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Chapter 72 Dumbledores Suggestions

"More than that, you must know that the Black family is also one of the very ancient pure-blood nobles, and the wealth of the family is very exciting.

The fall of the mysterious man ushered in not only a peaceful magical world, but also a feast of sharing wealth and interests.

You've also seen the wealth left by your Potter family in Gringotts, right? At that time, I'm afraid how many people were eyeing the wealth of the pure-blood noble Black family!"

After hearing this, Harry gradually understood what William meant. Although the chaos of the mysterious man was over, the wizarding world also ushered in a new reshuffle, and everyone was chasing the interests and wealth.

It doesn't matter whether Sirius is a Death Eater or not, no one cares at all, as long as the Black family's property can be divided up reasonably and legally.

At this time, Harry had a new understanding of the higher-ups of the Ministry of Magic and the pure-blood nobles.

At the same time, his heart gradually matured during this analysis.

William, who had been paying attention to Harry, also brightened up. It seemed that experiencing a spiritual baptism this time was of great benefit to Harry. At this time, Harry's heart was fully able to withstand the Sequence 7 "Wizard"

"The power of

Hermione raised a new question:

"William, there is another question here, that is, why did Sirius not leave until he saw Peter Pettigrew appear?"

William smiled and said:

"Hermione, are you going to take the initiative to promote me as a fake secret keeper and be in danger of being hunted down by a mysterious person?"

Hermione shook her head decisively and said:

"of course not!"

William smiled and looked at Harry aside and said:

"Harry, will you choose to let Ron become the fake secret keeper and take the risk of being hunted down by a mysterious man?"

Harry shook his head in the same way, and then a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes, and he said:

"You mean, this method was proposed by Sirius Black. He thought it could better protect my parents, but it turned out that Peter Pettigrew happened to be a Death Eater, which also led to the death of my parents!"

William nodded when he heard this and said:

"It should be like this. It was Sirius Black who thought of such a method back then, so he changed the real secret keeper to Peter Pettigrew.

After your parents died, Sirius Black found out that he had trusted the wrong person, causing his brother's death to be extremely painful. That's why he went after Peter Pettigrew crazily. After thinking that he would kill Peter Pettigrew and avenge his brother, he

He was also imprisoned in Azkaban to atone for his stupidity!"

"This should be the whole story!"

Harry was a little silent when he heard this. He didn't know whether he should believe this inference, because after all, it was just a speculation and there was no real substantive evidence.

Although there is a suspicion that Banban is an Animagus, we cannot directly draw a conclusion. What if it is a misunderstanding?

William was not angry at Harry's suspicion, but smiled and said:

"Harry, didn't we just finish the divination class? It may be difficult to directly predict the future, but it should be easier to confirm whether it is correct based on existing reasoning!"

Harry nodded when he heard this, then frowned and said:

"Who are we looking for for divination? Could it be Professor Trelawney? But she probably won't believe our reasoning. Maybe she will be like Professor McGonagall in the first grade and say we are overthinking!"

At this moment, Harry thought about how in his first grade, when he reported to Professor McGonagall that someone was stealing the Sorcerer's Stone, but was considered a child's play, he suddenly felt powerless.

William smiled and said:

"This matter is very simple. For our greatest white wizard of this century, our Principal Dumbledore, it may be difficult to directly predict the future, but simple divination for guessing whether it is correct or not is not difficult for him!

Am I right, Headmaster Dumbledore!"

Harry was startled when he heard this and looked up at the professor's seat, only to see Principal Dumbledore blinking at him.

Harry, who was originally nervous, relaxed under Dumbledore's naughty jokes.

William smiled and said softly:

"Principal Dumbledore, it is very rude to eavesdrop on students' whispers!"

Dumbledore's voice suddenly rang in the ears of William and others:

"Mr. Granger, you have to forgive an old man who is full of curiosity. Moreover, your reasoning seems very reasonable to me, and it has even helped us solve a lot of doubts.

I just said that Sirius probably wouldn’t have betrayed the Potters back then, but now it seems that there is indeed some secret in it!"

When Harry heard this, he looked around nervously. Regarding the exchange between them, Harry did not want to spread it out now and make it known to everyone.

However, what made Harry breathe a sigh of relief was that the students around him were still eating lunch without noticing, and no movement among them was noticed, and Principal Dumbledore's voice was not heard.

William opened his mouth and said:

"Professor Dumbledore, I would like to ask if Animagus can avoid detection by dementors?"

Professor Dumbledore's sudden voice came over and said:

"Oh, that's it. Animagus can indeed evade dementors. It seems that Sirius Black is an Animagus. It is precisely in this way that he was able to escape from Azkaban and even come all the way.

Arrived at Hogwarts!"

William nodded and said:

"It seems that Professor Dumbledore also thinks that my previous speculation is correct, but what should I do next?"

Harry also retracted his thoughts after hearing this and listened carefully.

Principal Dumbledore's voice came to my ears again:

"I just heard about Trelawney's prophecy, but we also know that it is difficult for us to change the things in this prophecy. Just like the prophecy about Harry back then, Voldemort was not able to change anything."

"So, even if we go to capture Peter Pettigrew now, I am afraid that various accidents will occur, causing our capture operation to fail, and thus we will become the slaves who break free from the shackles on the night of the full moon as predicted."

When it comes to changing prophecies, no one understands the difficulty of it better than Dumbledore.

Not only is the prophecy about the savior Harry, his good friend Grindelwald is a prophecy magus, and he is a more powerful prophecy master than Trelawney.

After joining the Saints, he had carried out many actions based on Grindelwald's prophecies, so Dumbledore knew very well the difficulty of changing the prophecies and the consequences he would have to bear.

This is also the reason why Dumbledore did not interfere too much when he knew about the prophecy of the savior and even knew that Voldemort wanted to kill the savior. He knew that Voldemort would suffer a big loss from this.

Therefore, Dumbledore was also very cautious in the face of Trelawney's new prophecy. He also did not want Harry, William and others to interfere too much with the prophecy, which would lead to more variables in the future.

Then Dumbledore continued to say to the three Harrys:

"Now that we know that Peter Pettigrew is a traitor and will resurrect Voldemort. Although it is difficult for us to stop them, we can monitor them, grasp the time of Voldemort's resurrection, and make more preparations..."

This chapter has been completed!
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