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Chapter 945: The news (1.22 million) please vote for me

"Mayor Shi, please come this way." Cao Shujie took him up to the third floor and into his office.

It was the first time the two met.

To be precise, this should be the second time Shi Xiangdong met Cao Shujie in person besides news and newspapers, but Cao Shujie didn't know about it.

After sitting down, Shi Xiangdong took the initiative to talk about the matter, which suddenly narrowed the distance between the two and weakened the strangeness between them.

Cao Shujie was surprised: "Mayor Shi was also present at the award ceremony?"

"I happened to be watching down below, and we arranged the award ceremony." Shi Xiangdong said with a smile.

This time the relationship is even closer.

Cao Shujie had an expression of shame on his face: "I feel a little ashamed. It was my first time to attend such a big awards event, and Uncle Xiang personally presented me with the award. I was so nervous that I didn't notice Mayor Shi."

Shi Xiangdong: "..."

What could he say?

The key was Cao Shujie's "Uncle Xiang" to silence him.

What else can I say?

Shi Xiangdong still remembers that before he came, when the organization talked to him, he was told very clearly that he must protect the local economic development after he arrived.

What does this mean?

Before coming, Shi Xiangdong only made some guesses, but only after he actually came here did he understand the deeper meaning.

With Shi Xiangdong's words as a starting point, the subsequent conversation between the two seemed a little softer.

There is no conflict between them, so naturally they will not deliberately harm each other at this time.

"Mayor Shi, shall I take you around the workshop?" Cao Shujie said.

"Okay!" Shi Xiangdong had this intention.

The two walked out together, and some people saw them on the road. They didn't know Shi Xiangdong, but when they saw their boss, they all nodded and said hello.

"Mayor Shi, let's go this way." The two of them walked towards the first workshop door together.

After entering, the two changed into protective clothing, walked through the air shower channel, and entered the workshop.

He introduced to Shi Xiangdong that the entire workshop is a food-grade dust-free workshop, ensuring that the products produced can meet the strictest hygiene standards.

In fact, after entering, Shi Xiangdong could see how clean the entire workshop was without Cao Shujie's introduction.

The workshop is paved with epoxy resin, and the floor is clean enough to be used as a mirror.

All operators in the workshop wear white protective clothing.

In many people's minds, there should be oil stains, processing debris or other dirty things on the equipment, but the equipment Shi Xiangdong saw was not like this.

When Shi Xiangdong saw these devices at first glance, he felt that they were extremely clean.

When the two of them came to the equipment, Cao Shujie took out a piece of white paper from his pocket and wiped it on the equipment. No dust could be seen on it.

This proves Shi Xiangdong's guess just now.

The workers nearby were not surprised when they saw Cao Shujie's operation.

This also shows that this is not the first time Cao Shujie has done this, and everyone is used to it.

On the other hand, it also shows that they are very confident in their own hygiene.

Shi Xiangdong was also surprised to see Cao Shujie being so 'strict'.

"Mr. Cao, your workshop is kept very clean!"

Cao Shujie thought this was appropriate. He told Shi Xiangdong that if the place that produces edible products could not meet higher standards of hygiene requirements, it would be making fun of the lives of customers and it would be slow murder!

These words were very serious, but they also shocked Shi Xiangdong inexplicably!

They followed the integrated automatic equipment from the source to the subsequent processes. Along the way, Shi Xiangdong discovered that Cao Shujie would use the same method to randomly check the sanitation of the equipment, but each area was consistent.

Shi Xiangdong was also very interested in watching the fruits being cleaned from the source, peeled and cut along the equipment, and then entered the mixing chamber to add a small amount of additives, tumbling, drying, and finally when they came out of the packaging link, they were automatically packaged. The entire process

Down here, no one comes in contact with me at all.

The advantage of this is to ensure that secondary pollution caused by human contact during the production process of the product is minimized.

"Mr. Cao, your production is highly automated," Shi Xiangdong said after reading it.

Cao Shujie told him that he spent a lot of money to order professional equipment from the beginning.

"These equipment alone cost tens of millions."

"So expensive?" This was something Shi Xiangdong didn't expect.

Cao Shujie talked about how he went to Dikang Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. to customize equipment. He still remembers what happened a few years ago very clearly.

Shi Xiangdong kept listening. After hearing what Cao Shujie said, he couldn't help but sigh. A company that developed in a township dared to invest so much. No wonder he could do it.

Compared with the equipment, Shi Xiangdong is more curious about the sales of Xuemeng Food Factory's products.

Regarding this aspect, Cao Shujie was not stingy. He told Shi Xiangdong about their company's sales strategy.

After hearing Cao Shujie talk about this sales model that combines online and offline, Shi Xiangdong also expressed his opinion.

Shi Xiangdong studied economics himself. He has rich theoretical knowledge and is no stranger to online sales.

The two each put forward their own different views and opinions. In the process, their thoughts also collided.

The more they chatted, the more Cao Shujie felt that Shi Xiangdong was really capable and didn't just come here to get gold.

He was still thinking that it was no wonder he was transferred here. Judging from their conversation just now, it was obvious that the higher-ups wanted to reuse him.

Maybe it was difficult to get promoted in his previous position, and since he had never worked at a grassroots level before, he was considered to be transferred down to make up for his shortcomings in this area of ​​work?

By the way, take advantage of the rapid economic development of Qingshi Town to jump up half a rank and be promoted to deputy director?

During the chat with Shi Xiangdong, Cao Shujie analyzed the matter in detail.

However, he had to admit that Shi Xiangdong was not just here to pick peaches. He was a man with rich theoretical knowledge, and some of his views were also very useful to Cao Shujie and Xuemeng Food Factory.

After visiting the first factory, they got in the car together and drove towards the second factory.

During this process, Wang Jiannan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, finally came in handy and gave directions to the driver.

Cao Shujie also told Shi Xiangdong about the production situation at the second factory.

Shi Xiangdong was really shocked when he heard Cao Shujie say that the second factory also planned to produce fruit wine and juice.

"Mr. Cao, do you still want to produce fruit wine? Are you planning to export the fruit wine?" he asked.

Because the product has not been produced, Cao Shujie has not really considered this aspect before. In addition, his production volume of fruit wine and juice is very small. Each has only one small production line and is still in the exploratory stage. He is more concerned about domestic consumption.


Well, internal digestion!

If this area is mature in all aspects, it is not impossible to consider exporting when the output increases in the future.

After all, he has thousands of acres of land waiting for construction.

Shi Xiangdong understood it at a glance. He told Cao Shujie: "I have read relevant reports. The demand for fruit wine abroad is greater than that in our country."

Speaking of this, Shi Xiangdong sighed. He knew that the domestic market was average, and based on various data analysis, it would be difficult to achieve major development in a short period of time.

While chatting, we soon arrived at the Second Factory.

Cao Shujie first took him to the fruit wine production workshop.

Fan Hailiang is here debugging the equipment with the staff of the equipment manufacturer.

When they came over, Cao Shujie saw that there was already pink liquid in the transparent container.

Seeing Cao Shujie coming, Fan Hailiang quickly came over to say hello.

But he was very unfamiliar with Shi Xiangdong and didn't know who he was?

"Master Fan, this is the new Mayor Shi Xiangdong in our town." Cao Shujie introduced him.

Fan Hailiang was used to it during his time at Xuemeng Food Factory and was not surprised when people from the government came to visit and inspect it.

After he called out "Mr. Shi", he pointed to the liquid in the container and introduced to Cao Shujie and Shi Xiangdong the situation of the trial production of the equipment they had just started.

For the time being, the situation is not ideal, mainly because the product cannot reach the state he envisioned, and the liquid produced does not have the mellow aroma of fruit wine.

"How about next month?" Cao Shujie asked him.

They have discussed before that according to the plan, this production line can be opened in the autumn at the latest, that is, around September.

Now that we have entered the final stage of equipment debugging, Cao Shujie also knows that equipment debugging is not accomplished overnight, and sometimes it even takes a long time.

"Master Fan, just take your time, don't be in a hurry right now," Cao Shujie told him.

But Cao Shujie also told him: "You should have some snacks on my fruit wine."

"Don't worry, boss. I checked it when I came here in the morning. It's fermented well now. If we wait a little longer, it will taste better in the autumn," Fan Hailiang said.

After hearing what he said, Cao Shujie was no longer worried.

However, Shi Xiangdong was curious that Cao Shujie was still making fruit wine elsewhere?

He asked one more question, but Cao Shujie didn't hide anything and told him the whole story. Only then did Shi Xiangdong understand. He also wanted to taste the fruit wine. How about it?

I was a little embarrassed to reveal this meaning to Cao Shujie, and Cao Shujie said happily: "That's no problem. Is Mayor Shi free at noon today? I'll arrange for someone to go home and bring a box, and let's have a good taste."

Shi Xiangdong was overjoyed, but he didn't expect Cao Shujie to be so cheerful.

On the other side, in the Qingshi Town Government Administrative Building, Luo Ningyou’s office.

Someone came to report to him that the mayor Shi Xiangdong went to Xuemeng Food Factory for inspection this morning.

This man originally wanted to please Luo Ningyou, but as soon as he finished speaking, Luo Ningyou scolded him and told him not to make trouble again in the future.

As for the new mayor Shi Xiangdong going to Xuemeng Food Factory to inspect at this time, Luo Ningyou felt that this was the most normal action.

In recent years, to put it bluntly, the entire economy of Qingshi Town has been centered on the Xuemeng Food Factory. If Shi Xiangdong, who was entrusted with the important task by the superiors, cannot even see through this, then Luo Ningyou should suspect that he has

There is no standard.

In addition, after getting in touch with Shi Xiangdong in the past few days, Luo Ningyou also found that this person was not very competitive.

He does not have the ambition of other colleagues who must hold the power in his own hands.

It gives the impression that Shi Xiangdong is more like an ideal young man from the academy. He has his own action goals, his own plans, and is a bit ideal.

It's hard to say what will happen to such a person, but Luo Ningyou knows that he is not his 'enemy', at least not yet.

In this way, Luo Ningyou felt relieved about him.

Moreover, Luo Ningyou came up step by step from Qingshi Town. He became the deputy mayor, the mayor, and now he is the top leader of Qingshi Town.

Over the years, Luo Ningyou has already managed this place as his base camp. If Shi Xiangdong really wants to compete with him for power and profit, even if the other party is arranged by the city, Luo Ningyou will not be afraid.

However, remembering that he had not had a meal with Cao Shujie since he became a 'senior official of the Qingshi Town Party', Luo Ningyou thought why not take this opportunity to have a meal together and then take him with him to the east?

He had a lot on his mind, and actually wanted to take this opportunity to tell Shi Xiangdong that his relationship with Secretary Cao was closer.

While Cao Shujie and Shi Xiangdong were still looking at the juice production line at the second factory, his cell phone rang again.

Seeing that the call was from Luo Ningyou, Cao Shujie subconsciously looked at Shi Xiangdong, and then answered the call.

"Secretary Luo..."

Cao Shujie chatted with Luo Ningyou for a few words, and told the other party that he was visiting the production equipment of the second factory with Mayor Shi, and hung up the phone not long after.

He told Shi Xiangdong: "Secretary Luo called just now and wanted to treat us to dinner."

"Oh, that's a good relationship. I've always wanted to have a meal with Comrade Luo Ningyou." Shi Xiangdong acted very easy-going.

This is completely unlike how he should behave at his age.

Cao Shujie finally asked his driver Song Baoming to go to Caojiazhuang and bring back two boxes of fruit wine.

When the two of them met with Luo Ningyou at noon, Shi Xiangdong took the initiative to mention the fruit wine. Cao Shujie had already asked Song Baoming to bring out two boxes of fruit wine.

"This year's new wine doesn't taste as good as last year's, but there's nothing we can do about it. All the old wine is gone." Cao Shujie looked like he was in pain.

Luo Ningyou burst out laughing. He drank a lot last year.

Taking advantage of this occasion, the three of them chatted casually.

Sometimes I would talk about economic development, sometimes I would talk about the construction of Qingshi Town, and occasionally I would mention the shortcomings of my family.

The three of them were chatting happily.

Shi Xiangdong took the initiative to mention something. He told the two of them: "Before coming, I heard relevant people in the city discussing the construction of townships and rural areas."

"What does Mayor Shi mean by concentrated urbanization of rural areas?" Luo Ningyou asked.

Shi Xiangdong nodded: "That's about the same, right?"

"It should be about building large communities, but to be honest, I don't think this is a good thing." Shi Xiangdong said.

If these words were heard by interested people outside, they might be used to attack him at a critical moment.

But Cao Shujie had the same view as him.

Luo Ningyou has considered the idea of ​​a concentrated rural community, but considering the current situation in Qingshi Town, this option is simply unrealistic. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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