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Chapter 573 Sister Mengmeng is on TV (610.01 million)

Cao Shujie was amused when he heard what his grandfather said.

"Grandpa, the news is usually broadcast at this time." Cao Shujie said.

Cao Zhenghu glared at him: "What do you know? I want to see what your factory's advertisements look like quickly."

"Hey, Grandpa, you told me earlier. I'll go upstairs and get my laptop to open the ad template for you to look at."

After Cao Shujie finished speaking, he stood up and prepared to go upstairs to get his laptop.

Cao Zhenghu stopped him again: "We only have a few minutes, why are you still using the computer? Come on and rest."

Having said this, Cao Zhenghu remembered something and asked his grandson: "Shujie, what is the name of your company's product?"

"Is it just called Xuemeng Food Factory?" Cao Zhenghu still knew that his grandson's factory was called Xuemeng Food Factory.

But I always feel that it’s a bit awkward to name a food with this name.

Cao Shujie smiled and shook his head. Before he could say anything, Mengmeng said first: "Grandpa, I know."

"Oh, Mengmeng, tell me." Cao Zhenghu looked at his great-granddaughter and said.

"It's called Aimeng Preserved Fruit, hehe!" Mengmeng smiled even more proudly when she mentioned this.

She said: "Dad said he gave me this name because he loves me."

"Ai Meng Preserved Fruit, it sounds pretty good." Cao Zhenghu thought it sounded better the more he thought about it.

He said: "Yes, what is the advertising slogan you are thinking of?"

"Hey, keep it secret."

As soon as Cao Shujie finished saying this word, Cao Zhenghu raised the walking stick in his hand: "What's it called?"

Cheng Xiaolin covered her mouth and smiled. She thought her grandpa was quite cute sometimes despite his age.

Then she saw her husband humming and saying: "Enjoy every taste of life, Aimeng Preserved Fruit will make your life more interesting."

"Fashion loves cuteness, delicious food on the tip of the tongue, and pays attention to your life with nutrition and greenness"

"That's all there is to it."

After listening to his grandson's words, Cao Zhenghu wondered: "Didn't you make an advertisement? Why are there two advertising slogans?"

"One is an advertisement in the evening, and the other is a free advertisement at noon. The advertising words have been slightly changed." Cao Shujie said.

Cao Zhenghu didn't understand this, and after hearing what his grandson said, he was not interested in learning more.

He waved his hand and said, "Can we still watch it at noon tomorrow?"

"Grandpa, that's all advertising. If you want to see it, I'll go get it now. We don't have to watch the TV." Cao Shujie advised his grandfather.

Why do you still follow commercials as if they are TV dramas?

But Cao Zhenghu stared and said loudly: "I am happy, but can you control it?"


Cao Shujie stopped talking.

I don't know how much time has passed.

Dongshan Provincial TV Station's "Evening News" has finished, followed closely by the weather forecast that most people in Dongshan Province are most concerned about.

Although this is not very accurate, relatively speaking, this is one of the few ways for them to obtain weather conditions.

As in the past, after watching the weather forecast, many people in Dongshan Province were ready to change channels to watch entertainment programs or TV series, while others were waiting for CCTV news.

But at this moment, a sentence suddenly came from the TV.

"I'm convinced by the taste, but I still love cute preserved fruits."

"This is a product that selects purely natural and pollution-free apples from Changji, Xinjiang, is processed using ancient methods, uses fully automatic production equipment, and is carefully crafted through dozens of processes."

When I said this, the process of making preserved fruits immediately appeared on the screen.

Because the advertisement only lasts for 30 seconds, there is no way to take care of every production link.

Huang Baoxiang and his team only intercepted the most critical links and edited them into an advertising animation. The final shot showed a cute scene eating preserved fruit.

"Come and take a look, take a look, these are delicious preserved fruits. If you don't believe me, I'll eat them for you!"

As soon as Mengmeng finished speaking, the camera turned and showed dozens of people rushing to find Mengmeng to receive preserved fruit.

A voice came out from the advertisement: "Enjoy every taste of life, Aimeng Preserved Fruit will make your life more flavorful."

"This advertisement is so beautiful!" Cao Zhenghu said.

Not only did he think it looked good, but Cheng Xiaolin found it even better after seeing the prototype of the advertisement and then seeing the effect of the advertisement broadcast on TV.

"Shujie, his skills are much better than mine." Cheng Xiaolin admired her sincerely.

This advertisement also adds a piece of music of mountains and flowing water, which complements the entire picture and matches it just right.

"Perfect!" Cao Shujie sighed.

These people are truly professional. No wonder they spent so much money. I cannot say that this advertisement is worth 5 million, but this level is definitely worth it.

While Cao Shujie and the others were watching the advertisement, at least millions of families in the entire Dongshan Province were watching the evening news and weather forecast in Dongshan Province, and then seamlessly saw this advertisement.

As soon as they heard the opening line of the advertisement, they found it very interesting.

This opening sentence is very simple, but also very direct, telling people what it is.

"I'm convinced by the taste, but I still love cute preserved fruits."

The more I read it, the more it sounds like a jingle, making people catchy.

Waiting to watch the entire production process of Aimeng Preserved Fruit, looking at the cute appearance in the picture, and listening to the last advertising slogan, "Enjoy every taste of life, Aimeng Preserved Fruit will make your life more flavorful."


This is a very interesting advertisement, but it has been remembered by many people because of its catchy opening line.

Not only that, there are also many people who excerpt the opening sentence and the last sentence separately and put them in their QQ messages or WeChat Moments, making them look very fashionable and tasteful.

In this way, the spread speed will be faster.

Some people even go directly to the Internet to find this advertisement, but unfortunately, Dongshan Provincial TV Station has not put this advertisement on their website.

However, after this advertisement, many short videos related to Aimeng Preserved Fruit suddenly appeared on the Internet.

There are also some interesting jokes.

This thing seems to have come out of nowhere and suddenly spread on the Internet.

At that time, many hot words came into being.

But what everyone deserves to remember the most is the sentence "I am convinced, but I still love cute preserved fruits."

There's no way around it, it's easy to remember, and it's so smooth that it feels charming.

Just like Nongfu Spring’s advertising slogan “Nongfu Spring is a little sweet.”

No one knows whether it is sweet or not, but when it comes to Nongfu Spring, everyone subconsciously thinks it is sweet.

The advertising slogan of Aimeng Preserved Fruit is not that slippery, but it is almost there.

That night, after seeing this advertisement, many families were deeply impressed by the food Aimeng Preserved Fruit, and they began to search for places to buy it.

No one expected that so many people would find the product Aimeng Preserved Fruit on the Internet.

I found it in a Taobao store called Xuemeng Fruit Store.

Many people are curious and ready to place an order to buy a pack to try.

However, when seeing the free shipping threshold set by Xuemeng Fruit Store for purchases over 29 yuan, some people think it is too expensive and do not want to buy it, but there are still some people who don't care about the money. They just want to verify whether this product is delicious.

, just continue to place the order.

Dongshan Province is very large, with a population of more than 100 million.

But there are still many families who don’t watch TV, so naturally they don’t know about this advertisement, let alone Aimeng Preserved Fruit.

But it doesn't matter, there are still advertising replays during the day, and the advertising contract signed by Cao Shujie and Dongshan TV Station is for one year, so you can always see it once in a year.

Unless you're the kind of person who doesn't watch TV at all.

However, promotional advertisements have also begun to be placed on the Internet. You can’t say that you don’t watch TV or play with your mobile phone, right?

In other words, there is always an ad for you to see.

Many people in Caojiazhuang still pay attention to the evening news and weather forecast on the provincial TV station, and some older people also like to watch CCTV news.

Naturally, these people saw the advertisement of Xuemeng Food Factory’s product ‘Aimeng Preserved Fruit’.

When they first saw the advertisement, many people screamed in surprise.

They never expected that this product would be advertised on provincial television.

This feeling makes them feel a little dreamy, especially unreal.

These simple people have always believed that the products advertised by Dongshan Provincial TV Station must be products of big brands or well-known units.

Then someone thought: Could it be that Director Cao's factory is already a big company?

This idea is still in the minds of many people.

Not only that, some people also use their mobile phones to post this commercial video to the Caojiazhuang QQ group or the Caojiazhuang WeChat group.

Use this way to express their excitement.

The old couple Wang Yuelan and Cao Jianguo, who were hiding at home and watching advertisements, originally thought that this matter was quiet and low-key, and they didn't tell anyone.

But who knew that the entire Cao Family Village would know about it all of a sudden.

The confidentiality work they thought they were doing appears to be full of loopholes.

But they have forgotten that the advertisement itself is for people to see, so how can it be kept secret?

As the top leader of Yiling City, Xiang Yuheng pays more attention to provincial news and also likes to watch CCTV news.

Therefore, watching the evening news on Dongshan Provincial TV Station every day is an indispensable habit for him.

But today, when I saw an advertisement for Aimeng Preserved Fruit sandwiched between two news items, Xiang Yuheng was still stunned for a moment.

Brother and sister Xiang Siyang and Xiang Siyan, who were watching the news with their grandfather, shouted with joy when they saw the cute characters in the advertisement.

"It's Sister Mengmeng. Grandpa, look, it's really Sister Mengmeng."

"Wow, Sister Mengmeng is on TV. She is so awesome."

Xiang Yuheng simply ignored the joyful cries of his grandson and granddaughter.

He was thinking about the video he just watched. He never expected that the young man had already advertised their factory's products on the provincial TV station. It was incredible.

There are many people like Xiang Yuheng in Yiling City.

It's just that they have no idea about Xuemeng Food Factory, and they don't know Cao Shujie, so naturally their mentality is different when they see this advertisement.

But when they saw this advertisement, they still thought it was interesting, and they also wondered whether this product was delicious?

Where can I buy it?

To be honest, a traditional program channel like Dongshan Provincial TV Station has such interesting advertisements. It is no longer an advertisement selling fertilizers or promoting infertility. In this way, many people feel a sense of

Beautiful contrast.

This chapter has been completed!
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