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Chapter 912 Cao Shujie’s golden words (50009000)

"I couldn't earn so much even if I was exhausted before, but since Director Shujie invested money to build this park last year, more people have come. People in our village go to set up stalls around the park and make more money than before. There are too many." Shen Cuilian said.

But she also said objectively: "Sometimes your dad and I earn more, but sometimes we earn less. This thing is just not as stable as working."

"Although the job is stable, it doesn't make any money." Ding Yunan complained in his mind.

At the same time, her mood was also very complicated: "Mom, I think this is a good thing anyway. You guys make a lot of money at home, so that's good."

She just made some calculations. According to what her mother-in-law just said, if everything goes normally, the couple can earn more than 300,000 yuan a year at home.

Of course, taking into account the weather factors and the fact that there are few people coming to the park to play in the off-season like winter, this number must be discounted.

Even if half of it is removed, it would still be about 150,000.

If you add in the money from selling kiwi fruits and the dividends from Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative, it would be conservative to make 300,000 yuan a year.

The key point is that this money is pure profit, and the old couple can't spend much money at home. After all, the 300,000 the old couple earns now in their hometown is much better than the annual salary of 500,000 to 600,000 that her husband earned in Shenzhen.

Ding Yunan even feels more comfortable than her husband now working together to open a factory and making money.

For a moment, Ding Yunan had the idea of ​​coming back to have sex with her husband.

The main thing is that you don’t have to worry about this. You can spend two hundred thousand a year, not to mention three or four hundred thousand a year.

Cao Jianliang had already asked Xu Daihua to go inside and sit down to rest for a while. Cao Shuxu was chatting with his grandfather Cao Zhenghe.

Seeing his grandfather getting older and older, Cao Shuxu felt very unhappy.

Cao Zhenghe asked him about what he was busy with outside, and Cao Shuxu told him everything.

Talking about how many customers we have developed, how many data cables we can produce every day, how much turnover we make in a day, how much money we make, etc.

When he heard his grandson talking about things outside, the smile on Cao Zhenghe's face became stronger and stronger.

"You work hard outside and don't get tired." Cao Zhenghe held his grandson's hand and gently patted the back of his hand with the other hand, telling him that making money is the last word and that he must first ensure good health.

Cao Shuxu nodded fiercely, but he couldn't help feeling a little sad.

His grandfather is old, already over 80 years old. At the age when he is eighty and does not leave food, and ninety is not left to sit down, to put it bluntly, he may leave Hexi someday.

Thinking of this, Cao Shuxu held his grandfather's hand tighter.

Cao Zhenghe seemed to be able to feel what his grandson was thinking, and patted him with a smile: "Shu Xu, grandpa is very happy now. This life has been worth it."

"Are you hungry? Your mother got up early in the morning to cook. She cooked beef and mutton. For the beef, she went to the farm restaurant to buy some raw beef. The beef raised by that guy Shujie is so delicious. Come in quickly. Eat." Cao Zhenghe said.

He asked his grandson to help him stand up and walked toward the house.

Cao Jianliang took out the tea leaves and brewed them. His wife Shen Cuilian had already begun to arrange the prepared beef and mutton in two stainless steel basins and brought them out.

It's still steaming.

She said: "I got up very early in the morning and stewed it for more than two hours. The meat is very rotten. You guys should eat more and I'll stir-fry some more vegetables."

"Auntie, I can't finish these, so please stop working." Xu Daihua quickly stopped Shen Cuilian and prevented her from cooking.

But Shen Cuili said: "The vegetables have been cut, and the meat has also been cut. If it is not fried, it will go bad, which is even more wasteful."

"Would you like some beef, mutton, and minced garlic while you're at it?"

"Jianliang, go and smash some garlic. I forgot about it just now."

When preparing to go to the kitchen, Shen Cuilian remembered something again and called her wife: "Jianliang, take out the good wine. You and Shuxu will drink it first. I gave our father the soy milk. His blood pressure is high. Don't drink it." Let him drink."

Shen Cuilian asked her again and again, and Cao Shuxu still wondered how his father could stand his mother's nagging.

Driving back from Xinzheng City, we didn’t stop all the way, and we didn’t eat anything on the way. Not to mention Ding Yunan and her son Cao Yizhi, even Cao Shuxu and Xu Daihua couldn’t bear it, and they were so hungry that they felt uncomfortable. .

Looking at the steaming beef and mutton, Cao Jianliang served each of them a bowl, then scooped two ladles of fresh soup and sprinkled with coriander.

"This is salt and vinegar. You can put it in yourself. I'll smash some minced garlic." After he finished speaking, he walked out.

But Xu Daihua stopped him: "Uncle, forget about the minced garlic, just bring the head of garlic. I'll peel it and eat it myself."

"I really don't want to eat mashed garlic." Cao Jianliang still wanted to smash some of it, but he didn't eat it, so he gave up.

While eating, Cao Shuxu asked his father what changes had taken place in Caojiazhuang in the past two years.

Then I heard his father, Cao Jianliang, recount what happened in the past two years.

I heard his father say that Cao Shujie had reformed the shareholding model of Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative and directly locked up all the current shares.

Cao Shuxu and Xu Daihua looked at each other. If we put it another way, wouldn't this be a joint-stock company?

It's just that Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative does not have major shareholders like a company in the general sense. It is fully owned by its employees and enjoys profit dividends every year.

If there is a major shareholder, Cao Shuxu feels that this major shareholder must be the Caojiazhuang Village Committee.

He is the only one who holds more than 5% of the shares, which is the largest number in terms of individual size.

But Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative does not just listen to whoever has the most shares.

Even if his father didn't tell him, Cao Shuxu knew that in Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative and Agricultural Planting Cooperative, Cao Shujie's words were true to his word, and no matter what decision he made, no one would refute him.

"Last year, the price of calves kept rising, and the price of slaughtered beef cattle kept falling. Shujie held a meeting for us and said that we would not pay dividends for the next two years, and all the profits would continue to be invested in buying cows. We would build a cow breeding farm and start our own business. Self-breeding reduces breeding costs.”

"Guess what?" Cao Jianliang originally wanted to play a riddle, but he couldn't hold it in and said directly: "Everyone passed, no one objected, and no one abstained."

"At that time, the big guy wanted to hand back the money that had just been distributed, but Shujie didn't agree, saying that one is one and the other is two. These are two different things."

"The shares were fixed and could not be moved. Later, Shujie went to the county for a loan of 60 million in the name of Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative. Last year alone, we built a cow breeding farm and bought 2,000 cows."

"Some time ago, Shujie held a meeting with the party secretaries of several other villages and informed them that all profits from this year and next will be invested in buying cows. Everyone agreed." Cao Jianliang said that he was happy and grinned widely.

stand up.

Cao Shuxu experienced his father's joyful mood countless times.

The first time seemed to be when he got married.

The second time was when he had his son Cao Yizhi.

Is this the third time?

Thinking about these things, he felt a little ashamed. His father was so happy, and this happiness was not brought by him.

"By the way, Shuxu, take some time and go to Shujie's place. His grandfather lives with your uncle Jianlin, and his parents live with him. You two have a good relationship to begin with, and you

It’s not like I just came back for a visit, but it’s not like that.” Cao Jianliang still cared about this.

In his mind, these are the rules and no one can mess with them.

Cao Shuxu nodded. He had originally wanted to go have a drink with Cao Shujie.

After telling his father about this, who knew that Cao Jianliang would not let him drink more at noon, and told him that he could just go to Cao Shujie's place to drink in the evening.

This is a big deal.

But from such details, Cao Shuxu felt even more the personal prestige that Cao Shujie had unknowingly seeped into Caojiazhuang.

This has already left its mark in the hearts of all the people in Caojiazhuang.

Whether it's a large piece of beef or a large piece of mutton, Cao Shuxu and the others all find it delicious.

Because his mother had cooked it for three hours straight since she got up in the morning.

When he told his mother about a trip to Cao Shujie's place in the afternoon, Shen Cuilian was still afraid that they would return to Xinzheng City, so she followed them out of the gate and saw her son and Xu Daihua walking towards the north carrying things.

Whenever she met a neighbor standing on the road chatting, her son Cao Shuxu would stop, take out his cigarette and start to smoke.

Shen Cuilian felt relieved when he saw this scene.

When she heard her grandson Cao Yizhi yelling that she wanted to play in the children's park, Shen Cui didn't even go to set up a stall. She took her wallet, rode an electric car, pulled her grandson along, and prepared to go to the children's park.

When she was about to go out, she called her daughter-in-law, Ding Yunan, to come with her.

Ding Yunan was very curious about the children's theme park and Mengmeng Orchard at this time. She wanted to go and see what kind of magic these two places had that attracted so many people to come and play.

Let's say that Cao Shuxu and Xu Daihua came to the door of Cao Shujie's house in Beitou carrying their things. When they saw so many people climbing up the mountain, they looked at each other.

Both of them were thinking that with such a good business, Cao Shujie might not be too interested in any outside business, right?

If there are losses and profits when starting a company, then the children's theme park and Meng Meng Orchard in front of you are both profitable and profitable businesses.

They were lying if they said they were not envious, but they also knew that it was Cao Shujie's personal cheese, and they didn't even think about it.

Cao Shujie did not expect that he would see Cao Shuxu so soon. Cao Shujie was not surprised that Xu Daihua also came with him.

He guessed that Xu Daihua was probably related to Lei Jun.

The two parties met and exchanged pleasantries for a while, and Cao Shujie even took out his good tea and brewed it for the two of them.

His father went to take care of his son in the orchard on the mountain, while his wife watched his son on the second floor.

The three people talked about the current changes in Caojiazhuang, and Cao Shuxu admired Cao Shujie from the bottom of his heart.

Xu Daihua next to him also kept giving thumbs up to praise Cao Shujie.

This fact really impressed him. When he met Cao Shujie in Xinzheng City before, he remembered clearly that Cao Shujie at that time was not as high-spirited as he is now. He even said that he felt that Cao Shujie at that time was still a little immature in his behavior.

But the Cao Shujie in front of him made him afraid to look directly at him. He always felt that there was a strange pressure on Cao Shujie.

The look Cao Shujie looked at him made him feel doubly heavy.

But considering the future development of the company, Xu Daihua mustered up the courage to express his thoughts.

After hearing this, Cao Shujie smiled and said, "Mr. Xu, as far as I know, Mr. Lei is currently busy with the mobile phone display. He really has no time or mind to think about anything else in the short term."

"In addition, I don't think that signing a cooperation contract with Xiaomi Technology is a good thing for Yaxu Electronics."

Having said this, Cao Shujie mentioned to Xu Daihua and Cao Shuxu that the core of Xiaomi Technology is high cost performance.

And high cost performance also means that in horizontal comparison, for mobile phones with the same performance, Xiaomi's is cheaper.

But being cheap also comes with a price. Cost control must be considered in all aspects, and the price here is kept very low.

He told the two of them that Yaxu Electronics might not be able to accept such a low price.

"One more thing, I found that the data cables in our factory are relatively single." Cao Shujie told them directly.

Xu Daihua and Cao Shuxu became more and more confused as they listened.

They didn't understand what Cao Shujie meant.

Then I heard Cao Shujie say: "I found that we only have one-meter standard data lines, but in addition to standard parts, there are also non-standard parts. Why can't we make different data lines?"

He said: "I think the market in this area is very big."

"In addition, I also specially observed the current data lines, and I found that they are all made the same, very reproducible, and the processes are basically the same. They just have different logos on the outer surface. There is no technical advantage at all.


He pointed at the two of them and said: "Let me tell you the most ugly thing. Even if we reach an agreement with Lei Jun this time to make our products, have you ever thought about it, someone with a stronger relationship than me can also use this...

A way to incorporate their products and then squeeze us out?"

"It's even said that the executives of Xiaomi Technology themselves have many relatives working on these projects. If we squeeze in, we actually don't have an advantage."

When Xu Daihua and Cao Shuxu heard what Cao Shujie said, they also looked thoughtful.

Cao Shuxu then asked Cao Shujie: "Shujie, what did you mean by making different products just now?"

From this point, Cao Shuxu seemed to have found some clues. For a while, he was still stuck in his fixed thinking and couldn't think of anything.

Cao Shujie was very straightforward. He stood up and took a mobile phone data cable and showed it to the two of them: "Mr. Xu, Brother Xu, have you ever encountered this kind of thing? I may only need a 10 cm long cable to connect something."

A data cable is enough, but for a one-meter-long data cable like this one, I have to coil or fold it, isn’t it very inconvenient?”

This is a new concept. The two have never heard of them and have never seen anyone doing this in the market.

But they suddenly felt that Cao Shujie's idea might be right.

Because sometimes they look for data cables and find that some data cables are too long and inconvenient to use.

This was not over yet. Cao Shujie straightened all the data cables that had just been shortened and continued: "But sometimes the charging place is too far away from where I sit, and I am too lazy to move. Have you ever considered putting one meter of data on it?"

Can the cable be made two meters long, or even three meters long, to meet the needs of different people for data cables in different scenarios?"

He then gestured: "In other words, we can also make it 1.5 meters, 1.8 meters, or even 0.5 meters. Do you understand this?"

Cao Shujie talked about this matter so straightforwardly that Xu Daihua and Cao Shuxu felt that if they still didn't understand, they could just break up and go home to farm.

"Mr. Cao, are there any more?" Xu Daihua asked. He felt that these ideas were already a lot.

But Cao Shujie nodded and continued to tell him: "Yes, I still have many ideas."

The next moment, Cao Shujie wrapped the data cable around his fingers again and continued to tell them: "I don't know if you have ever considered making the data cable into a kind of elastic thread."

"When it is not stretched, it can shrink very short like a spring, maybe only 10 centimeters, but once it is stretched, it can be one meter or even two meters."

"In addition, you can also set up an automatic telescopic joint, which imitates the function of a tape measure. It can be retracted or pulled out. When retracted, it becomes a keychain, a mobile phone pendant, or even a fun toy.

Anything you can think of, what do you think of this suggestion?"

"Mr. Xu, Brother Xu, I dare not say too much. If you can produce these innovative products, I guess our Yaxu Electronics Factory's current production capacity will not worry about selling, and you don't need to think about how to market your products."

Xiaomi mobile phones, Oppo and Vivo mobile phones, we only need to make our own products and establish the Yaxu brand. No matter which mobile phone others use in the future, when they change the data cable, their first reaction is that I want to buy Yaxu's data cable.

Don’t you think this is the right path for the company’s long-term development?”

When the two of them heard Cao Shujie's words, they found them deafening and enlightening.

Xu Daihua and Cao Shuxu never thought that a data cable would be played with by Cao Shujie.

They thought Cao Shujie had finished speaking, but in fact he hadn't yet.

Cao Shujie still took the data cable just now and continued to tell them: "Mr. Xu, Brother Xu, have you noticed? The current data cables only have two colors, either black or white, but why can't we make red ones and blue ones?

Colored, silver, even gold, even multi-color, we have many colors to make, which also gives customers more choices."

"There is another question. I wonder if you have considered it."

"Many people don't just have one mobile phone. They may have Apple phones or other mobile phones, but you can find that the charging plugs of Apple phones and other mobile phones are different. If you hold both charging plugs, it is

Isn’t it very inconvenient?”

"So is it possible that a data cable has two plugs, one of which can be adapted to charge Apple mobile phones, and the other charging plug can charge other conventional mobile phones, or even a certain mobile phone can be ingenious in the future to make a third model

When using a mobile phone plug, we can also add it to it, so that one data cable can be used for three purposes." (End of this chapter)

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