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Chapter 869 The passenger flow is full (40008000)

Cao Shujie would never have thought that Zhu Hongwei's obsession was so deep. Not only would he not change his ways, he would also drag Taodong Village into the unfounded 'Cao Family Community'.

But he himself couldn't care about it at the moment.

The children's theme park is about to open. Even if most of its items are free, absolute safety must be ensured in the park.

Taking this into consideration, Cao Shujie decided to conduct a comprehensive inspection of all equipment and areas in the park to ensure 100% safety.

For this reason, starting from March 10th, the park has been fully closed and no one is allowed to enter.

Many children nearby like the big slides, swings, trampolines, etc. inside and want to sneak in, but the adults are sensible and understand that Cao Shujie does this for the benefit of their children.

At this critical moment, no one stood up to cause trouble for Cao Shujie.

For three consecutive days, Cao Shujie organized personnel to inspect everything inside and outside the children's theme park more than once to ensure that there were no problems at all, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Mengmeng Orchard opened together with the children's theme park. Cao Shujie could not guarantee how many people would come on the opening day, but his expectation was that there would be at least 10,000 visitors. With so many people coming, he would not allow any minor accidents to happen.

You can't be too cautious at this moment.

Cao Shuchao followed Cao Zheng on patrol in the park, and behind them were several young adults drawn from the village.

At this time, the few people following behind did not know that Cao Shuchao would take over as director of medical and security next year, but they were all convinced of Cao Shuchao, the first person to develop with Cao Shujie.

"Brother Chao, may I ask something?" Cao Shuyang, who was following in the crowd, asked.

Cao Shuchao turned around and looked at him: "Shuyang, what's the matter?"

Cao Shuyang asked him curiously: "Brother Chao, how much is your salary per month when you work at Brother Jie's place?"

Not to mention his curiosity, many people in the village were curious about Cao Shuchao's salary.

This was the first person Cao Shujie recruited after starting the Mengmeng Orchard from Baoxia Mountain.

If we make a comprehensive ranking based on all the industries under Cao Shujie's name, Cao Shuchao's job number is the legendary employee '0001', and under Cao Shujie's step-by-step guidance, Cao Shuchao is now independently responsible for the core industry of Mengmeng orchards and breeding farms.

In Cao Shujie's factory, many piece-rate employees earn salaries ranging from five to six thousand to seven to eight thousand.

Those managers at the department manager level are said to have monthly incomes of over 10,000 yuan.

They speculated that Cao Shuchao’s income was not bad after following Cao Shujie for so many years, right?

Cao Shuchao is not surprised by this question. In fact, many people have asked him. However, Cao Shuchao remembers what his wife said. The more money-related topics are, the more careful you should be in your words and deeds.

"Not many." Cao Shuchao said with a smile.

Gao Qiang from behind asked: "Brother Chao, how much is this if it's not a lot? Is it ten thousand?"

I don’t know since when, earning 10,000 yuan a month seems to be normal in the eyes of the people in Caojiazhuang.

Cao Shuchao shook his head: "My salary is not that big. I only get a few thousand yuan."

"Is it true? Brother Chao, I heard that the salary of the department manager in Brother Jie's factory exceeds 10,000 yuan?" Cao Shukui, who was following behind, also became curious.

"Shu Kui, who did you listen to?" Cao Shuchao shook his head: "Don't spread rumors."

"If you include bonuses, the total income is, but in terms of salary, it's really not that much." Cao Shuchao didn't say any more.

Cao Shuyang and the others also realized that salary and income are two different things.

Moreover, these people receive dividends from the agricultural planting cooperatives and Zhongcheng breeding cooperatives every year, and the income they receive is actually quite a lot.

As for Cao Shuchao's salary, they did not find out until the end.

Cao Zhengcun saw that Cao Shuchao had smoothed over Cao Shuyang's and the others' problems just now, and he was very satisfied.

The job of a security officer is not as easy as it seems on the surface.

He is responsible for leading the team to carry out publicity and education on policies and regulations under the leadership of the village committee, and also organizes the masses to carry out security patrols and implement measures to prevent theft, fire, vandalism and security accidents.

In addition, it is also necessary to educate those who violate laws and disciplines in accordance with the law, and cooperate with the village committee to ease and mediate civil disputes in the village to ensure the stability of public security in the village.

And this is only part of it. Going deeper, they also have to cooperate with the township police station to complete the tasks assigned by their superiors.

This position requires not only a strong person, but also a person who is smooth and smooth in his behavior. It is not enough if his personality is too straight.

Cao Zhengcun originally thought that Cao Shuchao was more brave and sincere than tactful, but now he was relieved.

"Chao, let's go to the front and take a look." Cao Zhengcun called to him.

"Okay." Cao Shuchao waved his hand, and Cao Shukui and the others followed.

Mengmeng Orchard opened together with the Children's Theme Park, which has a heavy workload and high security requirements in all aspects. Their tasks are very heavy.

Cao Zhengcun also told them that he would apply for bonuses after finishing their work.

In fact, everyone is not particularly looking forward to the bonus. The reason why they do this is because they want to give back to Caojiazhuang and Cao Shujie at the critical moment.

It also let Cao Shujie know that they were not unable to do anything and could only eat ready-made moths, which would also work at critical moments.

Tuesday, March 15th.

This day is not a rest day, nor is there any holiday.

Cao Shujie did not expect that at the beginning of the morning, dense traffic would pour into Caojiazhuang.

Fortunately, the road to the west began to be transformed into a two-way four-lane in November last year. Although the traffic speed is not fast, it is very smooth and there is no more congestion.

And as soon as you enter the Caojiazhuang area, there are two large parking lots on the north and south sides of the children's theme park. Those who come first simply park their cars here, thinking that after having enough fun in the park, they can walk directly to the east.

The Mengmeng Orchard is just over one kilometer away anyway, so it’s not very far.

There are many elderly people who come with their children in the park, most of them are from the surrounding area, and there are also some young couples who come with their children.

There is a sensor-type counter at the entrance of the children's theme park. Above the entrance is an LED display. Every time a person enters, the speaker next to it makes a 'ding' sound, and the number above increases by one.

When Cao Shujie came from home at around nine o'clock, he found that the counter at the entrance of the children's theme park showed that the number of people was 4,168.

He looked at the time and rubbed his eyes: "There are more than 4,000 people so soon?"

The children's theme park opened at 8 o'clock this morning, less than two hours ago.

In addition, today is not a rest day like Saturday and weekend. Cao Shujie originally expected that according to last year's passenger flow, it would be good to have more than 10,000 passengers today, but he did not expect that half of the goal would be achieved in such a short period of time.


I quickly walked into the park, and as soon as I entered, I felt that the atmosphere here was even more lively than during the Chinese New Year.

Passing through the crowd, Cao Shujie heard the laughter of children. A large red balloon tied with a rope to an iron ring on the ground fluttered in the air. The rope was pulled straight by the balloon and was still carried in the wind.

There were bursts of noise.

Continuing walking inside, Cao Shujie also saw two white-haired old men holding the hands of their grandsons. The grandma seemed to have said something, and the grandpa took the children and ran a few steps towards the slide not far away.

The smiles on the faces of the children in the park are innocent and bright, and their laughter is hearty and sweet, as if the whole world is so beautiful.

From time to time, children would call their grandparents, asking them to hurry up, and talk in their little mouths about where they were going to play.

The old man looked at his grandson. His granddaughter's eyes were full of tenderness and doting. As he walked, he patiently listened to the child's description of his yearning for each amusement project.

Not far away, there was a young couple taking photos of their little daughter.

Cao Shujie saw the little girl wearing a pink skirt and a hat with bunny ears, jumping in front of the conch slide.

Her father carefully supported her, while her mother kept adjusting the angle of the camera and walking back and forth, as if changing to a better position to capture the happiness of this moment.

The girl's laughter was as clear as a clear spring, making the people watching couldn't help but smile.

Next to the conch slide is a huge elephant trunk slide. The children also lined up in a long queue. Each one consciously lined up and walked forward slowly. No one jumped in line. These children all seemed particularly well-behaved.

Every time a child slides out from the end of the slide, it triggers a burst of applause and cheers from the adults watching.

Immediately behind, there were children lining up to climb up one after another, and then stood at the highest point and slid down the slide.

"Mom, mom, look, am I awesome?" A child asked his mother who was waiting nervously next to him as soon as he came out of the elephant trunk slide.

Cao Shujie also heard the young mother holding up her thumb and praising her: "The baby is awesome, the baby is so brave."

"Humph!" the little girl became proud. She walked around the elephant's trunk and ran to the queue: "Mom, I still want to play."

From the smiles of the adults, the envious eyes of other children, and the encouragement from her mother, this little girl found something that made her feel proud.

These projects are free and are the most popular places.

Cao Shujie looked at the innocent smiling faces of these children and felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

He thought it would be good to spend money to provide such an environment for children to play.

It's just a pity that Mengmeng goes to school today and can't come over.

Leaving the slide, Cao Shujie walked towards the artificial lake in the center of the park.

After coming over, he found more people queuing up to get on the boat.

There are all kinds of boats floating on the lake, including swan-shaped boats, small pirate ships, and duck-shaped boats. Each one is very cute in design.

There is also a large dragon-shaped boat, which is more than half a meter larger than the small boat.

These boats can only seat up to 4 people.

There are electric ones and pedal ones, and the prices are different.

Electric boats cost 40 yuan each for 20 minutes, pedal boats cost 30 yuan each for 20 minutes, and 20 yuan will be added for 10 minutes overtime.

There is also a larger boat that can accommodate one person and costs 60 yuan for 20 minutes.

When Cao Shujie passed by the people in line, he could hear the parents discussing that the price was the most affordable among the boats they had played on.

The children who lined up couldn't wait to experience the wind and waves on the lake, while the parents carefully put on life jackets for them and then put on life jackets for themselves to ensure safety.

The wind is not strong today. On the lake, the boats are rocking gently and the water is rippling, creating a peaceful and joyful scene.

There is also a family riding on a pedal boat. The man swings his legs and pedals hard, and the boat slowly floats forward.

There are also young men and women, each pedaling the boat slowly forward, enjoying their romance on the water.

Cao Shujie stood aside and looked at all this, feeling very satisfied.

There are seven people in charge here, the leader of which is a woman who looks young, in her 20s, named Cao Guijuan, who is also from Caojiazhuang.

After graduating from college, she worked outside for several years, but the work overall was not satisfactory. Just as the village was developing, she came back to work with her parents.

She is the only child in the family, and her parents have no other ideas. They think that they will have to rely on their daughter when they get old, and they don't intend to let her go too far.

In the new year, Cao Shujie's children's theme park opened and when a large number of people were recruited, she came to sign up.

Although the salary is not high, her position is special. With a basic salary of 1,800 yuan, plus performance bonus, Cao Guijuan is very satisfied.

The key is that in addition to this income, their family also has shares in the Agricultural Planting Cooperative and Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative. Her parents have nothing else to do now. They also push a three-wheeled bicycle around the park to set up stalls and do some small business.

Not to mention how much money they can earn, their family feels that this life is very promising.

Seeing Cao Shujie coming, Cao Guijuan hurried over to say hello and briefly told Cao Shujie what was going on here.

The area of ​​this artificial lake is not small, and there are a total of 100 boats operating in the lake.

Among them, there are 40 electric boats, 40 pedal boats, and 20 slightly larger boats.

According to Cao Guijuan, 80 electric and pedal boats have been operating since 8 o'clock and have not stopped now. It is now the third round.

However, the business situation of the 20 large ships is not very good, and one round is not full yet.

According to Cao Guijuan, from the time it opened until now, the boat alone has earned more than 10,000 yuan.

"Are there so many people in a small boat?" Cao Shujie asked subconsciously.

But as soon as the words came out of his mouth, Cao Shujie looked at more and more people queuing up and realized that he was asking in vain.

It seems that the boat is not enough.

"It seems we need to buy more boats." Cao Shujie murmured to himself.

He took out his notebook and recorded this point conveniently.

In addition to the boat side, there are also many children queuing up to play with the 'infinite bullets' water gun on the edge of the small pond next to the artificial lake.

This thing is also charged, 10 yuan for 5 minutes, it is cheap and affordable, children can shoot at the center area of ​​​​the small pond, where there is a simulated prey target.

This is the children's favorite. (End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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