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Chapter 630 Absolute Big Shot (400.01 million)

This also includes Cao Shulun and Cao Shuyang.

When the stock market opened on the second day, they thought there would be a high premium that day.

The opening price did indeed see a premium increase, but it opened less than a point higher.

Then it started to fall, and it fell without hesitation, with the lowest drop of nearly 6 points throughout the day.

The drop was even worse on the second day. Not only did it open lower and move lower, it also closed at the lowest price throughout the day. It dropped 8 points and the stock price reached over 22 yuan.

In just two days, more than a dozen points were gone.

At this time, after two consecutive increases in positions, the cost prices of Cao Shulun and Cao Shuyang were 19.33 yuan and 19.81 yuan respectively. The difference between this price and the current closing price was only three yuan.

After buying with them, Cao Fei only increased his position once, adding only 1,000 shares. The cost price was 14.94 yuan.

The cost price of Cao Zhen, which has reduced its position once, is even lower, only 12.86 yuan.

For Cao Shuyang and Cao Shulun, they saw their profits drop from more than 30,000 yuan before adding the position to more than 20,000 yuan within two days after adding the position. This result was unbearable for them.


Because of this incident, they were not in the mood to go to work for the past two days.

But the stock market is an impersonal slaughterhouse and a field for harvesting leeks. It will not slow down the decline of stocks just because you feel uncomfortable.

On the contrary, this place will be harvested repeatedly, allowing you to see a more cruel side.

On the third day, when the stock price opened slightly higher, it hit 22 yuan in a straight line, and then fell below 22 yuan, a drop of nearly 4 points.

The profits of the two of them officially fell below 20,000 yuan, which also meant that in just three days, their profits fell by half. However, seeing that the stock price did not stop falling at all, the two of them felt uncomfortable.

My heart was in my throat, pounding wildly. Not to mention that eating didn't taste good, and drinking drinks felt like drinking plain water.

They don't know what to do, and they are not sure whether the market outlook can continue to rise. They even have an idea in their minds that more than 25 yuan is its high point, because it has more than doubled since the low point.

They are hesitating whether to reduce their positions and take out the borrowed money to pay back while there is still profit.

If the stock price continues to fall, let alone losing their principal, the 100,000 yuan they borrowed will be gone. What should they do then?

Fortunately, on this day, the stock price went from falling nearly 4% to rising 4% in late trading, and closed at its highest point, with an amplitude of 8% throughout the day.

This move that seemed to stop falling and rise also gave Cao Shuyang and Cao Shulun a shot in the arm, allowing their hearts that were about to explode to finally calm down.

The most important thing is that within this day, Cao Shulun's profit dropped from below 20,000 yuan to a profit of more than 30,000 yuan.

Cao Shuyang's profit also increased from 15,000 yuan to more than 27,000 yuan.

Making money is good news for them.

Especially on the following day, the stock price broke through the previous high and finally closed at the daily limit of 26.13 yuan.

On this day, Cao Shuyang and Cao Shulun's profits officially exceeded 40,000 yuan, and Cao Shulun's profit was even close to 50,000 yuan. This was also the first time since they bought Flush.

Just as the two of them bought wine and meat and prepared to celebrate the arrival of spring, the opportunity to make a fortune finally enveloped them.

But after this daily limit, their nightmare came quietly.

They are also accustomed to thinking that there will definitely be a higher premium after the daily limit, and the subsequent increase will definitely be amazing, but the fact is not what they thought.

No one expected that on the first trading day after the daily limit, the market opened down three points, and then opened a downward slope and a slow downward channel.

This kind of blunt knife cuts the flesh, but it is the most uncomfortable thing for people. It is better to hit it with a lower limit.

And this slow downward trend makes it impossible to see the end.

Cao Shujie could no longer understand what Cao Shulun and Cao Shuyang were thinking when they saw this trend.

Cao Shujie is currently busy preparing to receive city leaders.

Early in the morning, Cao Shujie visited every corner of the factory again.

The city leaders will be here soon, and Cao Shujie is not really that big-hearted.

"Everyone, please hurry up and stop being impatient. The leaders will be here soon."

"Hold on tight, who is that? Isn't it you?"

"Let's check and clean up the door. Can we leave a good impression on the leaders today? It is related to the future development of our factory. If we don't do it well, I will fire you."

"Don't worry, boss, everything is ready." Shi Jingxiu came over and said.

Cao Shujie nodded, and he stopped putting his pressure on others.

At around 7 o'clock in the morning, Xia Zhenjiang personally called Cao Shujie and told him that he would leave the county at 9:10 and head towards Qingshi Town after the city leaders arrived.

Cao Shujie counted the time and had an idea in his mind.

During this time, Cao Shujie was not waiting in the office, he was walking back and forth at the factory gate.

People in the factory rarely see their boss acting so restless, which makes them nervous.

This situation lasted until 9 o'clock, when Xia Zhenjiang called Cao Shujie again. They had already met with the city leaders and set off from the county towards Qingshi Town.

"Okay, Secretary Xia, don't worry, I'm ready." Cao Shujie said this.

At this time, Liu Furong and Luo Ningyou also brought a group of people from the town over to see the scene and help.

They are more nervous than Cao Shujie.

To put it bluntly, the leaders of the city are like gods to them, and they usually don't see them at all.

It's not like Cao Shujie is now having dinner at the leader's house in the city.

After arriving at Xuemeng Food Factory, the first time Liu Furong saw Cao Shujie, he hurriedly told him that the city leaders had already left and would be there in about half an hour.

"Director Cao, I have asked people from the police station to lead a team to your second phase. This is a special situation. Please be more patient." Liu Furong said this.

He was really afraid of an accident.

Especially at Cao Shujie's Phase 2 construction site, the police were called out some time ago because employees of the construction company made trouble. In Liu Furong's mind, he felt this was a hidden danger.

Cao Shujie didn't care: "It's okay, Secretary Liu, just follow the arrangements."

All positions in the factory should still produce and continue to be busy.

While Cao Shujie and Liu Furong were chatting under the bright sun at the door, a motorcade came from the south.

There was a police car at the beginning, two black Audi A6s behind, and two khaki minibuses behind them.

Behind the two minibuses, there were two black Audis.

When he saw this lineup, Cao Shujie was a little surprised. The lineup was quite big.

How many people came today?

It seems that this situation is not just as simple as the city leaders.

Cao Shujie was still thinking, but the police car leading the way had already arrived at the door and stopped.

After the police car stopped, four young people got out of the car, still wearing plain clothes.

The six cars behind also stopped.

The car door opened and the people sitting in the car came out one after another.

When Liu Furong saw this lineup, he was confused and had no idea what was going on.

With his common sense, he also knew that something was wrong with the situation at hand, and the people coming were probably not just the city leaders.

In fact, this suspicion seemed to be confirmed when Cao Shujie saw Xiang Yuheng and Zhu Lingyun, city leaders whom he was very familiar with, get out of the car and gather around another old man who looked about sixty years old.


Especially beside this old man stood a person who was very familiar to Cao Shujie. He was Guan Guotai.

Seeing Guan Guotai busy, at this moment, Cao Shujie seemed to have some suspicions confirmed.

In fact, the old man's specific age could not be discerned. He was thin and energetic, with black hair. He kept looking around with a smile. He was very curious about this place.

Xiang Yuheng was introducing something to him.

When he saw Cao Shujie, Xiang Yuheng waved to him directly: "Xiao Cao, come here."

This title made everyone present, including Xia Zhenjiang, Liu Furong, Luo Ningyou and others, temporarily mentally stagnant.

But they didn't ask, and they didn't have time to ask.

It was also at this time that they realized that the relationship between Cao Shujie and Xiang Yuheng must be extraordinary.

Otherwise, how could there be such an intimate title?

Cao Shujie really didn't expect that Xiang Yuheng would take care of him so much at a critical moment. He couldn't describe how moved he felt in words.

I am also planning to prepare a generous gift for Xiang Yuheng during the Mid-Autumn Festival in a few days.

At this time, the old man, who was surrounded by Xiang Yuheng and Guan Guotai, also turned to look at Cao Shujie.

As he got closer, Cao Shujie looked at the old man in front of him who was wearing glasses and looked very thin and lean. He looked familiar.

On the evening news of Dongshan Provincial TV Station, you will often see him appearing on the TV and presiding over meetings.

"But what should I call it?" Cao Shujie was still thinking about this in his mind.

The other party spoke first: "Comrade Yu Heng, is this Director Xiao Cao you just introduced to me?"

Cao Shujie opened his mouth, and the title "Little Director Cao" came out of the other person's mouth. For a moment, he felt honored, and even felt a sense of intimacy.

Xiang Yuheng nodded repeatedly: "This is Cao Shujie, the boss of Xuemeng Food Factory. He is a very motivated young man with a rare character."

It's enough to praise Xiang Yuheng, and he didn't play any tricks.

He knew in his heart that many things could not be hidden from his old superior.

Even though the other person looks much younger than him, in fact the other person is over 60 years old and is older than him.

"Comrade Xiao Cao, let's go in and take a look." the old man said.

Cao Shujie nodded: "Please!"

He was very honest this time, and every move he made was very lawful, for fear of leaving any bad impression.

If that's the case, is there still a place for him in Dongshan Province?

Entering the factory, Cao Shujie didn't even know how to address him.

He simply didn't think about it anymore. When introducing the factory, he kept using the word "you" and no one mentioned him.

Xiang Yuheng, Guan Guotai, Zhu Lingyun and others of this level also followed behind obediently, and no one interrupted.

Cao Shujie was the only voice present at the scene.

Instead of going to the office building, they walked directly to the workshop.

When he came to the door of the workshop, the old man who had been listening but said nothing spoke: "Director Xiao Cao, is this the production workshop?"

"Yes, this area is our production workshop. We have integrated fully automatic production equipment."

Cao Shujie opened the door and took them in together.

"Please come this way." Cao Shujie led them to the changing room, next to which there was a vent.

He introduced that this workshop is food-grade and has very high hygiene requirements. They must change clothes when entering.

At this time, many people behind were very nervous, fearing that Cao Shujie would upset the big boss if he said he had to change clothes.

But the old man was not unhappy, and did as Cao Shujie said. He neatly put on a white coat that he pulled over his head, walked through the wind shower, and walked towards the workshop together.

A team of dozens of people is quite large.

In addition to people walking normally, there are also people behind with various tools shooting videos.

Cao Shujie had a hunch that their factory would appear on the provincial TV news this time.

Putting aside everything else, in this situation, it would definitely be easier for him to go to the bank for a loan than before.

Cao Shujie is already thinking that after this is over, he will go to Yiling Rural Commercial Bank to discuss the loan again.

Or talk to the Agricultural Bank of China?

The leaders from above came to inspect in person. How many companies have such treatment?

Moreover, the person who visited and inspected was a rural enterprise. How many enterprises have such an honor?

With this thought in mind, everyone else had already changed their clothes, and Cao Shujie led them into the workshop through the wind shower entrance.

After entering, there is almost no other sound except the sound of the equipment running.

Cao Shujie took them directly towards the source.

When we came to the raw material washing side, we watched the apples enter the pool, be washed frequently by automated equipment, and then be transported forward through automatic hanging conveyor belts.

There are also drying, peeling, slicing and other processes in the middle.

But all of this is done by the equipment, and people are just assisting.

Or check if there are any abnormalities in the device parameters.

If there are no abnormalities, there is no need to make adjustments.

Cao Shujie started to introduce this group of people from here.

As the equipment moved forward, Cao Shujie introduced them to the packaging of finished products, watching the packaged products being put into boxes and transported outside.

A special small logistics vehicle is brought to the warehouse, and the entire production process is completed.

During this process, no one else spoke.

But the photos never stopped.

The video equipment never stopped, and the camera kept following Cao Shujie and the old man beside him.

At the end, Cao Shujie casually took out a piece of preserved apple from the packaged product and handed it to the old man: "Try how it tastes."

Someone behind saw this scene and subconsciously took two steps forward to block it.

Even Xiang Yuheng and the others became nervous.

Cao Shujie didn't realize the unpredictable consequences of his move.

The old man beside him smiled and reached out to take the preserved fruit from Cao Shujie: "Okay, let me try it."

At this moment, the tense atmosphere relaxed.

This chapter has been completed!
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