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Chapter 844 The convenience of privilege (40008000)

Chapter 844 The convenience of privilege (4000/8000)

At noon on the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, after attending his cousin's wedding, Cao Shujie and his family returned to Caojiazhuang.

He began to pack his things and prepared to leave the day after tomorrow to meet his sister Cao Huifang in Shencheng to celebrate the New Year together.

The day before departure, Wang Yuelan fried some New Year's goods at home and planned to take them over for her daughter to try.

In the past two days, Cao Huifang watched the Spring Festival approaching and knew that she could no longer hide it, so she called her mother and said that the factory was very busy this year and would not have a holiday during the Spring Festival, so she would continue to rush for production.

While talking on the phone, although Wang Yuelan already knew about it from her daughter-in-law, she still looked forward to her daughter's return.

However, after her daughter called her, her last hope was shattered. She kept a sullen face and spoke with a bit of anger.

But after hanging up the phone, Wang Yuelan started sighing again.

When Cheng Xiaolin saw it from the side, she thought that such a reasonable person as her mother-in-law would get into a dead end, which shows what it is like to miss a daughter so much.

But then again, my daughter feels sorry for herself!

As a mother of two children, Cheng Xiaolin gradually understood these principles.

So more often than not, she is glad that she married the right person.

Fried meatballs, fried chicken nuggets, braised beef and beef meatballs, fried dried sweet potatoes, and jujube steamed buns that Wang Yuelan took the trouble to make.

After everything is done, put it aside to dry. When it cools down, pack it into a bag and put it in a special suitcase.

Looking at the groceries and braised meats hanging in the yard, Wang Yuelan also said: "I really don't want to get them for her."

"Yes, you shouldn't let Fangfang eat it. This naughty child's wings will become stiff when he grows up." Cao Jianguo scolded from the side.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yuelan turned her head and glared at him.

"If you have nothing to do, go and pack your luggage." She said.

Cao Jianguo left here quickly.

When Cheng Xiaolin saw it, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She advised: "Mom, let's pack it up quickly and fly to Quancheng tomorrow morning."

"Okay, we can't waste any more time." Wang Yuelan nodded, went to get the bag, and continued to pack things.

They have a flight tomorrow morning, so they have plenty of time.

Mengmeng seemed very happy when she thought about leaving tomorrow. She didn't want to sleep at night.

But Cao Shujie threatened her that if she didn't go to bed, she would take all her winter vacation homework with her. Even after she went out, she would have to finish her homework before playing.

When Mengmeng heard what her father said, her face turned dark.

She really had a lot of homework during the winter vacation. Because of this, after Mengmeng came back, she complained that the teacher was unethical and complained about the test questions her mother bought for her. But when she saw her mother staring at her, her eyes flashed with danger.

The light, cuteness and knowledge immediately surrendered.

At this time, Cao Huifang, who lives in Yiju Community in Shencheng, feels a little lonely and lonely as the Spring Festival approaches.

When she called her mother the day before yesterday, she could hear that her mother was dissatisfied with her not coming home during the Spring Festival, but did she nag her in person? The more she did, the more uncomfortable she felt.

Cao Huifang was also thinking about whether to resign altogether, but after weighing it, Cao Huifang thought that she could no longer be so naive.

She is working now, not when she is in school. She can be willful and do whatever she wants.

She is still young now. In the next few decades, she cannot always rely on her parents and her brother, right?

"People have to be more mature." Cao Huifang told herself in her heart.

She thought she would learn something here and then go back.

Seeing that it was already very late, Cao Huifang fell asleep in a daze.

When she woke up the next morning, Cao Huifang washed up as usual and drove to work at Yifang Semiconductor Packaging Co., Ltd.

Today is the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month, and tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, which is the Chinese New Year in the traditional sense.

Yifang Semiconductor Packaging Co., Ltd. considered that there would be no holidays during the Spring Festival, and the employees were somewhat emotional. Therefore, in addition to the normal Spring Festival benefits and holiday expenses, they also sent a Spring Festival dried fruit gift box to all employees at work, which was not cheap.

In addition, on New Year's Eve tomorrow, all employees who do not work shifts can leave work half a day early.

All employees working shifts will have all special dishes in the company restaurant tomorrow at no cost to employees.

When she came to the office, Cao Huifang listened to her colleagues discussing whether they could not go home tomorrow. Except for people with families in the office, the rest of them should get together and celebrate the Spring Festival together.

Seeing Cao Huifang come in, Chen Tingting, who is lively by nature, ran over to her and asked her: "Sister Fang, are you okay tomorrow?"

Cao Huifang thought for a while and shook her head. She was indeed fine.

Chen Tingting laughed: "If nothing happens, let's go to Wal-Mart to play together and eat there in the evening."

Another point, Chen Tingting did not mention, is that only three people in their office have cars.

The other two people are the leader Fang Zhu and Lan Yufu, but these two have families and they will definitely go home after get off work tomorrow.

The only remaining car owner is Cao Huifang.

Chen Tingting still wanted to ride on Cao Huifang's car.

"Let me think about it." Cao Huifang said with a smile.

But Chen Tingting shook her arm and said: "Sister Fang, what else are you thinking about? You just said that you have nothing else to do tomorrow and just come with us."

"That's right, let's celebrate the Spring Festival together and it will be more lively. Otherwise, Sister Fang, you would be bored at home alone." Man Xiyun also said.

But Cao Huifang said: "Okay, I will drive you there tomorrow."

"But my car can only pull four people, not five."

"Isn't this simple? When the time comes, I'll hold Xiyun in my arms and let's squeeze in. There will definitely be no one checking cars on the street tomorrow, New Year's Eve." Liao Fei said.

This was a wicked idea. When Fang Zhu heard about it, she said with a straight face: "You can't do this. People who are celebrating the New Year must pay attention to safety."

Liao Fei stuck out her tongue and was grabbed by the leader in front of her. She was also a little embarrassed.

Qualcomm quickly changed his tune: "Sister Fang, don't worry. When Wei Xinlei and I take a taxi there, we will definitely not let Mr. Cao do anything illegal."

Fang Zhu didn't say anything else.

Seeing that several people had no intention of going to work, Fang Zhu considered that tomorrow was New Year's Eve and there was no urgent work at hand for the time being, so she didn't say anything else and just let them chat there.

In fact, although they are at work at this time, most people are not thinking about the class.

At the same time, Cao Shujie also drove his family to Quancheng Airport.

After parking the car, Cao Shujie and the others took their tickets and entered the waiting room. Cao Shujie and his father, Cao Jianguo, went to check in their luggage first.

All that's left is to wait patiently.

Cao Shujie had already asked his dedicated customer service officer Situ Fen to book a hotel for him in advance. The reservation was still at the Sheraton. After arriving at Shencheng Airport, there would naturally be a car at the hotel to pick them up.

Moreover, this Sheraton Hotel is not far from the Yi'anju Community where his sister lives, so it's generally very convenient.

Cao Shujie was also quite emotional. He found that after using the privileges, many things have become very convenient now, but he never took these privileges seriously before.

Even though Yiling Rural Commercial Bank is just a local bank, it can accomplish a lot.

After returning from checking in, Cao Shujie spoke to his mother and wife, took his son Cao Yirui from his wife's arms, held the little guy in his arms, and walked towards the exclusive first-class waiting area.

There are many people in the general area, and there are also many people in the VIP area.

However, judging from the anxious or relaxed expressions on their faces, Cao Shujie guessed that some of them might be going home or traveling for the New Year.

While waiting patiently, Cao Shujie heard the sound of the security check of their flight starting from the speakers in the waiting room.

Cao Shujie took his family through the exclusive passage, boarded the plane after security check, and sat down in the first class cabin.

During this period, the flight attendants on the plane also came over to ask them what services they needed and brought some juice drinks and snacks.

Mengmeng is very interested in these foods and drinks, just like Cao Shujie.

Three and a half hours later, the plane from Quancheng Airport landed at Shencheng Airport. Cao Shujie called the hotel's phone number and heard the other party tell him that the car to pick them up had been waiting at the airport half an hour in advance.

The person on the phone told Cao Shujie that the driver would call him shortly.

"It's very convenient to travel now. We don't have to rent a car ourselves." Cao Jianguo said with a smile.

There is a VIP channel at the airport, a dedicated channel for boarding the plane, and a dedicated rest area.

Book the hotel in advance and there will be a hotel car to pick you up and back.

Cao Jianguo has followed his son out in the past two years, and he has gained a lot of experience.

In the past, how could he have thought that there would be someone to take care of him?

Wang Yuelan said to him: "If you don't know, just shut up and don't act like a bumpkin."

"What I'm telling you is the truth. Have you seen it before?" Cao Jianguo retorted to his wife.

Wang Yuelan was left speechless by the question.

She had never seen so many tricks before.

Not long after, Cao Shujie's cell phone rang.

After answering the phone, Cao Shujie chatted with the other party for a while and learned that the car was parked at the door and the other party had come in to look for them.

Cao Shujie said thank you to the other party, and then walked out with his family dragging their luggage.

They planned to go to the hotel first, put down their luggage, and then call his sister Cao Huifang after finishing their work.

After all, it was only around 2 p.m., and his sister usually didn't get off work until 6:30 p.m.

While walking outside, Wang Yuelan remembered something: "Don't tell me, it's really warm here. I'm wearing too many clothes and my back is sweating."

"No, you have to make me put on long johns. I'm sweating now. Let's go to the hotel to change clothes first." Cao Jianguo also said.

It's actually quite normal.

It's a few degrees below zero in Dongshan Province, but the temperature here today always shows 17 degrees. There's a difference of more than 20 degrees between the two.

It took nearly an hour to arrive at the hotel.

After arriving, they registered. There was a dedicated person who took them to the room. After explaining to them how to use some of the facilities in the room, they confirmed that Cao Shujie and the others had no other problems before leaving the room.

"Mom, let's put things in order first, and I'll call Fangfang later." Cao Shujie said to his mother.

Wang Yuelan nodded. She only knew that her daughter was at Yifang Semiconductor Packaging Co., Ltd., but she had no idea where this company was.

Cao Huifang was chatting with her colleagues in the office when she received a call from her brother.

Seeing that her brother had called, Cao Huifang didn't think much and picked up the phone.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Cao Huifang asked her brother.

Then she heard her brother Cao Shujie say: "When will you get off work?"

"It's 6:30, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, we don't have to work overtime after get off work these days." Cao Huifang said to her brother.

"Oh, are you bored celebrating the New Year there?" Cao Shujie asked his sister.

One sentence made Cao Huifang break her guard and she felt panicked.

But Cao Huifang still had to pretend to be strong and tell her brother that it was okay.

"Brother, the leader just said that we will not go to work tomorrow afternoon. Then my colleagues and I will go to the nearby Wal-Mart to play, and we will have New Year's Eve dinner together in the evening." Cao Huifang said this.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he heard his brother say with a smile: "You have to have dinner with your colleagues tomorrow. It seems that you won't be able to eat this meal."

"Why can't you eat it? Brother, what are you talking about?" Cao Huifang didn't understand.

Cao Shujie originally wanted to tease his sister, but he was unprepared and his phone was snatched away by his wife: "Fangfang, I am your sister-in-law."

"Sister-in-law, what's wrong?" Cao Huifang asked.

She only told her sister-in-law Cao Huifang that she would not have a holiday during the Spring Festival.

It can be said that the two of them talk about everything.

Cheng Xiaolin felt that it was now time and there was no need to hide anything from her sister-in-law, so she said to her: "Fangfang, your brother and I, our parents, have all come to Shencheng. Do you know that there is a Sheraton Hotel near where you live?"

"Just come to us after get off work." Cheng Xiaolin said.

When Cao Shujie heard his wife tell her everything, he found it boring, so he simply went to play with his son and daughter.

After Cao Huifang hung up the phone, thinking about what her sister-in-law had just said, she felt so excited that words simply could not describe it.

She never expected that her parents, brother and sister-in-law would all come.

Obviously, they came here because I didn't have a holiday this year.

Cao Huifang was stunned for a moment, her heart was very heavy.

Thinking that you didn't go back because you worked overtime at the company, is it a bit too selfish?

Chen Tingting saw something wrong with the expression on Cao Huifang's face and asked her what happened?

After a while, Cao Huifang came back to her senses, looked at her colleagues who cared about her, and thought about the things she had just agreed on in the morning, with a slightly apologetic expression on her face: "Tingting, I'm really sorry, I can't be with you tomorrow.

It’s Spring Festival.”

"What's wrong? Sister Fang, has something happened to you?" Chen Tingting asked even more nervously.

Cao Huifang waved her hand: "It's okay. My family members are here and want to spend the Spring Festival with me here. I have to accompany them tomorrow."

After Cao Huifang finished speaking, Chen Tingting patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh, what did I think it was? Sister Fang, this is a good thing."

She then asked with great interest: "Who is here?"

"My parents, my brother and sister-in-law, and probably my nephew and niece." Cao Huifang said.

When she said this, Chen Tingting became even more envious: "Sister Fang, so your whole family is here?"

"Well, it should be." Cao Huifang nodded.

(End of chapter)

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