are also 6 calves bought after the National Day.

After finally carrying it to Niangenli, Cheng Rengui decided to take advantage of the good cattle market in Niangenli and quickly sell the five big cattle for money.

According to the information he learned, prices here may not rise much if he waits any longer.

His son and daughter-in-law are coming back, and Cheng Rengui is still thinking of using real 'income' to persuade his son to raise cattle with him instead of working outside.

It seems that we are very busy all year round, but we just can’t make any money, either eating or drinking, and not being able to save much money.

"Juan, I'm thinking of contacting Boss Yu to come over and pull the cattle, what do you think?" Cheng Rengui also knew to give his wife a message before he was about to sell the cattle.

Li Xiaojuan said: "Sell it. After selling the cow, I will first pay Shujie and the others their 30,000 yuan."

"Hey, that's what I mean too." Cheng Rengui nodded.

Among them, 10,000 yuan was put down by the son-in-law when he sent his wife back.

The other 20,000 yuan was the money advanced by the son-in-law for the second batch of calves, totaling 19,800 yuan, rounded up to 20,000 yuan.

The old couple were not the kind of people who would shamelessly take advantage of their son-in-law, so they felt very uncomfortable having this issue hanging over them.

"Then I'll contact someone to come and take him away." After Cheng Rengui received a positive reply from his wife, he went into the house and made a phone call.

Not long after, he came out again and called in front of his wife: "Boss Yu, I can sell these five cows, do you still want them?"

"Yes? Well, you can drive over here and remember to bring money." Cheng Rengui did not forget to warn him.

After watching her wife finish the phone call, Li Xiaojuan asked him: "Lao Cheng, how much does it cost per pound?"

"At 13 yuan and 50 cents, the price is not low," Cheng Rengui said.

But Li Xiaojuan frowned and said, "I seem to remember that my daughter said that the beef sold by my son-in-law costs sixteen or seventeen yuan per catty. Did you remember it wrong?"

"How can I remember wrong? I asked several people." Cheng Rengui was unconvinced. He frowned and said loudly: "Our son-in-law's beef is good. We can't do it if they feed the cows directly with fruits and grass.


"His cost is high, and the beef he feeds is delicious, so the selling price is naturally high." Cheng Rengui doesn't know anything now.

After listening to what he said, Li Xiaojuan suddenly realized.

She thought their cattle and her son-in-law’s cattle were sold at the same price!

The boss Yu that Cheng Rengui contacted was called Yu Dasheng, and he specialized in slaughtering cattle and sheep.

As the New Year approaches, the prices of beef and mutton this year are much higher than in previous years. Because of this, the purchase price of cattle is also high.

At this time, if you want to collect the cattle, you have to grab the ticket directly. If it is a few days later, the live cattle will be gone.

Yu Dasheng had long since fallen in love with Cheng Rengui's five slaughtered cattle. He also called Cheng Rengui several times and promised him a high price.

After driving to Chengjiapo, Yu Dasheng saw 5 cattle in the cattle pen and asked for them without saying a word.

Keep writing, it will be September soon.

There are only the last few months of the year left, so fast!

This chapter has been completed!
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