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Chapter 524 The awards begin (1.13 million) Good night

 Chapter 524 The awards ceremony begins (11,300) Good night

Seeing that Cao Shujie didn't know about the live broadcast, Li Kang was really afraid that he would have some accident, so he wanted to explain to him what was going on.

"When the awards are presented, the leaders of the municipal party committee and the city government will come. In addition, Mayor Zhu said that people from above will also come. Mayor Zhu hopes that Director Cao will treat it specially and show a 200% attitude." Li Kang continued.

Cao Shujie is really serious this time.

I'm just a little confused. Cao Shujie doesn't understand why people from the province would come to an award ceremony in a city?

Is it really necessary to select from the city and then select the provincial awards?

This shouldn’t be the way to select it, right?

With this question in his mind, and seeing that Li Kang had no intention of explaining it in detail, Cao Shujie was very smart and didn't ask any more questions.

Taking the speech from Li Kang, Secretary Cao read it roughly from beginning to end.

He had to admit that this speech was really official. Even if he picked out the words in it, he couldn't find any major flaws.

But with the same problem, this speech is not too outstanding.

In other words, any other person can memorize this speech without any problem.

It neither highlights Cao Shujie's personal entrepreneurial history nor tells the story of Cao Shujie single-handedly driving the people of Caojiazhuang to become rich.

It also did not talk about the core content of rural economic development. The only thing that has something to do with this speech and tomorrow's awards ceremony is the gratitude to Yiling City and leaders at all levels in the speech.

"Director Cao, what do you think? If there are any problems, let's raise them immediately so that I can find someone to correct them." Li Kang asked him.

Cao Shujie hesitated for a while, but finally expressed his thoughts: "Director Li, can we revise this speech..."

At this point, Cao Shujie told Li Kang his thoughts face to face.

Cao Shujie didn't say much, but he highlighted the economic development characteristics of Caojiazhuang and the characteristic policies implemented by Caojiazhuang for their local area.

Only his individualism was not mentioned.

After listening to it, Li Kang felt that what Cao Shujie said was feasible, but he could not make the decision on his own about such a big matter as revising the draft before the award ceremony.

He said: "I have to go back and ask Mayor Zhu for instructions."

And I have to say it face to face, even if I make a phone call, I'm afraid it won't be rigorous.

At that time, many municipal leaders will come over, and the awards will be broadcast live. If something goes wrong during the speech of the outstanding youth representative, he cannot bear the responsibility.

Cao Shujie didn't understand their rules, but he didn't care: "Director Li, I'll wait for your call at the guest house."

"Okay!" Li Kang hurriedly left.

At around 9 a.m., Li Kang called Cao Shujie again and told Cao Shujie that Mayor Zhu agreed with his suggestion, but asked Cao Shujie to write out the content of his speech first and take it to the municipal party committee office for proofreading.

It wasn't until lunch time that the manuscript was finished.

After finishing this matter, Li Kang told Cao Shujie that at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Cao Shujie would go to the Yiling Radio and Television Station Studio Center for rehearsal with the other nine winners.

After all, it's a live broadcast, so there can't be any problems.

Not to mention, when he actually saw the camera coming, Cao Shujie felt a sense of excitement in his heart.

Li Kang also asked him to go to the side to practice speaking in front of the camera.

Seeing that Cao Shujie had no stage fright at all and completed the speech perfectly in one go from beginning to end, Li Kang was relieved.

Cao Shujie had been busy this day, but he felt that time passed very quickly.

Before I knew it, it was dark outside again.

When Cao Shujie was thinking about what to eat at night, Li Kang brought a middle-aged man named Zhou Wentao over and said that he wanted to have dinner with the 10 people who were receiving the awards so that everyone could get acquainted with them in advance.

When everyone introduced each other, Cao Shujie remembered two people named Liu Yang and Zhang Cheng. Their names were easy to remember.

In addition, they are both very young and look about the same age as him, while the other seven are obviously older than them.

Among the so-called top ten outstanding young pioneers, Cao Shujie is very curious about what the leaders of Yiling City set the time limit for 'youth'?

When Li Yang introduced Zhou Wentao, Cao Shujie really didn't expect that his position was quite high. He was the deputy director of the municipal government office and a serious deputy department-level cadre.

The director of the municipal government office in Xiangyiling City is concurrently served by the deputy secretary-general of the municipal government. The deputy secretary-general is mainly busy with the work of city leaders. The person who actually presides over the work in the municipal government office must be Zhou Wentao.

The standard of the city government's reception dinner was not low, and Cao Shujie was quite satisfied with it.

"Everyone, let's stop here today. Tomorrow morning, Xiao Li will pick you up from the guest house in the car and take you to the Municipal Radio and Television Studio Center. It'll be fine."

"Don't worry, Director Zhou, it's no problem." A young man who looked over 35 years old rushed to say.

As soon as he finished speaking, a second person followed and said that there was no problem.

When Cao Shujie just listened to these people introducing themselves, several of them were still leaders of the local town.

Unlike Cao Shujie, these people were all hanging around, so they naturally wanted to fawn over Zhou Wentao, the 'city leader'.

Zhou Wentao did not change his attitude toward these people. After greeting everyone with a smile, Zhou Wentao left.

He still had a lot of things to do, so he told Li Kang to take care of these people before leaving.

At this time, Cao Shujie also figured out something. Even if Li Kang was not a small leader in the Yiling Municipal Government Office, he must be someone Zhou Wentao liked, otherwise Zhou Wentao would not leave this matter to Li Kang.

It was already very late, and Li Kang didn't stay here long. He asked Cao Shujie and the others to take a rest early, and he left too.

Cao Shujie was thinking about tomorrow and was about to go to bed when his peer named Zhang Cheng stopped him: "Brother Cao, are you okay? If nothing happens, let's chat for a while."

Zhang Cheng finally remembered who Cao Shujie was. He remembered that Cao Shujie had directly appeared on the Provincial TV Station's News World program, and was personally introduced by Zhu Lingyun, the deputy mayor of their city, on that program.

Zhang Cheng couldn't guess what the relationship between Cao Shujie and Zhu Lingyun was, but no matter what, Cao Shujie was so young and was chosen to speak on the stage as a representative of 10 of them. Many aspects showed that Cao Shujie was a figure.

He really wanted to have contact with the other party.

But Cao Shujie was very tired today. He told Zhang Cheng: "It's getting late today. Director Li will come to pick us up tomorrow morning. Time is very tight. Otherwise, after we finish tomorrow, let's find a place to get together. I

Invite everyone to have a meal, sit down and chat together."

Cao Shujie's words were well-founded and very polite. After listening to them, everyone could not find anything wrong with them.

Liu Yang, who was next to him, said: "Everyone, just now Director Zhou also told us to go to bed early. Tomorrow will definitely be very busy. There will be a live broadcast in the city then. We can't lose the big because of the small. If something goes wrong among us, then

We’re in big trouble.”

"Brother Liu is right. Let's all go to bed early today. If anything happens, we can discuss it together tomorrow night."

Zhang Chengyi was right.

Everyone separated and returned to their rooms.

Before going to bed, Cao Shujie called his wife and told her about today's arrangements.

Cheng Xiaolin also muttered to him: "I told you to go there early, do you think I was right?"

Cao Shujie said with a smile: "Yes, everything my wife said is right."

"What do you mean? It's like I'm messing around."

Cheng Xiaolin was not happy, but Cao Shujie made Cheng Xiaolin amused with a few words.

Knowing that her husband would go on stage to receive the award tomorrow and also speak as a representative of outstanding youth, Cheng Xiaolin chatted with her husband for a while and asked him to take a rest early.

Early in the morning of the second day, the first thing Cheng Xiaolin did when she woke up was call her parents-in-law and tell them that Yiling City TV station would broadcast the awards live this morning.

When Cao Jianguo and Wang Yuelan heard this, they stopped working in the mountains and stayed at home in front of the TV, watching the Yiling City TV station.

But at this time, the live broadcast of the awards has not started yet. It is the morning news with commercials, and they are all useless commercials. But even so, the couple are not willing to change the channel, for fear that they have just changed the channel and the live broadcast

It started, and they didn't want to miss even a minute.

Cheng Xiaolin called his parents again.

I don’t know if they watched it or not. Cheng Xiaolin hurried home after sending Mengmeng to the kindergarten. She turned on the TV to Yiling City TV Station, made breakfast first, served her grandfather Cao Zhenghu after he finished his meal, and told him by the way.

One sound.

"Shujie is really on TV." Cao Zhenghu was quite surprised.

Seeing his granddaughter-in-law nodding, he stopped listening to the tape recorder and turned it to his granddaughter-in-law and said, "Why don't you tell the people in the village committee and let them take a look too."

"Grandpa, Shujie said, there is no need to tell others." Cheng Xiaolin said.

Hearing that it was Sun Tzu's intention, Cao Zhenghu didn't say much.

At the guest house in Yiling City, the biological clock woke up Cao Shujie at around 5 o'clock in the morning.

After getting up, Cao Shujie took a shower, put on new clothes, went to the restaurant to have breakfast, and then went back to the room to wait.

Li Kang arrived very early with a minibus. At that time, 2 of the 10 people had just woken up and were busy washing up without eating breakfast.

The other 8 people are ready.

The two of them didn't dare to say anything else. When they heard that Li Kang was taking them away, they followed the team towards the Yiling TV Studio Center with hungry stomachs.

They were still rejoicing in their hearts. Fortunately, they went to bed early last night. It would be a shame if they continued to work until midnight and couldn't wake up this morning.

On the way, Li Kang repeated it again: "Other audiences will enter the venue after 8:30, and the leaders will enter on time at 8:50. The award ceremony will start at 9:00, and there will be a leader's speech at the beginning..."

"Remember yesterday's formation formation, don't mess up the formation, don't be nervous..."

Li Kang took the trouble to remind them in the car.

At this time, many people were not nervous at first, but when Li Kang said this, they became nervous.

They have been developing in the village and town, and have never seen such a big scene. When they think that many city leaders are watching them on the stage, and some of them have not arrived at the studio center, they feel their hearts beating faster.

Li Kang saw the change in their emotions and was also trembling in his heart, thinking that he should not tremble at the critical moment.

"Guys, listen to some music and relax. Let me tell you, when you go on stage later, just stare at the opposite side of the stage without thinking about the leaders on the scene, so that you won't be nervous..."

I finally finished it. I could have finished it earlier and wanted to write more, but my boss encountered problems in his class and it was a headache to teach T_T

Friends, go to bed early.

This chapter has been completed!
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