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Chapter 446 Let me see what stocks you want to buy (1.02 million) Good night

 Chapter 446 Let me see what stocks you want to buy (020,000) Good night

Cao Zhenghu was walking ahead with his great-granddaughter's schoolbag on an electric tricycle.

Cao Shujie held his daughter's hand and followed behind.

"Dad, where have you been?"

"Mom said you were going to see the uncles off, and the aunt was gone. Is that true?"

Mengmeng raised her little face with an innocent expression.

Cao Shujie nodded: "Dad will send you, Uncle Adilijiang, and the others to the car. They will go to other places to play. If Dad wants to be cute, come back as soon as possible."

"Then are you still going out?" Mengmeng asked.

Cao Shujie shook his head: "Dad won't be going out for the time being. Are you okay?"

"If you go out next time, take me with you." Mengmeng lowered her head and said, "There is nothing fun at home. I want to go out to play."

"Okay, next time you go out, you must bring Mengmeng with you." Cao Shujie said.

When the little guy heard what his father said, he immediately became happy.

"Dad, let's go home and watch cartoons." Mengmeng grabbed Cao Shujie's hand and ran forward.

Cao Shujie was afraid that she would fall, so he grabbed Mengmeng's wrist and ran forward two steps quickly.

From the back, it looks like the father and daughter are chasing Cao Zhenghu's electric tricycle.

So many people walking behind saw this scene and said with envy: "No wonder Director Cao has developed so well. He is really good to children and the elderly, and his family is harmonious. Who doesn't get rich for this kind of person?"

Get rich."

"Who says it's not the case? Our family would rather lie in bed, play on their mobile phones, read novels and play games than come to pick up Pengfei from school. I've told him several times that he doesn't agree to it."

"I'm so angry with someone who has the same moral character as ours. It's better to work outside to earn money and be upset at home every day."

Cao Shujie really didn't know what the people behind him thought of him. He took Mengmeng's hand and ran to the door of his house. Seeing his grandfather getting out of the car and opening the door, Cao Shujie shouted directly: "Grandpa, I'll just open the door."

"Then hurry up." Cao Zhenghu said to him.

His grandson had taken the priority from him to pick up his great-granddaughter, which caused his great-granddaughter to ignore him now. Cao Zhenghu was very dissatisfied with this grandson and would not show his face in any words.

Cao Shujie knew why his grandfather was like this. Because of this, he couldn't laugh or cry. He didn't expect that his grandfather would also be 'jealous'.

Why do you still live like a child as you get older?

"Grandpa, I'm going to be busy tomorrow. I won't pick up Mengmeng then. You have to go." Cao Shujie opened the door and made way for his grandfather.

Cao Zhenghu was about to turn the electric accelerator when he heard what his grandson said. He stopped again and said with a smile: "Shujie, if you have something to do, just go about your business. You don't have to worry about Mengmeng's business."

Seeing the smile on his grandfather's face, Cao Shujie thought to himself: "Okay, then I won't care about it from now on, so as not to make you unhappy."

Mengmeng still didn't know what happened, and she shouted: "Dad, I want you to pick me up."

"No, dad has to go to the village committee for a meeting tomorrow. He is busy at the back, so let grandpa pick you up." Cao Shujie said.

Mengmeng scratched her head and asked her father: "What are you busy with?"

"Didn't you say you still want to take me out to play?"

Mengmeng was puzzled, and Cao Shujie coaxed her: "When dad goes on a long trip, I promise to take you with him."

He didn't say when exactly it would be, but it was like this, and Mengmeng was very happy.

"Okay, Dad, I will remember it." Mengmeng was very serious.

But don't underestimate her, this little girl really remembers things.

Towards evening, his wife Cheng Xiaolin came down from the mountain.

Seeing him at home, Cheng Xiaolin was quite surprised: "Shujie, when did you come back? Why didn't you call me so I could pick you up in town?"

"What else are you waiting for? I'll just take the bus and come back." Cao Shujie was busy making dinner.

"Honey, I've stewed the ribs, stir-fried the beef, and eaten the beef offal. Is there anything else you want to eat?" Cao Shujie asked his wife.

Cheng Xiaolin didn't care what she ate. She said, "What would our grandpa want to eat?"

"I stewed part of the beef with potatoes, then put it in a pressure cooker and simmered it under pressure until it became a little more rotten, and gave it to grandpa to eat." Cao Shujie said this.

Cao Zhenghu heard it in the living room and said, "You don't have to cook for me alone. I'll just drink some millet porridge."

"Grandpa, how can that be done? Just drinking millet porridge won't satisfy you." Cao Shujie was not happy.

Cheng Xiaolin also said: "Grandpa, how about I make you a water egg."

"No, I can't eat much." Cao Zhenghu shook his head and refused.

He really didn't eat much.

Cheng Xiaolin still made a soft egg for her grandfather Cao Zhenghu, put some sesame oil and soy sauce on it, and brought it to him.

A strong fragrance hit my face.

Cao Zhenghu ate all the eggs and soup. The stewed beef and potatoes were mixed together. He also took a few bites, and then stopped eating.

Cheng Xiaolin was curious and asked him about sending Adilijiang and the others off. When she learned that Adilijiang and the others had left Yiling City by train early in the morning, Cheng Xiaolin was puzzled: "They left so early, why did you come back in the afternoon?"

"I went to a securities company to open an account again." Cao Shujie did not hide this from his wife.

He had also mentioned this matter to his wife before. At that time, Cheng Xiaolin didn't care and didn't think her husband really wanted to trade in stocks.

But when she heard her husband say that he had opened an account, Cheng Xiaolin realized that her husband was serious.

"You still want to trade in stocks? Tell me what stocks you want to buy." Cheng Xiaolin was a little curious.

But with the Bitcoin incident, Cheng Xiaolin really has no doubts about her husband's investment vision.

She said: "I also want to see how the stocks you bought go up."

"I haven't bought it yet. The stock market has plummeted recently and will continue to fall in the future. I can't just dive in at this time, right?" Cao Shujie spread his hands and looked like I am not a fool.

This appearance amused Mengmeng. She pointed at Cao Shujie's weird face and said, "Grandpa, look at it. Mom, look at it too. Dad looks like a fool. It's so ugly!"

Cao Shujie's forehead was covered with black lines, and he was wondering if this daughter was his biological child.

Grandpa is getting older and his mental state is not very good. After eating and playing with Mengmeng on the first floor for a while, he felt a little sleepy and went to the bedroom to rest early.

Cao Shujie and Cheng Xiaolin also took Mengmeng to the second floor. After playing with Mengmeng for a while, Mengmeng also started to feel sleepy.

Cheng Xiaolin coaxed her daughter to sleep. When her husband was preparing to take a rest, Cheng Xiaolin refused to let him sleep.

She even dragged him outside: "Shujie, please don't go to sleep yet. Tell me what stocks you chose? I'll take a look too."

"There's nothing to study, so why are you looking at this?" Cao Shujie wondered.

But Cheng Xiaolin disagreed, she had to take a look.

Cao Shujie followed her.

Open it on his laptop, log in to the Southwest Securities computer client, point to a few stocks in the self-selected stocks and say to his wife: "These are the ones I selected, but now is not the time to buy."

"When can I buy it?" Cheng Xiaolin was puzzled.

Cao Shujie shook his head and said: "At least we have to wait until the Shanghai Stock Exchange falls completely."

After finishing speaking, Cao Shujie clicked on the Shanghai Composite Index and said to his wife: "Look at how this line has fallen. Whoever buys it at this time is seeking death."


Just by looking at the line that steadily slopes downward from the top, Cheng Xiaolin, a layman who doesn't understand stocks, knows that it hasn't fallen yet.

"Shujie, don't buy blindly." Cheng Xiaolin warned her husband.

Cao Shujie nodded: "Don't worry, I definitely can't buy blindly."

Speaking of this, he also emphasized to his wife: "You just said that I bought my Bitcoin blindly?"

This is true. The last time I looked at it, Bitcoin had risen to more than 120 US dollars. They didn't bother to look at it during this period, but they thought that even if the price dropped a little, it wouldn't be too low.

For Cheng Xiaolin, this investment made by her husband was very successful.

The price of a single Bitcoin has increased seventy or eighty times compared to when her husband bought it.

Even if calculated based on the minimum 70 times, her husband’s initial investment of 600,000 was still 42 million. For Cheng Xiaolin, this was a number that she had never dared to think of before.

"Life is always dramatic, maybe my husband can make a fortune again." Cheng Xiaolin thought to herself.

Thinking of this, Cheng Xiaolin silently looked at the few stocks just now and remembered them in her heart.

She even thought about opening an account when she had time to buy some stocks.

After all, she also has an additional amount of video income, and the monthly share is not large. This year, it has been more than 1 million.

Sometimes, Cheng Xiaolin thinks about how easy it is to make money on the Internet. She doesn't do much physical work, she just uses her brain when making videos, then uploads the videos, and makes money while lying down.

Cheng Xiaolin just wanted to ask if there is anything more awesome than this?

I don’t know how much time passed, but there was a sound of dog barking outside, which caused other dogs in Caojiazhuang to also bark.

Daha and Erha in the yard looked up to the sky and roared at the moon in the sky, which was very much like the howling of wolves.

"Let's go to sleep." Cao Shujie said.

Cheng Xiaolin also stood up and walked to the bedroom: "Sleep."

Early in the morning on the second day, after walking the dog and having breakfast at home, Cao Shujie strolled to the village committee compound.

When he came here, neither Cao Jianlong nor the others came, and Cao Shujie was not in a hurry.

He took out his cell phone and called Cao Jianlong, Gao Changyin, Cao Zhengcun and Lu Ping one by one.

After waiting for the call to get through, Cao Shujie called them over for a meeting to discuss the matter.

This meeting was very unexpected, but none of the four of them, Cao Jianlong, refused, and they all agreed happily.

Not long after, Cao Shujie waited for Cao Jianlong in the office.

As soon as he entered the door, he shouted: "Shujie, why did you call us here in such a hurry?"

"Uncle Long, when they come over later, I will tell you together. Anyway, it will only be good for Caojiazhuang, and there will be no harm." This is what Cao Shujie said.

Gao Changyin and Cao Zhengcun came here together, and not long after, Lu Ping also came over.

After everyone arrived, Cao Shujie glanced at them and then said: "Everyone knows that a group of guests from Xinjiang came to my place two days ago, right?"

Seeing them nodding, Cao Shujie continued: "They came here for other reasons, but they stayed here for two days and did provide me with a lot of suggestions."

"I'm going to bring out these suggestions today, and let's discuss them together to see which ones are suitable for our Caojiazhuang." Cao Shujie finished the matter in one breath.

After hearing what he said, Cao Jianlong was stunned for a long time: "Shujie, do you really want to take it out and let the people of Caojiazhuang use it?"

"Otherwise?" Cao Shujie asked.

"Tell me what suggestions you have, and we'll listen carefully."

Cao Jianlong also said to Gao Changyin and the other three: "Listen carefully. If you can't remember it, just write it down in notes."

Several people were trained by Cao Jianlong and did not dare to say a word. They obediently took paper and pens and prepared to record.

In the following time, Cao Shujie spoke and four people listened.

Speaking of improvisation, Cao Shujie would also tell in detail what he did in the orchard of Adilijiang and the others when he saw it in Changji, Xinjiang.

After finishing speaking, Cao Shujie made a concluding speech: "Generally speaking, our area is indeed very backward in terms of orchards."

After saying this, Cao Shujie mentioned another thing: "Before the villagers planted orchards, didn't we all let them join the cooperative? It just so happened that Adilijiang and the others came over this time to give me some suggestions.

,I have some ideas.”

This time Cao Jianlong and the others listened more seriously.

Cao Shujie said: "We have always made a misunderstanding before."

"In fact, we should regard all the fruit farmers growing fruit trees in Caojiazhuang as a whole, and their orchards as a part of it."

"In other words, they all use their own orchards to invest in our agricultural cooperatives, and one share per acre of land is calculated. After all the fruits in the orchards are sold, the remaining capital and operating capital will be removed.

Just give them dividends."

"Absolutely, the more you invest, the more you gain."

"Shujie, I understand what you mean, but why is it like this?" Cao Zhengcun didn't understand.

Cao Shujie said: "I think that if we regard the orchards of these fruit farmers as a whole, it is equivalent to one of us planting more than 1,000 acres of orchards. In this way, it is actually the same as Adilijiang and his family planting three to four hundred acres of orchards."

, we can rely on these more than 1,000 acres of orchards to carry out modern management and cultivation, uniformly allocate various product resources, and install more advanced automation equipment, what do you think?"

Having said so much, as well as what Cao Shujie said in the meeting just now, combined with what Cao Shujie said at the end, Cao Jianlong and the others instantly understood how to solve the problem?

"I think it's okay, Shujie, otherwise you should be in charge of this matter..."

Before Cao Jianlong could finish speaking, Cao Shujie replied: "Uncle Long, you think highly of me."

Cao Shujie laughed and said, "Uncle Long, don't belittle yourself."


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