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Chapter 987: Some are happy and some are sad (120,000) Well, it’s exceeded expectations.

In the evening, Cao Shujie arranged three tables at the farm restaurant to entertain the people who worked for him during the day, including not only Cao Shuchao and the others, but also the people who helped him unload the truck in the past two days.

All 12 trucks of data cables have been unloaded, and all data cables have been temporarily placed in the large conference room of the Caojiazhuang Village Committee.

This is not the point. The point is that Cao Shujie’s WeChat payment and Alipay payment received a total of more than 790,000 today.

Cao Shujie hadn't had time to count the results yet, so he didn't know which type of data cable had been sold the most, but he knew that according to the market price he had set, 30,000 to 40,000 data cables should be sold in most of the day.

This result was unexpected by Cao Shujie.

Cheng Xiaolin was even more surprised when she heard her husband say this.

The turnover for most of the day was nearly 800,000 yuan. This was despite the fact that they did not do any publicity in advance and only relied on the traffic of people who came to the orchards and parks to play.

If they had done publicity in advance, how big would this number be?


Or multiple times?

A small data cable, the profit is amazing!

When the couple saw that there were many receipts over 100 yuan mixed in the payment records, they also understood why so many were sold.

As Cao Shujie said before, this kind of data cable is a new product compared to the current market, a product that has never appeared before, and there are more than 20 styles as soon as they appear. These new styles attract people's hearts to buy as soon as they are launched.


In addition, the flow of people in Mengmeng Orchard and Children's Theme Park is particularly large. These people are very curious after seeing the new data cable, and this thing is cheap.

The cheapest one is less than 10 yuan, and the most expensive one is only 9 yuan. It is still a very practical product. Not to mention that everyone has one, a large proportion of people should buy it.

And some of them probably bought a lot of them for relatives and friends, and there are quite a few of them.

The combination of these reasons has resulted in such remarkable sales.

However, the couple still believes that this is just the beginning, and the sales volume is not large yet. With today's announcement, and Cheng Xiaolin's promotion in the live broadcast room, there will definitely be a greater growth period in sales in the future.


"Sales of 790,000 a day are just the beginning." Cao Shujie vowed to his wife.

Cheng Xiaolin is now in a hurry to go home and start an online store, and has no intention of eating.

But Cao Shujie still asked her to eat some food first.

Seeing that her husband would not let him go without eating, Cheng Xiaolin hurriedly finished a bowl of rice with the dishes and then hurried home on an electric bike.

These data cables require taking photos, editing data, and uploading them one by one. It sounds simple, but it is really troublesome to do.

According to Cheng Xiaolin's idea, there is no need to think about sleeping tonight.

After Cheng Xiaolin left, Cao Shujie continued to eat with a group of people at the farm restaurant.

At the same time, he also told them that after dinner, they would go to parks and orchards to set up tables and chairs, and put in a large sun umbrella, which would be regarded as temporary stalls in parks and orchards.

This is the ‘golden location’.

"Everyone, if you work harder, let's move some of the goods over in advance. You know who I am, and I will definitely not treat you badly in this matter." Cao Shujie talked openly about everything.

"Director Cao, there's no need to say these words, why don't you just do some work." Cao Shuyang said.

He is now also a member of the Caojiazhuang Security Brigade, following Cao Shuchao.

The previous security brigade was in name only and had no deterrent effect at all. At that time, it was mainly because it did not involve interests and was of no use.

But things are different now. Caojiazhuang's security brigade is now responsible for many more aspects than before. The security of the village and the supervision and management of stalls are all related to everyone's income.

Generally speaking, they now have the power in their hands, and the Caojiazhuang Village Committee will use its own funds to pay several of them salaries, so they are more motivated to follow Cao Shuchao.

Cao Shuchao also told Cao Shujie privately that the security brigade should add a few more people, otherwise it would be too busy.

Because in addition to supervising the stalls at the foot of the mountain and those around the park, they also maintain general security.

Nowadays, at least tens of thousands of people come to Caojiazhuang every day. With such a large flow of people, just the six of them cannot handle it, so they can only continue to add people.

However, if the security brigade wants to add more people, this matter must be approved by the village committee. After all, when people are recruited, they need to be paid.

In the village, all matters involving money must be discussed in meetings.

"In principle, I have no objection. There will be a village committee meeting to discuss this matter in two days." Cao Shujie told Cao Shuchao.

In fact, what Cao Shujie said is basically settled.

Mainly because Cao Shujie is the kind of person who keeps his word in Caojiazhuang.

In other villages, the village party secretary has the final say, but Caojiazhuang is different. Now it is the village director who has the final say.

The name of the village party secretary will be corrected next year.

Cao Shujie and the others had something to do in the evening, so they didn't drink much. They finished drinking before 9 o'clock, and then went to do the work he just mentioned.

Everyone divided into two groups, waiting to clear all the temporary stalls in the park and orchard before going home.

Before leaving, Cao Shujie shouted to the group to have a good drink tomorrow night.

When Cao Shujie returned home, it was almost 11 o'clock in the evening. All the lights on the first floor were out, but the lights in the small room on the second floor were still on. Cao Shujie came up from below and saw that his wife was still busy at the computer desk.


He coughed to attract his wife's attention. He walked over and squeezed her shoulders, and said reproachfully: "It's so late, why aren't you sleeping yet?"

"Let's get the online store ready first. There will be people waiting to place orders tomorrow," Cheng Xiaolin said.

"How many more are there?" Cao Shujie asked her.

Hearing Cheng Xiaolin say that most of the uploading had been done, and the rest still had to be busy for more than an hour, Cao Shujie turned around and poured a cup of hot water for his wife, then took a square chair and sat down next to her to accompany her.

Cheng Xiaolin glanced at him and told him to go rest.

"It's okay, I'm not sleepy anyway, just hurry up and get busy." Cao Shujie said.

Knowing that he could not persuade his wife, Cao Shujie did not persuade her, but took action instead.

Cheng Xiaolin had finished editing all the data line information and uploaded it all. She rubbed her sore eyes and asked Cao Shujie to check it from beginning to end. After confirming that there were no problems, the couple went to rest.

At this time, they were already very tired and no longer paid attention to the information on the Internet. Naturally, they did not know that some netizens on the Internet had already started to share the new data cables they had just bought.

A netizen bought all the styles and then posted them online at once.

His photo attracted many people to look at it and ask him what kind of data cable it was? Where did he buy it?

When they learned that the other party bought it from the park and orchard in Caojiazhuang, Pingyuan County, Yiling City, many people on the Internet were dumbfounded.

They checked the destination online and found that it was too far away from their place.

In order to buy a data cable, it is not worth making a special trip to Caojiazhuang.

But the problem is that when they search for relevant information on Taobao or JD.com, they can't find this new data cable at all.

They just didn't understand what was going on?

At the same time, some practitioners in the industry were shocked after seeing pictures of these new data cables on the Internet.

Compared with laymen, when practitioners saw these new data cables, they understood that the market was about to change.

This is no exaggeration at all.

Xu Daihua and Cao Shuxu have been preparing for the launch of the new data line for the past two days. When similar news appeared on the Internet, they also got the news and checked online as soon as possible.

When they saw the sales address of this batch of data cables, they immediately understood that it was Cao Shujie's handiwork. They were not surprised at all that Cao Shujie could create such a big battle.

Seeing that so many people are discussing new data cables on the Internet, many practitioners take photos of this information and send it to QQ groups and WeChat groups for discussion and analysis. Cao Shuxu and Xu Daihua are hiding behind the scenes and laughing.

The two of them know very well that the more hype this matter has, the better, as this means that the new product will sell well.

They are not afraid that Cao Shujie will sell more and earn more, they just hope that Cao Shujie will sell more.

Only if this thing makes money will more terminal vendors wave their bills to buy their goods.

‘Small profits but quick turnover’ is the most perfect interpretation of their current situation.

What's more, their profits are several times higher, which is really not low.

"Then it's time to make the brand 'Yaxu' famous." Xu Daihua said.

When Xu Daihua said this, Cao Shuxu was also very excited. They really didn't expect this day to come so soon.

Thinking back to the beginning of the year, they were still worried about the poor sales of data cables. They were racking their brains to think of solutions at that time. How could they have imagined that they would be like this now?

"It seems that we have to let them speed up the production progress." Xu Daihua said.

Cao Shuxu also had the same idea. In their opinion, the current production progress is still too slow, which is not acceptable.

"I'll call them again to urge them," Cao Shuxu said.

While Cao Shuxu and Xu Daihua were busy celebrating their success in advance, some people's expressions changed drastically after seeing the photos of the new data cable exposed on the Internet.

Among them is a company that specializes in data cables called Greenview Technology.

Compared with Yaxu Electronics Factory, Lujing Technology is considered an established company.

They have deep roots in this industry, but they do not stick to the old and are constantly innovating.

Greenview Technology has also been researching innovative products other than traditional data lines since last year. However, it is really difficult to innovate and break through the original thinking in this area.

However, after nearly a year of research, Greenview has made some achievements recently. By chance, they realized that the longer the data line is not, the better. Some specific scenarios require very short data lines.

Starting from this discovery, they started with the length of the data cable. The first ones they made were 5-meter and 3-meter scene-specific data cables. In addition, they also developed in-depth from this area and studied making two-meter data lines.


But before their products could be mass-produced, I saw a bunch of photos of new data cables popping up on the Internet, including 5-meter and 2-meter data cables.

Not only that, there are also unconventional data lines such as 5 meters and 3 meters.

Their production direction is also the same, but the other party obviously thinks more than they do, and even sells all different types of data cables of different colors, materials, wiring harness materials, etc. at once.

At that moment, the Green Crystal people were stunned.

When these people took the photos and sent them to the company's R&D team, the R&D team was also confused.

They all thought there was something wrong with their eyes. How could anyone rush to launch this new product in front of them?

No matter how much I think about it, I still don't understand it.

When the people in the R&D team told their boss about this, Wu Huairen, the boss of Green Crystal, looked very ugly.

He has always regarded the new data cable developed by the company as a magic weapon to win, thinking that he would rely on this series of data cables to increase the company's sales in the coming time.

Unexpectedly, the other party launched its new data line product before them, which means that their initial launch effect is completely gone.

Moreover, the other party launches a new product first, or multiple new products, and then they launch similar similar products. Does this mean that the new products they launch will cause infringement?

What should I do if the other party pursues me?

But if we stop research and development and look for new directions, how can we achieve results in a short while?

Moreover, the other party has launched more than 20 new categories at once. Which direction will they go from?

And this is just one of them, they also face many problems.

The more I think about it, the more annoyed I become.


Wu Huairen clenched his fist and slammed it on the bedside table next to him. The sound was so loud that he woke up the sleeping woman next to him.

His own fists were sore from the shock.

Then Moonlight took a closer look and saw that the back of the hand seemed to be swollen.

"Ouch, it hurts, it hurts..."

Wu Huairen shouted in the night.

"What's wrong? Honey? Where does it hurt?" There was a young woman lying inside him. When he heard Wu Huairen shouting that it hurt, he quickly sat up and wanted to take a look.

The next moment, the other party turned on the light and saw the swollen back of Wu Huairen's hand. She was frightened.

"Dear, what's wrong with you? Go to the hospital?"

"Go to some fucking hospital and get me some white medicine spray." Wu Huairen gritted his teeth and said.

While the woman was looking for spray, Wu Huairen endured the pain while answering the phone.

After listening for a while, Wu Huairen hung up the phone and thought about what to do next.

The young woman quickly brought the spray over and sprayed it on the back and palms of his hands.

A cold feeling came and the pain in my hand was better, but it still hurt!

"Why don't you go to the hospital? You're too swollen." The woman was a little worried about him.

Wu Huairen was not in the mood to go to the hospital at this moment. He said angrily: "Don't bother me, let me be quiet."

Young woman: "..."

She felt particularly wronged. What happened? How could this happen?

Cao Shujie had no idea that things were going to be particularly exciting tonight. That night, he slept very comfortably. In his dream, data cables were selling like hotcakes! ()

This chapter has been completed!
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