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Chapter 520 Bitcoin is taking off now (630.01 million)

 Mother-in-law Li Xiaojuan’s recovery is better than expected.

But if you look closely, you can see that there is a small raised bump on her wrist, which is hard to the touch. This is obviously the result of a recurrence before recovery.

Cao Shujie asked her if she worked again during her recovery?

When her son-in-law asked her about this, Li Xiaojuan felt a little embarrassed. She just couldn't sit still and didn't act fluently. When she saw that the family was very busy, she went to help with the work. Then she affected the fracture and went to the hospital to correct it again.

But this matter had been hidden from his daughter and son-in-law before, and his wife and son were not told. Although he has recovered now, if you look closely, there are still sequelae.

Cheng Xiaolin complained a lot about her mother when she found out, but some things were in the past and it was useless to say anything.

Regarding the fact that their son-in-law was awarded one of the "Top Ten Young Pioneers for Rural Revitalization in Yiling City", both Cheng Rengui and Li Xiaojuan were happy for him.

At noon, Li Xiaojuan personally cooked a sumptuous lunch and asked his son to bring out the Moutai and Wuliangye that his son-in-law Cao Shujie had brought over before. He must drink some.

Cao Shujie had no intention of going back today. He, his father-in-law, and his brother-in-law drank a pound of Moutai and two bottles of kiwi fruit wine he brought over.

While drinking, they also talked about the achievements of his father-in-law and brother-in-law in raising cattle.

I learned that my father-in-law sold the six calves he bought last October after they were raised to the slaughter standards for fattening cattle.

When selling the cow, Cheng Rengui did not bother his son-in-law anymore, but found someone himself. According to the market price of 13.5 yuan, he sold the cow for 113,643 yuan, which was not a bad price.

After selling these 6 cows, his father-in-law bought 10 more calves.

But this batch of calves was not bought from Cui Jingguo, but from them for 4,000 yuan.

Regarding this matter, Cheng Xiaolin wanted to say something about her father, but Cao Shujie grabbed her clothes and shook her head to persuade her to say less.

Brother-in-law Cheng Yunping also bought 10 cows, the same breed as his father-in-law, and even the price was the same.

As for where the 40,000 yuan to buy the calf came from, Cao Shujie didn't ask.

His brother-in-law and his wife had no savings, so they just asked his father-in-law for the money or borrowed it themselves.

Asking too many questions will only increase your worries.

They were not in a hurry to go back that day. They stayed at their father-in-law's house that night and left after breakfast the next morning.

Before leaving, the mother-in-law insisted on giving Mengmeng 600 yuan, saying that they had no preparations and asked Cao Shujie to buy some clothes for Mengmeng.

Cao Shujie definitely didn't want the money, but he didn't want the money and wouldn't let them leave. His father-in-law, Cheng Rengui, was still standing in front of the car.

"Shujie, don't be too dissatisfied with the lack of money. Your dad and I are usually busy and can't take care of Mengmeng. We just care a little bit." That's what Li Xiaojuan said.

Cao Shujie finally accepted the money.

Cheng Xiaolin thought that her husband would throw the money out of the window after driving the car farther away, but he did not do so until he left Chengjiapo.

Cheng Xiaolin was curious and asked him, and then heard her husband say: "Accepting this money will make them feel at ease, but if you throw it out again, they will think too much."

"When I come next time, I will buy them more things and two more clothes, so that they will not be reluctant to eat and wear themselves."

Cheng Xiaolin said about her husband: "You are so thoughtful."

"Mom, Mom, Teacher Li also said that I am very thoughtful." When Mengmeng heard her mother say this about her father, she quickly took credit, thinking it was a compliment.

When Cao Shujie heard what her daughter said, she burst out laughing while driving the car.

As soon as his body moved, the hand holding the steering wheel also moved slightly, and even made a small S-turn, causing Cheng Xiaolin and Mengmeng, mother and daughter, to jump.

Fortunately, Cao Shujie drove slowly and there were few people on the road, otherwise something would really have happened.

During the rest of the journey, Cheng Xiaolin no longer dared to let her daughter talk nonsense, and even told her husband that it was really not possible for her to drive.

A week later, Huang Zheng called Cao Shujie and told Cao Shujie that the cold storage was all completed. He asked Cao Shujie to go over and take a look if he was free. If not, he could make another appointment to inspect and accept it together.

At this time, there are still 9 days left before the end of November.

Cao Shujie had nothing to do, so he drove to town.

I saw that all the membranes on the side panels of the cold storage had been torn off, but after entering the cold storage, I could still smell a pungent smell.

Huang Zheng also told Cao Shujie that the cold storage needs to be left for a while to ventilate and remove the odor inside. Otherwise, the pungent smell will not only affect the health of employees, but also affect the quality of the stored fruits and vegetables.

He also told Cao Shujie that many seals inside the cold storage have been glued. If the cold storage is used directly now, the viscosity of these glues will not meet the standard, and the sealing performance will be much worse by then.

"Mr. Cao, if you are not in a hurry, you can dry it for half a month and use it next month." This is what Huang Zheng told Cao Shujie.

This is a very conscientious construction company.

Cao Shujie nodded and asked Huang Zheng if he could start the equipment now and take a look at the situation.

There was no problem with this. Huang Zheng immediately arranged for someone to start the refrigeration equipment. After a short test, he let Cao Shujie feel the effect, and then turned off the equipment.

Cao Shujie and Huang Zheng looked around the cold storage together. On the surface, there was nothing wrong with it.

Huang Zheng also stated that he is active in Pingyuan County. If you have any subsequent problems, you can contact him again. The warranty will be within three years.

For a fee of more than 4 million, Cao Shujie took Huang Zheng to the Yiling Rural Commercial Bank in the town. He transferred 2 million to him at the counter and told Huang Zheng that after it was officially launched next month, there would be no problems within a week and the balance would be paid.

Pay in one lump sum.

Regarding this point, Huang Zheng thinks there is no problem. Most projects are operated this way, and Cao Shujie is considered a good person. At least he is happy when he has to pay and never procrastinates.

If given a choice, Huang Zheng would still be willing to continue working for Cao Shujie, even if he earned less.

It’s just that Cao Shujie doesn’t have any similar projects now.

He wrote a receipt to Cao Shujie. Both parties signed and fingerprinted it, so this thing has legal effect.

Cao Shujie originally wanted to take Huang Zheng to have a meal with him, but Huang Zheng also shouted that he would treat him today.

But before the two of them walked out of the bank, Huang Zheng's cell phone rang.

When he saw that it was a call from home, he didn't think much about it, but when the call was connected, Huang Zheng's expression changed.

His father is sick and needs to go to the hospital urgently!

"Boss Cao, something happened at home. I have to go back in a hurry. I'll invite you when I finish my work another day." Huang Zheng said this.

Cao Shujie could tell from his eyes that he was anxious: "Mr. Huang, go ahead and do your work first. Don't be in a hurry about eating. Just call me when you are free one day."

"Okay, Boss Cao, I'm really sorry, I'm really embarrassed." Huang Zheng said.

Cao Shujie waved his hand: "Whatever this is, it's all normal."

"If you need help, call me." Cao Shujie told him.

Huang Zheng expressed his gratitude to Cao Shujie.

After watching Huang Zheng drive away, when Cao Shujie was about to leave, someone suddenly called him.

"Boss Cao, you're already at your door, why don't you come over and sit for a while," Ma Changrong's voice came.

Cao Shujie looked back and saw Ma Changrong standing in front of the bank.

He locked the car door again: "Manager Ma, I am not afraid that you will be too busy and I dare not disturb you."

"Boss Cao's words are better than his singing. Don't you know whether I'm busy or not?" Ma Changrong muttered.

Cao Shujie laughed and entered the credit office with Ma Changrong.

"Boss Cao has no money, why is he still spending so much?" Ma Changrong was curious.

He has no loan tasks at hand, which means he has no work to do. He comes here every day to make a pot of tea and spend the whole day idle.

I can't sit still in the office all the time, so I naturally walk around here and there.

Just now, he heard Li Qiuju, the bank lobby manager, tell him that Boss Cao had just paid 2 million yuan in fees.

Within the bank, this is no secret at all.

Cao Shujie didn't think too much and told the whole story: "It's all a good cooperative relationship, and the work I've done is pretty good. Isn't this the end of the year? The accounts that need to be settled still need to be settled."

What Cao Shujie said is very simple, but few people can actually do it.

After listening to this, Ma Changrong was deeply touched. He raised his right hand and raised his thumb, and said sincerely: "This is the whole bluestone!"

"To be honest, apart from you, Boss Cao, I have never heard of the second one."

"Hey, it's all friends who support each other. We all give face and help each other." Cao Shujie said.

"I guess it must be very comfortable to cooperate with you, Boss Cao." Ma Changrong said.

While talking, Ma Changrong stood up, made a cup of tea for Cao Shujie, and asked about the current situation at Cao Shujie's side.

Especially when asked about the issue of funds, Ma Changrong told him sincerely that no matter how difficult it is now, he can grit his teeth and endure it for more than a month. By 2014, even if there is no new financial policy, there will be new financial policies by then.

The loan amount is very easy for Cao Shujie to handle if he wants to get a loan.

"Boss Cao, hasn't your equipment already arrived? Then you can use the equipment as collateral..."

As expected, there is a way to do whatever you do.

The method mentioned by Ma Changrong is indeed feasible.

Cao Shujie thanked him. The two chatted for a while, and Ma Changrong mentioned something.

"Boss Cao has been planting orchards and opening factories. I don't know if you have paid attention to investment." Ma Changrong said.

Cao Shujie didn't understand what Ma Changrong wanted to say, so he asked: "What kind of investment?"

"It's definitely not stocks. The stocks are too thin now. The market just hit a new low in the middle of this year. There are only a few really good ones, but we can't buy them either." Ma Changrong kept complaining.

Cao Shujie smiled and said nothing more.

Ma Changrong seemed to be very eager to talk today, and then said: "Does Boss Cao know about virtual currencies?"

"Virtual currency?" Cao Shujie frowned.

When Ma Changrong saw Cao Shujie like this, he thought he didn't know. He felt a sense of superiority in his heart. He said, "It's such a pity. I have been paying attention to Bitcoin since it was worth tens of dollars a piece. I have thought about it several times but never dared to buy it."

, but Bitcoin is taking off now..."

"Take off? What do you mean?" Cao Shujie wondered.

From a few dozen dollars to more than 110 dollars, does it count as taking off?

Having said that, even this price has doubled or tripled compared to the previous low.

Compared to those who speculate in stocks, this growth rate has really taken off.


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