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Chapter 745 Good treatment (1.05 million) Happy New Year! Good night

Cao Shujie temporarily broke away from the busy schedule at home and went to the company. At this time, Cao Huifang in Shencheng was busy with interviews.

This is already the eighth company she has interviewed for since coming to Shencheng.

She interviews two or three companies every day. It is because she has her own car that she has such high interview efficiency.

Otherwise, Cao Huifang's interview efficiency would be even lower if she was not familiar with the place.

It was also at this time that Cao Huifang truly realized for the first time how difficult it is for a person to enter the society after graduating from school.

Fortunately, before she came, her sister-in-law, her brother and her father all gave her a sum of money and bought her a car. It was those two sums of money that gave Cao Huifang the confidence to face the future. This car made it convenient for her to travel.

, so that she doesn’t have to find a job just to fill her stomach, nor does she have to choose a job she doesn’t like because she is too urgent because she has no money.

All these are the security that having money in her card and having confidence in her heart brings her.

In the previous 7 jobs, either the other party thought that she was a recent graduate and did not like her.

Or she feels that the treatment provided by the other party is not as good as expected, and she still wants to strive for a higher treatment.

The company I am interviewing now is a semiconductor packaging company.

This thing is relatively unpopular, but the market situation is very good, and it is an indispensable part of semiconductor chips.

This kind of industry is rare in the north, but there are many in the south, and several of the largest companies in this industry are also here.

Even the upstream factories they supply are well-known companies in the industry.

Cao Huifang didn't want what she learned to go to waste. She obviously had a lot of skills and ended up doing jobs such as sales and sales. She wanted to apply what she had learned and put what she had learned into full play.

She was thinking that if this company failed again, she would go to the ninth company without hesitation.

"Cao Huifang, is Cao Huifang here?" Someone called her from the front.

Cao Huifang stood up: "I'm here."

"Sister Luo, I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Cao Huifang hurried over and called out politely.

The woman opposite is in charge of recruitment, her name is Luo Siyu.

When Cao Huifang came for the interview, she handed her resume to the other party.

"Cao Huifang, come with me." Luo Siyu led the way. She told Cao Huifang that she would be interviewed later by the company's senior director-level engineer in process design. If she passed the interview, Cao Huifang would work for her.

Product process design engineer.

This is also Cao Huifang's graduate degree as a stepping stone, giving her a higher starting point.

Otherwise, Cao Huifang would have no idea whether she would be able to become a product design engineer, let alone learn bit by bit from the workshop.

The person Luo Siyu took Cao Huifang to meet was named Fang Zhu, a middle-aged woman in her 40s.

After she saw Cao Huifang, looked at Cao Huifang's resume, and asked Luo Siyu to go out, Fang Zhu's office was quiet for about two minutes before she spoke.

"Your name is Cao Huifang, right?"

Cao Huifang nodded and responded: "Hello, Director Fang, I am Cao Huifang. I am a graduate student who just graduated from Yiling University in Dongshan Province this year."

It is not a famous university, and Yiling University is not strong in semiconductor research. There is nothing remarkable in this area.

Fang Zhu also introduced herself. She claimed to be a senior director-level engineer in the process engineering department. She was responsible for leading the entire department and assisting the company in product research and development, process improvement, process improvement, etc.

The next interview entered the formal stage. Fang Zhu was not vague at all at this time and asked very professional questions. She did not show mercy to Cao Huifang because she had just graduated and had no practical experience.

Of course, she is selective about the specific operational details. After all, Fang Zhu is not a person who doesn't know how to adapt. She also understands that newcomers are not to be feared. As long as they study hard, there will be various possibilities for training in the future.

Moreover, a graduate student in this major will be more malleable when trained.

Maybe Fang Zhu is a very rigorous person. The interview lasted for a full 20 minutes. At the end of the interview, Fang Zhu asked a few questions that had nothing to do with work.

Cao Huifang didn't know why Fang Zhu asked questions such as personality and how she would make choices when faced with something, but after thinking about it, she answered these open questions objectively.

After Fang Zhu heard Cao Huifang answer the last question, she stood up and said to Cao Huifang with a smile: "Xiao Cao, you have studied very solidly. I appreciate your attitude towards learning. Go back and wait for the news."

Cao Huifang nodded and walked out.

As soon as she walked out of Fang Zhu's office door, she stopped again and asked: "Director Fang, I would like to ask how long does it usually take to get the results after the interview here?"

"I can't say this. Our company's HR will contact you at the end of the interview, but it usually won't take more than a week."

"If there is no news after three or four days, you can also call Commissioner Luo from HR and ask." Fang Zhu did not deal with Cao Huifang.

Cao Huifang expressed her gratitude to her and then left Yifang Semiconductor Packaging Co., Ltd.

According to Fang Zhu's introduction to the company in the interview just now, this is a company that is currently listed on the market. Their purpose of raising funds is to conduct more in-depth research on semiconductor chip packaging technology, which has great potential for development in the future.

After leaving the company, Cao Huifang thought about it. She had a very harmonious chat with Fang Zhu just now, and she could meet Cao Huifang's requirements in terms of personal treatment. Fang Zhu even told her just now that if she could successfully join the company, she would be able to craft the technology within one year.

If she has made achievements in design, she can also purchase original shares of the company. After the company is listed, these shares can be sold in the secondary market, which is equivalent to a disguised increase in her salary.

But Cao Huifang was not lost in this technique, which was similar to painting cakes. She knew very well that those things were too far away from her and there was no need to fantasize about them.

She should still consider some practical things.

So after leaving Yifang Semiconductor Packaging Co., Ltd. and seeing that the time was approaching noon, Cao Huifang first found a small street restaurant nearby. She didn't care whether the cooking was clean and had a simple meal first, and then continued as planned.

Go to the 9th company for an interview.

And this company is in another place, more than 30 kilometers away from Yiyifang Semiconductor Packaging Co., Ltd.

If Cao Huifang didn't have a car, just the time she wasted on the road would make her collapse.

In Qingshi Town, Cao Shujie chatted with Shi Jingxiu and the others in the company for a while until the afternoon. Nothing major happened, and Cao Shujie left the company and returned to Caojiazhuang.

After arriving home, Cao Shujie immediately helped his wife take care of the child. Seeing that the little guy woke up, Cao Shujie was quite happy, thinking that his son knew that he was back and deliberately welcomed him.

Cheng Xiaolin also said that he was a bit sentimental, but Cao Shujie didn't care.

He told Cheng Xiaolin what happened in the company today, and Cheng Xiaolin agreed with her husband's actions.

"You can just take care of these things, you don't need to tell me," Cheng Xiaolin said.

In addition, Cheng Xiaolin also told him that her parents, younger brother, and younger siblings would come over at the end of this month.

"Shujie, when the time comes, you can scold my brother severely, so that he won't rush in stupidly because he doesn't know the east, west, south, north, and south." Cheng Xiaolin is still worried about her brother's stock trading.

The couple almost got divorced because of the quarrel. Although she also knew that her brother's starting point was good and wanted to make more money in this way, the result was not good. No one would calmly think about her brother's starting point in that situation.

what exactly is it?

When Cao Shujie heard his wife say this, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

In the next few days, Cao Shujie would spend half a day at the factory every day. At this time, everyone in the factory knew that Cao Shujie would invite all employees in the company on the nights of July 31st and August 1st.

It’s about eating, and the boss made it clear that he doesn’t want any gift money.

This matter once caused discussion in the factory, but the person in the human resources department who promoted this matter said that the boss's attitude was very firm. Anyone who gave gifts would not be allowed to come to the site. The employees in the factory gave up the idea.

Before I knew it, three days had passed. It was halfway through mid-July, and the weather was getting hotter and hotter. It would feel even hotter and stuffier if I stayed in the room.

Cheng Xiaolin couldn't stand the fact that the sun made the room as hot as a steamer, so she asked her husband to close all the windows in the room, and then turn on the air conditioner in the outside room. There was a leak in the bedroom, and the air-conditioning came in through the crack in the door to achieve the purpose of cooling down.


Cao Shujie also specifically asked Yu Liping, director of the obstetrics department, whether this would work?

Yu Liping told him that as long as both the mother and the child paid attention to ensuring that the temperature difference did not change much, there would be no problem.

Only then did Cao Shujie feel relieved.

Wang Yuelan also breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that her daughter-in-law no longer suffered.

For elderly people like Wang Yuelan, in their traditional concept, confinement is a very important thing for women.

If she was allowed to choose on her own, she would definitely stick to the old method.

But on this matter, Wang Yuelan would not argue with her daughter-in-law. She felt that it would not be worth the gain at all.

That night, Cao Shujie and his family were having dinner. After arriving in Shencheng last time, his sister Cao Huifang, who had made a phone call to report that she was safe, called him again.

This time she told Cao Shujie on the phone that she had succeeded in the interview and would go to work next Monday, July 20.

Working 5 days a week, 8 hours a day, the starting salary is 7,900 yuan, and the company pays five insurances and one fund.

This treatment is really good, and Cao Shujie is also happy for his sister.

"Fangfang, what's the name of the company you went to?" Cao Shujie asked him, and then heard his sister say that the company that reached the agreement was called Yifang Semiconductor Packaging Co., Ltd.

"Is your company listed? Or is it preparing to go public?" Cao Shujie understood immediately upon hearing this.

According to his sister, the company is in the process of going public.

"The leader who interviewed me also said that if I make a significant contribution within a year, I can apply to purchase some of the original shares. However, I don't think this is reliable. I will still get real income.

It's the most important thing." Cao Huifang said.

Cao Shujie was happy for his sister's pragmatism, and at the same time told his sister that since she had decided to work in this company, she should work hard.

If you have any difficulties later, you can tell him directly.

Cao Huifang agreed, and she also told her brother that she just received a call from Yifang Semiconductor Packaging Co., Ltd. today. In the few days before going to work next Monday, Cao Huifang would not only go for a physical examination, but also

I will hurry up and find a house to move to near the company, and also get familiar with the surrounding environment.

"Okay! Come on!" Cao Shujie encouraged his sister.

"Brother, are our mother and sister-in-law here?" Cao Huifang wanted to say a few words to her mother and sister-in-law.

Cao Shujie directly handed the phone to his mother Wang Yuelan and told her that his sister had found a job and he had something to say to her.

After Wang Yuelan answered the phone, she kept talking and complained that her daughter Cao Huifang ignored the good environment at home and had to go to such a far away place to find her own fault.

Regarding this, Cao Shujie didn't say a single unnecessary word and continued to eat.

But he found that his father put down his chopsticks at this time and was watching Wang Yuelan and his daughter on the phone attentively. He didn't know if he could hear his daughter's voice on the phone.

As a father, he is also worried about his daughter who is away from home.

This chapter has been completed!
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