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Chapter 947 Genius (8.20012 million)

Time soon came to Wednesday. Cao Shujie and his wife Cheng Xiaolin were going to take their son Cao Yirui to Chengjiapo to attend the full moon banquet of their nephew Cheng Tianhong.

This time, Cao Shujie and Cheng Xiaolin had no plans to stay, so they had no plans to ask Mengmeng for leave and take her with them.

When I told Mengmeng about this, who knew she was still yelling that she didn’t want to go, she wanted to go to school.

After having breakfast at home, Cheng Xiaolin put on milk powder and diapers, woke up her sleeping son, and took Mengmeng to the central primary school in the town with her husband.

Mengmeng is very happy. This is the first time that her mother has come to send her to school.

Cheng Xiaolin watched Mengmeng enter the school, and her mind instantly recalled the time when she went to school as a child.

She also read to Cao Shujie: "Shujie, I remember when we were young, we went to school by ourselves, and we didn't need parents to take us there. Now it's better, we have to pick them up and drop them off every day. It takes up one person and can't do anything."

Cao Shujie drove in the direction of Chengjiapo. Hearing this, he looked at his wife in the rearview mirror, still thinking that I didn't need you to pick her up. What are you complaining about?

His wife and children were all in the car, and it was very early. Cao Shujie was not in a hurry, and the speed was not too fast. He was very steady along the way, and the car seemed very quiet.

Cao Yirui was so tired that he cried at home, but when he was sitting in the car, he didn't make any fuss at all.

My eyes kept looking outside, but it seemed that they were not strong enough.

After more than an hour, they arrived at the door of Chengjiapo's father-in-law's house.

When we came here, there were a few cars parked here, but more of them were electric cars and electric tricycles, as well as a few pedal tricycles.

Cao Shujie glanced over, found a place out of the way, turned the car and stopped: "Honey, get out of the car."

"Wait a moment, I'll change him into a new diaper." Cheng Xiaolin said, "It's a full bag."

When the couple finished their work and got out of the car, someone had already noticed them.

But they couldn't decide who was coming, and no one came.

The next moment, when Cao Shujie and Cheng Xiaolin got out of the car, someone who had been watching not far away immediately recognized them.

"Oh, my eldest daughter Linlin is here, hurry up and greet her."

"It's Xiaolin. I said she will definitely come today."

"It's just that after I came back from the capital, I heard that I was doing better in my hometown than before."

Some of these relatives were familiar to Cao Shujie, but most of them were unfamiliar with them.

But this is not a problem for Cao Shujie.

He carried the things, and his wife Cheng Xiaolin held her son in her arms, and walked to the crowd. When someone came to help pick up the things, Cao Shujie took out his cigarette, started to smoke, and started chatting with them.

His wife had already gone in with her son in her arms.

Some of the neighbors at the mother-in-law's house knew him, but they couldn't call him by his name, so they called out: "Brother-in-law, you are here. Is the road not blocked?"

"Uncle, it's okay, it's not too congested." Cao Shujie handed over another cigarette.

After watching one box of cigarettes being divided, he took out another box from his pocket, tore it open, and divided it into circles again.

In this moment, I blended into the crowd perfectly and started chatting with them.

The sons-in-law of Cheng Rengui and Li Xiaojuan made a fortune growing fruit trees, raising cattle, and opened a large factory in their hometown. This was not a secret at all. Many of them knew that they would be particularly enthusiastic about Cao Shujie.

He also asked him what should be paid attention to when raising cattle and planting fruit trees?

Cao Shujie was not in a hurry to go in and start chatting with everyone.

Let others think that although he has made a fortune, he is still as approachable as before and has not alienated his poor relatives just because he is rich.

"His brother-in-law, are you staying today? If so, let's have two more drinks at noon." A middle-aged man in his forties asked.

Before Cao Shujie could speak, another older-looking man next to him said: "His brother-in-law will be fine even if he drinks. I remember Linlin can drive. If he goes back, it's fine to let Linlin drive."

"You old fool, you didn't see Linlin coming with the child in her arms. If you let her brother-in-law get drunk and Linlin drive, who would look after the child?"

"That's right, there's no clue at all. I only know how to drink all day long. No wonder I haven't seen anything happen even at my age."

There was a noise at the door.

When Cao Shujie saw this situation, he couldn't stay any longer. He quickly said: "We won't be staying today. We have something to do when we go back in the afternoon. The eldest son is also studying at home. It's okay if no one cares about it."

After hearing him mention the boss, everyone in the group stopped talking about drinking.

Cheng Yunping came out of the house at this time. When he saw Cao Shujie, he shouted: "Brother-in-law, I have found you, why don't you go in?"

Just now he saw his sister coming back and waiting, but he didn't see his brother-in-law come in. Cheng Yunping was still puzzled.

His wife asked him to come out and look for her, and then she found his brother-in-law chatting with relatives at the door.

"Wait a minute, I'll say a few words to you guys, and we'll go in right away." As he spoke, Cao Shujie took out two more boxes of cigarettes from his pocket, divided them around, and finally handed the remaining cigarettes in front of him.

An old man followed his brother-in-law Cheng Yunping and walked home together.

The group of people at the door looked at the cigarettes in their hands and the car parked not far away, and they all said good things about Cao Shujie.

"Brother-in-law, you came quite early." Cheng Yunping said.

Cao Shujie said to him: "I didn't ask for leave for Mengmeng this time. When I sent her to school in the morning, your sister and I came here together."

"Yunping, how is your wife's recovery?" he asked.

Cheng Yunping nodded and said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, Yingying is recovering very well. She has also been given postpartum recovery and visits once a week. The doctor said everything is going well."

"Is your son doing well too?"

Cheng Yunping nodded hurriedly: "Brother-in-law, Tianhong is very good at eating. We saw it when we were in the hospital. Other children drank 5 ml or 10 ml of milk at the beginning. He drank at least 20 ml. That's not enough."

Even though he said this, his face was always filled with joy.

Cao Shujie was puzzled and asked him: "Your wife doesn't have enough breast milk?"

If you drink breast milk, why would you go out of your way to measure how much milk you drink?

Cheng Yunping said happily: "That's enough, but Tianhong sometimes can't drink it. I help her suck out the excess, then store it in a special bag and put it in the refrigerator. When she drinks it, I put it in a bottle to heat it for him.


No wonder!

Soon he came to the house.

Cao Shujie still wanted to see this little guy, but seeing many women standing or sitting in the room, he didn't go in to join in the fun.

Father-in-law Cheng Rengui did not go to serve the cattle anymore today. He put on formal clothes and was busy greeting relatives at home.

When he saw him, Cheng Rengui walked over and shouted enthusiastically: "Shujie, come here quickly."

He then introduced the relatives at home to Cao Shujie.

Some of these people had met Cao Shujie, but most of them knew Cao Shujie and had never met him in person. This time they got together through Cheng Yunping's son's full moon wine. When they saw Cao Shujie, they were particularly enthusiastic.

This is also human nature.

At this time, Cao Shujie and his wife Cheng Xiaolin were in the next room, and a dozen middle-aged and elderly women were staying here.

Looking at the little boy Cheng Tianhong sleeping soundly on the crib, they all praised him for being able to eat well.

He also said that with such a good aunt and uncle on the stall, nothing could go wrong in the future.

As soon as Cheng Xiaolin came in just now, she gave the little guy a gold lock, which looked very important.

When Liu Yingying heard what these people said, she also laughed. Maybe she felt the same way.

After all, since the eldest sister and brother-in-law's family became rich, their family has indeed benefited a lot.

Without the care of her eldest sister and brother-in-law, her father-in-law would not be able to raise so many cows.

As for the young couple, although they bought the calf with a loan, they were still favored by the eldest sister's family in the beginning, which she never denied.

Cheng Xiaolin didn't have much reaction to this.

She looked at her nephew sleeping on the crib. After a month of growth, his little face was no longer wrinkled and looked particularly fleshy.

Moreover, this little guy looks very fair, just like his mother Liu Yingying.

"It's pretty good," she said.

"Mom, Dad." Cao Yirui squirmed back and forth in her arms. When he saw his father in the next room, a smile appeared on his little face.

He also stretched out his hands towards Cao Shujie and asked him to hug him.

Even though Cao Yirui was young, he was very strong. Cheng Xiaolin felt that she couldn't hold him, so she quickly called her husband: "Shujie, hold Ruirui for a while."

Cao Shujie heard his wife greeting him and turned around to see his son looking for him.

After saying hello to these relatives, he went over to hug his son from his wife and returned to the crowd to continue chatting.

Seeing the children, several people who were smoking consciously put out their cigarettes and started eating melon seeds.

They always feel awkward without something in their mouths.

Cheng Yunping was also busy greeting the guests who came today.

He had booked 10 banquet tables in advance at the hotel in Dayao Town. Looking at the number today, it felt like it was not enough.

I'm thinking about booking a few more tables when I get to the hotel later.

After 10:30, he called the hotel and told them to prepare two more tables.

In less than 20 minutes, a decommissioned bus drove to the door of Cheng Rengui's house in Chengjiapo. It took most of the people away, and the rest stayed in other people's cars, or rode their own electric bicycles or tricycles.

Go to that side of town.

When Cao Shujie left, he took his wife, children, father-in-law, and mother-in-law with him. His brother-in-law Cheng Yunping followed the bus there in advance and was busy entertaining them.

There are also people who want to ride on Cao Shujie's car.

Although they didn't know what kind of car it was, they thought it looked good when they saw the appearance. However, after they saw Cheng Rengui and Li Xiaojuan get on, the car was full, and the remaining people were too embarrassed to get in and squeeze in.

Dayao Town is not far from Chengjiapo, and Cao Shujie arrived in ten minutes.

"Shujie, Linlin, are you going back this afternoon or staying here?" Li Xiaojuan asked them.

Cao Shujie told his mother-in-law again, and Li Xiaojuan said: "Your dad is stupid and can't speak. I originally thought that if you guys stayed here, you could help greet the guests at noon and you could just go back."

When greeting people, you must accompany them to drink.

If her son-in-law doesn't live here, he will have to find someone else to do the job.

Cheng Xiaolin shouted: "Mom, Shujie still has a lot of things to do. Mengmeng is also at home and no one cares about her. I have to go back and watch her."

Li Xiaojuan originally wanted to say that her biological mother was still at home watching over her?

But she remembered that her daughter said that her mother-in-law and father-in-law were also busy setting up a stall, so she didn't say the rest.

Besides, her son-in-law is a guest today, so he really shouldn't be asked to do this job.

Cao Shujie himself didn't have this idea, he thought it didn't matter.

We are all a family and there are not so many rules.

On the contrary, Cheng Rengui looked very unhappy when he heard his wife belittle him like this.

But he had such an uncontested temperament that even if she muttered a few words, he wouldn't care.

After his wife finished speaking, Cheng Rengui said unconvinced: "How do you know I'm not good?"

"Don't be so harsh, let's see how you behave at noon." Li Xiaojuan said.

Cheng Rengui opened his mouth but stopped talking.

Cao Shujie found it interesting, but Cheng Xiaolin complained on her father's behalf: "Mom, you should change your temper. Stop scratching my dad when there's nothing wrong. He's doing quite well now."

At noon, Cao Shujie helped his father-in-law greet the guests who came today.

When he went to toast, Cao Shujie followed behind with a bottle of wine.

When it comes to talking, his father-in-law always repeats: "You all eat well and drink well. If you don't have enough wine, don't take it. The cigarettes are in the box. Get them yourself."

At this time, it was Cao Shujie's turn to come on the stage and say a few more words to help his father-in-law's face.

Cheng Rengui never stopped hearing praises from relatives and friends about his son-in-law.

This made him very satisfied.

Shencheng, Yi'anju Community.

In the house rented by Cao Huifang, Deng Miaoshan, who came to join her, has been looking for a job this week, but the cruel reality tells her that it is not that easy to find a job that suits her.

Deng Miaoshan has been a little irritable recently. At this time, the thought occasionally flashed through her mind that the job her parents found for her in her hometown, although the income was not high, was stable and the pay was pretty good.

But the moment she took the initiative to resign and break out, she understood that nothing could go back, and she had to grit her teeth and move forward on the path she chose.

Another thing is that she has been living with her good sister, eating her food and living in her room. It was okay at first, but she felt embarrassed if it lasted a little longer.

I was also thinking about whether to discuss with Cao Huifang about sharing the rent and daily meal expenses equally.

In Shencheng, a strange megacity, especially when she had yet to find a stable job, Deng Miaoshan admitted that she was timid and did not have the courage to go out and find a house to live on her own.

Bored, Deng Miaoshan opened her good sister's computer and looked at the video editor her good sister put on the desktop, as well as a folder called 'Video Editing Cheats'. In addition, there was also a video clip that Cao Huifang used to practice.

She learned to edit the videos she edited out of boredom.

Unexpectedly, she became addicted to this learning. She felt that it was not difficult to learn. After getting started, she had all kinds of strange ideas in her mind.

I never thought that videos could be so fun to cut out with various effects in her hands. ()

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