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Chapter 89 Bulldog

"Are you coming back the day after tomorrow?" Cao Shujie asked repeatedly.

Cao Huifang said 'hmm' and said, "Brother, besides me, three of my classmates will go back the day after tomorrow. They want to see how the fruit saplings under the May 1 plant are growing."

"Are they the classmates who came with you last time?" Cao Shujie asked one more question.

Cao Huifang responded: "It's them."

"Okay, just call me when you get to the long-distance bus station in town and I'll pick you up." Cao Shujie knew what he was doing.

Hearing what her brother said, Cao Huifang happily shouted: "Brother, thank you."

"Thank you, just stop causing trouble for me when you come back." Cao Shujie complained.

As soon as he finished speaking, he quickly hung up the phone, put the phone in his trouser pocket, and was about to call the number Song Zhichao gave him.

On the other side, Cao Huifang was stunned for a while, then she finally came to her senses, opened her mouth to curse at the phone, and felt much happier after the curse.

In the orchard, Cao Shujie dialed the number Song Zhichao gave him. After waiting for the other party to answer the call, Cao Shujie directly reported Song Zhichao's and his own names, and explained his purpose of coming.

"You are Boss Cao. Lao Song closed the door the night before and called me to mention you, saying that Boss Cao, you want to buy calves here. I am still wondering why you haven't called me yet. It must be Lao Song.

This unreliable thing was forgotten again." Cui Jingguo said on the phone.

With Song Zhichao's relationship, Cao Shujie and Cui Jingguo seemed to be very harmonious when talking.

After chatting for a while, the two got down to business. Cui Jingguo said: "If Boss Cao has time in the past two days, you can come to my livestock farm and have a look. I guarantee that the quality of the calves here is absolutely the best!"

Cao Shujie has already developed antibodies to this kind of guarantee. Anyone who sells things will say this, but the credibility of this kind of guarantee will be compromised.

"Boss Cui is free today?" Cao Shujie asked him.

Cui Jingguo said with a smile: "Boss Cao, come here, I will definitely be free."

With his words, Cao Shujie knew it. He said: "Boss Cui, give me the address and I will go there right away."

Coincidentally, Cui Jingguo's home is also in Pingyuan County, but not in Qingshi Town. He is in Jinniu Town in the south of Pingyuan County. Cao Shujie immediately knew where it was.

After hanging up the phone, Cao Shujie took his things and went home. He didn't even bother to eat breakfast. He told his wife that he was going to Cui Jing Country in Qingshi Town to see calves, and then drove away.

Qingshi Town and Jinniu Town are in the northeast and south of Pingyuan County respectively, almost the two extremes of Pingyuan County.

In addition, there is a road construction of more than 1 kilometer in Jinniu Town, leaving only a two-way one-way road. The passing vehicles move very slowly, and Cao Shujie drives even slower.

After finally reaching Jinniu Town through this section of the road, Cao Shujie contacted Cui Jingguo again. After asking for the specific direction, he drove directly there.

Twenty minutes later, Cao Shujie saw a short, middle-aged man waiting on the roadside. His skin was dark and rough due to years of exposure to the sun.

Seeing that Cao Shujie's car had a Beijing license plate, he wondered if this was wrong.

Cao Shujie parked his car not far from him and asked him: "Hello, I am Boss Cui."

"I am, you must be Boss Cao." Cui Jingguo also reacted.

As he spoke, he lowered his head and glanced at the sign on the car: "Boss Cao, are you coming from the capital?"

This speculation made Cui Jingguo confused. He wondered whether the other party came from the capital specifically to contract land in the countryside to raise cattle?

"Is it because the bull market is coming again?" Cui Jingguo was a little confused.

But he knows that the price of beef has been rising in the past two years.

After stopping the car, Cao Shujie got out of the car and shook hands with Cui Jingguo. Due to the close contact, Cao Shujie smelled a strong smell of cattle raising on Cui Jingguo.

"Boss Cao, go sit at my house first," Cui Jingguo said.

Cao Shujie was not pretentious and said to Cui Jingguo: "Boss Cui, get in my car and I will take you there."

"No, my house is just around the corner in front, and my breeding farm is on the street behind. It's not very far. We can just walk there." Cui Jingguo said.

Cao Shujie nodded, locked the car, and followed Cui Jingguo towards his home.

It didn't take long to arrive at Cui Jing's house. Cao Shujie took a quick look and knew that Cui Jing's house had been specially decorated and was very different from the two houses next to it.

On the other hand, it can also be seen that Cui Jingguo has some family background.

As soon as I entered the house, I saw a large wolfdog with black and yellow hair tied with an iron chain to an iron ring at the root of the south wall of the yard.

When it saw Cui Jingguo coming in, it stood up on its thick hind legs and feinted towards Cui Jingguo with its two front paws, as if it wanted to get close to him.

It can be seen at this time that the dog's body looks a bit bloated.

But when it saw Cao Shujie behind Cui Jingguo, its face immediately changed.

"Woof woof, woof... woof, woof"

The barking of this dog was very deep and deep, and when I heard the barking suddenly, I thought I had encountered some ferocious beast.

While the big wolf dog was barking crazily, it was still running back and forth in the yard, making a rattling sound on the iron chain. Look at its ferocity, it was obviously trying to break the iron chain and run over to give Cao Shujie a bite.


"What are you doing, Xiao Hei? This is my guest!" Cui Jingguo shouted at the big wolf dog.

This big wolf dog is quite intelligent. After hearing Cui Jingguo's cry, it immediately stopped barking. It lay obediently on the ground, raising its head and staring at Cui Jingguo and Cao Shujie.

When Cao Shujie saw it for the first time, his heart palpitated.

He felt that this dog was really fierce. Isn't this the fierce dog he had been looking for?

Thinking of this, Tao Shujie didn't care whether his behavior was rude or not, and asked Cui Jingguo: "Boss Cui, what kind of dog is this?"

"German Shepherd, this dog is very fierce, but also very obedient!" Cui Jingguo said with a proud smile.

He said: "I have had it for four years. Whenever I go away, it will definitely stay at home."

Cao Shujie could tell from Cui Jingguo's words that he loved this dog.

This made Cao Shujie even more itchy. He wanted to feed a dog like this, but he didn't know what to say.

Cui Jingguo also saw the difference in the expression on Cao Shujie's face, and asked him with a smile: "What's the matter with Boss Cao?"

"Boss Cui, is your dog a male? Or a female?" Cao Shujie asked a little embarrassed.

At this point, Cui Jingguo already understood what Cao Shujie meant, and he burst out laughing: "What do I care about? It doesn't matter whether Boss Cao wants a small German shepherd. I happen to have one at the livestock farm.

We have a few puppies. When we go over to see the calves later, Boss Cao can see if there are any that he likes and just take them away."

Hearing what Cui Jingguo said, Cao Shujie was very happy, but he felt it was too abrupt. He said: "Boss Cui, how much does it cost? You can give me a price."

It certainly can't be taken for free.

Cao Shujie really likes this breed. He has already imagined in his mind the scene of him leading a big wolfdog to patrol the mountains.

So damn exciting!

"Hey, it's just a dog. If Boss Cao likes it, feel free to pick it up." Cui Jingguo looked particularly generous.

"Then I'll thank Boss Cui in advance." Cao Shujie said.

The two of them sat for a while in Cui Jing's house, and then went to the livestock farm on the back street.

The scale looks very large. The entire livestock farm looks boxy from the outside, and the length and width are difficult to estimate.

Before getting closer, I could smell the smell of feces, which was exactly the same as Cui Jingguo's smell, but it wasn't very strong.

Cui Jingguo introduced to Cao Shujie: "I have been raising cattle for more than 20 years. Many people in the town call me the Cow King."

Having said this, Cui Jingguo showed an honest smile on his face.

While talking, the two of them walked to the gate. Cui Jingguo pushed open the iron gate and went in with Cao Shujie.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard several dogs barking.

Cao Shujie also saw a German shepherd tied not far from the door here, but this German shepherd was obviously much braver than the one raised in Cui Jing's country.

His cry was also louder than the one in Cui Jing's country. It made Cao Shujie seem to hear the deep roar of a Tibetan mastiff, which frightened him so much that a chill seemed to rise from the soles of his feet.

"Boss Cui, you are such a fierce dog!" Cao Shujie said sincerely!

Cui Jingguo smiled, pointed at the yelling German shepherd and said, "This one is a male, and the one I have at home is a female. There is a weight difference of 20 kilograms between them."

"What a good dog!" Cao Shujie even forgot to look at the calves. He loved this breed from the bottom of his heart.

I feel like the two huskies at home cannot be called dogs compared to him.

But Cao Shujie also knew that business was important, so he suppressed his love for German Shepherd and followed Cui Jingguo to the cowshed at the back.

When he saw the calves in the cowshed, Cao Shujie believed what Cui Jingguo had just said. The quality of the calves he had here was indeed very good.

"Boss Cui, how did you sell it?" Cao Shujie asked directly.

Cui Jingguo is also very practical. He said: "Calves weighing less than 300 kilograms will be delivered to your home for 950 yuan per head. If you ask for more, I will give you a cheaper price."

"How many heads does Boss Cui have?" Cao Shujie asked him curiously.

Then I heard Cui Jingguo say: "For more than 50 heads, I can get a discount of 20 yuan per head. For more than 100 heads, I can get a discount of 50 yuan per head. I still have to bear the freight. No more."

Cao Shujie understood after thinking about it for a moment. According to Cui Jingguo's statement, the cheapest price is 900 yuan for a calf weighing less than 300 kilograms.

According to the prices Cao Shujie found in the market, the price Cui Jingguo gave was neither high nor low, but the quality of the calves was very good.

After Cao Shujie thought about it in his mind, he finally decided to ask for 50. This number was already quite a lot. If there were any more, he would not be able to handle it by then.

After Cui Jingguo and Cao Shujie negotiated the deal, Cui Jingguo also finished the calculation: "Boss Cao, the total is 46,500 yuan."

Cui Jingguo did not generously say that he would wipe off the change of 500 yuan. This 500 yuan was not a small amount in the countryside.

Cao Shujie thought that he would take away a dog from Cui Jingguo later, and he was too embarrassed to negotiate the price.

"Boss Cao, when will it be convenient for you to send it over?" Cui Jingguo asked him.

Cao Shujie said directly: "It's fine today and tomorrow."

Hearing what Cao Shujie said, Cui Jingguo nodded: "Then after I finish feeding them early tomorrow morning, I will arrange a car to send them there for you."

"Okay, Boss Cui, come over and I'll treat you to dinner." Cao Shujie said with a smile.

"We'll talk about tomorrow's matters tomorrow. Boss Cao has a drink with me at noon today, otherwise I won't go tomorrow." Cui Jingguo said this.

But Cao Shujie was preoccupied with the matter of Demu and driving, so he stayed at Cui Jingguo's house for a meal at noon, but did not drink.

When he left, he picked right and left and picked up Cui Jingguo's two little German shepherds.

Cui Jingguo was not angry. Instead, he smiled and asked Cao Shujie to help him find good homes for his remaining German shepherds.

"Boss Cui, you don't want it anymore?" Cao Shujie found it difficult to understand.

Cui Jingguo complained bitterly: "Boss Cao, do you know why I raised them separately?"

Cao Shujie didn't understand, and then he heard Cui Jingguo say: "This thing is really capable of giving birth. There are two litters a year, six or seven in each litter. How can I raise so many?"

"Good guy!" Cao Shujie looked at the little German shepherd, and then at the majestic big guy not far away. He never expected that his wife could be so fertile!

"Oh, oh, oh..."

Cao Shujie was a little confused when he heard the howling from the back seat. Why did this guy's scream sound so similar to Daha and Erha!

They both look like wolves. Are they related by blood in ancient times?

He was filling up various pictures in his mind, pondering over the techniques Cui Jingguo taught him to develop a relationship with a German Shepherd, as well as what kind of food to feed the German Shepherd, all of which were clearly explained.

Cao Shujie couldn't wait to go home and give it a try.

When we returned to Caojiazhuang from Jinniu County, it was still dark.

Cheng Xiaolin heard the noise and came out of the house.

She watched her husband stop the car at the gate, get out of the car, and asked him: "Why did you come back so late?"

"Boss Cui was so enthusiastic that we hit it off right away. He insisted on staying me at his house for lunch." Cao Shujie kept talking, and Cheng Xiaolin didn't even bother to listen to his nonsense.

At this moment, two little German shepherds howled "oh oh" from the back seat. Cheng Xiaolin who was outside was stunned, and then she realized: "Shujie, you got two more dogs?"

"Yes, honey, let me tell you, if this dog grows up, it will be much stronger than Daha and Erha." Cao Shujie described the big German shepherd he saw at Cui Jingguo's home, and he began to imagine it in his mind

The two of them will look so majestic when they grow up.

"Hubby, it's not that I have any objections, but you should take good care of them. I'm afraid that Daha and Erha will lead your two dogs astray." Cheng Xiaolin had a strong sense of ridicule on her face.

"Daha and Erha?" Cao Shujie felt inexplicably nervous when he heard his wife say this. It seemed that those two idiots really had such ability.

This chapter has been completed!
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