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Chapter 8 Home Visit

Hermione as a "reader".

Her analytical skills are extremely powerful, so she can tell at a glance that her mother does not believe her, and is just laughing and joking with her and her brother.

This made Hermione feel like she had no achievements at all.

However, Hermione couldn't perform a ritual magic in front of her mother to prove to her that she and her brother knew magic.

He and his brother had already planned to never reveal the fact that they were capable of magic to anyone before entering Hogwarts. Although they did not want to deceive their parents, they wanted to hide it from them in order to better keep this secret.

Therefore, Hermione looked at William anxiously, hoping that he could produce strong evidence to convince her parents to allow them to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

William saw Hermione's expression and his eyes reassured her, and then William said slowly:

"Mom, my sister and I just saw that these two letters were sent by the owl. Why don't we use the owl to reply to the letters.

Tell them we don’t know where to buy the above school supplies and uniforms, and hope to get help from the school!”

Mrs. Granger smiled and said:

"Okay! Then you and your sister should reply quickly, but be careful not to get hurt by the owl!"

After saying that, Mrs. Granger was really worried that her child would be scratched by an owl, so she put down her work and followed William and Hermione to the yard.

Hermione shouted excitedly at the owl:

"Hello, Owl, can you please reply to my letter?"

The owl seemed to be spiritual. After hearing Hermione's words, it stopped hovering in the air and landed on the Grant family's mailbox.

Such a magical scene made Mrs. Granger slightly stunned, but she shook her head slightly, thinking that it was just a coincidence.

Hermione ran back to the room excitedly, took out a pen and paper, and wrote on it:

"Dear Professor McGonagall:

Hello, my name is Hermione Granger. My brother William Granger and I really want to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but we don’t know where to buy the study and living items on the list.

Hope to get your help.


Hermione Granger"

After finishing the letter, he took out an envelope from his desk, carefully put the written letter into the envelope, and wrote on the envelope:

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Vice-Principal. Professor McGonagall accepted

Sender: Hermione Granger"

As if he was afraid that the owl would fly away, he ran downstairs quickly, which made Mrs. Granger, who was looking after William, worried and couldn't help but say:

"Hermione, slow down, the owl is still here!"

Before she finished speaking, Hermione ran to the mailbox and quickly tied the letter to the owl's leg with a pair of small hands.

Mrs. Granger was very nervous as she watched, fearing that her little baby would be scratched by an owl if she didn't pay attention. Fortunately, William quickly stepped forward and caught the owl. Even if the owl struggled, it would not be hurt.

It wasn't until Hermione and Mrs. Granger felt relieved.

However, William's rude actions also made the owl very dissatisfied, and did not give William a good look.

Hermione knew that her brother was thinking about her own safety, so she sheepishly took out a small bag of bread from her pocket and apologized to the owl in a low voice:

"Sorry, Owl. These are for you. Can you please help us deliver the letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

Faced with Hermione's cuteness and food attack, the owl nodded arrogantly to Hermione, glared at William fiercely, picked up the bread bag, and flew away quickly.

"Tsk tsk, this owl is really spiritual, it can't really be a messenger..."

Mrs. Granger couldn't help but murmured when she saw the owl's movements.

At this moment, she didn't know whether this was a prank or not. Mrs. Granger had never seen such a magical owl.

In the afternoon, Mr. Granger returned home and heard his wife telling him about today's magical experience. He was also very curious about the magical owl. Click

At this time, the magical owl appeared in Granger's yard and put a letter into the mailbox.

Mr. and Mrs. Granger happened to see this magical scene and were amazed.

Hermione, who had been excited all day, had already rushed out of the room, went to the mailbox, and took out the letter sent by the owl.

Hermione held up the letter and ran happily while shouting:

"Father, mother, brother, Hogwarts responded to my letter!"

As he spoke, he ran all the way and took the letter back home.

At this time, the Grangers were also very curious and wanted to see the contents of the letter.

Hermione opened the envelope and read loudly:

"Dear Miss Granger:

We understand your difficulties. At 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, I will personally visit your home and take you to Diagon Alley to buy items needed for school.

Yours truly, Minerva McGonagall."

After Hermione finished reading, she shouted excitedly:

"Oh..., tomorrow the vice-principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will visit our home. I'm so happy!"

The Grangers looked at each other, a little unsure whether it was real or just a prank.

However, in view of the possibility of strangers arriving at home tomorrow, Mr. Granger decided to postpone tomorrow's work and wait for the upcoming guests at home.

After all, if this is a simple prank, it will be fine if no one comes tomorrow. If someone with malicious intentions comes, then the wife and children at home will be in danger.


The next day, 8:30.

Hermione rubbed her dark circles and curled up on the sofa, even though she had become a reader and her knowledge was very powerful.

But Hermione was still an 11-year-old girl after all. She had been immersed in the joy of going to a magic school last night, and she was so excited that she didn't have a good rest all night.

If Professor McGonagall hadn't come to visit her home at nine o'clock today, she might have gone back to her bedroom to have a good sleep.

"Ding dong~"

At nine o'clock sharp, the doorbell at home rang on time. Hermione immediately became energetic and ran to the door to prepare to greet Professor McGonagall.

Hermione opened the door excitedly, and what she saw was an old woman with black hair tied into a high bun, square patterned glasses, bright green robes, and a very stereotyped expression.

Seeing Professor McGonagall's serious and rigid expression, Hermione's heart skipped a beat, and the kind of fear that students feel towards their teachers arose spontaneously.

However, William rushed to the rescue and said:

"Hello, are you Professor McGonagall?"

Professor McGonagall looked at Hermione and William, nodded and said:

"Hello, I am Minerva McGonagall!"

At this time, Mr. Granger, who was standing behind the two children, coughed twice and said:

"Ahem, hello, I am Hermione and William's father, please come in!"

Seeing that she was an old woman, Mr. Granger's vigilance dropped slightly. He introduced Professor McGonagall into the living room and asked her to sit down. Mrs. Granger quickly handed her a cup of coffee at the right time and put it on the table.

In front of Professor Ge.

Mr. Granger asked tactfully:

"Are you really the principal of a magic school? Well, I mean, such a thing is still too shocking for us!"

This chapter has been completed!
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