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Chapter 762 CuteCute: Teacher, I want to be the monitor (820.01 million)

The parents below all nodded, and some wanted to ask for the contact information of the two teachers. When they were about to save it, Zhang Xinyu and Zhang Mingtai took the initiative to write their contact numbers on the blackboard, as if they were predicting the future.

If there is something too late to contact you, you can also call us to let us know.

Next, Zhang Xinyu, as the head teacher of Class 1, Grade 1, talked about the situation in elementary school.

These parents didn't pay much attention to this.

But when Zhang Xinyu talked about meals, breaks, and school and after-school times at school, many parents took out pens and paper, ready to take notes at any time.

This is because I am afraid that my memory is not good enough.

In addition, Zhang Xinyu also talked about the first-grade Chinese course arrangement.

After she finished speaking, mathematics teacher Zhang Mingtai also walked to the podium and talked about the first-grade mathematics curriculum.

After everything was said, the head teacher Zhang Xinyu asked the students' parents to leave the classroom and told them to arrive at the school gate in advance at 10:50 noon to pick up their classmates from school.

When Cao Shujie walked out, he found that many parents were gathered around the head teacher Zhang Xinyu and the math teacher Zhang Mingtai. They were chatting and didn't know what to ask. Or maybe they wanted to get close to them so that they could take care of their classmates in the future?

As for other aspects, the two teachers just talked about it in detail. Cao Shujie didn't have anything to ask, so he turned around and left.

When Mengmeng saw her father disappear in the classroom, she immediately jumped up and shouted in a middle-class manner: "Wow!"

Her tone and demeanor sounded like her father was finally gone and she could be free.

After Mengmeng calmed down, she saw that the students in the class and the parents who had not left were all looking at her. She waved her little hands in embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really embarrassed."

Two teachers, Zhang Mingtai and Zhang Xinyu, looked at the lively Mengmeng, and they thought highly of Mengmeng.

The class teacher, Zhang Xinyu, even thought: "This classmate is not bad. He has a lively and outgoing personality and is suitable for being a class monitor."

Even Mengmeng herself didn't know that she had been chosen as the best candidate for class president by her class teacher.

Let us say that after Cao Shujie left the Central Primary School, he rode an electric bike at the door and drove directly towards the factory.

Teacher Shao Liangping, who was standing at the school gate in charge of welcoming new students, saw Cao Shujie riding an electric bike away again. He was thinking about Cao Shujie, a wealthy boss who opened three factories. It is said that there are more than 1,000 people in the factories.

, why is he still riding an electric bike back and forth?


On the other side, in the classroom of Class 1, Grade 1, Qingshi Town Central Primary School, after all the parents were asked to leave the classroom, the head teacher Zhang Xinyu said a few words to the mathematics teacher Zhang Mingtai, and the mathematics teacher Zhang Mingtai also followed out.

There is no formal class today. The main purpose is for parents and students to come over and explain some things to parents and students respectively.

All the parents' matters have been explained, and now it's time to hold a meeting with the students.

"Classmates, we are all first-year students now. You are already grown children. Are you happy?" Zhang Xinyu looked at the 37 students in the class, and she was filled with joy.

This year is the first time she has been a class teacher since teaching at Qingshi Town Central Primary School. If she leads well, she will receive an additional 500 yuan monthly subsidy.

For Zhang Xinyu, this 500 yuan is not a small amount.

Furthermore, when she first came up, she also wanted to work hard so that when the semester was over, she could participate in the selection of honors such as 'Excellent Class Teacher' and 'Excellent Teacher' to prepare for her future professional title evaluations.

"Happy!" the students shouted in long tones.

But there are also those who just open their mouths but say nothing, and fish in troubled waters in the classroom, such as classmate Cao Xuemeng. It would be weird if she was happy!

When she remembered that her father said she had to get up early every morning and she would not be able to sleep in later, she didn't want to come.

How wonderful it is to be in a kindergarten. Even if you get up a little late, it's okay. It only takes a while to get to the kindergarten from your doorstep.

It's not like now, when her father rides an electric bike to take her for a long distance. Mengmeng feels that riding the electric bike for a long time will hurt her buttocks.

"The students are great. Since the students are very happy, the teacher will tell you about our class, as well as some activities we may organize in the future, etc."

Zhang Xinyu said it very seriously. Although she has never been a class teacher, she has seen how other class teachers work. Now she is following their example and trying her best to assume her own role.

"We will have Chinese and math classes in the future. Each class is 40 minutes. There is a 10-minute break in the courseware, so you can go to the toilet."

"If anyone in the class wants to go to the toilet, you can raise your hand and tell the teacher, but don't yell or disturb other students in class. Do you understand me?"

The students all nodded and then said in a long voice: "I understand!"

"very good."

Zhang Xinyu felt that the students in this class were really obedient, and she seemed to have seen the moment when she received the honor of 'Excellent Class Teacher'.

"Students, our first grade is different from kindergarten. In addition to Chinese and mathematics, we also have nature, science, music classes, physical education classes, and painting classes."

"Each of these courses is very important, and everyone should study them carefully."

Zhang Xinyu introduced the content of each course to the students in the class. Especially when talking about physical education classes, music classes, and painting, she was more detailed, lively and interesting.

She knows very well that students who have just entered first grade from kindergarten are very uncomfortable adapting to the new learning environment. At this time, they must be patient and guide them slowly.

Some teachers have a quick temper and get angry easily.

But Zhang Xinyu is one of those slow-tempered people. She has a very good personality. Seeing these classmates acting sensible makes her happy from the bottom of her heart.

Sure enough, after introducing the three subjects of physical education, music, and painting, she found that her classmates were happier.

It seems that I am looking forward to taking these three courses now.

But before it was over, Zhang Xinyu focused on introducing science and told the students that they could follow the teacher to do various experiments during class.

This is an area that the students have not been exposed to before. They are curious about what it is to do experiments and cannot imagine it.

However, when I heard the teacher say that during class, I could follow the science teacher to make airplanes and rockets, which immediately attracted the attention of the students.

They think primary school is really great and more interesting than kindergarten.

After waiting for Zhang Xinyu to introduce all the courses in a humorous way and successfully arouse the students' interest, she next talked about other contents.

"Students, we will have formal classes next Monday. You can choose to eat in the school cafeteria. Our school cafeteria is very formal and doesn't cost much."

"If you don't want to eat in the cafeteria, there are small dining tables near our school. You can tell your parents when you go back. No matter where you live to eat, it is your choice. The school does not force you to do so."

"In addition, the teacher has stipulated that we are not allowed to eat during class, and we are not allowed to bring toys to play. If anyone violates this rule, be careful of the teacher's ruler hitting your palm."

At this point, Zhang Xinyu picked up a ruler from the podium. It looked like wood brushed with tung oil, but it was actually made of soft plastic. It didn't hurt even if it was knocked on the body, but she would not tell the students that they should

There is a string hanging in my heart.

This saves these classmates from being lawless.

As soon as she finished talking about the ruler, many of the students below looked at her with different eyes. Some of the students who were making small moves also became more honest, fearing that they would be beaten.

"Also, after we officially start the class, we need to elect the squad leader and deputy squad leader. In addition, there are Chinese language committee members, mathematics committee members, and sports committee members. If anyone wants to take the initiative to participate in the election, you can sign up, or we can hold an open election." Zhang Xinyu finally said.

Out of this.

After she finished speaking, she found that none of her classmates spoke.

Knowing that they have just arrived in a new environment surrounded by mostly unfamiliar classmates, they may be a little timid.

This is not a problem. Zhang Xinyu then asked: "Students, have you ever been a squad leader or group leader in kindergarten before? Please raise your hands!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Mengmeng was the first to raise her hand: "Teacher, I have been a group leader, but what is a squad leader?"

Co-author: No one understands what the names monitor and deputy monitor are for?

Zhang Xinyu raised her hand and patted the back of her other hand, wondering why she had forgotten this, they were still children after all.

"Just like the group leader, he helps the teacher manage people in the class."

"In addition, after becoming the squad leader, I have to help the teacher take roll call. If anyone is late, the squad leader can tell the teacher." Zhang Xinyu looked at Cao Xuemeng with a smile. She was deeply impressed by this little girl.

Not only because her father is Cao Shujie, but also because judging from various performances, this little girl has a very outgoing personality. She also served as a team leader. Zhang Xinyu is really satisfied with her.


Mengmeng heard that when she became the monitor, she could still take roll call. Does that mean that after she becomes the monitor, she won’t have to tell the teacher if she is late?

Thinking of this, Mengmeng had more thoughts in her mind: "Teacher, I want to be the monitor."

Crisp and clear, no nonsense at all, this squad leader must be won.

Zhang Xinyu was even happier when she heard what classmate Cao Xuemeng said. She felt that this was a perfect candidate for monitor.

But it wasn't over yet. Mengmeng stood and continued: "If everyone elects me to be the squad leader, when the strawberries, kiwis, and apples in our orchard are ripe, I will take everyone to pick and eat them in our orchard. When you get there,

You can eat whatever you want.”

"We also have preserved fruits at home, which are also delicious. If you like them, I will bring them to you next time in class. The teacher also has some." Mengmeng said loudly.

Zhang Xinyu on the podium suddenly went offline. She couldn't think clearly enough, and she always felt that something was wrong with the picture in front of her.

But I have to say that Mengmeng’s words won her a lot of popularity and support.

In addition, Mengmeng is indeed very cheerful and very precise in what she says and does. The other students were weighing her thoughts after hearing this.

Most of the students were too embarrassed to stand up and say that they also wanted to be class president.

In addition, after this was started, when no one else responded, the class teacher Zhang Xinyu asked: "Is there any other students who want to be the squad leader? We can vote for the election, or we can be the deputy squad leader."

After asking three times in a row and no one answered, Zhang Xinyu announced in public: "In this case, the monitor of our first-grade class 1 is Cao Xuemeng. Do you have any opinions?"

Still no one spoke. The children had just transferred from kindergarten and there were not many familiar classmates around them. This was the time when everyone felt most anxious and helpless. Because of this, they were even more afraid to speak and less daring.

Express your own opinions.

A carefree person like Mengmeng really has an advantage at this time.

Although no one expressed their support clearly, no one objected. Zhang Xinyu, the head teacher, implicitly accepted that Cao Xuemeng was the monitor of the first grade class.

No one volunteered for the remaining positions. In addition, there was a meeting with parents this morning to discuss various things, and then there was a meeting with students, all kinds of chores were put together, time passed very quickly, and it was already

It's almost 10 o'clock.

Zhang Xinyu asked the students to go to the toilet first and then tell them other things after 10 minutes.

When he came to his office, Cao Shujie never expected that his daughter would steal the show on her first day in elementary school and become the monitor of Class 1, Grade 1.

He is chatting with Wang Zhifeng at the moment.

After the two people last talked about their suggestions for the company's new rank system, Wang Zhifeng went back and reorganized it. He also imitated the ranks of some world-class companies and re-edited them based on the company's current actual situation, and there was a first draft of the new ranks.

After Cao Shujie came over this morning, Wang Zhifeng came to him with the first draft and explained the meaning of this system to Cao Shujie face to face.

Everything is inseparable from its sect, and each level is similar to what Cao Shujie and the two discussed before, except that it is more formal in the literal sense.

Moreover, Wang Zhifeng did not rigidly copy what Cao Shujie said. He also introduced new ideas and organized employee ranks.

For example, after ordinary employees who have just joined the job master the job skills and then pass the assessment, they can be promoted to second-level positions, third-level positions, and senior positions.

Each level has appropriate salary increase recognition to increase everyone's enthusiasm for work.

Let employees at every level be able to see the direction ahead of them, so that employees will not be stuck in the same place after working for a few years and feel that there is no hope of promotion, resulting in a state of confusion.

"Okay!" Cao Shujie looked at this first draft and was very satisfied.

But there were also several inappropriate words. Cao Shujie told Wang Zhifeng how to sort them out, and Wang Zhifeng wrote them down one by one.

Unknowingly, the whole morning passed. Cao Shujie casually turned his head and glanced at the pendulum on the wall. When he saw that the time was 10:30, he said, "Oh, that's bad. I forget the time when I get busy. It's so cute."

After school, I have to pick her up as soon as possible."

Wang Zhifeng was a little puzzled and asked his boss what happened?

Then he saw Cao Shujie hurriedly looking for clothes, grabbing his handbag, and packing his things, while telling him that Mengmeng was in elementary school on the first day, and there was only one morning class, and school ended at 10:50.

"The first day I sent her to school and the first time I picked her up from school, it would be a joke if she was late again." Cao Shujie said this.

Wang Zhifeng laughed after hearing this.

The scale of the factory that his boss Cao Shujie now owns is usually achieved by people in their forties and fifties. Unlike Cao Shujie, who is only in his early 30s, and his daughter has just entered the first grade, even Wang Zhifeng ignores his boss's


I always have the misconception that my boss is very mature in handling matters and dealing with people in various ways, and that he is also very old physically.

But he forgot that his boss was also in his thirties, which was really interesting.

This chapter has been completed!
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