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Chapter 799 Absolute Trust (810.01 million) Unknowingly

Cheng Xiaolin's praise made Cao Shujie feel a little blushing and a little ashamed. Is he really doing that well?

On the other side, Cao Jianlong and the other seven people also acted very quickly. After the discussion, without leaving the door of the Caojiazhuang Village Committee Office, they began to edit WeChat messages and post them in their respective village affairs groups.

The content of this message is the price at which Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative will buy calves this year, and the possible decrease in profits caused by the increase in purchase prices. After research and decision by the village committees of seven villages, Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative will purchase a large number of cows for breeding in the next step.


And a dedicated breeding farm will be built to feed cows and breed calves.

This message also explains that when breeding calves, you will encounter situations where you will not see any benefits in the short term.

Because of the need to purchase a large number of cows, the profit dividends of Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative will not be too high in the next 2 to 3 years, or there may even be no dividends.

They asked the farmers who were shareholders in the Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative in the village affairs group whether they agreed to this plan and continued to participate in the cooperative?

Or do you still disagree with this plan and choose to cash out your shares now?

These 7 people each have their own selfish motives, and they made a point of explaining this at the end.

If anyone feels that they can’t make money by investing in the Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative and don’t want to continue to participate, they can contact them privately to negotiate about withdrawing their shares and cashing in their shares.

These seven people have all made up their mind that as long as someone in their village affairs group proposes to withdraw their shares and cash them out, they will immediately go home to raise money and buy the shares of Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative from that person.

Having been with Cao Shujie for a long time, they may not necessarily believe in Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative, but they believe in Cao Shujie's ability.

At least so far, they can see that Cao Shujie is actively maintaining the Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative, thinking of reducing the costs of the Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative from all aspects, and improving the future profit points of the Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative.

This shows that there is nothing wrong with the Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative itself.

They waited and waited, but an hour passed. They continued to drink tea and chat. After waiting for another hour, no one in the group came to negotiate with them about withdrawing their shares.

"Damn it, not a single one." Ye Chenguang muttered.

Qian Hua also muttered, why is no one withdrawing their shares?

"Old Qian, or else you can withdraw, and I will receive 1.5 times your share." It was Diao Shijun who said that he deserved a beating.

Qian Hua wanted to give him a bear hug on the spot and slam him to the ground.

"How about I give you twice the price and you give me your shares?" Qian Hua asked him.

Diao Shijun laughed heartily.

Several people in the conference room also laughed.

It can also be seen from this point that there are really not many fools. Everyone has a strong balance in their hearts and understands the benefits of buying cows to breed calves by themselves for Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative.

"In this case, let's divide our troops into two groups starting from tomorrow." Cao Jianlong began to assign tasks.

"After all the cattle are removed from the farm, a team of people will be responsible for the disinfection work and thoroughly clean up the dead corners."

"A team of people went out to contact us about the cows. I guess the price of cows has also increased now, but no matter what the price, as long as they are of good breed, we all want them."

"Old Cao, you don't need to tell me this, let's just talk about who goes out to buy cows," Gao Benwei, the village party secretary of Jinxiu Village, said.

He doesn't like to be long-winded, and he doesn't want to get entangled. It's better to assign work to each of them and do it quickly.

"Lao Gao is right. Lao Cao, we are all taking advantage of your Cao Family Village for this matter. Just say something and we will all listen to you. The seven of us will divide the work. No matter what job we do, we will not refuse.

"Zhuang Xuejian made the final summary.

Cao Jianlong did not hesitate at the critical moment. He said: "In this case, Lao Ye, you and Lao Qian are responsible for organizing manpower to clean the farm and repair the damaged areas of the farm. I, Lao Zhu, Lao Zhuang, Lao Gao and Lao

Diao is responsible for contacting the cow."

"In addition, we have to find a way to build another breeding farm specifically for cows, which will be completely different from the current breeding farm."

He said: "We have to support ourselves appropriately. We can't let Shujie worry about everything. He has a lot of things to do of his own. If we just rely on him, we have to tire him to death."

"That's right, Director Cao can't be tired. I'm only over 40 years old, and I still expect to work with him for another 20 years!" Zhu Hongwei's shameless skills have been perfected.

But he was right about one thing. Among the seven village party secretaries, he was the youngest, only 45 years old this year.

Several other people called him a shameless person.

But they don't want Cao Shujie to be entangled in trivial matters. If he collapses from exhaustion, it will definitely be their loss.

Several people knew in their hearts that all seven villages were living with Cao Shujie. As long as Cao Shujie came up with an idea, they would all have enough to eat.

If we go back to the past, they know very well how much they weigh, but they don't have the ability.

Even though the Agricultural Planting Cooperative and the Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative are already large-scale and mature, if they are left to do it on their own, they probably won’t last more than two or three years, and the matter will fade away, and they will eventually return to their original path.


Not to mention that the seven village party secretaries were discussing the allocation of tasks.

After the seven of them finished sending messages in the group, other people in the village affairs groups of these seven villages were all staring.

When they saw the message sent by the village party secretary, their first reaction was to stare at the mobile phone screen, trying to see who would be stupid enough to sell their shares and cash in.

These villagers thought that even if they borrowed money, they would still buy it.

People in three villages, such as Caojiazhuang, Zhujiazhuang and Taodong Village, all have shares in Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative. They are not in a hurry, and they are in a great mood to snap up a few more shares.

However, more than half of the people in the four villages of Jinxiu Village, Yelou Village, Qiuxia Village, and Qingyun Village had hesitated when they last bought shares because there were rumors that the profits from raising cattle were not great anymore, but they did not.

Thinking of that time, it was the last time that Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative attracted shareholders.

Since then, Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative has closed its doors and no longer attracts new blood.

If anyone wants to participate in shares, one can inherit from his elders, and the other can buy shares from farmers who have already participated in the shares.

Apart from this, there is no third way to go.

It is precisely because of this that even if the village party secretary just said in the WeChat group that next year's profits will change, Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative will purchase large quantities of cows for self-breeding out of long-term development considerations, and these farmers who have already participated in the stock-taking will not


When they participated in the Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative, some paid as little as 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, and as many as more than 10,000, or more than 200,000 yuan, but the dividends were real, and ordinary people are not stupid!

Some people even discussed privately that they felt more at ease having a sober village director like Cao Shujie who knew when to do what.

"Shujie, do you plan to buy a cow?" Cao Jianguo asked his son while eating dinner.

Cao Shujie nodded and told his father the reason.

After finishing speaking, Cao Shujie sighed: "Dad, I can't help but buy it. The price of calves is getting higher and higher now, but it hasn't reached its peak yet. I estimate it will continue to rise in the future. When a calf costs six to seven thousand yuan,

We suffer even more."

“Still a big loss!”

Cao Shujie said: "I have been buying cows one after another in the past few years. Now there are 280 cows. I can contribute 280 calves every year, but it is still not enough. I also plan to buy in large quantities."

According to his idea, there must be at least 2,000 cows.

This is mainly due to the fact that the average gestation period of cattle is 280 days, and multiple births are extremely rare. Basically, one calf is born per year.

In this way, Cao Shujie will outsource some calves to control part of the procurement costs, thereby achieving the purpose of increasing profits.

Cao Jianguo nodded, took a sip of porridge, and said, "How come the price of this calf jumps so fast?"

"I remember when you first bought a calf, it only cost 1,000 yuan per head. In just five years, it has already increased to 5,400 yuan, which more than doubled in a year."

Cao Jianguo, who has cultivated orchards in his hometown all his life, feels suffocated by this growth rate.

"Dad, the main reason is that the market price of beef cattle has been relatively stable in recent years, the price of beef has been rising, the price of feed has also been rising, and the price of calves will definitely rise."

Cao Jianlong also knew this truth. After he silently settled the account, he sighed, looked at his son, and said seriously: "Shujie, if there is no Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative, we can just let the free-range breeding at home and provide food.

We can’t even earn the money for feed and labor costs.”

Wang Yuelan rolled her eyes, stared at the father and son, and said to them: "You two are still finished, can you finish the meal first and then talk."

Cao Jianguo and Cao Shujie, father and son, remained silent.

Mengmeng hummed a little proudly: "Grandpa, daddy, hurry up and eat. If you keep talking, grandma will still talk about you."

The busy days lasted until the middle of late October, when the Zhongcheng breeding farm was completely emptied, and the 1,500 cattle in Cao Shujie's farm south of them were also emptied.

The actual weighing of the 6,539 cattle from the 1st branch of the Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative was 40 kilograms higher than their estimate. The final transaction volume was 117.034 million yuan, and the remaining 80 yuan was wiped out by Cao Shujie.

The 1,500 cattle in Cao Shujie's breeding farm were sold for a total of 39.192 million yuan.

However, based on the calculation that Cao Shujie purchased a total of 10,000 calves from Liu Jiping, Zhu Xinfa, Cui Jingguo, Feng Tao and other four people this time, it would cost 53.5 million yuan.

2,000 of them belong to Cao Shujie and cost 13.375 million yuan.

The new 8,000 calves purchased by Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative will cost 40.125 million yuan.

This is only the purchase of calves, plus the cost of fine feed and roughage such as pasture, corn, bean cake, bran, etc., Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative can still make nearly one-third of the profit, except for the workers in the farm

All farmers participating in the seven villages take turns to work. In addition to free of charge, other costs can also be seen how strictly controlled.

And this is also the main reason why Cao Shujie and the others are no longer willing to passively endure it.

They all know in their hearts that if this continues, when the price of calves exceeds 6,000 yuan or even 7,000 yuan, the profits of the Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative will be further compressed, and this business will become increasingly difficult to do.

When all the cattle in the farms were emptied, Ye Chenguang and Qian Hua also began to follow the assigned tasks and took people into several farms to clean, disinfect, and thoroughly clean up any possible pathogens in the farms.

This time is budgeted for half a month.

On the other hand, Cao Jianlong and several other men also traveled far away.

They personally took people to contact them about buying cows, and also showed the folks in the village that they didn't just suck blood from Cao Shujie, they also really worked at critical moments.

They didn't even tell Cao Shujie when they left. They thought they would tell Cao Shujie the results after contacting several farms selling cows.

Cao Shujie still found out about this from other people.

After hearing what others said, Cao Shujie was very surprised. He even called Cao Jianlong to ask what was going on?

Then he heard Cao Jianlong tell him: "Shujie, I can't let you do everything yourself. Just leave this kind of errand work to us. If you really can't handle it in the end, you can take action."

After finishing speaking, Cao Jianlong took the initiative to hang up the phone.

"Hey!" Cao Shujie smiled.

As Xu Qingming's final balance of more than 7 million came into his account, Xu Qingming called Cao Shujie specifically and made an appointment with him for the next batch of beef cattle for slaughter, as well as for next year's beef cattle.

In Xu Qingming's words, the price is easy to negotiate, and the price he gives is always 3 cents higher than the market price.

There was no other way. Xu Qingming finally understood that if he still wanted to successfully get the cattle from Cao Shujie in the later stage, he would have to spend a lot of money.

After the Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative and his transactions were exposed online, it was actually very detrimental to Xu Qingming.

This means that more people are eyeing the fat meat of Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative. He also believes that when the beef cattle from Branch 2 are released, or after the beef cattle are released next year, there will be far more people eyeing Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative than this year.


Xu Qingming didn't know who exposed this incident, but based on his understanding of Cao Shujie, he felt that this was definitely not a trick that Cao Shujie deliberately set up. He was not that kind of person.

"God's will plays tricks on people!" Xu Qingming sighed.

These days, business is getting harder and harder to do.

The temperature dropped further, and before people noticed it, they put on extra cotton-padded clothes, and every household started to turn on boilers for heating at night.

Some people are also saying that the Chinese New Year is coming soon, and this year goes by so fast.

But more people are discussing the upcoming dividends this month.

All the cattle were taken away, and I heard that the last payment for the cattle was also credited to the account.

They don't really care about low dividends or even no dividends next year.

Especially for the people in Caojiazhuang, Zhujiazhuang and Taodong Village, many of them have recovered the cost of their investment, and the rest of the time is pure profit. They don't care about no dividends for one or two years, it's only one or two years, and

Not ten or twenty years.

But if they raise their own cows and start breeding calves, the cost will be lower, the profits will be higher, and the money in their hands will be more!

This chapter has been completed!
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