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Chapter 872 Can’t afford to offend Cao Shujie (8000) Please vote for me

After these words came out of his mouth, Liu Furong also came to his senses.

According to his idea, building a few more children's theme parks like this in other places in Qingshi Town would invisibly compete with Cao Shujie's children's theme park for people.

It is obvious that most of the projects in this kind of theme park are free, and they mainly rely on the huge flow of people. If there are not so many people, building a park and not having enough people to play the paid projects will simply lose money.

"Lao Luo, you're right. I thought differently. Some places simply can't support so many people." The joy on Liu Furong's face disappeared again. He thought that his idea was indeed a bit naive.

If it were really that simple, wouldn't such theme parks be built everywhere?

The main reason why Caojiazhuang has so many people is that Cao Shujie began to slowly lay out the business four or five years ago to attract tourists from other places to visit and spend money in his orchard.

This is a step-by-step process.

Five years have passed, and there has been a long enough foundation. In addition, Cao Shujie has built the Mengmeng Orchard into an alternative tourist attraction, attracting a large number of tourists.

To put it simply, they put a lot of effort into doing this and accumulated a large fan base over the years.

But if they built a theme park anywhere else in Qingshi Town, it would be difficult to attract people there at once.

Moreover, repetitive amusement projects do not have the appeal to attract people to play in the past, unless there are some special tricks.

But Liu Furong and Luo Ningyou are not fools, and they know very well that projects with new tricks will cost a lot.

Even if Qingshi Town's current financial revenue is good, it cannot afford it.

Besides, would he dare to build a theme park somewhere else and compete with Cao Shujie for people here?

"It really makes my teeth hurt." Liu Furong thought to himself.

Every time, he felt that the projects undertaken by Cao Shujie were very good and very useful for reference. However, when he really wanted to do it himself, he realized that this thing must have a solid foundation.

It is impossible to launch a new project casually.

"Come on, let's go up there and have some fun."

Liu Furong didn't want to worry about the project for the time being, so he bought a ticket for an electric boat. The two of them put on life jackets, walked to the back of the queue, and followed the queue slowly forward, hoping to experience the fun of a boat cruise on the lake.

Luo Ningyou didn't expect that Liu Furong, who was almost 50 years old, could still have such a childlike charm, so he accompanied him to experience it.

"It costs 40 yuan to play for 20 minutes. The price is really not cheap." After boarding the boat, Liu Furong said while holding the rudder.

Luo Ningyou laughed: "Secretary Liu, I think this price is okay. I remember when I played with my wife and children in the park in the provincial capital last year, the boat there cost 60 yuan, which was much more expensive than here."

"That's really expensive." Liu Furong said.

The two played in the lake for a while, and before the time came, they drove the boat to the shore, got ashore and walked out.

When Cao Guijuan saw the two of them, she always felt that they looked familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen them before.

As Liu Furong and Luo Ningyou walked out, Liu Furong had already called Cao Shujie, and this time Cao Shujie answered quickly.

"Secretary Liu, good afternoon."

"My Director Cao, where are you now?" Liu Furong asked him.

When he heard Cao Shujie talking about how to transform the mountain on the north side of his home, Liu Furong's eyes widened. He never expected that Cao Shujie had not finished working on a children's theme park, and he was about to make a new move.

You are so young and you have earned so much money, why can't you just relax for a while?

Could it be that if you really earn enough money and have enough food to support yourself, you can use the money to build something!

"I'll go find you right now." Liu Furong said.

After hanging up the phone, he put the phone in his pocket and said to Luo Ningyou: "Lao Luo, you can't guess that Director Cao is going to make big moves again."

Luo Ningyou felt a little horrified when he heard these words, and he quickly asked: "What is he going to do again?"

"How many billion are you prepared to invest?"

This was a very good question, but Liu Furong didn't know either.

The two of them didn't call the driver and kept walking east. Liu Furong told him again: "Director Cao wants to transform the mountain behind his house."

"You are really rich and willful." Luo Ningyou sighed.

He did not comment on whether Cao Shujie could complete this matter.

Many seemingly impossible things have proven that many laws do not apply to Cao Shujie.

When they met Cao Shujie, they heard Cao Shujie pointing to the mountains in the southeast and saying that he wanted to improve them to make them look more beautiful.

"Secretary Liu, Mayor Luo, to be honest with you two, I used to think it would be nice to transplant some flowers, plants and trees over there, but now I see that they are too earthy and don't match." Cao Shujie said bluntly, speaking out about himself

words from the heart.

"Then how do you want to change it?" Liu Furong asked him.

This is the point.

Luo Ningyou also listened carefully, wanting to hear what Cao Shujie had to say.

Cao Shujie shook his head: "To be honest with you two, I haven't figured it out yet. I still want you to give me some advice and advice."

This was something Liu Furong and Luo Ningyou didn't expect. When Luo Ningyou asked him how much money he planned to spend on renovations, he heard Cao Shujie say: "It's hard to say how much it will cost. It depends on the renovation plan. Tens of millions probably won't be enough."

For a quarter of a moment, Liu Furong wanted to say something to Cao Shujie: "Boss Cao, if you have too much money to spend, you can invest in other reliable things and create more jobs for the town."

But in the end, he still held it in and didn't say it out loud.

The contribution of a Xuemeng Food Factory to Qingshi Town is far beyond ordinary people's imagination, and Liu Furong is very satisfied now.

Moreover, the second phase of the Xuemeng Food Factory project has not yet been completed, and many subsequent segmented construction projects will be completed and put into use one after another.

I also heard from Cao Shujie that the previously planned fruit wine production line and fruit drink production line are being installed one after another, and trial production will be possible in the second half of this year.

Let's look at the situation. If the fruit wine tastes good, it can be sold in orchards or children's theme parks as new agricultural and sideline products.

The main thing is fidelity and high quality.

But if this job is handed over to someone else to sell, with the trend of high profits, he may think of some evil ways. Let alone the quality of the fruit wine, there is no guarantee of authenticity.

After all, money is still the most attractive thing!

This is also the reason why Cao Shujie is unwilling to leave this task to others. He does not want to use this to test people's hearts, which is meaningless.

The three people returned to the topic just now. Liu Furong and Luo Ningyou thought that Cao Shujie's idea of ​​'developing this mountain' was just a temporary idea and might be forgotten later, but they were wrong. Cao Shujie was serious this time.

Until five o'clock in the afternoon, both the Mengmeng Orchard and the Children's Theme Park notified tourists in the park that they would close for rest. They hoped that tourists would leave the park in time and come back tomorrow.

Not long after, staff from both sides also made reports to Cao Shujie.

A total of 24,719 people entered the children's theme park today, while a total of 17,942 people entered the Mengmeng Orchard.

The total number of visitors from both sides was 42,661.

At this time, Liu Furong and Luo Ningyou had not left yet. They had been with Cao Shujie. When they heard this data, they were shocked beyond description.

"So a total of more than 40,000 people came to your place today?" Liu Furong asked.

Cao Shujie shook his head: "Secretary Liu, this is not how the account was settled."

He explained to Liu Furong that because neither the children's theme park nor Mengmeng Orchard sells tickets, they are all free attractions, but there are a small number of paid items in the park.

Therefore, neither the Children's Theme Park nor Mengmeng Orchard can count how many people enter the park from the tickets. Their statistics come from the sensor counters at the entrances of the two parks.

"For example, if I go in, come out, and go in again, it will automatically count it as two people."

"Don't look at the current statistics of more than 42,000 people from both sides. In fact, this number includes double counting of people who have been to both sides, and some people have been there more than once or twice."

Liu Furong and Luo Ningyou immediately understood the mystery.

But Liu Furong said: "Director Cao, if you say that, even if according to your statement, some people have been to both sides, then they must have spent money on both sides."

After finishing speaking, Liu Furong pondered for a while, then suddenly raised his head and said to Cao Shujie: "Director Cao, do you think this will work? Let's hold a press conference or find some media to interview you. Then you can say that you are here today."

There are more than 40,000 people, don’t talk about anything else.”

Cao Shujie understood what Liu Furong meant, which was just to make the surface data look more beautiful.

This is also the usual method used by these people.

Cao Shujie thought about it and felt that this would only benefit Mengmeng Orchard and the children's theme park, and would not cause any harm, so he reluctantly agreed to the plan.

"Pa!" Liu Furong slapped his thigh and said happily: "Director Cao, you don't have to worry about this. Leave the rest of the work to me. I will definitely help you do it properly."

After finishing speaking, Liu Furong began to tell Luo Ningyou: "Mayor Luo, use all our resources to contact the media and ask them to come over for interviews."

"Find more media units, and it would be best to find ways to bring people from provincial and municipal TV stations over for interviews."

Luo Ningyou kept nodding, and after Liu Furong finished speaking, he asked: "Secretary Liu, why don't you tell Director Zuo of the County Culture and Tourism Bureau first? I think he is better at this."

This was a reminder to Liu Furong, and in the final analysis, this matter still requires the intervention of the County Culture and Tourism Bureau: "You are right, I will call him right now."

Cao Shujie watched Liu Furong and Luo Ningyou help him organize the deal. Although he knew that they had their own purposes, Cao Shujie was still very moved. After all, he got benefits.

He was thinking about inviting Liu Furong and Luo Ningyou to have a meal tonight, and suddenly saw Liu Furong hanging up the phone and saying: "Director Cao, Director Zuo just said on the phone that he is rushing here now, so we must wait for him.

come over."

Cao Shujie was dumbfounded, he didn't expect this to happen.

But based on this alone, Cao Shujie is very sure about Zuo Yongsi. He feels that Zuo Yongsi is indeed a person who does things.

"Secretary Liu, Mayor Luo, I won't say much else. Let's go to the farm restaurant to order food first, and then wait for Director Zuo to come over." This is what Cao Shujie said.

Liu Furong and Luo Ningyou also wanted to have a meal with Cao Shujie. When Cao Shujie took the initiative to mention the matter, they agreed.

"Director Cao, do you have any more fruit wine?"

"One more thing, it's not a lot, but I will arrange for someone to make new fruit wine after a while." Cao Shujie asked the two of them to go to the farm restaurant first, and he told them to go to the wine cave in the orchard on the mountain to get it.

Go for the fruit wine.

Liu Furong and Luo Ningyou were not polite. They also thought of going to the farm restaurant to pay for the meal first, and in the end they would get back more or less.

But they didn't expect that when they arrived and were about to order, someone called them Secretary Liu and Mayor Luo.

"Director Cao just called me and asked me to receive you two first. The two distinguished guests will order first and see what they want." The person who received them explained the reason clearly.

Liu Furong and Luo Ningyou looked at each other and said, "Okay, don't think about treating us. We will have dinner today."

Cao Shujie rode an electric tricycle and came over with a box of fruit wine. He parked the electric tricycle and walked towards the box with a box of fruit wine in his arms.

When he opened the door and went in, he saw the two of them drinking tea. Cao Shujie put down the wine and asked them if they had ordered their food.

"Director Cao, when I come to your place, I will definitely not be polite to you. I just ordered a few hard dishes, and I will ask Director Zuo to replenish the rest later." This is what Liu Furong said.

Cao Shujie said "OK" and opened the wooden box containing the fruit wine. There were a total of 10 bottles of fruit wine inside, all in transparent glass bottles. The red strawberry fruit wine looked more moist in color, like ruby.

Green kiwi fruit wine, the wine looks crystal clear, which makes people like it.

"Secretary Liu, Mayor Luo, the wine in this box is from the year before last. It has been hidden for almost two years. The taste is just right now." Cao Shujie opened a bottle and poured it for them. Seeing that the food had not been served yet, he asked the waiter to bring it to him.

A plate of pickles and peanuts were brought over, and the three of them had a drink.

Normal fruit wine has a very low alcohol content, but the fruit wine that Cao Shujie just opened tastes very mellow and has a bit of a low-alcohol wine taste.

The wine has a fruity aroma, which makes it taste better.

When Zuo Yongsi hurried over, the three of them had already finished one bottle and had just opened the second bottle and hadn't poured the wine yet.

Seeing that the bottle of fruit wine was gone, Zuo Yongsi felt heartbroken: "You guys don't wait for me to drink such good wine. I'm really heartbroken."

It's really embarrassing for a 50-year-old person to still do this.

But this way, the atmosphere became even better.

"Director Zuo, please sit down quickly." Cao Shujie asked him to sit down.

When the four people finished the second bottle of fruit wine, Zuo Yongsi asked Cao Shujie about the situation of tourists in the children's theme park and Mengmeng Orchard today. (End of this chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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