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Chapter 893 Don’t worry, Mom, I can swim (1.07 million)

Cheng Xiaolin was frightened when she saw her daughter clumsily climbing onto the boat before the boat had stopped.

"Mengmeng, please slow down, there will be no one to save you if you fall into the lake." She shouted loudly.

When Cheng Xiaolin shouted loudly, many people who were waiting in line to board the boat next to the artificial lake turned their heads to see the cute joke.

Some people are also thinking in their hearts: "Weren't you very capable just now? Let me see what you will do if you fall down later?"

Some people are thinking that if she does fall down later, if she calls me uncle and says uncle, I am wrong, I will go down and save her.

But Mengmeng had no idea of ​​these people's 'sinister intentions'. She turned around and shouted loudly: "Mom, don't worry, I can swim."

She does know how to swim, her father taught her.

After Mengmeng got on the boat, she reached out to pull the hesitant Xiang Siyang onto the boat.

After waiting for her mother, two aunts, and two sisters Xiang Siyan and Lei Xinyi to board the boat, Cao Guijuan turned on the electronic switch of the boat. She excitedly held the round steering wheel and headed towards the center of the artificial lake.

Drive over.

That was all, she kept pressing the accelerator pedal hard.

Fortunately, Cao Shujie knew about his daughter's virtue from the beginning, and had someone set a speed limit for the ship when it left the factory.

No matter how Mengmeng steps on the accelerator pedal, the maximum speed is determined.

"Haha, Yangyang, Yanyan, look, do I drive the boat fast or am I handsome?" Mengmeng laughed wildly.

She had no idea about the upper limit of speed, and she was in high spirits at the moment, thinking about a game of passion and speed.

When Cheng Xiaolin saw her daughter's arrogance, she wanted to give her a slap.

When Zhang Tong and Kang Yueli saw Mengmeng's performance, they just wanted to laugh. They thought Mengmeng was so funny. If they had such a child at home, their life would definitely be interesting.

But they didn't know that Xiang Siyan and Lei Xinyi's eyes widened when they saw Mengmeng's performance. They looked at Sister Mengmeng with an expression of admiration.

Cao Shujie, Guan Guotai, Xiang Yuheng, Lei Jun, and Xiang Qigang walked slowly to the entrance of the park. When they entered, they looked at the number 19,000 on the LED counting display above the door.

Except for Cao Shujie, the other four people didn't feel anything unusual.

After all, we already know from reports that the peak number of visitors to the children's theme park last weekend was nearly 60,000, and the total number of visitors from both sides was more than 100,000.

This is less than 20,000, far from it!

Guan Guotai also asked Cao Shujie what time the park opened in the morning.

Then I heard Cao Shujie say: "On weekdays, we open at eight in the morning and close at five in the afternoon."

"On Saturdays and weekends, because there are many friends who come from far away, I arrange to open at 7:30 and close at 5:30 in the afternoon."

After hearing what Cao Shujie said, several people calculated silently.

Xiang Qigang looked at the time on his watch again, and he suddenly thought of a question: "So it's only been an hour and a half since the park opened today, and more than 19,000 people have entered the park?"

He continued to calculate: "If we follow the opening and closing times you just mentioned, Mr. Cao, then there will be 10 hours of operating time today. Theoretically speaking, the number of people entering the park today may be 6 times the current number?"

If the numbers calculated by Xiang Qigang are indeed followed, then the number of people entering the children's theme park today would be more than 110,000. But is this possible?

After hearing this, Cao Shujie shook his head: "Brother Gang, there are not that many."

"Although the number of people entering the park in the morning is very high, the number of people entering the park decreases as time goes by." Cao Shujie thought for a while and said to them: "According to the rules we summarized before, under normal circumstances, the number of people entering the park throughout the day is the first.

Three to four times an hour, it depends on the weather conditions of the day, so it’s hard to tell.”

Even so, based on the multiple given by Cao Shujie, it is reasonable for the number of visitors to the park today to exceed that of last week.

After entering the park and seeing people everywhere in the park, Xiang Yuheng and Guan Guotai finally understood what the data on paper meant.

"Director Guan, Uncle Xiang, Mr. Lei, let's go in and have a look?" Cao Shujie said.

Several people nodded and walked towards the park.

Flowers blooming along the way, branches sprouting young leaves, and lively crowds.

Lei Jun looked at everything in front of him. He was originally very agitated because of the recent messy things in Xiaomi Technology, but at this moment, he miraculously calmed down slowly.

On the other side, Song Baoming drove Cao Huifang and Fang Zhu and their family of three back from Quancheng High-speed Railway Station.

On the way into Caojiazhuang, Fang Zhu couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the slow-moving traffic in front of him: "Huifang, are all those cars going to your village?"

"Yes, they are all." Cao Huifang looked at the newly built two-way four-lane highway and thought about the two-way two-lane highway that seemed very narrow before. She was also filled with emotion.

When her brother was building this road, she happened to be in Shenzhen and had not returned yet.

Even when her brother was building a children's theme park, she was not at home either.

Looking at the changes on both sides of the road and the traffic jams on the road, Cao Huifang suddenly felt that her hometown had become strange.

She didn't know whether she was right or wrong during her time outside. When thinking about this issue, Cao Huifang's eyes showed a confused emotion.

Fang Zhu and Cao Huifang were sitting in a row of seats. She was more attentive. When she heard there was no movement around her, she turned around and saw Cao Huifang frowning as if she was thinking about something.

She gently raised her hand to pat him and asked: "Fangfang, what's wrong with you?"

Cao Huifang smiled and said, "Sister Fang, I'm fine. I just feel a little sad when I see the big changes in my family."

Fang Zhu was a little strange and asked her: "You came to our company in July last year. It has been less than a year. Have there been any big changes in your hometown?"

"Well!" Cao Huifang pointed to the road they were walking on and the isolated green belt in the middle of the road. She said: "Sister Fang, this road used to be very narrow. At most, two cars could intersect. No.

Like now it's four lanes."

"Besides, there used to be no isolation belt in the middle of the road. My brother and his friends just built it at the end of last year." Cao Huifang heard her sister-in-law say this.

Song Baoming, who was driving in front, also told her: "Yes, this was built together with the children's theme park in November last year. The original road was too narrow and it was easy to get jammed when there were more cars. Now, although it is driving slowly, there is no traffic jam."


Indeed, on their way to Caojiazhuang, although the speed of the car was not fast, it kept moving at a constant speed and did not cause long-term congestion.

Before I knew it, I drove to the children's theme park.

Cao Huifang saw the children's theme park built on the south side of the road and the dazzling gate of the children's theme park.

The gate is supported by four square pillars of blue, white, yellow and pink. The top is a tile-like white cover. Above the cover are flowers, birds, sun, moon and stars of various colors.


There is also a cute little girl model in front of the main door pillar. Looking carefully, Cao Huifang always felt that the little girl model looked familiar.

There is a row of LED displays in the center of the door, and the red numbers on the display are constantly changing.

From Cao Huifang's perspective, you can see that there are cartoon patterns painted in different colors on the four sides of the column.

These are the kids' favorite.

"It's quite pretty." Fang Zhu said with a smile.

"Sister Fang, let's go home and put down our luggage first, and come over to play later." Cao Huifang said to her.

Fang Zhu nodded. They were not familiar with this place and they were left to Cao Huifang's arrangement.

Not long after, Song Baoming drove them to Cao Shujie's house.

When Cao Huifang got off the bus with Fang Zhu and her family of three, her mother Wang Yuelan heard the noise and came out of the house.

Wang Yuelan didn't even react when she saw her daughter suddenly appearing.

Then he came back to his senses and was about to pick up the things when he saw Fang Zhu's family of three: "Fangfang, is this your colleague? Why don't you introduce him to me?"

After Cao Huifang finished introducing Fang Zhu and his family of three, Wang Yuelan took them home: "I took out the quilt to dry it in the sun a few days ago, and the house has been tidied up. You can just stay here without worries."

Saying this made Fang Zhu and his family very embarrassed and felt that it was quite troublesome. (End of Chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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