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Chapter 4 The cuteness that people hate dogs, lah

"If you want a big head, don't be afraid that it will give you a claw, and maybe it will eat a dead mouse." Cao Shujie slapped his daughter's little butt.

But it was no use at all, Mengmeng still refused to let go: "Kitty... ah wu, ah wu, ah wu."

"What the hell is this?" Cao Shujie's forehead was twisted.

Cheng Xiaolin looked at her daughter angrily. She picked up a pebble from the ground and threw it towards the wild cat on the wall.

"Meow!" the wild cat called out like its fur was exploding, and then jumped down from the other side with quick movements.

When Mengmeng saw that the wild cat was gone, she became anxious: "Mom, bad!"

"Then I'll throw you over to find the wild cats to play with." Cheng Xiaolin stretched out her hand to bring her over.

But Mengmeng was not happy this time. She quickly hugged her father's neck tightly with both hands, pouted her lips, and stared at her mother: "No!"

"You still can't do it? Aren't you looking for wild cats to play with?" Cheng Xiaolin rolled her eyes at her daughter and followed her husband towards the yard.

From the weeds, you can still see the red bricks paved on the ground. There is a layer of soil on the ground, and the weeds grow out of the cracks in the bricks.

The house looks a bit dilapidated because it has been unoccupied all year round.

Cao Shujie looked at room after room. Every time he looked at a place, he remembered scenes of growing up here when he was a child.

The next moment, he raised his finger and pointed to a place and said to his wife: "I remember there was a chicken coop there when I was a child, and there was a pigsty to the southwest, where I raised a few pigs."

As he spoke, he turned around and pointed to a square iron cage in the southeast and said: "There used to be a big wolf dog there, which was very vicious. But one day when Gao Jian came to school, it broke the iron chain and bit Gao Jian's buttocks.

He bit a piece of meat and ran away."

"Dad, where is the big dog?" Mengmeng was held by Cao Shujie. Listening to her father talking about the big wolf dog, she became interested again.

Cao Shujie said with a smile: "When dad goes to find someone to ask for a good dog, can I keep it for you to play with?"

"Okay." The little guy agreed immediately.

After looking around, Cao Shujie knew something in his mind: "Honey, let's go, let's buy some things and go to Grandpa Zhenggang's house, tell him, and set a good date to start construction."

"Okay!" Cheng Xiaolin nodded, and the couple came out of the yard together. Unexpectedly, the little wild cat that jumped off the wall just now was waiting outside the wall before it left.

Seeing them coming out, the cat even meowed at them, a bit arrogantly.

"Oh, you still hold grudges, don't you?" Cao Shujie picked up a branch from the ground and threw it over.

When the wild cat saw the branch flying towards it, it immediately dodged to the side with very flexible movements.

Cao Shujie thought about picking up a stone to scare it again, but Mengmeng kept shouting "Ah woo, ah woo" at the wild cat. The little wild cat also looked at her, with a little confusion in its eyes.

Maybe you're wondering what kind of cat this bigger one is? It doesn't even sound like it!

When Cheng Xiaolin saw it, she stopped her husband from throwing stones and said, "Husband, let's go. It doesn't want to leave, so let it catch mice here."

The family of three just left.

But before leaving, Mengmeng kept looking at the wild cat behind her. She kept mumbling, and a large amount of saliva flowed from the corner of her mouth, which all fell on Cao Shujie's back, but Mengmeng didn't care.

Cheng Xiaolin saw it from behind and didn't bother to remind her husband.

There is a small supermarket in the south and north of Caojiazhuang, which can meet the daily needs of the people in Caojiazhuang.

Cao Shujie took his wife and children to the Caohua Supermarket in the north and bought 10 kilograms of eggs, spending a total of 34 yuan.

"Shujie, are you really not planning to go out? We don't make any money back home?" Cao Hua was quite curious.

Cao Shujie chuckled: "Brother Hua, I won't go out. I'll earn some money outside. After paying off the mortgage, there won't be much left after excluding food and drink. It's better to live comfortably at home."

Looking at Cao Shujie's family of three walking south, Cao Hua thought to himself: "So they can't survive outside?"

On the way, they met a few more villagers, and Cao Shujie took out his cigarettes to let them go. By the time they arrived at the door of Cao Zhenggang's house, almost half an hour had passed.

I can't help it, I'm so enthusiastic in the countryside, I can stop and say a few words to anyone I see.

If you meet an uncle who has not played in the fifth server, you will have to say a few words.

As a result, many people in Caojiazhuang knew that Cao Jianguo's boy was no longer working in the capital, and said he was going back to his hometown to "flex his ambitions." Many people laughed and said nothing.

After seeing the cute little round face and chubby face, many people wanted to hug her, and some even took out snacks from their bodies to give to her, but the little guy didn't accept them.

Mom said, don't eat snacks randomly, otherwise you won't buy them for her in the future.

Mengmeng knows how to think long-term when it comes to food.

"Dang Dang!"

Cao Shujie took the nose of the iron gate and knocked several times: "Is Grandpa Zhenggang at home?"

He shouted, but no one responded, so he shouted again.

This time a little old man with half a head of silver hair came out of the house: "Who is it? Just come in."

As he spoke, he had already arrived at the gate. When he saw Cao Shujie, he recognized him at a glance: "Oh, isn't this Shujie?"

"And you two, it's cold outside, come in quickly," Cao Zhenggang said.

"Grandpa Zhenggang, I came here today to ask for your help with something." Cao Shujie said proactively.

Cheng Xiaolin has already handed over 10 kilograms of eggs.

"Hey, come on. Why are you still taking things? You can take them away later." Cao Zheng just took it and said.

Cao Zhenggang's home is well decorated, better-looking than most homes in Caojiazhuang. The floor is paved with floor tiles, and the walls are covered with wallpaper. You can still see the exposed radiator from behind the sofa placed against the wall.

As a small contractor, his living conditions are considered good in the village.

"Grandpa Zhenggang, what's going on is that I'm thinking of tearing down our old house and rebuilding it," Cao Shujie said.

When he was talking to Cao Zhenggang, Mengmeng couldn't listen to this, and she couldn't stay any longer.

Seeing her father sitting there motionless, she broke out of his arms, twisted her buttocks, and started to sit on the ground and roll around.

Cheng Xiaolin knew her virtue at the first glance and quickly picked her up: "Mengmeng, let's go, I will take you out for a walk."

"Let's go!" Mengmeng was happy.

As soon as the couple came out, Mengmeng pointed to a flowering tree in the yard and said, "Mom, look, it's so beautiful."

Cheng Xiaolin looked over and saw that it was an apricot tree, much higher than the roof of the house, and it was more than 5 meters tall by visual inspection. The tree was full of small white flowers, one on top of another, which looked very beautiful.

"Mom, yes." Mengmeng didn't know what politeness meant.

When she was in her mother's arms, she pushed herself up and wanted to pick apricot flowers, but she and her mother together couldn't even reach the flowers on the lowest branch.

"Woof woof, woof woof woof..."

The two women were thinking about how to pick a flower, when suddenly a short barking sound came, startling the two women who were concentrating on it.

Looking for the sound, I saw a small white-haired pug running out of the south wall. It was tied by a thin iron chain, and the other end was tied to an iron ring hammered into the ground.

Mengmeng's eyes brightened even more, and she pointed to the white-haired little pug: "Mom, little pug."

"Go down." She didn't want her mother to hold her anymore, so she pushed down hard. If her mother didn't let go, she was about to cry.

"Mom!" Mengmeng shouted aggrievedly: "Dad!"

I have to call daddy again.

"Mengmeng, I really admire you." Cheng Xiaolin was too lazy to talk to her: "I put you here, you can't lean forward, or the puppy bites you, I don't care."

"Mom." Mengmeng shouted again, thinking to herself, "Mom, you are really ink."

Cheng Xiaolin put her down, but kept holding her daughter's arm, fearing that she would rush over suddenly without knowing the importance of the situation.

"Dog, hee hee!" Mengmeng knelt down and stared at the little pug, her eyes shining.

"Mom, let go." Feeling that just looking at it was not enough, Mengmeng wanted to run over and touch it, but her mother grabbed her and couldn't get past it, so she started to shake her arms hard.

At this moment, the little pug may have felt that it was being underestimated by a baby, and was very angry. It bared its teeth and stepped back a few steps, and then rushed forward suddenly, driving the thin iron chain and making a "squeaking" sound.

' sound.


The sudden impact and cry of the white-haired little pug startled Mengmeng, and she stood there dumbly, motionless.

Just when Cheng Xiaolin thought her daughter was frightened and wanted to hug her and comfort her, Mengmeng acted like crazy and started yelling "woof, woof, woof" at the little pug.

That was all, she still struggled to break away from her mother's hand and wanted to rush forward.

This unexpected scene frightened the little pug so much that he retreated into the kennel and dared not come out.

"Puppy, wow!"

"Grass!" Cheng Xiaolin was stunned when she saw her daughter scaring the puppy. At this moment, only the word "grass" could represent her mood.

She never thought that her daughter could be more vicious than a pug!

At this moment, she seemed to understand what it means to be a 2-year-old child, which is the age when people hate dogs.

More than that, the dog is afraid of her daughter!

What a piece of trash!

This chapter has been completed!
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