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Chapter 955: Working hard and dying (420.01 million) just now

Cao Shujie smiled but said nothing. The development of Caojiazhuang to this day is due to his various ideas and inputs, but it is also inseparable from the joint efforts of everyone.

If all or most of the village in Caojiazhuang were lazy, they would not be able to develop.

After saying goodbye to Cao Jianlong, Cao Shujie drove to the factory in the town. At the door of the factory, Cao Shujie saw dozens of people standing there. He also asked Lao Cao at the door what they were doing.

"Those who have just come for the interview, Xiao Wang will be here soon to take them to the big training room." Old Man Cao said to Cao Shujie.

"Oh, then let them go quickly. They are still standing in the sun on this hot day. Don't expose their faults." Cao Shujie said.

It's about to enter late June. The highest temperature in the past two days has been close to 38 degrees. Today's temperature is even higher than last year. People will sweat after standing outside for a while.

"Hey, boss, I'm going to call Xiao Wang right now." Old Man Cao turned around and went to the security room to make a call.

But before the call was made, Wang Lu, who was in charge of chores in the human resources department, was already walking this way from the office building.

She also held a clip in her hand. Perhaps when she saw Cao Shujie's car parked at the door, she changed from walking slowly to trotting.

When he came to Cao Shujie's car, he called out to the boss nervously.

"Xiao Wang, it's too hot. Take these applicants to the big training room first and get them a bottle of water. If you have anything to say, tell her there." Cao Shujie told her.

Wang Lu agreed one by one.

Cao Shujie then drove towards the parking lot.

The people waiting for the job at the door listened to the title Wang Lu just shouted, and then listened to what Cao Shujie said, they realized that the driver just now was their future boss.

This boss has such a kind heart.

On such a hot day, Cao Shujie couldn't bear the thought of going around his own territory again.

He came to the office, blew on the air conditioner, looked at the documents waiting for approval on his desk, and started working again.

But before he finished his work, his cell phone rang.

Looking at Guan Guotai's mobile phone number, Cao Shujie wondered, what's going on?

He worked overtime at the company until the evening a few days ago. He had just updated the last version of the "cooperative model broken into parts" and resent it to Guan Guotai, who then asked Guan Guotai to pass it on to Wang Qinghui. Logically speaking, the matter was settled.

"Isn't it possible?" Cao Shujie pondered, clicked the green icon with his thumb, and answered Guan Guotai's call.

"Director Guan, good morning." Cao Shujie greeted Guan Guotai with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Guan Guotai ask him: "Xiao Cao, do you have time? If you have time, come to Quancheng."

"The leader wants to talk to you face to face," he said.

Cao Shujie instantly felt like he had stepped up to the next level.

He asked when?

When he heard Guan Guotai say that the sooner the better, Cao Shujie looked at the work at hand and then looked at the time. It was still less than nine o'clock.

These tasks will have to be postponed later.

"Director Guan, let me explain the work and leave now," he said.

"Okay!" Guan Guotai asked Cao Shujie to call him when he arrived in Quancheng.

Putting the hung up cell phone aside, Cao Shujie hurriedly processed the document at hand, then called Song Baoming and asked him to drive him to Quancheng.

Before she left, Shi Jingxiu, senior manager of the production department, knocked on the door and came in. After seeing Cao Shujie, she wanted to talk to him about some production matters.

"Manager Shi, we can't do it today. I just received a call from the province. I have to go there for something urgent. Please wait until I come back." Cao Shujie told her.

When the boss said that there must be something urgent, Shi Jingxiu nodded and went out again.

Song Baoming drove Cao Shujie to Quancheng before half past ten.

Cao Shujie called Guan Guotai again and asked where he was going. Guan Guotai responded affirmatively and asked him to go to the office building.

"I'll wait for you at the door." Guan Guotai said to him.

Cao Shujie thought to himself that he could make the deputy leader wait, how awesome!

When Cao Shujie came over, he saw Guan Guotai standing at the door before he got out of the car.

Many people passing by stopped to say hello and chat with Guan Guotai.

Until Cao Shujie's car came over and stopped in the parking area not far from the door, he got out of the car and walked towards Guan Guotai.

Guan Guotai also ended his chat with the others and stretched out his hand to greet him: "Xiao Cao, this way."

When the others heard Guan Guotai's call, they all looked at Cao Shujie, thinking that this was a descendant of Secretary-General Guan's family?

But before they could figure it out, Guan Guotai said again: "Hurry up and leave. The leader has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Leader?" Many people were down.

They know that the leader Guan Guotai talks about can only be Comrade Wang Qinghui!

But Wang Qinghui is waiting for this young man in front of him?

Why don’t you believe it so much!

Many people can't figure it out, and some people think Cao Shujie looks familiar, but they just can't remember where they saw him.

While they were thinking about this question and trying to find the answer, Guan Guotai had already taken Cao Shujie in.

The people behind looked at the backs of the two of them, whispering, wondering who the young man was just now?

"I don't know him, but the license plate is from Yiling City. Who is he?" Someone also spotted Cao Shujie's car.

Driving a Range Rover costing more than 3 million yuan, although it is not a top-notch luxury car here in Quancheng, it is certainly not an unknown person.

When someone heard the key word 'Yiling City', several scenes suddenly flashed in his mind. He said 'Ouch' and shouted: "I remembered it, why did Secretary Wang look so familiar?"

You must have visited his company."


"What's the name of that person who produces preserved fruits?" A middle-aged man patted his head.

He also said with some annoyance: "The words are on my lips, but I can't remember them."

"Cao...what is Cao doing?"

There were also people nearby who were slightly impressed.

"Director Guan, didn't I give you all the plans? What did Uncle Wang ask me to do again?" Cao Shujie wondered.

Guan Guotai's brain twitched as he heard him address Wang Qinghui, thinking how dare you call him.

But thinking about Wang Qinghui's attitude towards Cao Shujie, he did not correct this problem: "Who told you to write so well? This time it is very operable. The leader asked me to call you over and ask you some questions in person.

As for the details, if it works, the experimental fields may be promoted in the second half of this year.”

Cao Shujie never thought that what he wrote would one day be promoted throughout the province, and he would be lying if he said he was not excited.

I never thought that he would reach this level one day.

Walking all the way to the door of Wang Qinghui's office, Guan Guotai knocked on the door and led him in.

At this time, some people also saw them entering Wang Qinghui's office, but they didn't think much about it.

Too many people go to Wang Qinghui every day to ask for instructions on work.

Let's say that when Cao Shujie saw Wang Qinghui again, he was stunned.

It’s not that Wang Qinghui’s official authority made him speechless, but that he was troubled by Wang Qinghui’s gray hair.

"Uncle Wang, why haven't you dyed your hair?" he asked bravely.

Guan Guotai became nervous, as if he didn't expect Cao Shujie to be so concerned about his leader's 'private affairs'.

But Wang Qinghui didn't care at all. He asked Cao Shujie to sit down with a smile, and then raised his hand to brush his hair: "Where can I have time? I am so busy every day that I don't even have time to eat."

"Besides, there are still a lot of things that haven't been resolved. I'm so worried that I can't sleep. It's useless to dye my hair. It will turn gray again in a short time. It's not as good as this. It reminds me that I don't have much time left and I have to hurry up.

Isn’t it good to live like this?” Wang Qinghui said easily.

He didn't take 'death' seriously at all, and he had a free and easy spirit.

Cao Shujie felt a little moved when he heard this. Ninety-nine percent of him believed that what Wang Qinghui said was true.

Wang Qinghui's status is too high, there is no need to deal with him.

But the more this happened, Cao Shujie felt that his nose was a little sore.

"Dedicate yourself to the best of your ability until you die!"

These are the 8 words that flashed in Cao Shujie’s mind.

"Uncle Wang, thank you for your hard work!" Cao Shujie said subconsciously.

After Wang Qinghui heard this, he burst into laughter: "You are the only one who dares to call me 'Uncle Wang', but you are not coquettish and your words are to my liking."

"Cathay, go make a pot of good tea and tell the others that we won't be welcoming you this morning." Wang Qinghui turned to Guan Guotai and said.

This means that Wang Qinghui has very important things to do in the next time, and no one else will be seen.

Guan Guotai nodded and went to make tea first.

After he finished his work, he poured a cup of tea for Wang Qinghui and Cao Shujie, went outside again, closed the door ajar, and stood at the door.

When someone comes over and wants to report to Wang Qinghui, he will explain to them that the leader is busy.

Guan Guotai is personally waiting here. Everyone understands what he means, and no one is so stubborn that he insists on going in to see Wang Qinghui.

But they were also curious, who was Wang Qinghui seeing?

What are you busy with again?

In Wang Qinghui's office, he didn't hesitate. He took a thick printed document from the side and asked Cao Shujie straight to the point: "Xiao Cao, I have read the document you sent to Cathay Pacific. It is very detailed.

, and everything was explained very clearly, but I’m still a little confused.”

He pointed at the contents of the document, especially the places he had marked, and singled them out one by one to ask Cao Shujie what they meant.

After Cao Shujie read it, he immediately understood what the problem was.

Although Wang Qinghui often goes to the lower levels and is very down-to-earth, he most likely has been away from the grassroots level for too long and still does not understand some things comprehensively.

Cao Shujie told him everything one by one, and Wang Qinghui also listened carefully. From time to time, he would interrupt Cao Shujie and ask him some questions.

This is a more intuitive way to understand the living conditions of the people at the bottom. Combined with what Cao Shujie said before about the reasons why the Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperation and Agricultural Planting Cooperatives cannot be implemented, Wang Qinghui is very satisfied with the new set of cooperation methods given to him by Cao Shujie.

The 'cooperative model' has a clearer understanding and positioning.

One of them asked, the other explained, and they cooperated perfectly.

During this period, Cao Shujie poured tea for Wang Qinghui three times.

This is either a big teapot with big shoulders or a very delicate Kung Fu teapot. When there is no water, Cao Shujie takes the initiative to add water.

When Guan Guotai came in again, he saw Cao Shujie busy pouring water, and Wang Qinghui gestured as if talking to himself.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the leader really looked up to Cao Shujie.

Apart from Cao Shujie, which other young person is treated like Cao Shujie?

Wang Qinghui said something out of nowhere: "Shujie, if I follow what you said, everything will make sense."

"I think your plan is very reliable, very practical, and more operable. I plan to find a place to implement it and test it." Wang Qinghui said whatever he wanted to Cao Shujie.

Although Cao Shujie's plan has been done very well, has almost no loopholes, and is highly operable, Wang Qinghui still does not focus on promoting it. He wants to do a test field first.

If there is no problem, then we can fully promote it in the province.

This kind of thing is done step by step, and it won't be impossible in three to five years.

"Uncle Wang, feel free to experiment. If anything goes wrong, I'll take care of it." Cao Shujie patted his chest, looking very loyal.

Regardless of whether he could succeed or not, at least this attitude made Wang Qinghui feel confident.

"Okay, if the people lose money then, I will let you take the blame and come out to clean up the mess." Wang Qinghui also laughed.

Guan Guotai was in a daze. He hadn't seen Wang Qinghui smile so naturally for a long time.

As for Wang Qinghui's suggestion of letting Cao Shujie know the truth, Guan Guotai thought it was a good thing from the bottom of his heart. Most people were not treated like Cao Shujie.

Can the leader really make Cao Shujie suffer?

Even Guan Guotai felt that it was a good thing that Cao Shujie suffered some losses in leadership matters.

"Cathay, go and make arrangements for dinner. Shujie has been talking to me all morning and he hasn't eaten anything yet. If he goes out with such a big mouth and lets others know that he doesn't even have a meal to work for me, my

Wouldn’t my reputation be ruined?" Wang Qinghui said with a smile.

"Ah ha ha!"

Guan Guotai nodded and asked where his arrangements were.

When Cao Shujie heard this, he first said: "Uncle Wang, just keep it simple. It's good to just have a work meal."

"What? You kid, you think I'm treating you to a big meal?" Wang Qinghui looked like you were overthinking.

He said: "My little salary is not enough for you to make a meal."

"I also heard that you donated a batch of air conditioners to your local school some time ago. It's really good." Wang Qinghui had an approving smile on his face.

"Since you want to have a work lunch, that's fine too."

Wang Qinghui turned to look at Guan Guotai: "Guan Guotai, go and bring the food to the office. I'm too lazy to move."

Cao Shujie said happily: "I have to eat it. I haven't eaten your work meal yet. I will try it today."

Guan Guotai thought to himself that this should be the best arrangement for Wang Qinghui's treat, right?

He went out to arrange a work meal.

Cao Shujie told Wang Qinghui again about the donation of air conditioners from their factory.

He really didn't expect that such a trivial matter would fall into Wang Qinghui's ears.

This made him sigh: "If you don't leave home, you will know the world."

But on the other hand, Cao Shujie also thought that Wang Qinghui really took too much care of him. He had so many things to do, but he still knew about this little thing!

"Although your original intention was a bit selfish, your approach was very good." The smile on Wang Qinghui's face never broke.

He said: "This is our fault in our work. There are still many shortcomings, but there is nothing we can do. There are too many things and too little money. Everything has to be done step by step."

Cao Shujie believes in this. It can be seen with the naked eye that many basic things are being gradually improved.

If you observe carefully, you will find that there is a new change every year.

But Wang Qinghui also expressed emotion: "It would be great if there were more entrepreneurs like you in the society!" ()

This chapter has been completed!
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