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Chapter 846 My brother raises cattle (40008000)

Chapter 846 My brother raises cattle (4000/8000)

This meal in the evening was the most delicious meal Cao Huifang had since arriving in Shencheng.

It's not because the food at Sheraton is good, it's mainly because there's a family accompanying me.

Look at your nephew Yi Rui. She can't speak yet, but the little guy stared at her all night until she went to bed. Did he know that this was her aunt?

As the old saying goes, if we have the same blood flowing in our veins, we are still one family.

After dinner, Cao Huifang still wanted to stay and talk to her parents and tease her nephew with her sister-in-law, but her brother reminded her that the 'New Year's goods' in her suitcase must be put in the refrigerator as soon as possible.

Having no choice, Cao Huifang still took the suitcase her brother had given her and went to the community where she lived.

Before leaving, she made an appointment with her brother to meet at noon tomorrow.

When she got home, Cao Huifang took out all the New Year's goods in her suitcase and put them in the refrigerator. She piled her refrigerator full, and there were still many that couldn't be put in.

No choice, Cao Huifang thought for a while and took out some of the beef meatballs, braised beef and fried goods, preparing to bring them to the company early tomorrow morning so that everyone could have a taste and feel the flavor of the New Year.

It's just a pity that her brother didn't bring any fruit wine or preserved fruits when he came this time. Her colleagues had been looking forward to it.

When she arrived at the company early on the second day, Cao Huifang was carrying a large bag of things. As soon as she entered the office, Liao Fei sniffed and asked what the scent was.

"Feifei, your nose is really sharp, come on and see what delicious food I have brought for you?" Cao Huifang raised the bag in her hand and attracted the attention of her colleagues.

Chen Tingting seemed to remember something. She screamed and shouted: "Sister Fangfang, isn't it your family who brought that delicious fruit wine?"

"And preserved fruit?" Man Xiyun added.

They kept thinking about it, but this time they were destined to be disappointed.

"What are you thinking about? Can fruit wine smell? Can preserved fruit smell? What do you two think?"

Cao Huifang put the plastic bag containing beef meatballs, braised beef and various fried foods on her desk, and opened it: "Do you want to eat beef? There are also beef meatballs and fried foods, which are all made by my mother.

The beef is stewed with beef raised by our family. It’s very fragrant. I’m not going to lie to you.”

Liao Fei was shocked: "Oh my God, Sister Fangfang, what kind of family is yours? You raise your own cattle and slaughter them for food. How wealthy are you?"

Even Big Brother Lan Yufu was surprised when he heard what Cao Huifang said.

As the Chinese New Year approaches, people all over the country kill New Year pigs, but he has never heard of anyone who kills New Year cows?

Wouldn’t it be enough to just buy beef weighing ten or eight pounds?

If not, I'd buy it for dozens of kilograms.

A cow easily costs 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, who would be willing to kill himself to eat its meat?

Cao Huifang didn't realize this at all. She watched her brother slaughter cows and eat meat every year, and she was used to it.

Hearing the rebuttal from her colleagues, Cao Huifang nodded: "My brother raises cattle at home and has a lot of cattle."

"Yes, Sister Fangfang is from the Internet celebrity village Caojiazhuang. I remember the last time I saw the news, your village is famous for raising cattle, and there are tens of millions of dividends." Wei Xinlei thought of something and felt that Cao Huifang's family was the same.

The group of people who participate in dividends.

That's what he said, but others always felt something was wrong.

Participating in dividends and killing cattle during the Chinese New Year are two different things, okay!

Fang Zhu came in from the outside and saw everyone discussing around a bag on the table. She also went over and took a look. There was meat and fried goods in the bag.

"Oh, it's quite fragrant. Who brought this?" Fang Zhu twisted a beef ball, put it in front of his eyes and looked at it carefully, and then put it in his mouth.

Bite it hard, it's quite chewy and chewy, and there's still soup left, which makes your mouth full of fragrance.

"Wow, these are beef balls, they are so delicious." Fang Zhu said.

When several other people saw it, they all wanted to grab something, but they were embarrassed.

"Qualcomm, go get a pack of disposable gloves." Chen Tingting thought of the disposable gloves they usually used to grab electronic components for experiments.

They are also disposable gloves that are necessary for families. Each person is given one, grabs the beef balls in the bag, and starts eating the fried goods.

Only then did Fang Zhu realize that Cao Huifang had brought this bag of things.

Looking at the two substantial pieces of braised beef in the bag, Fang Zhu was a little greedy. She said, "I have a watermelon knife in my office. I'll get it. Let's cut the beef and try it."

They did nothing else this morning and ate all the bag of fried food and beef that Cao Huifang brought over.

That's it, they still don't think it's enough, especially the beef. They think it's really delicious and they can't buy it on the market.

"Sister Fangfang, do you have any more there? How about you bring some over tomorrow?" Chen Tingting looked like she was discussing.

Several other colleagues also agreed with her statement.

Even Fang Zhu and Lan Yufu nodded, looking expectant.

"Xiao Cao, your beef is really delicious." Fang Zhu is discerning.

Cao Huifang felt quite proud. She walked to Fang Zhu and whispered to her that her parents and eldest brother and sister-in-law were here, and she wanted to take a day off tomorrow to spend time with her parents and them.

"Oh, there are regulations in the company about this matter..."

"Sister Fang, don't worry, I will bring all the beef over the day after tomorrow. You can take it home and give it to Brother Chen to try."

Is giving two pieces of braised beef considered a bribe?

Fang Zhu coughed twice and said righteously to Cao Huifang: "Xiao Cao, it's not good for you to be like this. The company is strictly investigating now, so it's impossible to ask for leave."

But after she finished speaking, she leaned close to Cao Huifang and whispered: "Don't say that Sister Fang doesn't take care of you. If you punch in the attendance card tomorrow, if you fill in the missing card, I will approve it for you then, and I will make up for the class later."

Yifang Semiconductor Packaging Co., Ltd. is very strict about attendance. Everyone has an employee card of their own. There is an attendance machine in the factory, and two monitors are installed on the attendance machine to prevent employees from punching in on their behalf.

But there are policies from above and countermeasures from below, and people will always have unexpected situations.

Yifang Semiconductor Packaging Co., Ltd. is not impersonal at all. The company stipulates that each employee can only check in abnormally three times a month for approval.

Cao Huifang understood as soon as she heard that Fang Zhu asked her to act abnormally, and this also had the advantage that Cao Huifang would be on duty tomorrow.

Several other people pretended not to hear, but stared at the empty plastic bags one by one.

Cao Huifang quickly promised to bring all the braised beef when she came to work the day after tomorrow, and would treat everyone to a meal after her parents left in two days.

"Sister Fangfang, you can't just have a meal. I like to drink that fruit wine."

"That preserved fruit is also delicious, don't forget it, Sister Fangfang."

These shameless people began to take advantage of the opportunity to threaten me.

"No problem, it's all mine." Cao Huifang agreed.

After all the trouble, Fang Zhu still allowed Cao Huifang to take the day off.

She could also tell from Cao Huifang's eyes that Cao Huifang had to ask for leave.

Cao Huifang's usual work attitude is there, and her abilities are there. Besides, they have a good relationship with each other. Rules are dead and people are alive, so why bother to get stuck in the company's rules and regulations.

At 12 noon, all administrative and technical staff get off work.

Cao Huifang was no exception. After saying goodbye to Fang Zhu and others, she drove directly towards the Sheraton Hotel.

On the other side, Chen Tingting and the other five of them, as agreed, first went to Wal-Mart for an afternoon, and then went to the Sheraton Hotel for a buffet in the evening.

Not to mention anything else, today I just want to have fun.

Cao Huifang drove to the Sheraton Hotel and found a parking space. After parking the car, she took the escalator directly to the first floor.

When she knocked on her parents' door, she didn't expect that it was her niece Mengmeng who opened the door for her.

"Auntie, you're here. I'm starving to death. What should we eat today?" Mengmeng asked, holding her stomach as soon as they met.

This little girl is very hungry.

She was clamoring to go to dinner just now, but her father and mother both said they would go together when her aunt comes over.

The little girl had no choice but to wait patiently.

Fortunately, my aunt finally came.

"Mengmeng, what do you want to eat?" Cao Huifang felt very sorry to see her niece in such a pitiful state.

But Mengmeng doesn’t know what to eat either.

She asked Cao Huifang what was delicious?

Then I heard Cao Huifang mutter: "We often go to eat at food stalls. It is said that the old restaurant has been open for more than ten years and there are still a lot of people. I don't know about the others."

Mengmeng doesn’t care where to eat, as long as it’s delicious and filling.

Wang Yuelan and Cao Jianguo, the old couple, don't care about small restaurants on the street, and in their opinion, if they can open a roadside stall for more than ten years and still retain old customers, they must be doing a good job.

Cao Shujie and Cheng Xiaolin also didn't care about this, so they decided to leave.

Cao Huifang's car obviously didn't work, so Cao Shujie asked his sister to leave the car at the hotel, and asked the hotel to arrange a car to take them to their destination, which was the food stall where his sister and colleagues often went to eat.

When they got off the bus, Cao Shujie wanted to ask the driver to eat with them, but the driver thanked him for his kindness and rejected Cao Shujie's invitation.

Their hotel had regulations, so Cao Shujie had nothing to do. He took out 100 yuan from his wallet and handed it to the driver, asking him to buy some for himself.

When the driver still wanted to refuse, Cao Shujie and the others had already walked away.

Just like his sister said, even though today is New Year's Eve, there are still a lot of people eating at the food stalls.

And there are people of all ages, including old people, young people, young people, etc., and it looks very lively.

"There are so many people." Mengmeng said, blinking.

She then sniffed again: "Auntie, it smells so good!"

Looking at the popularity and lively atmosphere, Cao Shujie felt that this place was no different.

When ordering, he saw the dragon and phoenix on the menu and immediately realized what it was.

When he asked his sister again, it was really a stew of snake and chicken.

But when they heard about snakes, except for Mengmeng who was not afraid, everyone else felt a little uncomfortable.

"Let's eat something regular." Cheng Xiaolin suggested.

Wang Yuelan and Cao Jianguo, the old couple, also nodded, not wanting to eat those weird things.

Mengmeng was very curious, but when she saw that the adults didn't click, she could only give up with regret.

Fortunately, there are many other dishes. I ordered more than a dozen dishes at once, but the waiter said that ordering more would not be a waste, so he gave up.

While chatting, Wang Yuelan and Cao Jianguo breathed a sigh of relief when Cao Huifang told them about coming here to eat with her colleagues.

At least it shows that their daughter is living a good life here.

Cao Huifang was very fortunate that her parents, eldest brother, and sister-in-law came to spend the Spring Festival with her in a foreign country.

Although this is not her hometown, Cao Huifang feels that her parents are here and she is very satisfied.

"Mom, I will take you somewhere this afternoon." Cao Huifang said proactively.

Mengmeng is a typical curious baby. She asked her aunt where she was going to play in the afternoon.

If there are two things that Mengmeng misses most, they must be eating and playing.

"Mengmeng, where do you want to go?" Cao Huifang asked her niece.

What Mengmeng wants to see most is amusement parks and zoos.

There is really no shortage of these two things here in Shencheng, but Cao Huifang thinks it is better to arrange going to the amusement park and zoo tomorrow.

"Then where are we going?" Mengmeng became even more curious.

Then she heard her aunt talk about going to Shenchengwan Park.

"There are a lot of seagulls over there, and there is also a very beautiful park. We can go there just in time after dinner, and we can also watch the sunset." Cao Huifang told them.

After hearing this, Cao Shujie also wanted to go and have a look, but according to what his sister said, there are usually a lot of people playing there. Today is New Year's Eve, so there may be more people playing there, so it may not be easy to park at that time.

"Does this count?" Cao Shujie said with a smile.

After they finished eating, they returned to the car. After Cao Shujie told the driver their destination, the driver immediately offered to send them there and then waited for them in the car.

"Mr. Cao, I'll drop you off later and park somewhere else. Give me a call when you're about to leave and I'll pick you up again," the driver said with a smile.

Cao Shujie gave him a tip, which was his extra income. He now treats Cao Shujie very well.

"Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you today." Cao Shujie said politely.

Then I heard the driver keep waving his hands and saying it was no trouble.

Looking for a place to park near Shenchengwan Park, Cao Shujie and the others came down and followed his sister Cao Huifang into the park. It was still bright at this time.

Entering the park, Cao Shujie's eyes lit up. To describe it in one sentence, if you take a photo with your mobile phone, any photo will be a scenery.

As his sister said, many people are playing here today.

Cao Shujie didn't dare to be careless and let his wife and mother look after Mengmeng. He hugged his son Cao Yirui and the family walked inside.

Not long after I arrived at the beach, at about four o'clock in the afternoon, I heard the cry of seagulls.

Many adults accompanied their children running back and forth on the beach.

Mengmeng also wanted to run there, but her mother held her back and refused to let her pass.

Cheng Xiaolin looked at some real estate across the sea and asked her sister-in-law: "Fangfang, where is that over there? Is it the villa area on the island in the middle of the lake?"

When they went to Xiang Yuheng's house, an island in the middle of the lake was built in that community, with more than a dozen single-family villas on the island.

But when Cao Huifang heard her sister-in-law asking, she quickly shook her head: "Sister-in-law, that's the real estate in Xiangjiang over there."

"Where did you say? Xiangjiang?" Cheng Xiaolin looked at her sister-in-law, and then at the properties across the sea. They looked like they were built on an island.

(End of chapter)

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