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Chapter 935 The future is no longer a dream! (120,000) Please vote for me

"Brother Hu, let's go have a drink and have a meal together after get off work. We haven't gotten together in more than half a month." Lin Kang called to him.

He said that his salary had just been paid and he was going to have a nice meal tonight.

But at this time, Hu Yong wanted to buy something good and take it home to eat with his parents, wife and children.

"Brother Kang, we can't do it today. You also know that my wife is not feeling well. I have to buy her medicine. Let's wait for another day. I will treat you then." Hu Yong said this.

There was sincerity in his words.

After saying this, Lin Kang couldn't speak anymore.

Lin Kang only learned about the situation of Hu Yong's family through his wife.

But the last time the boss came over to ask Hu Yong about his wife's physical condition, other workers learned about the situation at Hu Yong's home.

Thinking back to the time when Hu Yong was asked to go to dinner, Hu Yong would refuse. At that time, they didn't understand what was going on, but now they understand that he has to go home to take care of the patients.

From that day on, they asked Hu Yong to go out to eat less frequently.

Before the work was done, Hu Yong folded the pay slip in half, put it in the pocket of his jacket and continued working.

By the time he finished loading five cars, his co-workers had already gone off to have dinner and drinks after get off work.

Hu Yong then went to the sink nearby to wash the dust off his hands and face. After saying hello to the middle-class workers, he clocked in and went home.

After he left, several people in the middle shift were still discussing the fact that Hu Yong often worked overtime.

"Now I know that Brother Hu is also a hard-working man. He has parents to support, his wife has cancer, and he has a daughter. I heard that when he worked on construction sites with the construction team, the contractor often defaulted on his wages.

Those contractors are also bullying me, and you think it’s so difficult in this shitty world!”

"Who says it's not the case? I used to wonder why Brother Hu worked so hard, maybe one day he would tire himself to death, but now I know that I would work just as hard if I were involved in these things!"

"What can I do?" There was a sense of powerlessness in these words.

He said: "I heard that Xiao Hu made more than 13,000 yuan, but I'm not envious at all. I don't want to earn that much."

Several people were chatting and discussing that compared to the chaos outside, Xuemeng Food Factory was doing very well.

It's a stable place, the boss is kind-hearted, and they can make money by working. The key is that wages are paid on time, and the factory has never been in arrears with wages...

Before I knew it, it was getting dark.

Hu Yong rode his electric bike to the central street of the town.

The task of taking his daughter to and from school ultimately fell on his old father's shoulders.

Hu Yong can earn an extra 100 yuan by working two more hours a day and loading an extra truck with goods. In one month, he can earn an extra 2,600 yuan.

This is not a small sum for his family.

He felt that considering his current family situation, it would be much better than getting off work on time to pick up his daughter from school.

Walking on the central street of the town, he passed by a braised and cooked food restaurant. Hu Yong rode his bicycle and passed by it. He parked the car and went into the store to buy a roast chicken. When he saw the pork head that had just been peeled off the bones, he ordered

The boss cut up two kilograms of fat and lean meat, and bought some chicken feet and pig's trotters, so he would be extravagant tonight.

The store owner saw that he was wearing the work clothes of Xuemeng Food Factory. Then he thought that today was the end of the month and asked with a smile: "Brother, did your factory pay wages today?"

Hu Yong was confused: "Boss, how did you know?"

"Hi, you are wearing the work clothes of Xuemeng Food Factory. Anyway, I know that your factory usually pays wages at the end of the month, and the people in the town basically know that."

Then he looked at the thick layer of calluses on Hu Yong's hands and the diagonal red scratches on his exposed arms, and he knew something in his heart: "Brother, you bought so many things at once, I wonder

I just got paid, so I want to reward myself."

His analysis is very reliable.

Hu Yong did not shy away from it. He said with a smile: "I'm usually reluctant to buy it, so I just bought something good at this time so that my family can have a meal."

"No, we gentlemen really don't know what we want to do with our lives. We can't bear to eat or wear clothes. We just want to give our family something good to eat." As he spoke, the shop owner finished his remarks and took advantage of Hu Yong to pay the bill.

, he cut off a piece of pig's mouth from the pig's head meat that had just been taken off the bones and put it into the bag.

But Hu Yong had already paid the money. He saw an extra piece of meat in the bag. Before he could understand it, he heard the boss say: "Brother, I gave this to you. You can eat two more pieces of meat when you go home, sir."

Just working is not enough, you have to be kind to yourself, if you tire yourself out, the family will be doomed."

Hu Yong glanced at the boss twice. He felt warm in his heart, but he didn't know how to say thank you to him.

"I will come to buy from you again in the future." Hu Yong said.

The shop owner laughed loudly after hearing this: "Okay, welcome!"

Hu Yong picked up the cooked food he had just bought and rode his electric bike towards home.

When I got home, my father was cooking and my mother was watching her daughter Hu Lina doing her homework.

His wife is still not in good health and spends most of her time lying in bed to rest.

Hearing the sound of him entering the door, everyone turned to look at him.

Hu Lina ran over directly: "Dad, you're off work."

"Well, Nana, have you finished your homework?" Hu Yong asked, touching his daughter's little head.

Hu Lina pointed to the homework book and said, "Dad, I'm almost done."

"Well, write quickly. Do you want to eat the roast chicken, pig head meat, chicken feet and pig trotters that dad bought?" Hu Yong lifted the bag in his hand.

The aroma of meat wafted out from the bag. When Hu Lina smelled the meat, her soul was also taken away.

Hu Litong, who was cooking, heard his son say this and asked him: "Dayong, I've stewed potatoes, why did you buy so much meat?"

Hu Yong didn't care either. He said to his father: "Dad, I just got paid today. It's more than 13,000. Let's have a good meal and improve our lives!"

Afraid that his father would overthink it, he said, "It doesn't matter if I spend a hundred or ten yuan to have a meal."

When he heard his son say that he had made so much money, Hu Litong almost threw the spatula in his hand on the ground. He had never heard of anyone making more than 10,000 yuan a month in his life: "Why so much money?"

The grain their family used to grow could not earn this amount even if they sold it all in one season, but now his son can earn it in a month.

Hu Litong felt very unreal.

Du Qiuju, who was lying on the bed, only felt distressed after hearing this.

She knew what position her husband held in Xuemeng Food Factory, and she also knew that her husband chose the job himself.

As for why her husband chose to load cars, she knew it clearly.

Especially when she saw the thick calluses on her husband's hands, the tanned skin, and the peeling skin on his back, she blamed herself.

If she didn't have this disease, her husband wouldn't work so hard to make money.

But when she saw the heartfelt smile on her daughter's face while eating meat, she also started laughing.

Hu Yong asked his daughter if the meat smelled good. The little guy narrowed his eyes happily and said, "It smells good, Dad, can you eat more meat in the future?"

"Okay, dad can earn a lot of money a month now. Let alone eating meat once a month, we can just eat meat every day." Hu Yong said.

Seeing his daughter smiling very happily, Hu Yong continued: "After get off work tomorrow, I will go to the supermarket in the town to buy 200 yuan of meat and ribs at once, put them in the refrigerator, and let grandpa fry the meat for you every day. Eat, okay?"

"(⊙o⊙)Wow!" Hu Lina's eyes widened when she heard her father say this, as if she was in disbelief.

"Really?" she asked.

I was afraid to see my father shaking his head with an expectant expression in his eyes.

Before Hu Yong could speak, Du Qiuju said: "Why buy so much meat? You can't eat it. Even if you put it in the refrigerator, it won't taste good after a long time. Just buy it as you go."

"It's okay. My salary is high now, and wages in the factory are paid on time. In this case, if I work hard for a year, we can not only pay off the foreign debt, but also make a lot of profit, and you can also have money for your future treatment.

We won't owe you a penny by then, and you can eat whatever you want." Hu Yong thought about the wonderful life in the future, and he was a little intoxicated for a while.

He couldn't even think about it before, but now he feels that the future is no longer a dream.

The next moment, Hu Yong went to help his father, cut the pig head meat, stuffed a piece of lean meat from the pig's mouth into his daughter's mouth, then patted a cucumber, mixed with some minced garlic, soy sauce, vinegar and sesame oil.

in one piece.

Tear the roasted chicken into pieces, arrange the chicken feet and pig's trotters on the plate, and after a while, you will have 4 plates full of meat and vegetables.

When his father finished cooking the potato stew, he also came up with five dishes.

After the millet porridge was served and the steamed buns were put on the table, Hu Yong also went to get a bottle of very cheap sorghum wine, poured half a cup for his old father and a cup for himself.

Seeing that 4 of these 5 dishes included meat dishes, the family felt very satisfied.

Hu Litong also lamented: “During the Chinese New Year, we didn’t eat as well as today.”

After that, Hu Litong began to sigh again, saying that he had no ability.

"Dad, don't say anything. I will take care of the family affairs from now on." Hu Yong was not very good at talking, but he could say a few words now. He picked up the wine glass and said, "Dad, I respect you."

You alone."

"Drink!" Hu Litong pursed his lips and drank a third of it.

Du Qiuju didn't stop her, she just asked her father-in-law to drink slowly.

Hu Lina put a piece of pig head meat into her grandma's bowl: "Grandma, you eat meat, it tastes so good!"

"Hey, Nana, you can eat too." The old lady looked at her granddaughter with satisfaction.

The little girl took another piece of meat to her mother. Du Qiuju looked at the piece of meat in front of her and felt that everything was worth it!

There is still hope in life!

On the other side, Cao Huifang, who lives in Shencheng, returns to her rented community after get off work every day. After finishing her meal, she begins to study the video editing 'cheats' given to her by her sister-in-law.

I heard from my sister-in-law that she can still earn tens of thousands a month now, and occasionally earn hundreds of thousands. After a year, she can earn a seven-digit income.

This very casual statement deeply stimulated Cao Huifang.

It doesn't matter if you are tired, as long as you can achieve results.

When she came back from work that day, Cao Huifang turned on her computer as usual and prepared to continue practicing video editing. Before she could start, she saw several news items on the Internet.

"The director of Caojiazhuang Legend Village spent huge sums of money to build a large tourist attraction."

Perhaps because she often browses information about her hometown, the website remembers her browsing preferences and will push news in this area to her every now and then.

Today was no exception. After Cao Huifang clicked on the news, she discovered that the news said that her brother had invested another 100 million to transform the barren hills of Caojiazhuang into a tourist attraction.

At the same time, there is also a built-in video in the news, which is the signing scene at that time.

Watching her brother, the Caojiazhuang Village Committee and the Caojiazhuang Collective sign a three-way contract, Cao Huifang felt more and more that the job she was doing now was really useless.

It doesn't help you realize your original idea.

By the end of next month, she will have been working here for one year.

At first I thought about working here for two years and then turning to the path of starting my own business.

Or continue studying on this path and master a core technology.

But the facts told her that her idea was a bit taken for granted.

She still has a lot to learn.

After watching the video, Cao Huifang became more motivated to continue learning the video editing methods her sister-in-law gave her and how to make interesting videos.

While I was working hard, I suddenly heard my cell phone ringing.

Cao Huifang came back to her senses and looked at the name on the screen of her mobile phone, with an expression of joy on her face.

The caller was Deng Miaoshan, her good sister who lived in the same dormitory when she was in college. Perhaps because they were both busy with work, the two of them had not contacted each other for a while.

"I wonder how Miaoshan is doing now?" Cao Huifang thought to herself, and then answered the phone.

"Hey, Miaoshan, good evening." Cao Huifang greeted Deng Miaoshan on the other side of the phone.

Then I heard Deng Miaoshan say: "Fangfang, where are you in Shencheng? I just arrived in Shencheng and am going to take a taxi to join you."

This news made Cao Huifang a little stunned for a moment.

The next moment, she quickly asked: "Where are you now? I'll pick you up."

"Did you come by yourself? Or did you come with someone else?"

"Myself, Fangfang, I quit my job. My salary is more than 2,000 yuan a month, and there is no fluctuation at all. Damn it, it's boring to do it."

She seemed to be very excited and said: "I am a graduate student. I earn more than 2,000 yuan a month steadily. I dare not buy anything. Not to mention buying a better set of cosmetics, even buying a piece of clothing has to be hesitant and entangled.

Long time.”

"Let me tell you, my parents were very angry when I quit my job this time, especially my dad, who managed to find a job for me through his connections."

"I also know that I can't help him, but you know, I'm only in my 20s. The thought of sitting like that for 30 years, waiting for retirement with a salary of two to three thousand yuan, makes me really crazy."

Cao Huifang: "..."

She never thought that good sisters could escape from trouble!

Cao Huifang originally thought that her job earning more than 7,000 yuan a month was boring, but she did not expect that her best friend also quit her job in the system because of her salary of more than 2,000 yuan a month.

At this moment, Cao Huifang suddenly felt that this matter was very interesting!

She said: "Are you at the station? Don't go anywhere, just wait for me there. I'll be there right away."

After finishing speaking, Cao Huifang asked about the location of her sisters, and then ignored the video editing and hurried downstairs to drive towards the train station. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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