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Chapter 734 CuteCute hides after being beaten (310.01 million)

"Mengmeng secretly drank?" Cao Shujie felt that his brain was instantly twisted into a ball, and he couldn't think clearly enough.

"How dare she?"

Song Baoming drove him to the door of his house and called him.

Cao Shujie came to his senses and said to Song Baoming: "Master Song, please drive back first and pick me up early tomorrow morning."

"Okay!" Song Baoming responded and drove away.

Even in Cao Shujie's dazed state today, he couldn't drive.

Back home, Cao Shujie heard the roar of his mother Wang Yuelan as soon as he entered the house.

"Cao Jianguo, I asked you to look at Mengmeng, what do you think? What are you looking at?" Wang Yuelan was indeed very angry.

Her granddaughter Mengmeng drank a lot of strawberry fruit wine and even got drunk.

Luckily among misfortunes, what she drank this time was strawberry fruit wine, which had a very low alcohol content and was not harmful to the body.

But if Mengmeng is curious, what if what she drinks is pesticide?

It’s too late to regret!

Her daughter-in-law just said it was no problem and she wasn't angry, but Wang Yuelan couldn't really take it as nothing. What else could she do if her wife couldn't even watch the child?

"I...I didn't expect it either!" Cao Jianguo felt that he was really unjust, but he couldn't say it out loud.

"You, what are you? Let me tell you, if anything happens to Mengmeng, I will never spare you." Wang Yuelan pointed at her wife and said.

Cao Jianguo turned his head and suddenly saw a man standing at the gate. When he took a closer look, he turned out to be his son.

Thinking that the scene of being scolded by his wife just now might have been seen by his son, Cao Jianguo felt so embarrassed that he threw him into his ancestral grave.

"Shujie, how long have you been back?" He still knows how to ask to see how long he has been missing?

Cao Shujie understood what was going on and said, "Dad, I just came back."

"Where is Mengmeng?" he asked.

Before Cao Jianguo could speak, Wang Yuelan pointed to the room and said, "Shujie, Mengmeng is in the room, and Linlin is giving her some honey water to relieve her hangover!"

"Hey, what kind of honey water can you drink? It has just the alcohol content of strawberry fruit wine. There is no need to relieve the hangover. You will be fine after a while."

Hearing what his son said, Cao Jianguo muttered: "It's not as easy as you said."

"Why not, Dad, have you forgotten that when you were a kid, you dipped your chopsticks in white wine and gave it to me to drink?" Cao Shujie mentioned the old incident, but he had not forgotten it.

He was only four or five years old at that time, even younger than Mengmeng is now.

Cao Jianguo is a little embarrassed!

Cao Shujie didn't say anything more. As soon as he entered the room, he saw Mengmeng lying on the sofa. Her face was still a little red, but her eyes kept rolling, and she was obviously in good spirits.

Grandpa Cao Zhenghu was sitting on the chair next to him. He also looked at Mengmeng nervously and asked her from time to time if she was okay.

"Grandpa, I'm fine." Mengmeng whispered.

However, when she saw someone coming in at the door, she immediately changed her words and raised her hand to hold her forehead: "I'm still dizzy, no, I want to sleep."

After finishing speaking, she turned over, facing the back of the sofa, with her back facing outwards, raised her arms to hold a pillow, and made a "huhu" sound in her mouth.

Cheng Xiaolin was still surprised by the changes in her daughter. When she saw her husband come in, she instantly understood what was going on, with a bit of a dumbfounded expression on her face.

If I had known I was afraid, why would I have stolen wine?

"Shujie, you figure it out!" Cheng Xiaolin said to her husband.

Cao Shujie walked to the sofa with a straight face: "Mengmeng, pretend, keep pretending!"

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

Mengmeng's breathing became louder, as if she was telling Cao Shujie that she was really asleep, sleeping deeply.

But Cao Shujie didn't believe it, just because of his daughter's little thoughts.


Without any warning, Cao Shujie slapped his daughter on the buttocks, followed by a second slap, which was not too hard, but not light either.

Two slaps stunned Mengmeng. She quickly turned over and sat up, looking at her father, Cao Shujie, with a blank look on her face.

Cao Shujie asked her in a stern voice: "Are you still drinking?"

"Thankfully it was wine. If it were pesticides, you wouldn't be able to see your parents?"

Mengmeng reacted this time and threw herself into her mother's arms, asking her mother to protect her. She almost burst into tears.

Cao Shujie hadn't finished yet. He almost gritted his teeth and said: "Mengmeng, let me tell you, it doesn't matter if you are usually naughty, but if you dare to drink randomly again in the future, don't blame me for giving you a good beating."

"Mengmeng, hurry up and apologize to your father."

Cheng Xiaolin winked at her husband, and then persuaded Mengmeng.

Mengmeng said angrily: "Dad, I don't dare anymore."

"Well, who else drank?" he asked.

Just now I heard from his wife on the phone that several children had also been drinking. Cao Shujie simply couldn't imagine what would have happened tonight if they had secretly drank the drug together.

This was because he couldn't help but want to beat up Mengmeng. Mengmeng was usually indifferent, but this was too much!

Cao Shujie was helpless when he learned that Cao Heng, Cao Pengfei, and Cao Zizheng were also drinking.

After telling his wife, Cao Shujie went to the room where cigarettes, alcohol and other gifts were kept, took three items, and went out on an electric tricycle.

When Mengmeng saw her father going out, she poked her head out of her mother's arms and asked, "Mom, what did dad do?"

She was still a little happy that her father would not beat her if he went out.

Then I heard my mother say: "Your father went to apologize to Cao Heng, Cao Pengfei, and Cao Zizheng."

"..." Mengmeng was a little confused when her mother said this, but she also realized that she might have done something wrong this time.

Cao Shujie went to Cao Heng's, Cao Pengfei's and Cao Zizheng's families respectively to explain to their adults. The three families didn't think much about it, and they didn't want to accept the things Cao Shujie offered to apologize.

How big a deal is this? When they were kids, they secretly drank beer, not just once or twice.

But in the end, Cao Shujie was forced to leave his things behind, and then went to the mountain again, where he and Cao Shuchao went to see the fenced area.

"Brother Chao, this place is too low to be practical. We need to raise the height again and surround this area. The same thing cannot happen again," Cao Shujie said.

Cao Shuchao nodded: "Okay, I will ask Boss Chen tomorrow to buy some 2-meter-high barbed wire guardrails to surround this place again."

"The room inside also needs to be locked. Nothing happened before, so I thought there would be no accidents. This time I was really negligent." Cao Shujie also felt a little scared.

As he said himself, he was glad that there were no pesticides or other things in the room. Mengmeng and the other little kids were really too curious.

If it were really fatal, all four families would be completely destroyed!

Cao Shuchao wrote down what Cao Shujie said one by one. He was also a little scared now.

I thought to myself that luckily the mouth of the wine tank is not very big. If it were a large open tank, it would be a lot of fun for the little ones to jump in.

Opening the door and going in, Cao Shujie smelled the scent of strawberry fruit wine as soon as he entered the room.

When he saw that the strawberry wine he had opened was the strawberry wine brewed last year, he was stunned on the spot.

Cao Shuchao was still wondering what was wrong with Cao Shujie, and then he heard Cao Shujie mutter: "These little brats are quite discerning. They know that last year's strawberry wine tastes better than this year's."

Then he felt heartbroken and couldn't bear to drink it, just being wasted by Mengmeng and the others.

He walked over and shook the wine jar. There was still a lot of wine in it: "Brother Chao, hurry up and find the bottle. Let's get the wine out and keep it. We can drink it for a while."

Cao Shuchao: "..."

He never expected that Cao Shujie would think this way.

But then I felt like laughing again, the kind of belly laugh.

The two of them worked for more than twenty minutes before bottling the remaining fruit wine for storage.

After finishing, Cao Shujie handed two bottles to Cao Shuchao: "Brother Chao, take it and drink it."

"Oh, I won't take it." Cao Shuchao knew how much Cao Shujie treasured the remaining bottles of wine from last year, and he would not do anything to steal someone's love.

But Cao Shujie said: "It's all taken apart. This thing can't be kept for long. You have to drink it quickly."

"Just leave it like this." Seeing that Cao Shuchao was still thinking about pushing it back, Cao Shujie waved his hand and forced him to accept it.

After leaving most of the fruit wine on the mountain, Cao Shujie carried two bottles of fruit wine down the mountain and went home.

When I got home, Mengmeng was already asleep.

Cheng Xiaolin saw him coming back and asked him how things were handled.

"It's okay. I even came to apologize. They knew the children were playing around and didn't say anything else." Cao Shujie sighed.

Looking at his daughter who was already asleep, he felt helpless.

"You haven't eaten yet. There's some rice left for you in the kitchen. Go and eat it." Cheng Xiaolin advised him.

Cao Shujie nodded. He had been busy until now and felt a little hungry.

Looking at the fruit wine he had just brought back with the dishes, Cao Shujie opened a bottle and drank it himself: "It still tastes like this, it's really delicious."

After a night passed, Cao Shujie got up the next morning and went out with his four dogs, planning to run a few laps on the dam to exercise.

When he went out, he didn't find that Mengmeng had woken up and was in a daze on the bed.

After he came back from walking the dog, Mengmeng had already finished breakfast and ran to the kindergarten alone.

Cao Shujie didn't see Mengmeng, and was a little puzzled. He asked his wife where Mengmeng had gone. Then he heard his wife say: "Mengmeng is afraid that you will beat her. She went to school after breakfast in the morning, and it's no use to us."

Mom will give it to you."

"Is she so afraid of me?" Cao Shujie asked with wide eyes.

As a result, he heard his wife say: "You really beat her yesterday. Once you beat her, she will remember it."

Song Baoming came to pick him up. When Cao Shujie left the house, he was still worried about Mengmeng being afraid of him.

I’m thinking about buying a fun toy for Mengmeng later.

Caojiazhuang Kindergarten.

After Mengmeng ran over from home, she stayed in the classroom and kept looking at the classroom door, for fear that her father would suddenly run in from the door and beat her.

Mengmeng still remembers the two slaps yesterday.

Her father's beating didn't hurt her very much, but this was the first time Cao Shujie beat her.

It also made Mengmeng realize that besides her mother, her father would also beat her.

The harbor that originally felt extremely safe was gone in an instant.

After waiting for the other children in the class to come over and watching their friends playing with everything, Mengmeng temporarily put aside what she had done yesterday and joined them, playing together.

This chapter has been completed!
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