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Chapter 915: He is ruthless as soon as he comes (8300) I will update more next week

There is a hotel in Qingshi Town called Yingbin Hotel. The name is very good and makes people look comfortable. It was just opened and renovated last year.

The boss's name is Yan Chuang, who comes from Pingyuan County.

The Yingbin Hotel used to be a dilapidated warehouse with two floors and a large enough area. It remained vacant for a long time until Yan Chuang rented it out and opened a hotel last year.

After renovation, he has installed 36 rooms on the two floors. Each room is planned to be priced at 45 yuan. In this way, when full, the room fee income can be 1,620 yuan per day, and 48,600 yuan per month.

In Qingshi Town, the income is not low either.

In addition, he sells some tobacco and alcohol, mineral water, instant noodles, adult products, etc., and his monthly income is more than 50,000 yuan, which is easy. As for the profit, it is quite high.

After the renovation is completed, it will be open for business during the Chinese New Year this year.

He has really good vision. When it opened, it was really deserted at first, not many people came to stay every day.

But after entering mid-March, it coincides with the opening of Caojiazhuang Children’s Theme Park and Mengmeng Orchard.

The turbulent flow of people converged towards these two places, and because of the arrival of this wave of people, the originally deserted Qingshi Town also became lively.

As a result, the business of hotels, small restaurants, gas stations, and some small supermarkets in Qingshi Town improved instantly, and they even made huge profits every day.

Yan Chuang's Guest House is also one of them, with all 36 rooms occupied.

When he saw this situation, he made a decisive decision and raised the price.

And it’s four times the price, 180 yuan per room. If you like it, stay there. If you don’t have to, there will be many people rushing to stay here.

The price may not seem high, not as high as the price of standard rooms in some chain hotels, but this is Qingshi Town, and the overall consumption is on the low side.

In the past, the price of most hotel rooms was around 30 yuan. Yan Chuang previously priced it at 45 yuan, which was already above the standard price.

But he didn't expect that there would still be so many people living there after the price increase, which made him jealous.

Someone booked a room online half a month in advance. After the guest came, Yan Chuang saw that the reservation was for 45 yuan. He immediately regretted that the guest had no choice but to stay at the increased price.

As the price of rooms increased, Yan Chuang found that the number of people staying at his place did not decrease significantly. This made Yan Chuang feel the benefits, and he was still thinking that the path his cousin pointed out to him was the right one.

During the holidays, I will definitely give his cousin a generous gift.

After continuing to operate like this, Yan Chuang discovered one thing. During the Qingming Festival, more people came. Even if the price he set now was four times the previous price, the rooms were still full.

In this line of work, even God can't stand it if you don't take advantage of all the wealth in the world.

Yan Chuang thought again and again, thinking that if his heart was not evil, he would not be able to do business or make money.

He doubled the house price again, but he didn't expect that even though some people were scolding him, he still stayed.

Because at this time, as its prices rise, the prices of several large-scale hotels in Qingshi Town are also rising.

Seeing that there was only one week left before Labor Day, Yan Chuang gritted his teeth and doubled the price again, to 360 yuan per room.

Compared with the initial price of 45 yuan, it has increased 8 times at this time. If calculated according to this price, he can earn 388,800 yuan a month, three-way profit.

Damn it, this price indicates that he is going to make a fortune.

Yan Chuang was even a little arrogant. He couldn't help but feel proud when he thought that all the people Cao Shujie had attracted by opening a children's theme park and Mengmeng Orchard in Caojiazhuang had made him money.

"Hey, just try your best to attract people. Anyway, I will make a fortune secretly." Yan Chuang thought of this and became more and more proud.

At the beginning of the price increase, Yan Chuang was a little scared. The money came in too fast, which made him feel a little hot.

However, after two days, it was found that nothing happened and everything was calm. Although some customers clamored to complain to him, nothing happened. This made Yan Chuang completely relieved.

In addition, his distant cousin is also a well-known figure in the county. If anything happens, he can settle it with his uncle.

"At worst, part of the money I earn will go out." This was the last thought in Yan Chuang's mind.

When the money came in too quickly, Yan Chuang also realized that he had to find someone to shoulder the burden, otherwise he would not be able to pay for it himself.

The annual rent for renting a two-story house is only over 50,000 yuan. At this current price, one year's rent can be earned back in five days, and the rest, not to mention the net income, is not much different.

It’s really a blessing from God.

"Can it be said that I am born with the talent for business?" Yan Chuang was still thinking in his mind.

It's a pity that the good days have come to an end.

This morning, Yan Chuang opened the door for business as usual. No one expected that this time there were no customers, but a group of people in uniforms.

"Who is the boss here?" the person in charge asked after coming in.

Yan Chuang was a little confused at the time. When he saw these people, he felt very bad.

But still feeling lucky, he stepped forward with a smile and asked: "I am the boss, what can you do?"

As he spoke, he welcomed a few people in and said to them: "It's not easy to come out for inspection on this hot day. You guys sit down and drink a glass of water first and rest for a while. If you have any questions, just ask them. I will fully cooperate with you."


"Just drink water. We have a lot to do." The person in charge of the joint inspection team said with a serious expression.

He looked at Yan Chuang: "Since you are the boss, I have something to ask you."

"Hey, tell me." Yan Chuang lowered his attitude, thinking that it would be easier to speak with a better attitude.

But as soon as the other party spoke, Yan Chuang realized that they were coming straight to him.

"We received a report from a customer that the room price of your hotel has increased eight times in a short period of time. Is this true?" the other party asked directly.

Yan Chuang was a little panicked when he heard this, but he still waved his hand firmly: "That's not the case."

"Others must be jealous of the money I make here and make it up randomly," Yan Chuang said.

But since the joint law enforcement team is here, there must be evidence.

When they presented all the evidence, Yan Chuang fell silent.

He was thinking that this matter today might not be good.

When he was thinking about how to solve the problem, he suddenly heard another person in the joint inspection team say: "No, why don't you have fire-fighting facilities here? How did you open your business?"

"That, that..." Yan Chuang thought that he wanted to install it at first, but when he asked about the price, he was reluctant to install it.

In addition, inspections in all aspects of the town were weak, and since he had connections, he covered his head and did it.

When someone found out, he quickly defended: "I have contacted good people, and they will come over and install it for me in the next two days."

"Without fire protection, are you responsible if something goes wrong?" the other party asked.

After he finished speaking, he continued: "According to relevant regulations, you must close down for rectification. When will it be completed, apply for inspection and then reopen."

Yan Chuang's expression changed as soon as he heard the order to close the door for rectification.

This is a gross income of more than 10,000 yuan a day. It is not feasible to close the door, but no matter what he says, these people will not listen.

He even went to the room to call out all the guests and put a seal on him. This was really checking his rhythm.

At this time, Yan Chuang became anxious and shouted: "My uncle is Yan Guangtao, you can't do this."

"Yan Guangtao?" The people from the joint law enforcement inspection team stopped when they heard what Yan Chuang said.

Yan Guangtao is one of the six sub-counties of Pingyuan County.

Although Pingyuan County is not a big place, its personnel arrangements are quite comprehensive.

Yan Chuang thought it worked, so he nodded quickly and said, "Yes, he is my cousin."

But several people from the joint inspection and law enforcement team were stunned for a moment, and then continued to take action.

Yan Chuang saw that it didn't work, or did they not hear clearly?

He ran over and grabbed the other person, shouting loudly that my uncle was Yan Guangtao.

"Let me tell you, we are from the city, and it will be difficult for anyone to come today." The joint law enforcement team continued to work.

The sleeping tourists were woken up by these law enforcement officers through the door and told them what had happened.

As a result, after these tourists came out, they heard law enforcement officers saying that the price increase of this guest hotel was too high, exceeding the relevant regulations, and that this hotel did not take any fire protection measures. Once there is a problem, it will be a big problem. They are now taking legal action against this hotel.

Seize and recover illegal gains.

These joint inspectors hope that tourists can help them provide evidence and provide relevant materials.

Even the joint inspection and law enforcement personnel did not expect that after a family of these tourists came out and heard the law enforcement officers say this, they immediately provided evidence and complained that they had seen the hotel room rate of 45 yuan online a month ago.

Who would have known that when they were preparing to come here half a month ago, they wanted to book a room online in advance, but the room rate had already become 180 yuan. When they came here yesterday, the boss told them that the room rate had increased again and it had become 360 ​​yuan.


Other hotels have also increased their prices to some extent, but few Yingbin Hotels have increased their prices so outrageously.

The family actually wanted to check into other hotels, but all the hotels they checked were full, so in the end they couldn't bite the bullet and stay at a high price.

They didn't expect that law enforcement officers would come to investigate this matter today. They were so happy that they told the other party on the spot.

When the law enforcement officers heard this, they immediately understood that in just one month, house prices had increased eightfold.

This is how dark the heart is!

At the same time, several other hotels in Qingshi Town are also under review.

But in fact, it is not just Qingshi Town that is under review by the joint inspection and law enforcement team. Pingyuan County has a total of 10 township and sub-district offices under its jurisdiction, and there are also joint inspection and law enforcement teams in 9 other places.

What makes people feel even more weird is that before this joint inspection and enforcement, most people did not receive any information, so many people did not have time to prepare or even have a chance to quibble.

That afternoon, this incident caused a huge sensation in Pingyuan County. Many people were discussing who had the ability to investigate it.

And this time it was for real, there was no thunder or rain like usual.

Many hotels, restaurants, and supermarkets have been investigated, and the evidence is conclusive and there is no way to refute it.

There are also some shops that do not comply with fire protection, safety, food hygiene and other aspects and are also shut down according to law during inspections.

When Cao Shujie got the news at Xuemeng Food Factory, he was stunned for a moment.

I really didn’t expect Zuo Yongsi and the others to clean up before Labor Day.

Cao Shujie thought that Zuo Yongsi and the others had stopped moving, but who knew that he would give them a thunderous blow at the last moment.

Just when Cao Shujie was thinking about this matter, he received a call from Zuo Yongsi.

Zuo Yongsi said to Cao Shujie as soon as he opened his mouth: "Director Cao, I'm really sorry. I have been busy with work recently. I also reported the issues you gave me last time to Director Pan and Secretary Qin of the county as soon as possible.

They all think that what you said is right, and that relevant rectification should be strengthened."

"This time we invited the city's law enforcement team to conduct a thorough inspection of the entire county, and strictly investigated and dealt with those individuals and units that violated laws and regulations."

"Director Cao, if something similar happens next, please convey it to us in time. We promise to complete it in the shortest possible time."

The phone call didn't last long. After hanging up, Cao Shujie thought about what Zuo Yongsi had just told him and couldn't help but sigh.

He found that when the interests of these people were really at stake, they were quite ruthless in their actions.

But I have to say that Cao Shujie likes it very much.

If those people's prices just increased by a certain amount, Cao Shujie wouldn't actually care, it's just that they look too ridiculous.

Over time, this situation will definitely affect the mood of other people visiting his place. By that time, everything is doomed and irreversible, and he is actually the one who suffers the greatest loss.

In this case, Cao Shujie would definitely want to intervene forcefully.

When Cao Shujie returned home from the town, he heard many people discussing this matter at the entrance of the village.

Seeing him coming back, someone asked him jokingly: "Director Cao, did you ask them to investigate that matter?"

"What's going on?" Cao Shujie didn't think about it.

Then someone said that some hotels, supermarkets, and small restaurants in the town were inspected.

"Well, I asked them to investigate." Cao Shujie admitted openly.

He said: "Their price increase is too outrageous. If tourists complain to me, I will definitely take care of it."

In his opinion, there is no need to hide this kind of thing.

Moreover, Cao Shujie will take the initiative in the next step.

The group of people all nodded and said that Director Cao’s investigation was correct and that he should investigate harshly.

Not to mention that these tourists enjoyed a wave of 'high-priced' sales, even when they went to town to buy things, the prices were outrageous, and even old natives like them couldn't stand it.

The Qingshi Town Government was also very busy at this time.

Many of the people under investigation were able to find some connections through various twists and turns.

If it had been in this previous situation, it would have been easier for them to find someone.

But it didn't work this time, no matter how they looked for someone, no one paid any attention to them.

Everyone was looking for Liu Furong, a senior official of the town party.

After Liu Furong listened to the joint inspection team's explanation of the situation, he immediately rejected those who asked him for help.

Then I called Cao Shujie and mentioned on the phone that I was checking hotels, small restaurants, and supermarkets.

He also said on the phone that these people are too hateful and do not care about the development of Qingshi Town. They are holding back Qingshi Town.

Cao Shujie smiled and said nothing.

However, Liu Furong said that Qingshi Town will also strengthen inspections in the future, and will vigorously investigate and deal with such blatant violations without tolerance.

Liu Furong also knows that the development of Caojiazhuang's tourism industry is also related to the overall development of Qingshi Town. This statement is not an exaggeration at all.

"Secretary Liu, let's encourage each other!" Cao Shujie said.

Liu Furong also smiled and said: "Director Cao, let's encourage each other! Come on!" (End of Chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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