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Chapter 881 More than 80,000 people entered the park (40,008,000)

Hu Yong invited them to lunch. Seeing that Du Qiumei kept holding on to her daughter Hu Lina's hand, Zhang Xinyu, Zhang Mingtai and Yang Weiping were too embarrassed to mention leaving.

Until almost 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Yang Weiping told Zhang Xinyu that it was time for them to go back. If they didn't leave, it would be dark when they got home.

Although Yang Weiping has selfish motives, overall he has a good heart and has been trying to influence the emotions of this little girl Hu Lina.

Being able to stay here patiently for such a long time is an act of kindness.

Zhang Xinyu looked at the happy smile on the face of his student Hu Lina and the satisfied smile on Du Qiuju lying on the hospital bed, and it was really difficult to speak.

But as principal Yang Weiping said, sooner or later they would have to leave, so she still mentioned to Du Qiuju that they were leaving.

Du Qiuju also understood that she looked at her daughter with reluctance, but she also knew that she could not be too selfish.

When Hu Lina knew she had to leave, she opened her mouth to cry.

Du Qiuju, who was lying on the hospital bed, told her: "Nana, I will go back in a few days. You must listen to your grandparents at home. You are a sensible child, don't cry."

"I don't want it, I want my mother." Hu Lina clung to the edge of the hospital bed with both hands, saying she didn't want to leave.

Hu Lina's grandma came over to hug her, and the little one simply sat on the ground, wrapping her arms around the support rods of the hospital bed, and tears flowed down like a stream.

Du Qiuju, who was lying on the hospital bed, saw her daughter like this. Her mood fluctuated so much that her wounds were affected, her brows were wrinkled together, and the expression on her face looked particularly painful.

When Hu Yong saw his wife like this, he quickly came over and was about to say a few words about his daughter. Du Qiuju waved her hand: "Nana, Nana, I am mom."

"Mom, I don't want to leave." Hu Lina cried.

"Then do you still want to let mom go home?" Du Qiuju asked her.

The little guy quickly nodded and said "I think".

"If you want your mother to go home early, just be obedient. If you cry and make trouble here, your mother will not get better," Du Qiuju said.

When Hu Lina heard her mother say this, she really didn't dare to cry.

She kept sobbing, with snot and tears streaming down her face, and she couldn't tell them apart.

At this time, Du Qiuju told Zhang Xinyu and others that she would persuade her daughter Hu Lina to go back with them and go to school obediently.

As expected, the child still listened to her mother's words. Du Qiuju held her daughter's hand and persuaded her for five or six minutes. Then the little one stopped crying. She followed her grandparents out with tears in her eyes.

Turning back every step of the way, I looked at my mother Du Qiuju on the hospital bed. Every time I looked at her for a few seconds, the look of reluctance in my eyes made anyone feel sad.

When Zhang Xinyu finally left the ward, she told Hu Yong, who had caught up to see them off, to save the money as soon as possible or go to the inpatient department to hand over the money.

In a hospital, anyone can just go in and out of the ward without anyone taking care of it. It is very unsafe to leave such a large amount of cash in the ward.

Hu Yong kept nodding and thanked him.

Hu Yong kept putting them in the car and watched the car disappear into the hospital before he returned to the ward. His wife Du Qiuju directly handed him the bag containing the money and asked him to deposit 50,000 and leave the remaining 8,000 to the hospital.

Hand over the money.

Hu Yong also obeyed.

When he returned to the ward after finishing his work, he found that his wife was reading a stack of paper

"What are you looking at?" he asked his wife.

Du Qiuju handed the list she was reading to her husband: "This is the donation list in the bag. I saw that Teacher Zhang said that Boss Cao donated the most, 3,000 yuan."

"It also says here that Boss Cao's daughter also donated 3,000 yuan."

Hu Yong heard his wife say this, looked at the names on the list, and silently remembered these two people.

The most people donated 5 yuan, 10 yuan, and 20 yuan, but the couple did not say anything because the donation was small. In their eyes, even if they donated 1 yuan, they would be grateful.

He read through the whole stack of lists, finally folded them up and put them away very cherishedly, and said to his wife: "When you are discharged from the hospital, I will go to the Xuemeng Food Factory to have a look. If they want to keep me, I will."

Work hard there, and when you earn enough money to cure your illness, I will pay back all the donations from these people."

"Well, I'll listen to you." Du Qiuju was consistent with her husband on this matter.

The people on the other three beds in the ward couldn't understand what the couple said.

The woman on the hospital bed opposite was a woman in her 50s. She had the same disease as Du Qiuju and had undergone surgery. She was about to be discharged. She couldn't help but mutter: "I heard what those people said, all that money is

No one asked you to return what was donated to you. I see that you are not living well, so why do you have to return it?"

She was puzzled.

When Hu Yong heard what she said, he smiled and was not angry: "Auntie, I have this temper. It's not because I don't want even a cent of my money."

"At critical moments, people are willing to donate money to help us tide over difficulties. I accept this kindness. When I have the ability to make money in the future, I will pay it back one by one. If I can't pay it back in one year, I will pay it back in two years. This money

If I don’t pay it back, I’ll be unhappy for the rest of my life.”

"Silly." The middle-aged woman in her 50s opposite said in her heart.

Apart from this word, I really can’t think of any words that can describe Hu Yong’s character.

He wants to pay back the donated money. If this isn't stupid, what is it?

At this time, Cao Shujie was still staying in the factory. He didn't know the result of Zhang Xinyu, Yang Weiping and others going to Yiling People's Hospital to send money.

Just like what he told Zhang Xinyu at the time, this amount of money was not worth mentioning to him, and he didn't take it to heart.

When I came over this morning, I talked to Guan Boyong about having dinner. Guan Boyong then called other department managers and told them that they would treat him to dinner tonight and that the boss would also go.

Cao Shujie even called his wife specifically to tell her that he would not be home for dinner tonight.

On their way to the hotel, Cao Shujie received a call from Cao Shuchao. Cao Shuchao told him that the number of people entering Mengmeng Orchard today was 36,927.

This is equivalent to doubling the number of visitors to the park in a single day in the past few days.

It doesn't seem like much, but the base of people is huge.

I just don’t know how many people entered the children’s theme park today?

Not long after he hung up Cao Shuchao's phone, the children's theme park also called him, telling him that 45,892 people entered the children's theme park today.

After hanging up the phone again, Cao Shujie silently calculated an account in his mind. The total number of visitors to the park reached 82,819.

It far exceeds the more than 40,000 visitors in the past few days, but today’s consumption has not yet been calculated.

But no matter what, Cao Shujie felt that the number of visitors to the park was already here. Even if only some of them spent money in the children's theme park and Mengmeng Orchard, the total consumption would be indispensable.

The more I thought about it, the stronger the smile on his face became, and I felt like I could lie down from now on.

When they arrived at the place, Cao Shujie got out of the car, Guan Boyong and the others saw the boss's face full of joy, and immediately understood that the boss must be up to something good, so they all came over to ask what made them so happy.

Cao Shujie did not hide anything: "It's nothing. They just called me. Today, the total number of people who went to the children's theme park and Mengmeng Orchard was more than 80,000."

They were really surprised when their boss said this and understood what this number meant.

Even if a considerable number of people go to both places, there is a lot of overlap in this data. However, as a newly promoted senior sales manager of the sales department, Guan Boyong knows very well that the income from children's theme parks and Mengmeng Orchards must be very considerable.


A group of people started to congratulate the boss on getting rich.

"We won't talk about this topic tonight." Cao Shujie did not discuss this topic in depth.

When the others heard what Cao Shujie said, they were too ignorant to ask any more questions.

Guan Boyong, who was just promoted to senior sales manager this month, became the focus of everyone's toast.

Glass after glass of wine was thrown at him, and Guan Boyong was a little unable to resist.

He also asked Wang Zhifeng to block him, and said that when Wang Zhifeng invited guests, he would definitely help.

Wang Zhifeng originally didn't want to do this job, but after hearing what Guan Boyong said, Wang Zhifeng gritted his teeth and stepped forward.

On the contrary, not many people came to see Cao Shujie for a drink, and he was happy to drink leisurely.

Seeing other department managers or deputy managers chasing Guan Boyong and Wang Zhifeng, he began to gloat.

The second day was the weekend. Cao Shujie got up early in the morning as usual and took Daha and Erha to do morning exercises at the river dam in the east.

After entering late March, the temperature continued to rise and became warmer and warmer.

Cao Shujie ran for 5 kilometers in Daha and Erha, and he was already sweating.

When we got down from the dam and returned home, Mengmeng had not gotten up yet.

Instead, his son Cao Yirui had already gotten up and was rolling and playing on the bed.

Seeing him come in, Cao Yirui still wanted his father to hug him.

Cao Shujie grabbed his wet clothes and said to his son: "Ruirui, look, dad is soaked to the skin. I'll take a bath first and then come over to play with you."

After he came over after taking a shower, his wife told him about the children's theme park that was full of people yesterday.

"Yesterday I took Mengmeng and Ruirui over to play. Shujie, you don't know, there were too many people at that time," Cheng Xiaolin said.

She said: "Mengmeng wants to take a boat ride, but there are too many people queuing up, and we can't even get in line."

Cao Shujie was in town yesterday and never came back. When he heard his wife talking about the situation at the children's theme park yesterday, he acted as if he was listening carefully.

He asked his wife if more people could be crammed into the park.

"It's okay. There are always queues at places to play, but other leisure places are actually okay." Cheng Xiaolin said.

Cao Shujie nodded: "So there was a lot of sales yesterday."

"It's definitely indispensable. When I was walking out of the park, I saw that all the paid items inside were full of people."

"Shujie, the boat is not big enough, why don't you buy some more?" Cheng Xiaolin suggested.

"We have already ordered a batch of 100 ships. I think they will be delivered soon." Cao Shujie said to his wife.

Upon hearing this, Cheng Xiaolin asked happily: "Really?"

"Well, last time I went to the park, I found that the boat was not big enough, so I ordered a batch in advance. The quantity I ordered was a bit large, so the delivery would be slower."

Cheng Xiaolin nodded and continued: "The large roller coaster you mentioned before can't be completed in a while, but we can build a small roller coaster."

"I checked online and found that roller coasters similar to the small ones are quite cheap and easy to install. Children like to play on them."

"The pirate ship can also get another one. Yesterday I saw someone quarreling while queuing up at the pirate ship."

Cao Shujie was greatly surprised and asked his wife if there were so many people lining up at the pirate ship?

Cheng Xiaolin nodded: "That's not true. When I went over to take a look, there were at least thirty or forty people queuing up at the pirate ship, and there were many people waiting behind to play. One pirate ship is simply not enough."

"Besides, the children's theme park is so big. I don't think it's a big problem if you board another pirate ship that's far away from the current one." Cheng Xiaolin began to give her husband advice.

Cao Yirui couldn't understand what his mother and father said. Seeing that his father never hugged him, he became anxious. He stood up slowly with his hands on the quilt. He couldn't stand firm for the first time and fell directly on the bed.

Fortunately, it didn't hurt when he fell. He still felt quite energetic and wasn't afraid. He stood up again and let his father hold him.

When Cao Shujie saw his son like this, he also played with him. The father and son played quite happily.

After breakfast, Cao Shujie wanted to go to the children's theme park to check out the situation.

When Mengmeng saw her father going out, she had to go with him. Cao Shujie didn't care and asked her wife if she was going.

But before his wife could say whether to go or not, his son Cao Yirui became anxious and insisted on being carried out by his father.

This little guy can't stay at home.

Cao Shujie is quite happy.

Before leaving the house, Cao Shujie also said something to his mother, Wang Yuelan.

"Shujie, are you coming back for lunch?" Wang Yuelan asked them.

Cao Shujie nodded: "Come back, where can you eat if you don't come back?"

Because of their two children, Cao Shujie and the others went out late. When they came out of their home, the east-west road outside their door was full of people and cars.

Looking at the density, Cao Shujie thought that there were more people today than yesterday.

Cheng Xiaolin was also muttering that there were so many people today.

Along the way, Mengmeng complained to her father that there were too many people queuing up at the boating place and she couldn't even get a number.

"Mengmeng, then you wait until there are fewer people to play." Cao Shujie gave her an idea.

But Mengmeng pouted and retorted to her father: "Dad, you have the nerve to say, I only have Saturday and weekend off, and I still have to go to class from Monday to Friday."

Cao Shujie was full of reasons: "Then I'll let you have a good time in the park after it closes."

"Hey, that's a good idea." Mengmeng's eyes were bright.

A family of four arrived at the children's theme park. It was just after 9:30 and it had been more than two hours since the park opened. Cao Shujie's eyes immediately fell on the LED display at the entrance of the park.

You can clearly see the admission statistics of 14,725 people.

And people kept coming in groups at the door.

The statistics on the LED display are also scrolling up. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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