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Chapter 674 Cao Shujie is a vested interest (1.12 million) Good night

Because Cao Shujie wanted to cause trouble on purpose, he catered to the support of some people who were watching the excitement and did not mind the trouble, and the popularity on the Internet never subsided.

On the contrary, as the two sides became more and more noisy across the network cable, it seemed to be getting angry, and it became more and more lively.

But both Bestore and Three Squirrels played a trick in this Double 11 promotion by first raising prices and then offering discounts, and some netizens took out screenshots as evidence.

When things have come to this point, the two families themselves are not justified.

The attitude towards these two companies on the Internet also reversed instantly, and many netizens began to criticize them.

At the same time, more netizens support Xuemeng Food Factory.

As for the ongoing dispute between Bestore and Three Squirrels over Xuemeng Fruit Store’s Taobao store fraud, netizens don’t care at all. They all believe that the two companies are slandering Xuemeng Fruit Store.

No matter what strong evidence the two companies presented, netizens did not believe it. They only thought that the two companies had fabricated evidence to slander Xuemeng Food Factory.

Some netizens analyzed that the reason why the two companies insisted that the orders of Xuemeng Food Factory were fraudulent was that, as two established snack food companies, they could not accept that Xuemeng Food Factory, a new factory, was standing over their heads.


In addition, because they could not refute netizens' suggestion to change the price before the event, they thought that if they could not fall behind, they would drag down their competitor Xuemeng Food Factory.

A typical example of harming others but not benefiting oneself.

In this case, many netizens posted how many preserved fruits they bought from Xuemeng Food Factory. Some netizens shared online the taste and feeling of tasting the preserved fruits after receiving Aimeng Fruit Store, as well as the customer service staff of Xuemeng Fruit Store.

Communicate details.

Generally speaking, many netizens feel that the customer service staff at Xuemeng Fruit Store are more heartwarming when speaking.

Which is right and which is wrong, other netizens will know at a glance.

This kind of online spat started after Double 11 and continued until late November. As the two sides were about to move from online to offline, at this time, government officials from both sides began to stop them and told them to stop.

This matter has just come to an end.

Also because of this incident, Xuemeng Food Factory received extremely high attention.

So much so that the orders for Xuemeng Fruit Store on Taobao platform continued to rise.

Cao Shujie, Guan Boyong, and Chen Hong were all secretly happy, but Bestore and Three Squirrels were very depressed.

In this round of online quarrels, they have completely become the foils of Xuemeng Food Factory.

Not only did he not benefit from it, but he was also criticized by many netizens for his various ugly behavior.

Their flagship store on the platform was also affected, and the order volume dropped at a visible rate.

The Internet has memory, and BESTORE and Three Squirrels realized this deeply during this online quarrel.

They even regretted a little, feeling that they should not have argued with Xuemeng Food Factory for so long. In the end, the goal was not achieved, but instead they helped the other party and ruined themselves. It was true to the saying that stealing chickens does not result in losing rice.

However, memories on the Internet are also time-sensitive.

After more than a week of online quarrels and farce ended, netizens stopped watching and returned to their own lives.

As for Bestore and Three Squirrels, many netizens selectively forgot about their price adjustments in advance before the Double 11 shopping festival.

How should some people buy it? Still support these two companies as always.

There was also a lot of support for Xuemeng Food Factory. Overall, Xuemeng Food Factory still benefited greatly from this quarrel.

Judging from the results, they are obviously vested interests.

As time enters late November, the Spring Festival is getting closer and closer.

At the same time, another thing is imminent.

Cao Shujie mentioned the 'big banquet' at the Caojiazhuang village meeting last time. At that time, the whole village unanimously agreed to hold it on New Year's Day. Judging from the time, there is still a little more than a month.

Cao Jianlong has now begun to prepare for this matter.

He arranged for people to deliver the good news to the people in the village.

At the same time, the people in the village were also asked to convey this news to their relatives who were studying or working away from home.

They were also told clearly that unless it was absolutely necessary, they could not return to their hometown. If anyone else did not come back without a valid reason, they would be cut off from any financial relationship with Caojiazhuang.

No one can do that kind of thing where they don't want to make any sacrifices and want to gain benefits from Caojiazhuang.

During this period, Cheng Xiaolin has continued her regular living habits. While studying animation video production every day, she also exercises for 15 to 20 minutes within the same time interval every day.

During this period, Cheng Xiaolin started experiencing morning sickness again, and the reaction was a bit intense.

Fortunately, her morning sickness didn't last long. After a week, the strong morning sickness disappeared inexplicably.

Even Cao Shujie told his wife in private that the second child was a filial child, and he knew that his mother was suffering from morning sickness, so he tried to do as little trouble as possible.

Cheng Xiaolin became an expectant mother again, and she agreed with her husband's statement.

In addition, Cao Jianlong went to Cao Shujie privately and told Cao Shujie that he wanted him to communicate with Liu Furong, Luo Ningyou and others to try his best to guide the people in some natural villages under Qingshi Town to plant pasture.

They can use the name of Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative to sign a guarantee contract with farmers or the Qingshi Town Government to ensure that Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative purchases forage at no less than the market bulk purchase price.

As a member of the Caojiazhuang Village Committee and a shareholder of the Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative, Cao Shujie understood what Cao Jianlong wanted to express.

He took the job.

At the end of November, after Cao Shujie temporarily finished his work at the factory, he went to the Qingshi Town Administrative Office Building to find Liu Furong in the name of the director of Caojiazhuang Village.

In Liu Furong's office, Cao Shujie explained to Liu Furong the demands of the Baizhongcheng Breeding Cooperative.

Liu Furong knew in his heart that Cao Shujie was giving him credit again.

"How many do you need?" Liu Furong asked him.

Cao Shujie introduced to Liu Furong the current scale of Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative and their next plan.

"We currently have less than 6,500 cattle in total, but we will continue to expand in the next step. If conditions permit, we may expand to 15,000 cattle."

After Liu Furong listened to Cao Shujie's introduction, the corners of his mouth twitched a little. Cao Shujie's mouth really dared to talk, but then again, 15,000 heads was just more than double the current basis.

If you think about it carefully, this goal is not difficult to achieve.

Cao Shujie then introduced that under normal circumstances, combined with concentrated feed and roughage, the grass grown on one acre of land is enough to feed two cattle of the Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative.

"That is to say, if we want to meet the forage demand of Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative at this stage, we need to plant at least 4,000 acres of forage. Am I right?" Liu Furong asked Cao Shujie.

When he saw Cao Shujie nodding, Liu Furong frowned and thought about it.

Theoretically speaking, this matter can change the income structure of many low-income people in Qingshi Town, achieve the goal of getting rich first to drive wealth later, and helping poor people get rich.

"Secretary Liu, if it's not easy to guide, we can also contract the mountain fields in the name of Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative and grow the grass ourselves." Cao Shujie said another plan.

Liu Furong understood Cao Shujie's purpose of doing this. If the people did not cooperate, then the Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative would leave the people alone and grow pasture on its own to achieve self-sufficiency.

The advantage of this is that beef cattle can be raised at a lower cost.

The disadvantages are also obvious. There is a time cycle for harvesting forage, and people must be arranged to watch. This includes arranging engineering vehicles when harvesting forage.

But having said that, once you plant pasture on the mountain fields, expecting to rely on construction trucks to buy it is pure waste and unrealistic.

Liu Furong also understood this truth. He also reassured Cao Shujie to be calm and told Cao Shujie that they would arrange for people to persuade some people to plant forage, thereby increasing their own profits and also solving the problem of lack of forage in Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative.

This is a matter of mutual achievement.

Cao Shujie also told Liu Furong that they planned to set up a small feed processing plant specifically to supply feed to Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative.

Being dedicated to the rough and fine processing of feed can ensure that the feed eaten by beef cattle is more nutritionally balanced.

For Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative, this method can reduce certain breeding costs in the long run.

"You built a feed factory to only produce feed for your own needs and not to open to the outside world?" Liu Furong asked Cao Shujie.

On this matter, Cao Shujie's attitude was very firm. He also told Cao Jianlong that Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative would only need to specialize.

This feed processing plant was established only to serve Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative, and there was no need to consider producing excess feed and selling it to others.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative does not have the foundation for diversified development.

"We use it ourselves." Cao Shujie said.

Liu Furong has to admit that Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative is becoming more and more mature.

And with the improvement of all details, other villages want to copy the Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative, but there is no possibility of success.

Thinking of this, Liu Furong couldn't help but sigh.

He and Luo Ningyou also thought about promoting the model of Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative or Agricultural Planting Cooperative in other natural villages in Qingshi Town, but it was obvious that their ideas were too one-sided and simple, and it would not be easy to copy.

Regarding this result, Liu Furong had nothing to say.

At present, organizing people in other villages to plant grass and provide grass to Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative is a long-term way to make money.

Therefore, we must find ways to persuade some people to agree to this plan and motivate them to do it.

After Cao Shujie left his office, Liu Furong had been thinking about what to do about this matter?

Then he called the mayor Luo Ningyou and asked Luo Ningyou to come to his office, and the two of them discussed a good solution.

This chapter has been completed!
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