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Chapter 959 The top scorer in the college entrance examination (800.01 million)

In addition, four foundries including Blue Moon Electronics Factory, Cuiccan Technology, Xingguang Electrical Appliances and Hongchuan Electronics Factory received calls from Cao Shuxu and Xu Daihua requesting that they continue to add 30% of the original orders, and they quickly passed the small batch orders.

Once production is stabilized, mass production begins.

In fact, when they saw the new product, they also realized how much impact this new product had on the current data line market.

However, they followed the spirit of cooperation and strictly implemented confidentiality measures. They also required all employees in the factory to keep confidentiality at this stage. Those who dare to leak secrets will be severely punished.

Everything is going on quietly, just waiting for an explosive point.

As for when this breaking point will come, Cao Shuxu and Xu Daihua don't know yet, so they can only take it one step at a time.

Cheng Xiaolin is a true activist. Cao Shujie just mentioned the live broadcast to her, so she went ahead with it.

The equipment is all ready-made. Her husband has more than a dozen mobile phones that have not been given away yet. There is no need to buy them at all. They even have selfie sticks.

However, she still needs to buy two more large-sized power banks to ensure that her mobile phone is not charged during the live broadcast.

As for the lack of people on hand, Cheng Xiaolin was not worried. She wanted to go into battle in person first to gain experience in this area.

Anyway, we are introducing the children’s theme park and Mengmeng Orchard in Caojiazhuang.

In Cheng Xiaolin's view, the more than 2,000 acres of orchards of the agricultural planting cooperative must be moved to the back, and big things are not as important as their family's things.

As for selling goods through live broadcast, Cheng Xiaolin also has ideas in mind.

Naturally, the preserved fruits, fruit wine and juice produced by their factory must be ranked first.

After a while, the kiwi fruits in the orchard can actually be sold, but compared with the tens of thousands of visitors to the orchard now, the kiwi fruits in their orchard are not enough to sell.

Kiwis from agricultural planting cooperatives can be sold through this channel.

Their deer blood wine can also be sold through this channel.

It's still early, don't be in a hurry, just take your time.

Cheng Xiaolin wrote down what she planned to do next. She really regarded this matter as her own career.

She is still young. She is only 33 years old this year. She is in the best years of her life. Is it possible that the family has enough money to settle down?

When Cheng Xiaolin started to be busy with these things, Cao Shujie was not that busy.

Especially after his grandfather comes over, after Cao Shujie walks the dog in the morning and exercises, he always walks around with his grandfather, and sometimes uses a wheelchair to push him around twice.

It can be seen that his grandfather's current physical condition is actually not as good as before, which is normal. He is 87 years old this year, and he will cross the threshold of 90 years old in three years. For Cao Shujie, what is the right thing for him?

Grandpa’s body has tonics, so he will buy them as much as he can.

There is a saying that goes well, anything that can be solved with money is nothing.

Cao Shujie felt that it didn't matter how much money he spent to help his grandfather live a few more years.

The sika deer he bred in the orchard, Cao Shuchao is leading people to cut off the heads and harvest the two-striped antlers in the past few days. This is a good thing and the most nutritious one.

After processing and cutting the velvet antler into slices, Cao Shujie gave his grandfather the best full-wax slices and told his grandfather to take one slice every few days. Although it was a good thing, he shouldn't eat too much.

This is considered traditional Chinese medicine. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, there is also a word called deficiency that cannot be replenished.

In addition to these things, there is another thing worth celebrating for Caojiazhuang.

Cao Jianlong mentioned to Cao Shujie before that Caojiazhuang has 6 college entrance examination students this year, and two of them think they did pretty well in the exam.

These two people are Cao Hongzhao, the son of Cao Jiancheng in Caojiazhuang, and Cao Yuting, the eldest daughter of Cao Shujin.

There had been no results before, and they didn't know what the final result would be.

The results finally came out two days ago, and they did live up to their efforts.

Cao Hongzhao scored 635 points.

Cao Yuting was even more outrageous, scoring 687 points.

Cao Yuting's score is the highest among all the students in Caojiazhuang who have participated in the college entrance examination so far, and she can be regarded as the top scorer in the college entrance examination in her village.

After Cao Jianlong told Cao Shujie about this, the two immediately decided to give them a good celebration.

However, neither Cao Jiancheng nor Cao Shujin felt that the child had not filled out the application form yet. They wanted the child to calm down for two days. After filling in the application form and getting the application results, it would not be too late to celebrate.


As parents, they are very considerate.

At the critical moment, they don't want their children to have external things like celebrating awards affect their own considerations.

After Cao Jianlong conveyed their ideas to Cao Shujie, Cao Shujie readily agreed.

He also felt that Cao Jiancheng and Cao Shujin made the right decision.

Applying for school is related to their future, and it is also a major event that cannot be ignored.

Before I knew it, June ended quietly.

This month is no different for many people. The only concern is that some areas in the country have experienced the highest temperature this year, 40 degrees.

There are also reports in the news that an outdoor worker in a certain place died of heat stroke due to high temperatures.

Cao Shujie couldn't bear it every time he saw news like this, but he also knew that his ability was limited and he couldn't control so much.

Under such circumstances, Cao Shujie pays more attention to prevention work in the areas under his control.

On the two days when the temperature was the highest, Cao Shujie directly closed the children's theme park and Mengmeng Orchard. During the rest of the time, he also carried out relevant cooling and heatstroke prevention work.

When visitors feel unwell, they can quickly go to the lounge to enjoy the air conditioning, take some medicine to cool down and relieve the heat, and prepare homemade ice cream. A large freezer is filled with popsicles, puddings, etc.

There is also mung bean soup that can relieve heat and detoxify.

The key point is that all of these are free and open to the public and given to those who need them.

This should be a trivial matter, but Cao Shujie did not expect that some tourists would find it very heart-warming. It was also the first time for them to encounter such a comprehensive scenic spot, and the care given to them here was subtle and not publicized, making them feel very comfortable.


When the time has entered July, the production of Xuemeng Food Factory is still continuing.

Especially Wang Shouzhi and the other six who left after the Lantern Festival this year established six regional offices.

In the past five months, from the initial selection of a location to rent an office space, to the recruitment and expansion of the team, to the rapid training, the newly recruited people were able to start their work and achieved obvious results.

In the context of the overall market downturn, Xuemeng Food Factory's sales have increased significantly after a lapse of five months.

The good news coming from various offices one after another makes people feel happy.

At the same time, the Human Resources Department of Xuemeng Food Factory is also busy with the company’s upcoming semi-annual general meeting.

The busiest department at this stage is undoubtedly the Finance Department.

The boss wants the company's key data for the first half of the year. After each department submits the report, it will finally fall to the finance side for implementation and summary.

Hu Youcai, the manager of the financial department, has been working overtime recently to collect statistics on various aspects.

According to the time plan given to him by Wang Zhifeng, the manager of the human resources department, the company's all-staff meeting was initially scheduled to be held on July 8, which meant that before then, they had to prepare the data and give it to the boss.

Cao Shujie was not in a hurry. In the past few days, apart from sending his daughter to school, exercising with his grandfather and playing with his son, he spent the rest of his time in the factory.

The employees of Xuemeng Food Factory also found that their boss changed factories more frequently during this period.

And they often see the boss walking around in the factory area.

When he sees someone who is not busy, Cao Shujie will go over and chat with them for a while. This small gesture also makes many employees feel that their boss is more approachable than before.

On this day, when Cao Shujie was walking around the factory as usual, the cell phone in his trouser pocket rang. Cao Shujie took it out and saw that it was Liu Furong calling him.

Thinking about Liu Furong, this was the first time he called him since he got a promotion and salary increase and went to work in Chengguan Town.

He was thinking about the purpose of Liu Furong calling him. Was he asking for help? Or was he just catching up on old times?

The next moment, Cao Shujie answered the phone and called Secretary Liu.

"Director Cao, how are you doing lately?" came Liu Furong's greeting, and the two chatted on the phone like old friends they hadn't seen for many years.

Liu Furong talked about what happened after he arrived in Chengguan Town.

The beginning of June passed, and now it is exactly one month.

When he first arrived, Liu Furong got off to a bad start. There was no one there and he didn't know much about Chengguan Town. His work was stumbling and unsatisfactory.

But because he has the full support of Xia Zhenjiang, the member of the Standing Committee of Pingyuan County and the head of the County Propaganda Department, and because he is also a leader at the level of senior deputy director, some people have complaints about him coming to pick peaches halfway, but

Dare to be angry but dare not speak.

Yes, in the eyes of some people in Chengguan Town, Liu Furong is also the one who comes to pick peaches.

There are always some people who feel that they have worked hard in Chengguan Town without complaint. After the original owner of the chair above moves, it will definitely belong to him.

Some old natives in Chengguan Town thought so too, but they didn't expect that Liu Furong, an outsider, would occupy the dove's nest.

Naturally, I felt a little dissatisfied.

But in the face of established facts, some people can only suppress their thoughts in their hearts and dare not express them.

But in terms of behavior, there is no trace of dragging one's feet and being passive in work.

Liu Furong is also an old bastard, how could he not see it, but there is nothing he can do for the time being.

Liu Furong's call to Cao Shujie this time was not to seek help for investment. He simply wanted to find a friend who could talk to him.

He has been under too much pressure lately and always wants to find someone to talk to.

When he was thinking about who to call, he opened the address book on his mobile phone and scrolled from top to bottom. Liu Furong sadly found that there were very few people who could talk at this moment.

Cao Shujie is the most eye-catching one.

Hearing Liu Furong say this, Secretary Cao felt very comfortable.

To be honest, he doesn't take a deputy division cadre seriously now, but just as Liu Furong regards him as a friend, Cao Shujie thinks this 50-year-old old man is also very interesting.

"Is Secretary Liu free? Looking for a place to have a drink?" Cao Shujie asked him.

I have nothing to do, so I just want to hang out together.

This played right into Liu Furong's wish.

He originally had this intention, and was worried that Cao Shujie was busy recently, so he didn't have the nerve to mention it just now.

Liu Furong told Cao Shujie that a special dog meat hot pot restaurant had just opened in Chengguan Town. Cao Shujie salivated when he heard it and was not polite. He called the driver Song Baoming to drive him to the county.

When he met Liu Furong, Cao Shujie was surprised. They hadn't seen each other for only a month, but Liu Furong was thinner than he remembered.

What kind of pressure caused him to lose so much weight quickly at an age when he should have gained weight?

It's incredible.

At this time, Cao Shujie realized the extent of the great pressure Liu Furong said on the phone.

This line of work isn’t very easy either.

The wine is a very ordinary Pingyuan Tequ.

Liu Furong poured a glass for Cao Shujie, and after waiting for the food to be served, the two of them ate dog meat hot pot and drank slowly.

When Liu Furong talked about the nonsense that happened in Chengguan Town, it was definitely not as easy as in Qingshi Town.

After all, he has been operating in Qingshi Town for so many years and has laid the foundation for all aspects of relationships, but Chengguan Town is a very unfamiliar new map to him.

He needs to reorganize the relationship here and cultivate a group of talents who can be used by him.

"Director Cao, you don't know. It was only after I came to Chengguan Town that I discovered that the problems here are very serious." After a glass of wine, Liu Furong began to complain about the bad things here.

According to Liu Furong, Chengguan Town has always been the only important economic development town in Pingyuan County. For a long time, Chengguan Town has not been enterprising and has no innovation at all.

Enterprises are in vain.

It's just that the overall economic development of Pingyuan County is not good. In order to stabilize the superficial data, the county has been allocating resources to Chengguan Town.

In the past, this problem was not obvious, but now there is a rising star Qingshi Town chasing and intercepting it. By comparison, Chengguan Town seems to be defeated.

Liu Furong came from Qingshi Town, and he knew better that Qingshi Town had surpassed Chengguan Town to some extent.

"You really shouldn't have come." Liu Furong whispered.

What he got was a mess.

Even his predecessor Xia Zhenjiang was in a mess.

Cao Shujie smiled and told Liu Furong that if he could develop Chengguan Town well, he would be capable, and he might be able to take this a step further.

"Oh, I don't dare think about it." Liu Furong was not fooled by Cao Shujie's words.

There are only a few people at this level in the entire Pingyuan County, and it is a stroke of luck that he has reached this stage.

At his age, thinking about climbing up the ladder without any background is already wishful thinking.

Holding the wine glass, Liu Furong looked at Cao Shujie across from him and said, "Director Cao, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't even be able to get to this position in my life. Zhengke is already my ceiling."

He knew this very clearly. Without a larger background, it would have been difficult for Liu Furong to reach the level of a senior party official in Qingshi Town.

Being able to go one step further at the last moment is beyond his previous imagination. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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