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Palm 78 Saving Private Black

The bright moonlight shone on his body, and Remus Lupine felt that his blood began to boil and his heart was beating rapidly.


Faster and faster, thick black hairs grew out of Lupine's skin.

Sirius, who rushed towards Lupine, shouted:

"Snape, take them back to the castle!"

Immediately, it turned into a big black dog again, stood up and pounced on Lupine, who had turned into a werewolf, and led him to run towards the Forbidden Forest.

Snape also said to Harry and others:

"What are you waiting for? Go to the castle quickly! Maybe the dementors will come soon!"

At the mention of Dementors, Harry and others immediately became nervous and followed Professor Snape as they ran towards the castle.

At this time, the surrounding air suddenly became colder. Harry and the others who had experienced the Quidditch incident immediately knew that the Dementors had appeared here.

William and Hermione reacted the fastest and immediately drew out their wands and shouted:

"Calling God to Guard!"

A swallow and an otter shining with white light emerged from the two people's wands. The patron saint of swallows was flying around several people in the air, while the otter was lying on Hermione's shoulder, always ready to take the photos that came in.

The soul is quickly driven away.

Snape looked at the patron saints of William and Hermione, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he gave a rare compliment:

"The Patronus Charm is well used!"

At the same time, I was secretly relieved. The magic in this world is deeply related to the soul. If I can cast the Patronus Charm, at least I won't become an evil dark wizard in the future.

However, the next scene completely shocked Snape.

"Calling God to Guard!"

"Calling God to Guard!"

"Calling God to Guard!"

Harry, Ron and Neville shouted spells separately. Although they did not summon the physical Patronus, the white light emitted from their wands could already have the effect of driving away the dementors.

If there were only one or two Dementors at this time, none of the three of them would be in danger alone.

However, as more and more dementors gathered, the pressure on the few people also increased.

William and Hermione, who were reluctant to act too shockingly, also gradually reduced the light emitted by the Patronus, looking as if they could no longer hold on.

Snape looked at the Dementors around him, a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes, he raised his wand and shouted:

"Calling God to Guard!"

A strong white deer appeared around several people, emitting this strong light and driving away all the dementors.

Looking at Professor Snape's Patronus, Harry's eyes flashed with shock.

Because, when Professor Lupine opened the stove for him, he once told him that a dark wizard could not summon a patron saint.

Professor Snape didn't summon the Patronus just now. Harry thought it was because Professor Snape was once a Death Eater, but he didn't expect that Snape could actually summon it. Moreover, the Patronus looked similar to his parents'.

The patron saints are very similar, both are deer.

William discovered the complex look of guilt, pain and nostalgia that Professor Snape showed when he looked at his Patronus. Apparently, Professor Snape's happy memory when casting the Patronus Charm might be that of staying with Lily Evans.

Let's spend time together.

It was Professor Snape's love for Lily that caused his patronus to change and become a deer like Lily.

"How about using cloning technology to give Professor Snape a child with Lily like other senior time travellers? This will also leave a thought for the cold Professor Snape and bring about some slight changes."

William couldn't help but have a flash of this idea in his mind. Combining cloning technology, alchemy and other angry magic, he could help Professor Snape create a child with his and Lily's blood. Although it was difficult, it was not impossible.

In fact, with the Resurrection Stone, even if we find a way to summon Lily's soul, it is not impossible to resurrect Lily, but it will probably turn into a bloody ethical farce.

If the resurrected Lily wants to resurrect James, it will probably be another painful decision for Snape. At that time, he may blame William for breaking the boundary between life and death and touching the taboo. Even if he can do it,

William didn't want to cause such trouble.

He is here to practice, not to do charity. There is no need to do these thankless things.

Under the escort of Snape, Harry and others finally returned to the castle. However, Harry still looked worriedly in the direction of the Forbidden Forest. Sirius stopped Lupine who had turned into a werewolf for them, and now he was possessed again.

I'm being chased by monsters, and I don't know if I can escape.

William looked at Harry's worried look, smiled and said:

"Come with me, I can help you!"

With that said, the group of people walked towards the Requirement Room on the eighth floor.

And Snape also went up to the eighth floor. He ran to the principal's office with a gloomy face. He happened to see Dumbledore leisurely looking at Voldemort's notebook Horcrux, and suddenly shouted angrily:

"Why would you let Harry do such a dangerous thing? You should know that I almost died back then."

He may not have thought of it at the time, but now Snape has come to his senses and understands that Dumbledore must have known what happened in the Shrieking Hut, and even just watched Pettigrew escape.

Dumbledore ate a piece of cockroach pile and said:

"We have known about Peter Pettigrew for a long time, and Harry also knows it. The reason for letting Pettigrew go is to find out where Tom is hiding and some of his secrets."

Professor Snape immediately sneered when he heard this:

"Your calculation is so perfect, even Sirius, who is loyal to you, is included in it. So how do you think of a way to let him leave here alive?

Fudge will not believe that Sirius was wronged. He had a fight with Lupine, and now he is surrounded by dementors. Are you just going to watch him die?"

Snape didn't care about Sirius' safety. What he cared about was Dumbledore's attitude. If Dumbledore could give up Sirius easily, it means that he didn't care about the lives of other people in the Order of the Phoenix.

, even Harry's life.

If this was the case, he would have to make plans for Harry's future in advance.

Dumbledore looked at Snape with his deep eyes, then blinked and said:

"I think our Geminis will help us solve this matter!"


On the other side, William and Hermione, the twin stars, have already discussed ways to save Sirius.

Then, William took out his own time turner, and Harry, William and Hermione quickly returned to half an hour ago.

They used Harry's invisibility cloak to sneak into the Forbidden Forest, and Hermione summoned the unicorn Avril in a special way.

Just as Hermione and Avril were playing around, a wolf howl and a dog bark rang out, and Sirius and Lupine burst into the place biting all the way.

Lupine, who turned into a werewolf, lost his mind and ran alone into the depths of the Forbidden Forest under the guidance of Sirius. However, Sirius fell down at the junction of the Forbidden Forest and the Black Lake due to weakness.

At this moment, one after another, the dementors seemed to have discovered Black who was lying on the ground, and rushed towards him in groups...

This chapter has been completed!
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