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Chapter 440 Outrageous things (600.01 million)

 However, due to the poor economic environment, many people came back from outside, which invisibly increased the labor force in Caojiazhuang.

This made Cao Jianlong very happy.

After these people come back, they can focus on the economic development of Caojiazhuang.

Whether it's raising more cattle, growing pasture, growing fruit trees, whatever.

He told Cao Shujie about this matter, and Cao Shujie also felt that this would be an opportunity in the long run.

As Caojiazhuang's economy develops, people will see that they are making money in their hometown and feel it is better than outside. These people will stay in their hometown and develop, which will form a positive cycle.

Moreover, if his factory wants to develop, it must continue to recruit people, and it is impossible to only recruit those old, weak, women and children. There will be a lot of manual labor in the back.

As for the poor economic environment, Cao Shujie didn't think about it at the moment whether his investment in his factory would result in a loss of money.

In Cao Shujie's view, the economic environment is not good. It is indeed difficult to invest in starting a company at this time, but it is also an opportunity.

Other companies will also encounter such difficulties. It depends on who can survive this stage and find a way out.

Besides, no one can predict what will happen in the future.

We can only gather as much funds as possible to strengthen our foundation in this next wave of wealth feast.

Cao Shujie was a little distracted when he thought of these things.

His wife called him but didn't even notice.

It wasn't until Cheng Xiaolin came over and slapped him that Cao Shujie came back to his senses: "Wife, what's wrong?"

"What else is wrong? Are you deaf? I called you several times just now, but you couldn't hear me." Cheng Xiaolin muttered to him.

"I was thinking about something just now, are you okay?" Cao Shujie asked her.

Cheng Xiaolin handed over her husband's mobile phone: "If someone calls you, I will bring the mobile phone to you."

Cao Shujie's cell phone ran out of battery just now and was charging in the hut. When someone called, Cheng Xiaolin happened to see it.

"Who hit you? Just pick up the phone." Cao Shujie also told his wife.

But Cheng Xiaolin said: "They are friends from Xinjiang Changji. I can't understand what they are saying. You should go back there yourself."

"Changji's friends?" Cao Shujie thought of several people.

"Are they Adilijiang, Bayer and the others?" Cao Shujie said as he opened his phone's address book and saw Adilijiang's missed call at first glance.

"It's really them." Cao Shujie didn't know why Adilijiang called him, but he quickly called back.

Not long after, Adilijiang answered the phone: "Boss Cao, my friend, hello."

"Adilijiang, hello."

After the two exchanged greetings for a while, they started chatting. Only then did Cao Shujie know the purpose of Adilijiang calling him.

He, Bayir, Aksu and the other six families wanted to come and play with him during the May Day holiday.

"Adilijiang, just come. I promise to treat you with the best beef." Cao Shujie still remembered that when he visited Adilijiang twice in Changji, Xinjiang, he always served a whole lamb.

That kind of boldness made him unforgettable.

I also recognized this friend.

When Adilijiang heard what Cao Shujie said, he also laughed happily.

"Boss Cao, I'm going to trouble you this time," Adilijiang said.

Cao Shujie didn't mind at all. Adilijiang and the others made him earn more than 20 million in cash.

"Adilijiang, come here early, my strawberries are just on the market and they are delicious." Cao Shujie told him.

Adilijiang was even happier: "Okay, let's see you in a few days."

"See you then." Cao Shujie also said.

After the two hung up the phone, Cao Shujie said to his wife: "Adilijiang and the others are coming over to play."

"Come on, Shujie, do I need to go to town and book a hotel first?" Cheng Xiaolin asked him.

Cao Shujie thought about it and said, "Let's go and book it first, in case we can't book it by then."

Thanks to Cao Shujie's orchard, many people come to play during holidays, and there is no place to stay in Caojiazhuang.

Because of this, the accommodation hotel in Qingshi Town ushered in a turning point in its business.

Every holiday, hotels and hotels in Qingshi Town are always full.

Cheng Xiaolin nodded: "Then I'll go to town later and ask."

There are telephone numbers at hotels in town, but there are really no telephone numbers at hotels.

Putting his cell phone in his pocket, Cao Shujie went to work again.

On the other side, after Adilijiang called Cao Shujie, he called Aksu, Bayir, Nalati, Toheti, and Abdullah.

They agreed that the six families would buy tickets together and go to Caojiazhuang in Yiling City together.

And they are looking forward to this trip.

To them, Cao Shujie is their benefactor.

Last year, there were so many apples in stock that couldn't be sold, so it was Cao Shujie who helped them sell them.

Although the Chinese New Year is approaching, the price of apples has gone up and the market has suddenly opened up.

But after the New Year, the price of apples immediately dropped again, and the apple market shrank even more than a year ago.

How much money Cao Shujie makes is not their concern.

This time I went to visit Cao Shujie because I wanted to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with him.

In addition, they really wanted to see what the orchard planted by Cao Shujie looked like.

Adilijiang and the others were also very interested in Cao Shujie's intention to kill a cow to entertain them.

They will do the same thing when Cao Shujie comes over.

They were all looking forward to visiting Cao Shujie on this trip.

"Boss Cao also said that the strawberries in his orchard are ripe, and we will go over to eat his strawberries."

"This is really great, but the apples are not yet ripe, so I am a little disappointed."

"Abdullah, you can tell Boss Cao to mail some to you when the apples are ripe," Bayir said.

"Hmm, that's a good idea." Abdullah thought.

Cheng Xiaolin took a look at a less busy time and went to town to book 10 rooms.

After returning, Cheng Xiaolin complained to her husband: "Shujie, you can't guess how outrageous the prices of hotels in this town are?"

"Tell me about it." Cao Shujie was quite interested when he heard what his wife said.

"The standard of accommodation in our town is the same. It used to cost tens of yuan a room. This time I went to book a room and it started at 160 yuan. It was really a money grab." Cheng Xiaolin said.

"You say it's outrageous or not."

Cao Shujie didn't expect this, but during the tour, it was the same all over the country. The price here was 160 yuan, which was quite cheap.

But his wife went on to say: "This is not the most outrageous thing. I heard that many families in the town saw that hotels were making money, and they all converted their houses into B&Bs. They cost 300 yuan a day, which is even more outrageous than hotels."

"It's okay. The problem is that there are no tourist attractions or places to play in our town. It's a bit excessive to do this." Cao Shujie said.

Cheng Xiaolin nodded: "That's the fact."

Cao Shujie couldn't help but sigh: "After May Day, the strawberries in our orchard will be gone, and the hotels in the town will be covered in chicken feathers again."

"Who says it's not the case, but Liu Furong is the one who has a headache in this matter, so let's not worry about them."

Cheng Xiaolin nodded. She didn't want to worry about such important matters of people's livelihood for the officials in the town.

Cheng Xiaolin was thinking about one thing: "Shujie, what do you think if we build a row of accommodation places in our village?"

"It's so difficult now."

Cao Shujie shook his head: "It will be okay in the future, but now there are no relevant supporting facilities. It will be difficult to recover the cost just by investing money in it."

"That's right." Cheng Xiaolin stopped mentioning this matter.

On the morning of the first day of the May Day holiday, Cao Shujie got up at around 4 o'clock and started to prepare.

Everyone in the orchard is also in place.

Cao Huifang also came to the mountain early, thinking that her brother's side would be short of manpower like in previous years.

But when they came to the mountain, Cao Huifang realized that there were more than enough people.

And these people are very familiar, they are the people who used to pack apples in the factory workshop in the town.

She has worked there for more than half a month and is very familiar with these people.

"Brother, you brought all the people in the town here." Cao Huifang asked when she saw her brother.

Cao Shujie nodded: "Idle time is idle, let's do some work first."


Cao Huifang remembered something and asked her brother: "Brother, are you still selling apples this year?"

"What are you selling apples for? I bought the factory. I have just ordered the equipment and will be doing deep processing of agricultural and sideline products in the future," Cao Shujie said.

Cao Huifang has long been accustomed to her brother's amazing actions, and is even a little numb.

She was not surprised at all that her brother had money to buy a factory and equipment, but she knew that her brother had made a lot of money just by selling apples.

"Then when will you start production?" Cao Huifang asked him.

Cao Shujie can't say yet. He said: "It will be the end of the year as soon as possible."

"Why so late?"

Cao Huifang is a little confused. It's only May now, and there are still seven or eight months until the end of the year.

"There is no ready-made equipment. I will find a company that makes this equipment to customize it. It will definitely take time." Cao Shujie said.

In just a short time, more people came to the orchard, and Cao Huifang stopped chatting with her brother: "Brother, I'm going to help first, and we'll talk when we get home in the evening."

Cao Shujie also went to work now.

His wife and parents are also busy in the orchard.

Mengmeng stayed at home to play with her grandfather today.

There was no way, there were too many people in the orchard today, and Cao Shujie and his wife were too busy to take care of Mengmeng.

"Shujie, come here and help me." Cheng Xiaolin called him from a distance.

"Coming, coming." Cao Shujie agreed and ran over.

The old couple Wang Yuelan and Cao Jianguo also helped in the strawberry garden. They always felt that outsiders were not so dedicated. The old couple had been working diligently all their lives.

They were very happy to see so many people coming to the orchard.

"Shujie's place is getting better and better," Wang Yuelan said.

Cao Jianguo nodded: "I invested so much money, I have to make it back no matter what."

"I'm making a lot of money now, right?" Wang Yuelan never asked.

The couple is not short of money either. Their son and daughter-in-law have given it to them every year for the past two years, and most of the money is kept in the bank.

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