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Chapter 906 Ranking so high on the list? (40008000)

"Dad, are you overthinking it? My mother runs a stall just to pass the time." Cao Shujie subconsciously wanted to give his father a cigarette to smoke, but in the end he took his hand back angrily.

He said: "Our family is different now. At that time, you had to take care of the crops every day, but now you don't have to. My mother has been busy all her life, but after all, she still can't sit idle and wants to find something to do for herself."

Cao Jianguo took a long puff of cigarette and nodded: "I also know that your mother can't sit idle. She doesn't need to take care of the children now, so she just wants to find something to do. It's just that she is too tired to set up a stall."

At this point, Cao Jianguo beat his waist and said to his son: "I helped your mother set up this stall yesterday, and my back hurt from exhaustion."

Cao Shujie is very clever. Before his father finished speaking, he came over and gave his father a slap on the back.

Finally, Cao Jianguo reached out and opened it: "There is no need for your attentiveness."

Cao Shujie chuckled and didn't care.

He had already seen the stall that his parents had built, right next to his house. On both sides were red brick square pillar supports, with a cement board on top. The outer surface of the square pillar support was plastered with cement, which looked a bit awkward.


"I told Jianlong that he will send a small wooden house in two days. It won't be ugly if it is covered by it."

"What does my mother want to sell?" Cao Shujie asked.

Cao Jianguo really knew. He clasped his fingers and said, "Pure milk, yogurt, bread, eight-treasure porridge, your mother only sells these things. She said other things are too troublesome, so she won't sell them."

"You want to be the boss, but you find it troublesome and you are not willing to work more. Look at how your mother is running a stall." Cao Jianguo told his son.

Cao Shujie didn't dare to fart.

After smoking a cigarette, Cao Jianguo looked at his son's new car that had just come back, and stretched out his hand directly to his son: "Do you have the keys?"

Cao Shujie took out the key from his trouser pocket and handed it to his father: "Dad, do you want to drive around?"

"I'm thinking of trying it again at night when there are fewer people," Cao Jianguo said.

Back home, their mother, Wang Yuelan, chatted with them about where to buy pure milk, yogurt, bread, and eight-treasure porridge.

"Mom, if you just try the water at the beginning, it won't matter."

"But if you want to sell a larger quantity after making a score, I suggest you negotiate the price with a first-level wholesaler. Bread is also easy to negotiate. We have cake shops in town and county that specialize in making bread. Negotiate with them directly and help.

They can just sell it on behalf of them, make small profits but quick turnover, and make a small profit from the price difference." Cao Shujie gave his mother advice.

He also told his mother: "If you feel uneasy about their quality and don't want to sell those breads, then set up your own bakery to make and sell breads."

"By the way, don't you want to sell rice-treasure porridge? You can also cook rice-treasure porridge yourself and sell it. The hot one will definitely sell better."

When Wang Yuelan heard what her son said, she muttered: "Why do you keep making this more and more troublesome?"

"It's not troublesome at all. The main thing is that the bread and rice pudding made by us are clean and hygienic, and we can control the quality. You really can't control the bread and rice pudding made by others. If something goes wrong later, you can't explain it.


Wang Yuelan thought about it and realized that what her son said seemed to be right. However, she did not blindly follow her and open a bakery in Luo. Instead, she followed her son's idea and planned to go to the cake shop in the town to talk first and see how things went.

As for whether those people will do tricks in the later stage?

Wang Yuelan felt that she would directly tell her son's name when the time came. If anyone dared to play tricks, they would be punished.

In the evening, Cao Huifang talked about her departure tomorrow.

Wang Yuelan's first reaction was that tomorrow is not Tomb-Sweeping Day?

"Mom, I should officially go to work the day after tomorrow. I have been back for 9 days and have used up all my holidays. I can't miss work anymore, right?" Cao Huifang said.

Wang Yuelan was a little depressed. She whispered: "I thought you would go back the day after tomorrow. I was also thinking about making you some beef-filled dumplings tomorrow night."

The topic of separation is naturally a little sad.

On the morning of the second day, Wang Yuelan got up at around 4 o'clock to prepare beef fillings and started making beef dumplings for her daughter. She had to let her eat a meal before leaving.

Cao Jianguo drove his daughter Cao Huifang to Quancheng Airport to take a flight in the new car his son had just bought. This time Wang Yuelan followed her, which made Cao Huifang feel more and more uncomfortable.

There was silence along the way. Only Cao Jianguo kept saying that his son's new car was really easy to drive.

"Dad, where is the car worth more than 3 million yuan? Is it hard to drive?" Cao Huifang tried to say something happy to divert her mother's attention, but failed.

Arriving at Quancheng Airport, Cao Jianguo parked his car in the parking lot and got out of the car. Cao Jianguo took the initiative to help his daughter carry the suitcase and backpack toward the waiting room.

Wang Yuelan kept wiping tears.

Cao Huifang thought she wouldn't cry, but when she saw her mother weeping silently, she couldn't help but shed tears.

She kept complaining to her mother: "Mom, I promised you not to cry. It's not like I never come back after leaving. Why are you like this again?"

"Crow Zui, don't talk nonsense, please leave quickly, I will be annoyed when I see you." Wang Yuelan urged her daughter to enter the waiting room.

Cao Huifang kept nodding and told her parents to pay attention to safety when they went back.

"Fangfang, if you don't take a holiday for the New Year this year, don't worry about anything else, just resign and come back to celebrate the New Year. Mom will support you." Wang Yuelan said suddenly as she saw her daughter about to enter the waiting room.

Cao Huifang couldn't bear it any longer, raised her arms to wipe away her tears with her sleeves, and ran into the waiting room dragging her suitcase.

On the way back, Cao Jianguo muttered to his wife: "You old woman, why are you saying those things to your daughter? Isn't this putting pressure on her?"

"I just don't want Fangfang to stay outside." Wang Yuelan turned her head and looked at the quickly retreating buildings outside the car window and the trees and flowers on the roadside, and felt panicked in her heart.

The child has no control over his mother!

Cao Jianguo stopped talking. He drove the car seriously. No one knew what he was thinking.

During the three-day Qingming Festival holiday, the combined number of admissions to the children's theme park and Mengmeng Orchard has remained in the range of 90,000 to 100,000, and the number of admissions to the children's theme park has remained around 50,000. Mengmeng Orchard

The number of visitors there did not exceed 50,000.

Perhaps because Qingming Festival is a day to honor ancestors, not as many people came out to play as expected.

But now there are many more people visiting Mengmeng Orchard than before. Cao Shujie has reason to believe that these people are attracted by the children's theme park.

At this time, he really admired what a wise decision he made to invest heavily in this children's theme park.

It is even said that at this time, it is still difficult to see how effective the children's theme park will be.

Cao Shujie thinks that this should be done in August, when the kiwifruit in the agricultural planting cooperatives are ripe on a large scale. At that time, picking can be carried out as last year, so that the effect of this flow of people can be seen more intuitively.

He was not in a hurry. He spent several years and gradually accumulated it bit by bit. Cao Shujie felt that not to mention that there were only four months left before the kiwi fruit results, it would still take half a year, or even a year, and he could do it.


Moreover, Cao Shujie has also ordered a roller coaster worth nearly 20 million yuan. According to the estimated time, it will be installed from February to March next year. Based on this calculation, it should be able to attract more people by this time next year.

The three-day Tomb Sweeping Day holiday passed by in a hurry, and many netizens didn't realize it until it was time to go to work again.

After the short holiday, some people made statistics on the number of tourists received by tourist attractions in Dongshan Province.

What is extracted is the data exposed online.

This data is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate, but it has certain reference significance.

Mount Taishan, one of the Five Mountains in Dongshan Province, is undoubtedly the first place, with 158,000 people buying tickets to enter the scenic spot. There are still some people who are free of charge and are not included in the statistics.

Others have counted more than 15,000 parking times for foreign vehicles outside Taishan Scenic Area. However, except for the parking times within the Taishan Scenic Area, the parking times in other areas of Taishan City have not been included in the statistics.

But this is not the point, because Taishan Scenic Area has ranked first in tourist reception in the province for several consecutive years, and people in related industries have become accustomed to it.

However, the second place clearly stated Caojiazhuang Children's Theme Park, Qingshi Town, Pingyuan County, Yiling City, with a total of 154,000 visitors.

This is not the key yet.

The third place is Baotu Spring, the first spring in Quancheng, which received a total of 151,000 tourists in three days.

But when it came to fourth place, the style of painting changed again. This time it was Caojiazhuang Mengmeng Orchard, Qingshi Town, Pingyuan County, Yiling City, which received a total of 127,000 tourists.

No. 5…

The ones behind are all the original regular scenic spots in Dongshan Province, and they haven’t changed much.

It's just that it used to be ranked relatively high, but now it's dropped two places.

After this kind person compiled this list, he also made a note below because the core data of the scenic spots are not completely disclosed to the public, so there are discrepancies in the statistical data. Please contact the author for timely correction.

In this way, he really can't be blamed for this incident, after all, he was counting exposed data.

But in fact, many people know that the data reported to the outside world is inherently watery.

Ordinary people will not pay attention to this ranking of daily tourist arrivals at scenic spots at all, but there is a group of people who will pay special attention to this data, and that is the local and municipal cultural and tourism bureaus.

Especially during special periods such as the short and long holidays, local cultural and tourism bureaus will pay more attention to this kind of sensitive information.

For example, in several important tourist cities in Dongshan Province, the tourism economy is developing in full swing.

However, because there have never been decent scenic spots in Yiling City, it has been ranked at the bottom for many years in a row, and from a development perspective, they have no chance of being outstanding.

But no one thought that just when they were about to give up, a strange place would appear in the lower towns of their city, which made the Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau frequently turn their attention there, and they were always concerned about the relevant data.

When a staff member of the Yiling Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism saw this ranking for the first time, he immediately sorted out and printed out the list and reported it to his leader, who then reported it to him at different levels until

Finally, the ranking was sent to the desk of Pan Jianglong, director of the Yiling Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism.

When he saw this result, Pan Jianglong rubbed his eyes vigorously, thinking that he had seen it wrong.

"Is this true? Who ranked it first?" Pan Jianglong then asked.

I can't help it, this ranking comes too unexpectedly.

But if there is no problem with this ranking, Yiling City will be considered outstanding in terms of tourism this time.

Two of the top five were from Yiling City. These two key scenic spots made him find it incredible.

Then he remembered the 6a-level orchard he had reviewed online.

Now it seems that the so-called 6a grade orchard may have been ridiculed, but with this ranking, who dares to say that it is fake?

"Director, it's true. I just checked online. The data released on several key scenic spots in our province are basically consistent with the data in the rankings." said the person who came to report to him.

These data must have been prepared in advance. If the leader takes this data to ask other leaders for instructions, if something goes wrong because the data is untrue, the responsibility will ultimately be theirs.

Hearing his subordinates' confirmation, Pan Jianglong was not eager to take credit. Instead, he waved his subordinates to go back first while he checked online again.

If it was all true, he was going to take this data to go to Kong Wenyou, the top leader of the city government.

But if there are loopholes in this data, it will be a big trouble.

Pan Jianglong is very cautious when it comes to matters related to his position. He will not place his own safety on others.

After repeatedly confirming that these data were indeed correct, Pan Jianglong breathed a sigh of relief.

But then he thought that the Qingming Festival holiday is still too short, and one outstanding performance does not mean much. Moreover, Pan Jianglong also knows some inside information. Scenic spots like Mount Tai or Baotu Spring are all charged, but the second-ranked children's theme park and

Mengmeng Orchard, ranked fourth, is free and does not charge entrance fees.

From a strict point of view, it is wrong to put them together.

After hesitating in his heart, Pan Jianglong was not in a hurry to show off his merits. He thought that the May Day Labor Day holiday was coming soon. In addition to this, the National Day holiday was not too far away.

"There is still half a year, which is actually very soon. Why don't we wait and see if the children's theme park and Mengmeng Orchard will have more outstanding performance in the next time? Or are they just a flash in the pan?" Pan Jianglong thought.

All kinds of thoughts are jumping around.

Because of this, Pan Jianglong attached great importance to this matter at this time.

He was thinking that he must say hello to his subordinates in advance and ask them to supervise the children's theme park and Mengmeng Orchard to make steady progress.

Any abnormal situation that hinders the development of these two scenic spots must be reported in a timely manner. Within the scope of his functions, he will solve it quickly if he can solve it. If it really cannot be solved, Pan Jianglong feels that he will try his best to solve it.

If this data can be maintained, it will be related to Yiling City's major breakthrough in the weak area of ​​tourism.

At the same time, it will also break the embarrassing situation that Yiling City has always been ranked at the bottom in terms of tourism economy. (End of this chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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