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Chapter 982 Cooperative kiwi picking (400.01 million)

The unexpected death of Cao Jianping is a very sad thing.

Especially after Cao Jianping's death, it was even more difficult for his family.

When Cao Shujie went to bed at night, he closed his eyes for almost half an hour and still didn't fall asleep.

Seeing that his wife and son were already asleep, Cao Shujie put on his clothes again and went to the small room outside, where he sat on the sofa and lost consciousness.

I stayed up until midnight and fell asleep on the sofa.

Fortunately, it's summer and the temperature is high, so it doesn't matter if I sleep without covering myself.

"Shujie, wake up." In his sleep, Cao Shujie was woken up by his wife. Seeing that it was still dark outside, Cao Shujie rubbed his eyes in confusion and sat up.

"Why are you sleeping outside? I just woke up to change Ruirui's diapers, and then I saw that you were not in the bed." Cheng Xiaolin said.

Normally, Cheng Xiaolin would feel it if her husband was not in bed.

But I just came back from the capital yesterday. After a long journey and a long journey, and having to look after the two children, Cheng Xiaolin was very tired and fell into a deep sleep.

When she found that her husband was not in bed, and after waiting for a while, no one came back. When she went out to look for him anxiously, she saw her husband lying on the sofa under the moonlight.

Cao Shujie sighed and said, "I'm thinking about Uncle Jianping's family."

"He left unexpectedly, but he left an old lady and a child in junior high school behind. How fucked!" Cao Shujie felt mixed emotions.

"What can we do? Everything has happened. We can only face the consequences." Cheng Xiaolin was very calm.

She also said to her husband: "It's only around 2 o'clock now. You go to bed first. If you have anything to do, wait until dawn to discuss it, okay?"

This is a bit like coaxing a child. Cao Shujie is doing this now, and he obediently goes back to bed to sleep.

At around 5 o'clock, it was already dark outside. Cao Shujie got up and went downstairs. After washing, he took the dog to the east dam.

There was no one else on the dam except him today, and it seemed particularly quiet.

Cao Shujie loosened the leashes of the four dogs and watched them running back and forth around. Cao Shujie sat on the ground and did not run.

As the trees swayed, gusts of wind blew, making people feel a little cooler in this hot summer.

Cao Shujie looked at the Yellow River in the east, wondering where his mind had gone.

The four dogs kept running around, and when they saw Cao Shujie sitting still, they didn't run far away. They played happily for a while, and then ran back to Cao Shujie.

"Oh wow!" Daha leaned over and called out, attracting Cao Shujie's attention. He rubbed his dog's head against Cao Shujie's body, and then called out a few more times.

Erha and the others followed suit. Cao Shujie felt a lot better when he saw these four dogs coming to relieve his boredom.

After coming down from the dam and returning home, Cao Shujie first washed the dirt and grass clippings from the four dogs with water pipes, and then went upstairs to take new clothes to take a bath.

The original plan was to visit the factory today, but because his mother mentioned Cao Jianping's incident last night, Cao Shujie had no intention of going to the factory.

As the village director of Caojiazhuang and the next village party secretary of Caojiazhuang, he thought that at this time, he should visit the late Cao Jianping's home.

He told his mother that he wanted to bring something over, but Wang Yuelan told him that it was superfluous to bring anything at this time, so it was better to just bring some money over.

Cao Shujie thought about it and realized that his mother was right. He went upstairs to ask his wife for 2,000 yuan in cash.

Cheng Xiaolin said nothing and handed him the cash: "Go, Sister Shuangshuang is a poor child."

When she was still young, her mother died of illness.

Who knew that just after entering junior high school, her father Cao Jianping died again.

Now I live with my only relative, my grandma.

She's still a teenager!

"It's okay, there is still Caojiazhuang." Cao Shujie said with a smile.

At this time, Cheng Xiaolin noticed that the expression on her husband's face softened much.

"Shujie, you go early and come back early." Cheng Xiaolin asked him.

Cao Shujie responded, came out of home, and walked south without riding an electric bike. He swung his legs and walked south.

Cao Jianping's home is located in the southernmost section of Caojiazhuang, the second alley to the west, and the fifth home from the bottom from south to north.

Cao Shujie came here several times with his father when he was a child. Later, because he went to school and worked outside, he came less frequently.

When he returned to Caojiazhuang this time, Cao Jianping was very supportive in all aspects. No one expected that such an accident would happen, but this time it was a yin and yang.

On the way, Cao Shujie met several people, including Gao Changyin, the village accountant who lived in the south.

"Director Cao, when did you come back?" Gao Changyin greeted him.

"I just came back yesterday and heard about Uncle Jianping. I came over today to have a look," he said.

When Gao Changyin heard Cao Shujie mention this, he also sighed: "Who knew such an accident would happen?"

But things have already happened and people are gone. What we are thinking about now is how to avoid this kind of thing in the future?

"Uncle Yin, please call Uncle Jianlong later. Let's meet at the village committee office to discuss safety issues. We must not let the same thing happen again." Cao Shujie said to Gao Changyin.

He didn't mean to joke.

Gao Changyin also knew the seriousness of the matter. He said, "Okay, I'll call Secretary Jianlong now."

Gao Changyin followed Cao Shujie. Before he reached Cao Jianping's house, he had already dialed Cao Jianlong's phone and explained the situation to him. When he learned that Cao Shujie was on his way to Cao Jianping's house, Cao Jianlong told Gao Changyin that he would also go there.

After hanging up the phone, Gao Changyin said to Cao Shujie: "Director Cao, Secretary Jianlong said he will be here soon."

Just come, it's not a big deal.

Walk forward for more than ten meters and stop in front of a door.

There are two 40-centimeter-high cylindrical stone pillars at the door, and the door is pitch black.

All the couplets and red blessing characters originally posted on the door of this house were torn off and yellow paper cut into a rectangle was pasted on them.

The door was ajar, and faint cries could be heard at the door. The cries were intermittent, as if they were being suppressed deliberately.

Gao Changyin obviously knew about this. He told Cao Shujie: "This is Jianping's daughter Shuangshuang crying."

"This is a poor child."

Cao Shujie didn't say anything, and the two of them went in together. Gao Changyin shouted at the gate: "Is Aunt Qiu at home?"

"Who is it?" A feeble voice came from the house, and then an old lady with gray hair appeared at the door of the house.

Her face is full of sorrow, and there is no sparkle in her eyes. She is widowed in middle age, and in her later years she meets a man with white hair and a man with black hair. It can be said that she has experienced all the pain in life.

When he saw her, Cao Shujie shouted: "Grandma Qiu, it's me, Cao Shujie."

"Oh, Shujie, why are you here? Hurry up and sit in the room." Zheng Qiu said.

"Changyin, why are you here?" She also saw Gao Changyin standing at the door.

He came quickly from the door of the main hall, walking not very fast.

Seeing how she was walking tremblingly, Cao Shujie walked a few steps quickly and held her arm: "Grandma Qiu, please walk slowly."

"Oh, I'm getting old." Zheng Qiu sighed.

She should have rested, but now she had to stand up again.

Cao Shujie helped her into the main room and saw an enlarged black and white photo on the west wall of the main room. That was Cao Jianping.

He said: "Grandma Qiu, I just came back from outside. I heard my mother talk about this last night. I thought about it and came over to take a look. You..."

While speaking, Cao Shujie clearly felt that Zheng Qiu had grabbed his hand. The old hand, which looked like it was wrapped in orange peel, suddenly exerted force and squeezed his hand tightly, leaving several red marks and hard nails.

He scratched the flesh on the back of Cao Shujie's hand.

But Cao Shujie didn't say a word, held Zheng Qiu's hand and comforted her.

Shuangshuang's muffled cries were heard in the room again, and Cao Shujie followed them. In the next room, the light was dim, and the cries came from there.

"Shuangshuang, come out and see who's coming to see you." Zheng Qiu heard her granddaughter's cry and let go of Cao Shujie's hand, going to call her granddaughter.

Cao Shuangshuang stopped crying and opened the door first. When she saw Cao Shujie and Gao Changyin, she silently walked to stand behind her grandma without calling anyone.

Cao Shujie looked at her, her eyes were red and swollen from crying, her whole body was listless, and she was in a very wrong state.

Knowing this must have hit her hard.

But we still have to face reality.

"Shuangshuang, I am your brother Jie." Cao Shujie looked at her and tried to make his voice calmer. He said: "Things have happened. You have to be strong, take care of yourself, and take care of your grandma."

"If you encounter something that can't be solved, you can call me, send me a text message, or come to see me at home. Just don't keep silent, okay?"

When Cao Shujie asked, Cao Shuangshuang took her father's mobile phone and applied for a mobile phone card for herself to facilitate contact.

He gave her his mobile phone number and WeChat and asked her to add him as a friend.

Looking at the WeChat name "Little Bird with Broken Wings", Cao Shujie felt panicked. This child is suffering too much.

There was nothing more to say about this kind of thing. After Cao Shujie chatted with them for a while, before leaving, he left the 2,000 yuan in cash he brought with him to Mrs. Zheng Qiu.

Zheng Qiu originally wanted nothing, but Cao Shujie persuaded her to accept it. The old lady supported Cao Shujie and started crying again.

At this time, Cao Shuangshuang knew to comfort her grandma, which made Cao Shujie feel very relieved when she saw it.

Just after I came out of Cao Jianping's house, I met Cao Jianlong riding an electric bike before he had gone far.

The three of them met, and Cao Jianlong stopped riding his bicycle and pushed them together toward the Caojiazhuang Village Committee.

On the way, Cao Shujie was still talking about safety, but he felt that the village had neglected to publicize this aspect.

They are bungalows, and every household has a roof. They used to dry grain on the roof, but now they dry some dried fruits on the roof. I have never heard of anyone falling off the roof.

"Uncle Long, I think we must pay attention to this matter. I am considering asking Brother Chao to go door-to-door to publicize it in person. We must tell them the importance of safety. This kind of thing cannot happen again." Cao Shujie said.

Not only Caojiazhuang, he also thought that when he went to the company, the company would have to publicize it again.

"Okay, it should be like this. I'm used to working. I think nothing will happen, but I don't know it will be serious if something happens." Cao Jianlong also felt a pain in his head.

He didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"In addition, Uncle Jianping is gone, but the old lady and her daughter are left behind. Our village committee must also attach great importance to this matter, and we must not let anyone bully others." Cao Shujie thought of this incident and specifically explained.

For a moment.

Cao Jianlong told him: "Shujie, don't worry, we will definitely pay attention to this. If something like that happens, we will stop it as soon as possible."

Cao Shujie believed that Cao Jianlong must have thought more carefully than he did, so he didn't mention it further.

Then we talked about how the agricultural planting cooperative in Caojiazhuang was preparing to pick kiwi fruits.

During this period, the kiwi fruits of the cooperative have matured one after another. Cao Jianlong, Zhu Hongwei, and Zhuang Xuejian have met in advance to discuss the next step of picking.

Cao Shujie was not around during those days, and since they had the experience from last year, they did not have to wait for Cao Shujie to come back.

After listening to what he said, Cao Shujie told him to just start attracting people to the cooperative's orchards.

"Uncle Long, I'm not here sometimes. You can act flexibly. There's no need to wait for me to come back." Cao Shujie has too many things to do.

Cao Jianlong also meant this.

"We have organized people to promote it in the past few days. Our picking last year was also very successful. Some customers also trust us. In addition, this year's price is not too high..."

"How much does it cost?" Cao Shujie asked.

Cao Jianlong told him that the price was 2 yuan higher than last year, and the picking price was 14 yuan per kilogram, equivalent to 12 yuan per kilogram.

This price is twice as high as the retail price of ordinary varieties of kiwifruit on the market, but as an improved variety, it tastes good and is rich in nutrients, plus the joy of picking, the price is indeed not high.

Cao Shujie didn't say anything else. He asked Cao Jianlong what feedback the people who came to play had on the price?

"It's okay. There are not many people going to pick in the orchards these two days. We have three villages doing it at the same time, and the profit is not bad." Cao Jianlong said.

This year, like last year, the Caojiazhuang Village Committee collects the money uniformly, and finally distributes the money according to their respective amounts. Each family is responsible for serving tourists in their own orchards, and there is no need to worry about other things.

In this area, everyone divides the work and cooperates, and they are all familiar with it, and no one says a word to it.

Cao Shujie warned Cao Jianlong again: "Jianlongshu, this kind of thing just happened at Uncle Jianping's place. No one is looking at his orchard. We have to arrange good people."

"You don't have to say this, Shujie, just don't worry, I will arrange such small things." Cao Jianlong said.

He is not a vegetarian either.

Before I knew it, the whole morning passed.

After waiting for Cao Zhengcun, Cao Shuchao, and Lu Ping to come over, they held a special village committee meeting on supervising and publicizing 'safety'. At the meeting, they also formally proposed that Cao Zhengcun, the security director, lead people to do a good job in safety publicity and supervision for the whole village.


In the afternoon, Cao Shujie did not go to the factory, but he called Xu Cizong, the safety manager of the factory, and told him about the incident and asked him to arrange for people to do a good job in safety work in the factory again. He must not be careless to avoid regrets.


This chapter has been completed!
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