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Chapter 878 CuteCute is an angel (8100) Please vote for me

Just when Wang Zhifeng was thinking about returning to the office to edit the email, Cao Shujie stopped him again: "Manager Wang, please go slowly, I still have something to say."

Wang Zhifeng didn't ask any more questions. He then sat down and listened carefully.

Then I heard Cao Shujie say: "Manager Wang, our company has developed rapidly in the past two years, and its scale has also expanded repeatedly. I summed up that there are three reasons for this."

Wang Zhifeng straightened up and listened more carefully, knowing that the highlight might be coming.

Then I heard Cao Shujie say: "The production side is going all out, so we won't say more about it."

"The sales side is going all out and actively developing, and the sales volume ensures that our products can be converted into money. This is the top priority."

"But in addition to these two things, there is another thing. In the past two years, while the company's products have been in short supply, your human resources department has been able to overcome difficulties and ensure that personnel in all departments of the company can keep up with the increase in production. It has also been active in cultivating the company's potential employees.

Doing so ensures that the company's overall management team does not fall behind and effectively ensures the company's development efficiency."

"So production, sales and people are indispensable."

"What is this?" Wang Zhifeng was a little confused when his boss said this.

What does the boss mean by this?

He tried to calm himself down and continued to listen to his boss Cao Shujie saying: "You will add two more people to the promotion list this time."

After finishing speaking, Cao Shujie looked at him with a bright smile: "Promote sales manager Guan Boyong to senior manager of the company's sales department, and promote human resources manager Wang Zhifeng to senior manager of the company's human resources department."

After finishing the key points, Cao Shujie said with a bit of joking: "Manager Wang, congratulations, when are you going to treat me?"

"I...I was promoted?" Wang Zhifeng was really a little confused. Cao Shujie mentioned this matter in front of him without any mental preparation in the early stage, which made his mind a little confused.

On the contrary, when the regional strategy office meeting room was held for the sales department last time, Wang Zhifeng was also present. Cao Shujie stated at the meeting that he would add more responsibilities to the sales department manager Guan Boyong.

Wang Zhifeng understood what Cao Shujie meant as soon as he heard it.

To be honest, Wang Zhifeng also envied Guan Boyong and Shi Jingxiu in his heart, but he also knew that it was useless to just envy them. This matter had to be done step by step.

The plan he has set for himself is that within the framework of the new personnel organization system, he must perform well in the next two years, do his job well, and use his spare time to continue to enrich himself and strive to let his boss see his efforts.

Both his abilities and abilities have improved, and he will be promoted when the time comes.

But he didn't expect that his boss Cao Shujie had already asked him to take this step in advance before he could use his own plan.

Before Wang Zhifeng came to his senses, Cao Shujie stood up again and stretched out his hand to him.

Wang Zhifeng instinctively raised his hand to shake Cao Shujie's hand.

Cao Shujie said: "Manager Wang, your ability is obvious to all, and I also see your efforts. The employment purpose of Xuemeng Food Factory is not to disappoint anyone who is capable and hardworking. I hope you will

After a promotion, you can be neither arrogant nor impatient, continue to work hard, perform well in your new job, continue to discover more talents for the development of the company, and set an example for others!"

"can you do it?"

"Boss, I promise you can!" When Wang Zhifeng heard what Cao Shujie said, he subconsciously shouted with all his strength.

It seemed that even this was not enough to express his excitement at the moment.

He was really excited.

When he came out of the boss's office, Wang Zhifeng's heart was still beating fast and he couldn't calm down at all.

Unexpectedly, he was also involved in this promotion.

Shi Jingxiu, senior manager of the production department, passed by and saw Wang Zhifeng's abnormal condition and asked him if he was feeling unwell.

He also advised him to go home and rest for a day if he felt unwell.

"Manager Wang, you have endless work to do. Your health is the most important. If you fall down, our company's staff arrangement will also be paralyzed. Are you right?" Shi Jingxiu persuaded him, and by the way, he praised Wang Zhifeng.

Hearing what Shi Jingxiu said, Wang Zhifeng's excitement slowly calmed down. He waved his hand: "Manager Shi, are you kidding? Even if I leave the company, Manager Shi can still make good personnel arrangements."

Shi Jingxiu was stunned for a moment after hearing this. Seeing the joy that could not be hidden in the corner of Wang Zhifeng's eyes, she thought about it for a while and said with a smile: "Manager Wang, tell me, is there any good thing?"

"Maybe the boss saw that I was too idle and wanted to give me more responsibilities."

"But I just told my boss that it is all under the leadership of Manager Shi from the production department. If all the work of your production department is straightened out, my work will be better!"

Shi Jingxiu laughed, pointed at Wang Zhifeng and said, "Well, Manager Wang, you never forget to praise others."

Seeing the promotion list in Wang Zhifeng's hand, she understood what Wang Zhifeng meant, but she was not sure: "Manager Wang, I said you will be promoted sooner or later, am I right?"

"Thanks to Manager Shi Ji Yan, and I am also very grateful to Manager Shi for supporting my work in the past two years. Manager Shi, if you have time someday, I will treat you to dinner." Wang Zhifeng was sincerely grateful to her.

Xuemeng Food Factory is very large. There are now three large production plants. The second phase includes more production lines and personnel management is more complicated.

As the senior manager of the production department of Xuemeng Food Factory, Shi Jingxiu is in charge of all production-related administrative and on-site management work of the three factories.

In terms of personnel, if Shi Jingxiu didn't nod, it would be difficult for Wang Zhifeng, the human resources manager, to do his job.

"Haha, Manager Wang, I'm not in a hurry."

She said: "It's not easy for us working people to earn some money. You first ask the boss when he is free, and then we can all get together."

While the two were chatting, Shi Jingxiu asked Wang Zhifeng who else was promoted this time.

I also asked Wang Zhifeng sideways whether the list submitted by their production department had been removed?

"Manager Shi, the boss is kind-hearted and thirsty for talents. He said that our company is now undergoing large-scale, rapid and efficient development, and needs a large number of talents. Only when the talents are in place, in the next development,

We can go one step faster. The boss also said that these talents are still not enough. He hopes that all departments will continue to find outstanding talents..." Wang Zhifeng conveyed Cao Shujie's intention to Shi Jingxiu.

Shi Jingxiu also understood what it meant.

Wang Zhifeng told her in this way that all the promotion lists submitted by the production department were approved.

"Manager Wang, thank you!" Shi Jingxiu expressed his gratitude to Wang Zhifeng.

She knew that all the boss's approval was one thing, and Wang Zhifeng, the human resources manager, must have played a key role in it.

Sometimes I really can’t use bean bags as dry food.

Especially within the company, as the human resources manager in charge of personnel, Wang Zhifeng's words play an immeasurable role at critical moments.

Otherwise, why would Cao Shujie promote Wang Zhifeng to senior human resources manager this time?

This also shows that Cao Shujie attaches great importance to Wang Zhifeng and the human resources department.

Wang Zhifeng had to rush back to send out the promotion announcement. He chatted with Shi Jingxiu for a while and then returned to his office.

Shi Jingxiu also knew that Wang Zhifeng must be very busy at this time, and she could also distinguish the priorities.

I was thinking about the boss's support for personnel this time, which was a very clear signal.

As Wang Zhifeng said just now, the company will develop rapidly in the next step, and the demand for talents has reached the point where it is hungry for talents. This has also indirectly contributed to Wang Zhifeng's rapid promotion.

The whole morning passed unknowingly, and other people at Xuemeng Food Factory did not know that the boss, Cao Shujie, had already approved the employee promotion list for the beginning of this year.

Everyone is busy at their respective positions, and they are all thinking about how to improve work efficiency, do more work, and make more monthly income.

This way you can get more bonuses at the end of the year.

Everyone in the company now remembers what Cao Shujie said: Don’t worry about not getting paid for your work, or suffering unfair treatment in the company. The more you work, the more money you will get.

If someone else had said this, they wouldn't have believed it, but Cao Shujie said it in front of everyone in the company, and they were convinced.

When it's lunch time, some employees go to the restaurant to eat first, while others stay at their posts, waiting for the group of people who have eaten to come back and take over their shifts.

At this moment, a short girl suddenly ran out of the workshop office and shouted to a few people who were still busy in the workshop: "Li Guolin, you have been promoted."

"And Qian Yukun, you have also been promoted."

"Gong Zhang, congratulations on your promotion to supervisor. When are you going to treat me?"

The three people she called were stunned and couldn't react at all.

After they figured it out, the on-site manager named Zhang Gong then asked: "Xiao Li, is it true or false? Don't play tricks on me?"

"Director Zhang, I have to follow you, Director Zhang, from now on. Do I dare to make fun of you for such a big matter?" Li Chun'e quickly expressed her stance.

She continued: "Director Zhang, if you don't believe it, just go to the office and check the email. Manager Wang of the Human Resources Department just sent it. It's true!"

She said: "This time there are promotions in all departments. I counted 34 people in total."

"There are so many?" The name of this Zhang worker is Zhang Dewang.

He was indeed surprised to hear Li Chun'e say that 34 people had been promoted this time.

This is the first promotion after the company's personnel organization system reform last year.

After completing their own work, everyone is working hard to express themselves, improve their work performance, and prepare for this promotion.

Zhang Dewang was quite happy when he heard Li Chun'e say that he had been promoted to supervisor.

The next moment he said thank you to Li Chun'e and hurriedly walked towards the workshop office, thinking about going there to see the results.

Two other people named Li Guolin and Qian Yukun ran to the workshop office after hearing Li Chun'e say that they had also been promoted.

Others who were working in the workshop heard Li Chun'e say that the three of them had been promoted, and they were also very envious.

But whether it is Li Guolin, Qian Yukun, or Zhang Dewang, the three of them are already leading people, but Zhang Dewang previously had the title of front-line manager, but he was in charge of people in a region.

Li Guolin and Qian Yukun were proposed to lead the group, but they had not yet had official titles.

This promotion is more like giving their current job a clearer title.

Xuemeng Food Factory's large-scale promotion this time made everyone in the factory excited.

Although they are not there this time, everyone still has hope in their hearts.

What if it's their turn next time?

What none of them expected was that the promotion of 34 people from ordinary employees to front-line managers, or from front-line managers to department heads, as well as the promotion of related technical personnel, was just the appetizer.

At around 3 p.m., Cao Shujie added two more promotion notices to Wang Zhifeng's 'promotion notice' email.

These two people are sales manager Guan Boyong who was promoted to senior sales manager.

Human Resources Manager Wang Zhifeng was promoted to Senior Human Resources Manager.

When I saw these two promotion announcements, the company was completely excited.

They are still surprised that 34 people have been promoted this time, but there is no promotion announcement above the deputy manager level.

It turns out that the boss is still holding back his big move.

Moreover, two department managers were promoted to senior department managers immediately, which is a heavyweight!

This announcement also attracted other department managers or deputy manager-level managers in the company to join in the commotion.

After Cao Shujie made this announcement, he didn't care about anything else and drove away directly.

He arrived at the entrance of Qingshi Town Central Primary School and waited patiently for his daughter to finish school.

When it was almost 4 o'clock, Cao Shujie heard the laughter of children coming from the school.

After a while, Cao Shujie saw his daughter walking out with a team from Grade 1 and Class 1, followed by the head teacher Zhang Xinyu.

This was not the first time that Cao Shujie came to pick up Mengmeng. Knowing that Mengmeng had to organize the team, he did not bother his daughter and just stood aside and watched.

After organizing the team, with the sound of "disband", Cao Shujie watched the group of children disperse, and soon he got into the crowd and lost sight of them.

"Dad." Mengmeng also ran over and hugged Cao Shujie's arm.

Cao Shujie habitually touched his daughter's little head and said, "Mengmeng, let's go home."

"Hehe." Mengmeng said with a proud smile: "Dad, I want to go home and tell my mother that I have donated the money myself. I think Hu Lina's mother will get better soon."

Cao Shujie also nodded: "Yes, our Mengmeng is a little angel in the sky. If that aunt knows that you are helping Mengmeng, she will definitely get better soon."

While talking, Cao Shujie remembered something: "Mengmeng, daddy wants to tell you something."

"Your sister Xinyi from Uncle Lei's house will come to play with you next Saturday." Cao Shujie said to his daughter.

"Really?" Mengmeng was surprised and very happy.

Cao Shujie nodded: "Of course it's true. Let's leave quickly. You should also think about what gifts to prepare for sister Xinyi." (End of Chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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